Chapter 238 Contributing to Beauty

Brother Nine was thinking about all kinds of illegal things about Guo Luoluo's family.

Just for a while, I can't find the direction.

Shu Shu was a bystander, and immediately delineated the approximate range.

Everyone weighs the pros and cons.

Concubine Yi would rather wrong Brother Jiu and close the case vaguely, it must be because a thorough investigation of the matter would do more harm than good.

It is more serious than plotting against the prince's elder brother and causing the prince's body to be damaged...

It is death.

Eleven brother's death?

Shu Shu immediately rejected this idea.

If that was the case, Concubine Yi would not be so rational.

Shu Shu has never been a mother, but she never underestimates a mother's love for her son.

In the palace, only Kangxi and the Empress Dowager have a higher status than Concubine Yi.

But what about the harem sixteen years ago after Kangxi?

It seems that the stage of giving birth to elder brother and dying elder brother has passed.

At that time, there were many people in the harem with higher status than Concubine Yi.

Successor Niu Hulu.

The imperial concubine Tong Jiashi.

What is related to the successor Niu Hulu is the death of the successor.

Related to Concubine Tong, Concubine Gui gave birth to a daughter who died young.

For a while, Shu Shu didn't know which incident was written by Guo Luoluo's family.

It's just that she knows that at this time, she can't fight the fire.

Perhaps Concubine Yi has a preference for the two sons, and her position is different from Brother Jiu's, but the mother and son are in a relationship where both are prosperous and both are prosperous.

If something happens to Concubine Yi, even if Fifth Prince is implicated, the impact will not be great, because the Queen Mother is still protecting her.

Nine elder brothers here, but it is not good to say.

She whispered her guess.

Brother Jiu was taken aback: "How could it be involved with these?"

In fact, Brother Jiu was only thinking about the princes and daughters of Yikun Palace, and he didn't think so much at all.

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "I was just thinking about the big things at that time. It's nothing more than these few... Even if it's not relevant, it can be used as a direction... Things will be smooth when things slow down. The master has already taken charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the slow investigation is just... "

Brother Jiu frowned: "But Guo Luoluo's family made a fortune because of the empress, and they are different from the natal families of Empress Defei and Empress Rong..."

Concubine De's natal family has worked as errands in the imperial dining room for several generations.

Concubine Rong was an earlier "chicken and dog ascended to heaven". When Kangxi was about ten years old, she became prosperous with her daughter.

Shu Shu felt that she was a bit of a soldier, so she nodded and said, "Maybe I'm thinking too much..."

Brother Jiu shook his head.

He thought for a while, and said: "There was indeed something wrong back then, the empress did not enter the palace by Xiaoxuan..."

Xiaoxuan enters the palace every February.

Concubine Yi was handpicked into the palace by Kangxi in the first month of that year, and she was allowed to bring a daughter with her family.

This is the treatment only available to concubines and above.

Half a year later, Concubine Yi, who had no meritorious service in childbirth and had a short service period, was made a concubine together with other senior concubines.

There is also noble Guo Luoluo, who is a widow, but can enter the palace with his younger sister as a concubine.

If it wasn't for the emperor's hand-picking, who would have the courage to send the widow into the palace?
Guo Luoluo's family is suspected of offering beauty...

The couple looked at each other.

At that time, Guo Luoluo's family hadn't made a fortune yet, they were just a middle-class family in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they had lived in Shengjing for several generations, and they were not in the capital at all.

In the fifteenth year of Kangxi, did the emperor come to Shengjing?
At that time, it was the time when the San Francisco Rebellion was fierce.

If the emperor didn't come to Shengjing, but met the Guo Luoluo sisters in the capital, then who was the one who made the connection?
Even offering beauty is not what the Guo Luoluo family can do.

Brother Jiu's face was tense, he really couldn't accept that there might be another master behind Guo Luoluo's family.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said: "Why don't you let it go first, and I will think about it after I go to Guo Luoluo's house... Maybe it's because we are worrying about the sky, there is nothing else at all, but the empress doesn't want to make things big, so as not to be criticized by others The Luoluo family will affect Fifth Brother and Master..."

Brother Nine was noncommittal, nodded for a while, and said, "Let's go first..."

