Chapter 237 Ai Shunchang
Concubine Yi was sitting in the room with an ugly expression on her face.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, she looked better and called her daughter-in-law to come.

"Why are you the only one? Is the old ten better, so agile? When did you set off, and was the journey smooth?"

"Responding to Erniang's words, Master Jiu and Uncle Ten went to see you... Uncle Ten is healed, and the imperial doctor has also seen him, and there is no root cause of illness... Chu Qi set off from the paddock, the road was safe and sound, and the guards who followed , The guards are all mature people..."

Shu Shu looked respectful and returned one by one.

Concubine Yi nodded, her expression eased, and she said to Shu Shu: "You have worked hard these days, sit down and talk..."

Shu Shu just sat down.

In the early days, she thought this mother-in-law was good-looking and caring, and she was very close to her.

However, following these days, she found that her mother-in-law is still a mother-in-law, and it's best to keep her at a respectful distance. If they get too close, they feel uncomfortable with each other.

Seeing Concubine Yi running away and not in the mood to speak, Shu Shu thought about how to say goodbye.

Concubine Yi looked up at the clock, and said: "It's almost noon, Sheng Jia will be back soon, Lao Jiu and the others will be able to meet head-on..."

Shu Shu hesitated for a while, but still spoke.

"I thought we could come here before Shengjia arrived in Shengjing, but I didn't expect that it was a few days late...Er Niang, look, when is it appropriate for Grandfather, Master Jiu and his daughter-in-law to come over..."

You know, this time Concubine Yi brought her two daughters-in-law out, which also meant "recognition of relatives".

Her natal family is in Shengjing, and Ama and her brothers are all here.

It's just that right now, it's obviously not a good topic.

Shu Shu knew it in her heart, but she could only bite the bullet and mention it actively.

Otherwise, it seems that the couple are indifferent to their natal family and disrespect Yifei's natal family.

Yi Fei rubbed her temples, her face was faintly irritable.

"Shengjia has already set a return time, which starts on the [-]st. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you can spare an hour or two to go there... Don't wait for your fifth brother and fifth sister-in-law, they went to the city the day before yesterday It's..."

Shu Shu obediently agreed.

At this time, I heard movement outside.

"Da da da da", Brother Jiu came in with great strides.

As soon as he entered the room, he spoke anxiously.

"Er Niang, Er Niang, what's going on? All right, why is your nobleman seriously ill?"

Concubine Yi's face was tense, and she scolded: "What are you talking about, what are you doing?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Son, aren't you in a hurry? What's the matter? Who is this fooling? Didn't you stop being in the entourage before? What's wrong with him? He hasn't healed up after more than a month. Is Jing seriously ill?"

Speaking of this, he sensed that something was wrong: "Isn't the nobleman in front staying in the palace to recuperate? Did he send Shengjing here a long time ago? Why? Sir Sanguanbao can't do it anymore?"


Concubine Yi was so angry that she was afraid of the table: "What are you talking about, your grandfather is fine..."

Ninth elder brother was embarrassed.

"Isn't this too sudden? A good person, he gets sick when he says he's sick. According to Fifth Brother, Uncle and the others have already prepared a blessed place..."

He returned to Yikun Palace from Zhaoxiang House when he was one year old, moved out when he was six years old, and lived there for five years.

I was young in the first two years, so I don't have much memory.

In the next few years, when I can remember, Er Niang was already in charge of palace affairs with the other three concubines, but this aunt spent more time with her.

Concubine Yi said impatiently: "If you are sick, you are sick, what else can you do for it?"

Brother Nine was full of doubts, but he shut his mouth honestly.

He sensed Er Niang's unhappiness, and there seemed to be something else hidden in it.

Erniang knows this secret, and Khan Ama...should also know...

Brother Wu doesn't know...

It seems that Erniang doesn't want him to know...

When the husband and wife came out, they returned to the courtyard where they were resettled.

Ninth elder brother was a little eager, so he said: "I went to Guo Luoluo's house for a visit, the nobleman treated me well back then, I feel uneasy if I don't ask..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's already past noon, there is no visit at this time..."

Brother Jiu sat down now, and said sullenly: "What is the reason for this? If there is nothing else, even if he died of illness, he should be buried in the concubine's garden..."

Kangxi's mausoleum has already been built.

It is next to the Xiaoling Mausoleum of Emperor Shizu.

Now in the underground palace of the emperor's mausoleum, there are already three empresses.

In the bedroom of the concubine's garden, many concubines have been enshrined.

In addition to high-level concubines such as Concubine Wenxi, Concubine Ping, and Concubine Hui, there are also some low-level nobles who promised...

Seeing that brother Jiu is worried, he seems to be very concerned about Guo Guiren.

