Chapter 239 The Tiger Shows His Power

Seeing Concubine Yi like this, Shu Shu felt a little uncertain.

Could it be that the husband and wife really thought too much?

Maybe Guo Luoluo's family has nothing else to do?

Otherwise, how could Concubine Yi be so comfortable and calm.

Going all the way back to the courtyard where their husband and wife lived temporarily, Shu Shu was still not sure what Concubine Yi was thinking.

She doesn't want to.

The gift for Guo Luoluo's family has been prepared long ago.

The main filial piety is the elder brother Jiu's grandfather, Sanguan Baobo.

In addition to an antique rhinoceros horn cup that brother Jiu had ordered earlier, there was also a nanmu walking stick, four bolts of palace silk, four bolts of tribute satin, and twenty pairs of gold and silver zippers prepared by Shu Shu.

The old man loves Chinese clothes, and the ceremony prepared by Shushu is just what he likes.

As for the others, the uncles and masters all made a box of brushes, a box of precious ink, and two sets of chaozhu.

Uncles and wives each had two bolts of palace silk, two bolts of tribute satin, and ten pairs of gold and silver harpsacks.

For the rest of the same generation, men have a plate of court beads and four pairs of gold and silver gongs; women have four palace flowers and four pairs of gold and silver cymbals.

The junior below has an extra longevity lock, and two pairs of gold and silver locks in his purse.

Guo Luoluo's family is not separated.

Concubine Yi's five brothers all live in the same house.

Therefore, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu prepared dozens of gifts, large and small.

Now that there is a rift, Shu Shu feels alienated and guarded against Guo Luoluo's family, but she doesn't ask people to delete the gift list, and still asks people to pretend to be good.

This is for Guo Luoluo's family.

It's not just for Guo Luoluo's family.

This is Yifei's dignity.

It is also the dignity of Brother Nine.

At the beginning of the year, Brother Nine will be back.

His face is solemn, coupled with the golden prince's python robe, he has the imposing manner of a prince.

Shu Shu had already sent someone to Guo Luoluo's house to convey the news.

The prince's descent is naturally a major event for the whole family, and Guo Luoluo's family should not be slighted.

The couple didn't say anything else, got into the carriage that had been prepared, and went to Guo Luoluo's house.

Guo Luoluo's family is located in the Xicheng District of Shengjing City, adjacent to the Yamen of Shengjing House of Internal Affairs.

Guo Luoluo's house is a two-way five-entry mansion, which looks very grand.

When the carriage stopped, Sanguanbao, his children, grandchildren and wives were already waiting outside the gate.

It seems that he is not as cautious as a nobleman descended, and he is really proud and dignified like a nephew leaving a relative.

Across the carriage, Shu Shu could still faintly hear a woman's voice: "I heard that Jiufu Jin looks good, but I don't know what kind of celestial beauty..."

Another woman said: "No matter how good-looking she is, so what? If you are only jealous of this one, the empress can't tolerate her..."

With a smile on Shu Shu's face, she said to Brother Nine: "Why don't I know, I've even assumed the name of being jealous..."

Brother Jiu's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth: "What are you doing with them? It's just that you have shameful intentions and want to use the name of your empress to control you..."

Shu Shu also smiled, her face became more solemn.

This Guo Luoluo family is really used to it, they really regard themselves as relatives of the emperor, and treat them as juniors.

Seeing Brother Jiu get off the carriage, Sanguan Bao knelt down to greet him slowly.

"Old slave, the third official protector welcomes brother Jiu..."

Brother Nine looked on indifferently, and didn't intend to stop or help.

Let the three officials kneel down.

Everyone in Guo Luoluo's family was stunned.

The atmosphere became tense.

Everyone put away the laughter on their faces, everyone could see that this ninth elder brother was not as honest and amiable as fifth elder brother.

Behind the Elder Sanguanbao, the two leaders in the male and female team are the elder and wife of Guo Luoluo's family.

The couple looked at each other and knelt down.

Afterwards, everyone knelt down, and there was no one standing.

Brother Jiu still didn't call out, but turned his head and helped Shu Shu get off the carriage.

Shu Shu looked at the people kneeling on the ground, and her eyes fell on the old man who was the leader.

He is not tall and looks a little rich. He is wearing a full embroidered sapphire blue cloak, his hat is just a ruby, and his braids are black and shiny. He looks much younger than his actual age. Standing with his sons, he doesn't look like an old man. Father, like a big brother.

In fact, the old man is already in his sixties, and his great-grandson is all over the place.

Brother Nine's big Lala's acceptance of the ceremony stunned Guo Luoluo's family from top to bottom.

Don't say it's presumptuous joking, even secretly looking at it, I dare not.

After a while, Brother Nine finally said calmly: "Get up, my lord, don't be too polite!"

The three officials were protected, and all the sons followed, feeling uneasy.

This name doesn't seem quite right.

Shu Shu's here also looks like Brother Jiu's usual appearance, with a clean look in his eyes, waving his hands to signal the female family members to get up.

