Chapter 235 Nine Sister-in-Law's Young Master

That night, Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Nine were going to sleep together.

Shu Shu worked hard for several days, wishing to have a good rest alone, wishing to agree with both hands and feet.

Brother Jiu was displeased, and murmured to Shu Shu: "The old ten is so old, he still looks like a child. Forget it, let it be his birthday today, the birthday is the biggest..."

That is to say.

Just looking at the corner of his mouth grinning, you can tell that he is in a good mood.

I am very happy to be close to my brother.

When the eunuch finished laying the kang, the brothers' quilts were placed next to each other.

Nine elder brothers brought nostalgia: "I remember, we used to sleep together when we were young, how old are we separated?"

"It's more than ten..."

Elder Brother Shi said vaguely, but actually remembered clearly in his heart.

It is after the third day of November in the thirty-three year period.

He stopped arguing about sleeping with brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu came over with a pillow in his arms, and he also found excuses to kick him out.

Because in those days, he always fell asleep and woke up crying, afraid of scaring brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu didn't think so much, he only said with nostalgia: "We have grown up in a blink of an eye, sometimes I can't believe it in my heart, I still think of myself as a child..."

Elder Brother Ten sat cross-legged, looking at Elder Ninth who had fallen over, with seriousness on his face.

"Ninth brother, my brother agreed to what you said that day..."

"What's the matter? What should I do? Is this kang head a bit hot..."

Brother Jiu felt the temperature of the kang, and said casually.

Elder Brother Ten patted his chest and said, "Promise Brother Ninth, you can pick any son you want..."


Brother Jiu thought of the embarrassing scene where he was crying at that time, and felt a little embarrassed.

"It's not that you pick lambs, you just pick them casually, as if you can have a whole house..."

Elder Brother Ten raised his arms: "Brother, I have a strong body. A whole house will be a matter of time. When the time comes, teach me well, and I will definitely be obedient. As for this good-looking..."

He hesitated.

"It's hard to say. The concubine doesn't look like a beauty. A few years ago when the concubine Abahai came to court, she looked upright..."

This concubine refers to the concubine Duan Shun who was born in Abahai, and she is the aunt of the fiancee of the ten princes.

Concubine Abahai is the grandmother of Elder Brother's fiancée.

Although his fiancée had been in the shadows a few years ago, and this year he officially engaged in marriage, the two have not met each other yet.

Elder Brother Ten had little expectations for his fiancée's appearance.

"If it's really not possible, let Concubine Yi's mother point out two good-looking princesses to the third institute?"

Although the third institute has a good personality, it was picked by Concubine Duan Shun. It can only be said that it has a straight face and a little dark skin.

Such a biological mother would not be able to give birth to Yuxue's lovely child.

Ninth brother frowned and said: "You are not allowed to mess around, the first son is still thinking about the second son before he lands... If we are rare, wouldn't it be easier for the elder brother to hug the fifth brother directly? In that case, it can also save the fifth brother. Trouble, my lady should worry less..."

Elder Brother Ten stroked his chin.

"I didn't expect Brother Jiu to care about these things..."

Today's division of concubine and concubine is a bit strange.

Each has its own algorithm.

The clan and the nobles of the Eight Banners are still the old customs in Manchuria, and the children born of the Fujin and the Fujin are all descended from the descendants, and they are all knighted together.

The concubines, concubines, Tongfang and other concubines are concubines and concubines, who are either lowered to a certain rank or banned.

The lineage of the outer son is unknown, and he is not allowed to go to the family tree and household registration. Even if he recognizes it, he must have another alias to distinguish him from other sons.

It was almost the same at the palace.

Khan Ama has been advocating Confucianism in recent years, but he has not completely abandoned the old customs of Manchuria.

Brothers in the palace are divided into several classes.

Prince is the first class.

The second is the son of the noble concubine and the fourth concubine.

Then there is the concubine.

Then there is the concubine.

Among them, Brother Seven is an exception.

Although she was neglected when she was young, but when she returned to the palace after becoming a successor, she was treated similarly to other concubines.

It is because there is an extra princess and adoptive mother.

However, in the palace, it has always been "the son is more valuable than the mother", and "the mother is more valuable than the son", the imperial concubine and the prince have achieved each other.

The only ones who are really treated by concubine princes are the [-]th elder brother, the [-]th elder brother, the [-]th elder brother, and the [-]th elder brother.

Brother Nine said: "No matter who gave birth, they are all my nephews. What is there to care about? It's because my sister-in-law doesn't like it... Dong E's house is simple, and I probably don't like these concubine wives and concubines... "

Elder Brother Ten thought of his biological mother, and was depressed during his lifetime.

He said with emotion: "It's not easy to be a woman, just go around in that palm-sized place... If there are fewer people, it's okay, but if the husband's concubines are standing in front of him one by one on the left and the other on the right, plus the concubines all over the place... Daughter, I guess it’s like drinking Coptis chinensis in my heart, and even good people are stunned..."

Ninth Brother glanced at Tenth Brother: "Then according to what you say, the empresses in the palace are living a hard life?"

None of the ladies can live alone in the first palace, and there are some nobles who agree to live with them.

Elder Brother Ten nodded.

"Isn't that the case? Don't say anything else, just say that you compare your heart with your heart. If you change your mind with Sister-in-law Jiu, you will see the two young men of Sister-in-law Jiu in the yard every day, with red lips and white teeth, can't you bear it?" Can you bear it?"

Brother Jiu heard this, and his teeth clucked loudly.

"Little Langjun, with red lips and white teeth, looks beautiful?! If that's the case, I will chop that little Langjun into meat and feed it to the dog, and it will go to the dog's stomach for nothing..."