Shu Shu felt weird: "In the palace before, I never heard the Lord specifically mention this nobleman..."

Brother Nine was startled, then drooped his head, and said in a low voice.

"Emiang doesn't like me getting too close to nobles..."

"What's the reason for that?"

Guided by Shu Shu, she asked, "What did the nobleman do? Let the empress worry..."

Otherwise, Concubine Yi's behavior is not the kind of stingy one who insists on keeping her son by her side.

Brother Nine thought about it carefully, and Yingying Chuochuo really remembered something.

"It was just that one time, it seemed to be my birthday, and the nobleman made clothes for me... When Er Niang saw it, she got annoyed and took off my clothes. I was still crying..."

He was only four or five years old at the time, but he knew it was a good thing.

Feeling ashamed in front of the nanny and the eunuch, she rolled all over the floor and howled all afternoon, until her voice became hoarse from crying.

After that, Er Niang sent herself to Yongshou Palace every day.

If you come and go again and again, you don't want to go to the nobleman.

There is Lao Shi in Yongshou Palace, and the two brothers are in the same class, so they become little friends.

The relationship has grown by leaps and bounds, and he is almost permanently stationed in Yongshou Palace.

What's wrong with that dress?

Brother Jiu was suspicious.

But his childhood memory was fuzzy, and he only remembered this incident.

As for the style and color of the clothes, I have no impression.

In Shu Shu's head, several palace fighting dramas were made up.

But it's all guesswork.

However, she still reminded Brother Jiu: "In the palace, I went to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager every Monday and Friday, but I didn't see the nobleman several times in a row. I heard that she was sick... At that time, It was after I returned to the door..."

Brother Jiu heard this, his face turned black.

On the day Shu Shu returned home, there was an accident at the second school, and it was found out that Liu Nanny, a big rat, had murdered her master.

Grandma Liu...

Is this related to Guo Guiren? !
Brother Jiu couldn't sit still anymore, got up and said: "Master, go over and ask your mother what's going on?"

Shu Shu hurriedly wanted to pull, but Brother Jiu threw off his sleeve, turned around and strode away.

Seeing Brother Jiu's back, Shu Shu felt helpless.

Even if you want to find out, there is no need to rush this time.

Concubine Yi is unhappy, this is not hitting the gun.

Shu Shu had no choice but to run and run after her.


Shu Shu quickly chased after her and shouted for someone.

When Brother Jiu heard this, he stopped. When he saw Shu Shu coming, he couldn't help but frowned, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Go back and stay, so that my mother won't get angry... Don't stop me, I must ask you clearly today... ..."

It was really the matter of Nanny Liu that had been on his mind for too long.

This is related to his health and longevity.

He was taking medicine these days, and he was frightened and frightened, all of which he endured.

I just feel that crying is useless, and it makes people around me worry.

So there are other black hands?

No matter who the black hand is, Han Ama and Er Niang should not stop him from knowing the truth.

It was he who was murdered.

Shu Shu saw that his expression was firm, swallowed the dissuading words, and only said softly: "I want to go with my master, can't I?"

Brother Jiu firmly shook his head.

"No! You go back and wait for the master, and when you turn to the empress, you insist that you don't know anything..."

After that, he turned around and strode away.

Shu Shu had no choice but to turn back.

At the gate of the yard, there were more figures, it was Wu Fujin.

Seeing this, Shu Shu quickly walked a few steps.

"Fifth sister-in-law..."

Wu Fujin took her hand, looked at her carefully, and then at the back that was fading away in the distance, and whispered, "What's the matter? Did you quarrel?"

The yards where the two lived temporarily were next to each other.

When Shu Shu and Brother Jiu came back, someone reported to Wu Fujin, saying that the two of them looked wrong and their faces were ugly.

Just now Brother Nine left with a dark face.

Shu Shu came out to chase something.

Wu Fujin misunderstood and kindly pointed it out.

"Even if it's a quarrel, go back to the room and talk about it. If you show it outside, the empress should worry..."

After all, it is where the palace is, and there are many people talking about it, so I don't know what kind of gossip to make up.

And Concubine Yi, if she knew about this, she would send someone over to ask.

Shu Shu smiled gratefully: "Thank you sister-in-law, there is no quarrel..."

As she spoke, she hesitated.

"It's my master who heard that the nobleman is seriously ill and is not well. He was a little anxious and insisted on asking the empress what happened... I heard that the fifth sister-in-law and the fifth brother went to my grandfather's house. I don't know... have you seen the nobleman..."

When Wu Fujin heard the words, his face became more solemn, he looked around, but didn't speak.

She pulled Shu Shu into her room, dismissed everyone around her, and said in a low voice: "I guess, there are no more people..."

Shu Shu was taken aback: "Then why didn't Guo Luoluo's family report it?"