The husband and wife were welcomed into Guo Luoluo's house.

Brother Jiu was directly surrounded by the crowd and went to the living room.

Shu Shu brought four court ladies and four nuns to the flower hall.

The head of the female family is a woman in her forties, the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family, the same mother and sister-in-law of Concubine Yi, and the Jin family, the mother of Guidan.

He is a tactful and thoughtful person, who seems to be more scheming than her son, with a very respectful demeanor, not daring to call himself a relative or an elder.

Shu Shu's face was not calm, she looked at him coldly and said, "This is my uncle and wife? So you can talk..."

This one looked friendly, but he was just watching.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Shu Shu knew that she was the one Shu Shu was jealous of.

Did this come from the Jin family again?
Jin was taken aback by the words, and said embarrassingly: "The slave is clumsy..."

Shu Shu's face was pulled down, and she patted the table directly: "Jin Shi, you are presumptuous!"

Although Jin didn't know what was wrong with her, she couldn't figure out Shu Shu's temper, and didn't dare to defend herself, so she knelt down: "Fu Jin calm down!"

Several other uncles and wives were around, all with surprise on their faces.

They didn't expect that Shu Shu would react like this.

Among Sanguan Bao's five sons, the eldest was born to his concubine, Yifei's same mother and younger brother, the second and third sons were descendants of concubines, and the fourth and fifth sons were descendants of concubines, but they were raised under the name of their aunts.

The family is divided into three factions.

The long room, the second and third rooms, and the fourth and fifth rooms are neutral.

The eldest room and the concubine Yifei have the same mother, and they have always been the most favored by the empress.

Shu Shu's face drooped, and he snorted coldly: "I want to ask you, what happened yesterday? What nonsense are you talking to our mother, you made our mother so angry that dinner was useless..."

Jin's face was originally flushed, but now it was a little pale, and his eyes were also shifting.

"Slaves don't dare to be troublesome, it's just that ordinary parents are short-sighted..."

Shu Shu sneered and said, "What a parent? Maybe the person kneeling in front of Ben Fujin is not the wife of Guo Luoluo's family, but the aunt of the Jin family? Otherwise, why would he not know what to do, eat the food of Guo Luoluo's family, and fuck the Jin family? heart of……"

Having said that, she became even more angry.

"This is because we are afraid that our empress will have a better time in the palace, right? Without telling our empress, you have climbed up a high branch and sent the golden and precious girl of your Jin family to Zhaoxiang's office to sneak into the fourteenth elder brother's side. What are you doing? What do you want Empress Defei to think? Will you suspect our empress?"

Her voice was so sharp that the other Mrs. Guo Luoluo did not dare to stand still.

Among them, the second wife was kneeling next to the Jin family, and she said respectfully: "Fu Jin, the eldest sister-in-law probably didn't mean it, she couldn't stand her mother's begging, so she did something stupid, she didn't mean to embarrass her..."

Shu Shu sneered, looked at the second wife and said, "Raise your head, let Ben Fujin take a good look..."

The second wife raised her head, she was about the same age as the Jin family, and looked at her with arrogance, but at the moment she was much restrained and respectful.

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows, and said: "This is the first time I've seen Ben Fujin, someone is grinding my teeth behind my back... Tell me, who did you hear it from? What kind of beauty is Ben Fujin..."

This second wife was the one who deliberately raised her voice just now.

Shu Shuben was still thinking about how to find it, but she jumped out by herself.

The second wife's face was stiff, and she hurriedly kowtowed to plead guilty, saying: "It's the servant who talks too much and offended Fujin..."

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked at the walnut standing beside her.

Walnut stepped forward and said with a cold face: "If you don't respect Master Fujin, you should be rewarded with forty slaps. For the sake of your mother, I will reward you with twenty slaps..."

The second wife raised her eyebrows and wanted to speak.

The walnut has been slapped down.


The loud slap in the face shocked everyone in the room.

"You, presumptuous..."

The second wife struggled and wanted to get up, waving her arms wildly.

Xiao Song had already strode forward, untied the second wife's arm, then tore her Rong Hua, and gagged her.

As the elder sister-in-law of the head of the family, Jin didn't dare to look at her anymore, and hurriedly pleaded: "Fu Jin, do you want to save some face for Guo Luoluo's family...for the sake of your empress..."

Shu Shuan sits like a mountain.

"Crack! Crack!"

There were loud slaps in the room.

Walnut imitated the momentum of the old mother in the palace, and she didn't spare any effort at hand.

After several slaps, the second wife's face was already swollen.

After twenty beatings, the face was swollen and there was no good place.

The expressions of the other uncles and wives all changed.

Trembling, like a frightened bird.

I had heard that this person had a sour face, and just now when the carriage came over, the second wife spoke deliberately, maybe she meant to test and beat her, but she never thought that she would show her power in Guo Luoluo's house.

Shu Shu didn't mean to let the others go, her eyes fell on the third wife.