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

She made such a suggestion, but she didn't expect elder brother Jiu to really press Guo Luoluo's family for something.

Instead, it was a process of soothing the emotions for Brother Jiu.

After getting along for half a year, Shu Shu couldn't say that he knew Brother Jiu's temperament like the back of his hand, but he also knew about the same.

Although he may seem arrogant, he is actually somewhat reserved and does not like to change the status of life.

When he calms down, he will make a more rational decision.

"Then send people over and tell them, it means that we have gone to visit the boss long ago..."

Seeing this, Shu Shu discussed with Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine nodded, then shook his head again: "Let's look at the arrangements on Han Ama's side, seeing that it hasn't stopped in the past few days, I don't know what other arrangements will be made tomorrow..."

At this moment, there was movement outside.

It was the fifth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother who came.

The fifth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother several times, and said worriedly: "Why are you not energetic? Are you tired from the journey? Did the imperial physician..."

Brother Jiu shook his head: "It's okay, I got up early this morning, just take a rest..."

Mainly tired.

The fifth elder brother believed it after hearing this, and said: "Then take a rest early tonight, and tomorrow morning Khan Ama is going to Taizu Taizong's palace, and we all have to go with him... But you should be fine before noon, when you Take your younger siblings to your grandfather's house, or visit Shengjing City..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said nothing.

Only then did Fifth Prince smile at Shu Shu, turn around and leave.

He came here just to tell his younger brother these two sentences.

The thirteenth elder brother noticed that the ninth elder brother was in a wrong mood, so he stood beside Shu Shu and asked in a low voice.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, what's wrong with Brother Jiu? It's not like someone who stays up late..."

Shu Shu replied softly: "I was scolded by the empress just now, take it easy..."

After being separated for more than half a month, Elder Thirteen originally had a lot to say to his brother and sister-in-law, but it is hard to say anything at this time.

He greeted Shu Shu softly.

"The younger brother has also gone back first, and I will talk to brother Jiu tomorrow..."

Shu Shu nodded.

Brother Jiu is still distracted.

The thirteenth elder brother went out quietly.

When he got to the door, he happened to catch up with Brother Ten.

Seeing that the tenth elder brother was about to go in, the thirteenth elder brother grabbed him.

"Brother Ten, don't go, Brother Nine is embarrassing right now, he probably doesn't want to meet people..."

Brother Ten stopped.

He also heard someone report that there seemed to be something wrong with Brother Jiu, so he came to visit.

"Being scolded by Concubine Yi's mother, I don't know why, anyway, my face is drooping, and I feel dejected when I look at it..."

Brother Thirteen whispered.

It's about Concubine Yi, Elder Brother Ten didn't force himself to go in at this time.

But he was also uneasy, he couldn't guess why the mother and son were arguing.

It's not because of yourself, is it?

In order to take care of himself, Brother Nine delayed on the road and did not follow Suhan Ama to pay homage to Taizu and Emperor Taizong's tomb...

In the room, Brother Jiu had already woken up.

Seeing that there were only husband and wife left, he lost his scruples and whispered his guesses.

"Behind Guo Luoluo's house...could it be the Hesheli family..."

"The day when the empress entered the palace happened to be before Concubine Niu Hulu became a queen..."

It was never the fourth concubine's natal family that could really affect the harem.

It's those real royal relatives.

From the structure of the harem at that time, Brother Nine quickly locked in the suspect.

Shu Shu felt a little weird.

The thoughts of the two collided again.

This is "heart-to-heart communication", which does not feel surprising, but makes people slightly uneasy.

She didn't show it, she made a thought, nodded, and said, "It's not impossible..."

Niu Hulu's family is a giant.

After Concubine Niu Hulu was conferred, the most influential one was the East Palace.

Whenever she gave birth to an elder brother, the position of the crown prince would be in danger.

Brother Nine rubbed his chin: "Department of construction, maybe it's because of the interests of the Hesheli family and Guo Luoluo's family, otherwise the embezzled money is not something that Guo Luoluo's family can seize..."

He suddenly became transparent.

It's just that his face is even uglier.

If Queen Niu Hulu hadn't died...

Or Concubine Tong gave birth to a little elder brother...

The palace is now in another pattern.

These, however, cannot even be checked.

He didn't want to be confused.