Although the nobleman is a concubine, her rank is low, and she has to be granted the rank of concubine before the prince needs to wear mourning.

But this noble person is a real aunt, so the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother have to consider whether to serve Xiaogong or not.

Wu Fujin frowned and said, "Our master is sincere. He went to visit his grandfather and knew that the nobleman was recuperating at his mother's house, so he proposed to take me to see him... Grandfather's eyes were red, saying that the nobleman was seriously ill and didn't like to see people... When we came out, I I found a few uncles born from the same mother as the nobleman, all dressed in plain clothes..."

Shu Shu was silent.

If it is a normal death, there is no need to hide it.

What if he died of an abnormal illness?
Is that suicide?

It is a serious crime for a concubine to kill herself, and it will bring disaster to her parents and relatives...

Yifei's place.

Brother Jiu's eyes were red, and his forehead was so angry that veins popped out. He glared at Concubine Yi, without his usual respect and caution.

"The serious crime of murdering the prince, just forget it like this?"

Seeing her son like this, Concubine Yi's eyes turned black.

"Life for life, what else can I do? Do you have to make a fuss and ask Guo Luoluo's family to question their crimes?"

Brother Jiu said with a cold face, "If you murder the prince, you should be held accountable by the entire family. Why doesn't the Guo Luoluo family pursue the case?!"

Yi Fei became irritable.

"Yinzhen, that's my natal family... If you really want to blame me, it's embarrassing for our mother and son..."

"Huh?! At this time, Er Niang said that she is from the mother's family? Before, the empress said in front of her son that the dignity of our mother and son was never on the head of Guo Luoluo's family, and she told her son that he could start with the construction department... This is all a lie. of……"

Brother Nine was already extremely angry and felt that he had become a joke.

It turned out that Er Niang's words could not be believed before, she was coaxing him.

He can accept Er Niang's partiality, but he can't accept Er Niang fooling him like a fool.

At this time, he didn't want to talk about human relations, but only wanted to talk about the law.

Yifei's face was very ugly.

"What am I lying to you about? The culprit is already dead, so stop here! Stop here!"

Brother Jiu stood up "teng".


In the past, brother Jiu was confused and wouldn't be so resentful.

But he has taken over the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than a month, and he knows more and thinks more.

Guo Guiren is a low-ranking concubine who lives in Yikun Palace, under the nose of Concubine Yi.

Relying on her alone, how can she hook up with Madam Liu and plot against the prince who lives in Elder Brother's house?
It's a line.

A line that Guo Luoluo's family clothed in the palace.

Yifei grabbed Brother Jiu's sleeve and angrily said: "Why didn't you hear about it? I said it, stop here!"

Brother Jiu looked at her ferocious face, and at her clenched sleeves, but became calm.

He said softly: "Emiang, if it was Fifth Brother who was plotted against, can you stop here?"

Concubine Yi was taken aback for a moment, staring at Brother Jiu in a daze, unable to speak.

With a "squeeze", brother Jiu stretched out his hand and tore off his sleeve, then turned and left.

Concubine Yi clutched the sleeve in her hand, her body was trembling, tears were rolling in her eyes.

Xianglan hurriedly stepped forward to support her, her face full of worry: "Your Majesty..."

"If I were the fifth child, would I stop here?"

Concubine Yi's face was dull.

"If I were the fifth child, I would stop here..."

Brother Nine left in anger, but his heart was much calmer.

Does the empress not want to check, or dare not check?

Even if the empress is eccentric, she is her own, not carried from the coal pile.

Empress is scared...

The only thing that can make the empress fear is Khan Ama...

He did not go to the front of the imperial court, but returned to his residence.

Shu Shu has come back.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming back, he hurriedly greeted him.

Ninth elder brother is gloomy all over, and he no longer has the usual bright and proud.

Shushu took his hand.

His palms were clammy.

Shu Shu misunderstood, and comforted in a low voice: "Master, my condolences will change..."

Brother Nine was taken aback, and looked at Shu Shu: "What's wrong with you? It's Sister-in-law Wu... what did you say?"

Shu Shu whispered Wu Fujin's guess.

Brother Jiu nodded.

This is what the empress said, "life for life"? !

Obviously it wasn't his fault, but in the eyes of Guo Luoluo's family, he couldn't be said to be the culprit.

Even if he regarded Guo Luoluo's family as a relative, he might be regarded as an enemy.

He was very clear in his mind, but he couldn't guess what other secrets Guo Luoluo's family had in the palace.

He pulled Shu Shu in for a while, and whispered about the mother-child dispute, as well as his own doubts.

"Why doesn't the empress let me check?"

"If you don't check, can you hide it from Khan Ama?"

"Ma'am, what are you afraid of?"

 It’s another [-]D day, ^_^, begging for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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