Having said that, he was annoyed: "Don't give an example, which man can bear this? Besides, your sister-in-law is chaste and virtuous, and she is not that kind of person..."

Elder Brother Ten hesitated for a moment, thinking he needed a reminder.

"Anyway, Brother Jiu, you remember, men can't stand this, and even strong women can't stand this..."

Brother Nine was silent.

Shu Shu slept soundly all night, sleeping very well.

She burned her feet and lay down when she was about to enter the shift. When she opened her eyes, it was already dawn.

Xiao Yu stood behind her, helping her comb her hair, and said, "Ge Ge's complexion is so good..."

Shu Shu nodded, feeling terrified.

I dare not boil it.

Otherwise, it's not just Brother Nine who lost money.

Deficiency is also emptiness.

While talking, Xiao Yu finished braiding and braiding her braids.

Shu Shu took a look in the mirror and said, "Wear some jewelry..."

She usually doesn't like luxury, but today is different.

There is a small banquet today.

Xiao Yu looked at Shu Shu's clothes, she was wearing a silver-red cloak, so she picked out a coral flower and two hairpins with pomegranate straps.

"Fu Jin, are these okay?"

Shu Shu's eyes fell on the pomegranate hairpin, and said: "Put this away, don't wear it for a few years..."

After hearing this, Xiao Yu's expression became tense, and he carefully put away the pomegranate hairpins and replaced them with a pair of Ruyi hairpins.

Brother Jiu's body...

What is known outside is not true...

The maids around Shu Shu were vaguely aware of it.

But I am so good...

Xiaoyu's eye circles are red...

They were all servants, and they were sad to know the life of Mrs. Uncle.

Shu Shu looked straight at the mirror, turned around and said, "Sister Xiaoyu, it's not like this, I'm only old, little elder brother, little Gege will have it in the future..."

Others don't know about Brother Nine's condition, but Shu Shu doesn't know about it?

Having children in the future is not a problem.

The question is whether you can live by yourself or not.

Shu Shu thought about it before.

Between the elder brothers of the princes and the prince Fujin, there are few direct children.

It's not necessarily the reason that the husband and wife are not loving each other, it may be more of a genetic blood problem.

Most of the elder princes and prince Fujin in the front have overlapping bloodlines.

According to biology, it is not conducive to the reproduction of offspring.

This evening's banquet is not the tenth brother's birthday banquet, nor Shu Shu's birthday banquet, but an early celebration of the Golden Festival.

Sixty-three years ago, Emperor Taizong issued an edict on October [-] to revise the family name to "Manchuria".

Before that, it was Jurchen.

And according to different places of residence, it is divided into three parts: Jianzhou Jurchen, Haixi Jurchen, and Savage Jurchen.

Each major part is divided into several small tribes.

They are all called kings vying for leadership, killing each other, the strong bullying the weak, and the crowd oppressing the widowed.

Emperor Taizu unified Jurchen.

Emperor Taizong merged the Jurchen, and there was Manchuria.

This day is one of the biggest festivals of the Eight Banners.

Before, I traveled [-] to [-] miles a day, and the palaces on the road were also checked in at intervals.

Today, because of the early holiday, I only walked forty miles and checked into the palace at noon.

In the name of himself and the tenth elder brother, the ninth elder brother asked He Yuzhu to send two hundred taels of silver to the small school in the guard camp to buy pigs, sheep and the like.

This is already outside the pass, and the soldiers and civilians on both sides are mostly old households, and the population is not as dense as the pass.

More are Guantian and Guanzhuang.

In this way, the purchase is much more convenient.

After walking a few villages, he bought five pigs and twenty sheep.

On Shu Shu's side, there are more than [-] people serving in the upper and lower levels, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, imperial physicians, guards, etc.

Only one pig and two sheep were kept, and the rest were sent to the guard camp.

In the afternoon of this day, the camp outside the palace was extremely lively.

The pig is directly a big pot sauce pig, and the sheep is directly roasted whole.

One meal, all eaten.

Xiaotang came in with a platter of offal from Xiaozao, and followed Shushu to describe the scene outside.

"Such a big fat piece, just dip it in sauce and eat it, it looks so tired..."

Shu Shu picked up a piece of pork liver, marinated into the smell, without the smell of internal organs, it was good to eat.

Her little day is approaching, to replenish her blood.

She is a female relative, so she doesn't need to show her face.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother went to the guard barracks for a tour.

When Brother Jiu came back, the dining table here was also set up.

In addition to the water platter, there are also boiled plum meat, cumin lamb slices, and grilled lamb chops.

After the dining table was removed, Shu Shu raised a question with Brother Jiu: "Is there no meat in the daily rations at the guard camp?"

These days, the guards eat and drink with them.

Shu Shu also knew that the food for the guards was uniformly rationed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the standard was not low. Even the third-class guards had a catty of pork every day.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "Only the Eight Banners vest is matched with meat during wartime. That is also a reward, not a common practice. On weekdays, the monthly salary is four taels of silver, and the salary is sixteen dou..."

Elder Brother Ten also said: "There is a lot of supply, one vest can feed a whole family..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Everyone is grateful to Dade, thinking of you, your few jars of sauce, but let them satisfy their cravings, otherwise what are they doing with stewed vegetables in soy sauce on weekdays..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's too cold outside, just to prevent someone from freezing..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "This soup is better than shochu... Before the army prepared shochu to prevent frostbite and frostbite, those drunkards tried their best to seize it..."

Last time Khan Ama asked about the sauce when he ate Yi noodles...

(End of this chapter)

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