My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 236 The Disappeared Nobleman

Chapter 236 The Disappearing Noble Person (Second Monthly Pass Request)

The guards along the way were respectful, and the guards were also obedient. Shu Shu seemed to be concerned about that side as well.

Brother Jiu was a little hesitant, and discussed with Shu Shu: "It's a hard journey in winter, why don't you reward me with some money?"

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's not appropriate, I'd rather not do it than do more..."

Ninth Brother was a little disapproving.

The eunuchs and maids of the second school also rewarded it several times a year, what happened to the guards and the vests of the guards once?
Not without reason.

The tenth elder brother explained: "Ninth brother, it's different, these are Khan Ama's people... Well, they come from above, but they can't come out from our side. When we go back to the imperial court, let's say something nice to Khan Ama that is……"

Brother Nine is not paranoid, and he can listen to what others say.

He thought about it for a while, and he also knew the worry. He looked at Elder Brother Shi with hesitation.

"We have to be so careful when we act? We are not the prince, nor the boss..."

It's the bald-headed brother who still has to worry about these things, maybe he's overthinking it.

Elder Brother Shi nodded, and said: "No rules, no rules, no need to have misunderstandings..."

Besides, they are different from the prince and the boss, and there is no difference.

The difference is that it seems that the storage space is out of reach for them.

The offensive and defensive sides of the reserve are currently limited to the elder brother and the prince.

But the difference is that they are also the sons of Khan Ama.

If the first two losers both lose, then it's hard to say what the rest of the situation will be...

Shu Shu smiled and listened, and gave Elder Brother Ten a thumbs up in her heart.

understand people.

She wanted to pinch Brother Nine again.

Abducting such a brother into the ditch, this brother is really not good.

The next day, October thirteenth.

Shu Shu's sixteenth birthday.

For example, on Brother Ten's birthday, the three of them had plain noodles for breakfast.

After finishing the meal, Elder Brother Ten said to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law, take a rest today, I will go out with Brother Ninth..."

Shu Shu had no objection, just looked at the two people's outfits, and said: "It's cold outside, let someone wrap a vest to wear, put it on when it's cold, and change it when it's hot..."

There are also hats and gloves, which are all ready-made, and they are all put on by the two of them.

She let the brothers out.

The ninth elder brother was puzzled, and was pulled out by the tenth elder brother: "It's so cold, why are you hanging out?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Isn't it my sister-in-law's birthday? Let's also go to the temple to give blessings..."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "You still need to worry about this? I sent He Yuzhu away... The day before yesterday I had no experience. I was blowing cool wind outside by myself, and your sister-in-law almost had a cough..."

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

Some are worried.

"How did Brother Ninth do it? In the name of sister-in-law, I enshrined the Longevity Card to Mr. Qi Xi and Mrs. Dutong?"

In the temple, the ones enshrining the living are called longevity cards, and the ones dedicated to the dead are called past life cards.

The day before yesterday, Shu Shu and Nine Princes, in the name of Ten Princes, set up the Rebirth and Longevity Cards for Concubine Wen Xi and Kangxi in the temples and Taoist temples they passed by.

Brother Jiu nodded: "Yes, don't worry, I won't confuse you..."

Elder Brother Ten shook his head hastily: "It's not confusing, it's because I'm afraid that there will be fewer offerings..."

Brother Nine was puzzled.

"No less, kind relatives, strict relatives..."

As he said that, he also hesitated: "Should we also offer Mrs. Dutong? She has the kindness to raise your sister-in-law..."

"It was Khan Ama and Concubine Yi who pulled down..."

Seeing that he was not transparent, Elder Brother Shi said it directly.

Brother Nine frowned, showing resistance: "It's your birthday, and it's not my birthday, so you still set up this? It's too flattering... a bit fake..."

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, "Could it be that Ninth Brother didn't sign the longevity card from sister-in-law's parents..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "Your sister-in-law married me. I am a legitimate uncle of the Dutong Mansion. Of course I have to sign the money..."

Having said that, he finally understood.

"Hey, I found out a long time ago, Khan Ama is a little narrow-minded..."

Knowing this, I must challenge it.

"Forget it, add Khan Ama and Empress..."

Brother Nine said helplessly.

Earlier, when the husband and wife enshrined the Rebirth Amulet to Concubine Wen Xi, they brought Kangxi's Longevity Amulet because they remembered this.

But I forgot that old Ama would not only compare with his son's biological mother, but also with his son's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Brother Nine whispered: "Like a child, I have to coax her in the future..."

Elder Brother Ten agreed with a sullen smile.

"Yeah, so Brother Jiu, you should be more patient in the future..."

Seeing that the relationship between Ninth Brother and Han Ama is closer than before, Tenth Brother can only be happy for him.

They don't care about this position, nor are they envious of power, they just want some fairness, not too far behind other princes and elder brothers.

When I arrived at the monastery, I made up two longevity cards.

Brother Jiu looked at Qi Xi's longevity card and sighed.

"What's the use of being a princess? If you cry to death, you have to marry someone else's house..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Why is it useless? Didn't you get a good son-in-law like Brother Ninth?"

In his eyes, brother Jiu is good in everything.

Whether it's the marriage or the sister-in-law, I hope that Dong E's family will treat brother Jiu better.

Brother Jiu's mind was full of his father-in-law's nose and tears, and he shook his head quickly.