This person was dressed in plain clothes, his face did not conceal his sorrow, and the way he looked at Shu Shu before was also faintly hostile.

The fourth wife and the fifth wife are a bit tricky.

Dressed in plain clothes, but it can't be called plain clothes,
Shu Shu's eyes fell on the third wife, and she sneered.

"What kind of attire is this? Knowing that Master Jiu is here, but still wearing such clothes, is this a curse on the prince?"

The third wife was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "I don't dare, it's... it's because my natal family is in mourning..."

Shu Shu's face was still full of coldness: "Since that's the case, you don't want to keep your filial piety, and you want to offend the nobleman, what's your intention?"

At this moment, Brother Nine finished greeting several uncles, and was being lured by the elder of Guo Luoluo's family to see several aunts.

Seeing the situation in the flower hall, Mr. Guo Luoluo's expression turned ugly.

Beating a dog depends on the owner.

Not to mention that it was not a dog kneeling on the ground, but his wife and sister-in-law.

Before he could speak, brother Jiu's face was already down.

Brother Jiu walked a few steps quickly, walked towards Shu Shu, and frowned: "What's the matter? Someone neglected you?"

Shu Shu pointed directly at Mrs. Guo Luoluo and said: "This person not only went to talk to the empress, but made her mad and sick, and she was also uneasy and kind, deliberately trying to provoke the relationship between the empress and the concubine..."

As she said that, she pointed to the second wife again, and said: "This one is even more shameless, and she just used me to grind her teeth. No matter how young I am, I am also my master's Fujin, which represents the dignity of the royal family. She is not something that can be offended, so I will be rewarded." slap..."

Then he pointed to the rest of them: "Look, look at what they are wearing? Who is this for? I'm afraid I thought I was an enemy in my heart, so I deliberately collided like this..."

Brother Jiu's eyes were gloomy and cold, and he looked at them one by one.

Master Guo Luoluo was sweating on his brow when he heard it, and hurriedly said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, the servants dare not neglect Elder Brother and Fujin, it's just...these brothers and sisters are in mourning..."

He didn't dare to hold it any longer.

Ninth elder brother fixedly looked at Mr. Guo Luoluo, and said with a sneer, "Okay, the relationship between Guo Luoluo's family is in my heart..."

Master Guo Luoluo's lips trembled, and he was speechless for a while.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Since we are uninvited guests, we have a little memory, let's go..."

Shu Shu nodded, looked up at Mr. Guo Luoluo, and spoke bluntly.

"Master Guo Luoluo, please remember, who carried the flag of the Guo Luoluo family?! Who is the current glory and dignity of the Guo Luoluo family..."

"You have gained so much strength from our empress, so I don't ask you to appreciate it. You should have some conscience for your empress's kindness..."

"This time, for the sake of my lord, our master will not pursue anything, but if someone dares to go to the palace to anger our lady next time, then don't blame our master for not showing you dignity..."

This sentence is not only for Mr. Guo Luoluo, but also for other uncles and wives.

No matter what they thought in their hearts, everyone became more respectful on their faces.

Brother Jiu kept his mouth shut and helped Shu Shu out without saying a word.

It wasn't until getting into the carriage that Brother Jiu became unhappy, and complained to Shu Shu: "Don't you cherish your reputation the most? Tell them what to do, it's to show your strength, and be careful when you turn around and they go to chew your tongue in front of your mother... ..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, the empress is a sensible person, and knows who I am protecting... These words are difficult for the empress and the master, but I have no scruples." of……"

There are some human principles in this world that cannot be ignored.

For example, there are no wrong parents in the world.

And between relatives, if he is unkind, you cannot be unrighteous.

Relying on their blood relatives, they dared to neglect the prince with peace of mind.

In front of other princes and Fujin, how dare they make such a scene?
"Guo Luoluo's family is a thunderbolt. If you can go as far away as possible, I made a fuss and stopped walking a few times. Others won't be surprised..."

This is Shu Shu's ultimate goal.

Brother Jiu didn't speak for a while.

After a while, he shook Shu Shu's hand back.

"Grandpa, no matter what happened back then, or how involved it was, I will investigate..."

Speaking of this, he paused: "There must always be a cause and effect, right and wrong, and those who make mistakes should be punished. If the empress is wrong, I will try to make up for it. If Guo Luoluo's family is wrong, then I will not." Hiding it for them..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "You can do whatever you want, just don't worry... How many years have passed, and now I am working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everything is convenient, just check slowly..."

Whether it is subsequent death.

Concubine Tong Gui gave birth to a daughter prematurely.

In fact, the ones who benefit the most are not others, but Donggong.

In this way, the direction is also clear.

Both Shu Shu and Brother Nine thought of Hesheli's house.

Before, I thought that the Jin family was a grass on the wall, and they climbed another high branch.

Looking at it now, it is impossible to say that the Jin family is the bond between the Hesheli family and the Guo Luoluo family.

Brother Jiu didn't say anything more, but nodded.

This is really not something to rush...

(End of this chapter)

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