He gritted his teeth and said, "You're right, I'm already in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are traces of everything I've done. I don't believe that they can do it seamlessly..."

That night, the Empress Dowager and Kangxi both received rewards.

On the side of the Queen Mother, what was given was a box of old ginseng brought in by the lower class.

On Kangxi's side, there is a gift dish, sauerkraut and white meat pot.

The queen mother's reward is just a reward.

Kangxi's reward is not necessarily a reward.

Brother Jiu frowned, looked at the pot, and said with a sneer, "Did Khan Ama think too much of me? Could it be that at this time, I still think about mourning Guo Guiren?"

Shu Shu was silent and didn't take the initiative to bring him food.

The joys and sorrows of human beings never communicate with each other.

Love and hate may not need to be too clear.

No matter how the noble Guo Luoluo died, in Kangxi's eyes, he was a person who did not need to care about scruples.

Brother Nine took a piece of pork belly and put it in his mouth. Looking at it like that, it was almost like eating enemy meat.

The couple ate their dinner in peace.

A former imperial eunuch came to deliver word about Kangxi's itinerary for the next day.

At the beginning of Kangxi Chen, he will take all elder brothers to the Imperial Palace.

Brother Jiu estimated the time, and it would be about an hour at most, so he told Shu Shu, "I'll be back soon, and when the time comes, pack up here, let's go directly..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Brother Jiu wore the prince's python robe and went to the Imperial Palace.

Shu Shu here, after thinking about it, also changed into the rather solemn autumn-colored prince Fujin auspicious clothes.

She sent someone to the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi to ask for their time.

On the Queen Mother's side, I need to greet you and thank you.

Concubine Yi has to go and tell her about going to Guo Luoluo's house today.

When people from both places come back, they know that the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi have time to meet people in the morning.

Shu Shu took people to the Queen Mother's side.

On the Queen Mother's side, the dining table was removed, and she was strolling around the room to digest food.

Seeing Shu Shu coming, she smiled and sat on the edge of the kang, calling for Shu Shu to come and talk.

"Good boy, you've worked hard... Get tired, take a good rest for two days, and we can go home..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded: "I'm looking forward to it. It's been too long since I've been out, but I still feel that the life in the palace is soothing..."

The Queen Mother showed approval on her face, nodded and said: "Isn't it? The only thing I have to do is to eat all day long. The rest is free, talking, touching cards, and living a comfortable life. This one, from morning to night, is very comfortable. It's tiring..."

Looking at the two boxes in Walnut's arms.

The queen mother was curious: "What did you bring here, it's food..."

Shu Shu took the brocade box and opened one.

Inside were black fine pieces.

With fishy smell.

"Deer blood?"

The queen mother showed disgust on her face: "This is not for dispensing medicine, what to do with it, it's not for food..."

Shu Shu said: "Grandmother, this is not ordinary deer blood, it is the heart blood of deer. This stewed bone can strengthen the muscles and bones, and cure leg pain; this stewed old hen can nourish the yin and beautify the face... Before we come out, shoot I bought a deer once, and the imperial doctor happened to be there, so I made some deer's painstaking efforts... I got three boxes in total, two boxes for you, and the remaining one box will go back to my granddaughter-in-law to honor our mother..."

The so-called strong tendons and bones are actually calcium supplements.

As people age, their legs and feet become weak.

Even if it is as honorable as the Queen Mother, it is the same.

The queen mother hesitated for a moment, and said: "Then you are gone, or I can keep a box, and you can take back the rest..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Daughter-in-law grandson is only a little older, it's not easy to make up for this, or it will be over... You can eat it first, if it is delicious, you can tell the paddock to prepare it later..."

The queen mother accepted it.

She still had to go to Concubine Yi, Shu Shu didn't sit for long, and said a few words with her, then she got up and said goodbye.

Arriving at Yifei's side, Yifei's mood has calmed down, and she is no longer irritable like yesterday.

Knowing the time for her son and daughter-in-law to go to Guo Luoluo's house, she only gave one order.

"Just go through the motions, I don't have anything to say..."

Shu Shu agreed.

She pays tribute to Lu Xinxue.

Concubine Yi heard that it was "nourishing yin and beautifying", so she asked several questions carefully, and there was no haze from yesterday...

(End of this chapter)

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