"Forget it, forget it, give birth to little Gege, spoil her for sixteen or seventeen years, and then marry into someone else's house. It's not like having your heart and liver removed. I can't stand that..."

As he said that, he had an idea: "If Xiao Gege is really born, it will be a recruit, and you can't go to other people's houses to see their faces..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed loudly when he heard this: "Although there is no one in the world who likes my son-in-law as an Ama, if they all keep their daughters from marrying, then Brother Ninth, you don't have Fujin now..."

Brother Jiu snorted lightly.

"That's not necessarily the case! If you really want to do that, if you can't say it, you can marry me!"

Speaking of which, he began to complain.

"The same is true for Khan Ama, she left too unruly, and she was happy and angry... The first fine was punished once, and the master admitted it... Then came the second round, and the monthly payment was also deducted. This is forced My son eats soft rice..."

Speaking of this, he had a smirk on his face: "When I return to Beijing, I will run to the Dutong Mansion every now and then, and see what Ama Khan says... If he will let his son gnaw at his father-in-law, then I will go Eat it..."

The tenth elder brother thought for a while, and Khan Ama came to act, and gave the ninth elder brother a thumbs up.

"Brother Ninth's method is designated to be effective. If not possible, Master Qi Xi can follow suit and get a reward..."

Brother Nine showed complacency on his face.

Immediately, he counted the small accounts.

"Fifth brother's fine for one year is [-] taels; the boss's fine for half a year is also [-] taels; here, sir, the fine for three years and monthly payment is [-] taels... This is a penalty. It’s not stopping, so where did the salary go?”

If the salary is stopped, the household department will directly stop the expenditure.

As for the penalty salary, it has already been paid and then it will be taken back?
"Is it in the internal treasury, or somewhere else? It seems to be in Khan Ama's pocket..."

Brother Jiu pondered over it.

Elder Brother Shi waved his hand and said, "Brother Ninth, what are you thinking about doing this, who cares where it is put away, can you still go to Khan Ama to break this up? Money is tight, so tell younger brother that he still has some Yinzi, when I get back to Beijing, I'll get you a few bank notes..."

Brother Jiu was a little moved when he heard this, and then shook his head.

"Forget it, I'm an older brother, so I should have given you pocket money... I borrowed two sums of money from Brother Wu before, and your sister-in-law has been talking about it several times. I can see that she is high-spirited, and she doesn't like it in her bones." I'd rather be taken advantage of by others than take advantage of others..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Congratulations Ninth Brother, it's rare for a sister-in-law to have such a character. I heard that there are many women outside who are greedy for money, and a lot of troubles come and go. It's great to be like sister-in-law..."

Speaking of this, he also had a bit of longing: "When Borzigit enters the door, let my sister-in-law take her with her, and teach her a little bit more. If I can learn half of my sister-in-law's way of dealing with people, it will be my brother's blessing." ..."

Ninth elder brother responded in a big way.

"What's the matter? It's a matter of one sentence. If the siblings are disobedient, let your sister-in-law teach them well!"

Here in Nine Brothers, there is no self-consciousness of "unfamiliarity".

Besides, in his eyes, brothers are close, and younger siblings are distant.

He has always had double standards.

I didn't realize that something was wrong.

This is true for the eight Fujin who are married, and the same is true for the ten Fujin who are not married.

Even in front of Shu Shu, he said the same thing.

Shu Shu gritted her teeth, and didn't bother to argue with him about distance or closeness.

Maybe there is no need to break it.

Shu Shu didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

Disappointed that I may not be in the lead.

The good news is that this guy is quite nostalgic, and he doesn't show a tendency to "like the new and dislike the old".

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

On October [-]th, a group of people hurried and hurried, and finally arrived in Shengjing.

A guard had already stepped forward to inquire about Sheng Jia's news.

Knowing that Shengjia arrived in the suburbs of Shengjing on October [-]th.

On October [-], he was stationed in Huafuling.

On October [-]th, enter Shengjing City.

On October [-]th, the emperor led all the kings and ministers to visit Fuling Longen Hall to offer sacrifices.

Fuling, the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu.

Today, the emperor, kings and ministers visited the Long En Hall of Zhaoling Mausoleum to offer sacrifices.

Zhaoling, Emperor Taizong's mausoleum.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother went to Zhaoling to meet the driver without delay.

Shu Shu here directly took the congregation to the palace.

Before the resettlement, she had to visit her mother-in-law first.

Xianglan came out to greet her, reminding her in a low voice.

"The eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family came just now, and she mentioned the nobleman who is recuperating at home, and also talked about what happened to the eldest daughter of the Jin family in Zhaoxiang, and the empress was not very happy..."

When Shu Shu heard this, she couldn't help being surprised.

Naturally, a court lady from a relative's family would not make Concubine Yi unhappy.

The focus should be "the noble person who recuperates at home"...

It didn't feel right before.

When the entourage first came out, there was news of nobleman Guo Luoluo, but it disappeared later.

So it was sent back to Shengjing's family in advance? !

That is Concubine Yu, even if her grade is not high, she is still the emperor's woman.

Actually sent back to her mother's house?

That's a nobleman, not something Yifei can decide to deal with.

To be able to do so must have obtained the permission of the emperor.

There is no mortal sin beyond this.

What is that mortal sin?
Shu Shu's thoughts were complicated, she didn't show it on her face, she just nodded, shook Xiang Lan's hand, and thanked her for her reminder...

(End of this chapter)

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