Chapter 240 The Outsider Girl

After returning to the palace, the ninth elder brother was slipped away by the eldest elder brother.

On Shengjing's side, some clan princes stayed behind, and today they happened to practice riding and archery in the Xinggong school grounds, and their brothers would also go over to socialize for a while.

One of them, General Fengtian Beizi Sunu, is the great-grandson of Guanglue Beiler Chu Ying.

Not only the head of that clan, but also the oldest person in the clan of this generation, the elder brother of the princes.

Shu Shu heard about Brother Nine's whereabouts, and she couldn't help but make up her mind again.

Speaking of which, Dong E's family and Guanglue Baylor's branch are also married.

Three of Guanglue Baylor's grandsons married daughters of Dong E's family.

Two of them are Shu Shu's aunts and one is her cousin.

This son of Su Nubei is the son of the cousin and grandmother, and he has been on good terms with Uncle Shushu and Ama.

Shu Shu called this one Cousin, but it turned out to be Brother Jiu's clan brother.

Miraculous seniority.

I just don't know if Brother Nine knows about this relationship.

Xinggong school grounds.

The third elder brother called the ninth elder brother to come over, and talked to him about the relationship between the clan of Xianghongqi and Dong E's family.

Brother Jiu thought it was a relative at first, but he didn't take it to heart when he heard that he was his wife's cousin.

When it comes to this kind of relative, the Eight Banners can be involved.

It's far away, don't worry about it.

"It's not an ordinary cousin, this is closer..."

The third elder brother lowered his volume, his face was a little unpredictable, and his eyes were full of meaning.

Brother Jiu thought of Dong E's brother-in-law, besides the brother-in-law who was already engaged, the twins below were not too young.

"The two are going to get married?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

If so, the relatives will be closer.

Father-in-law's in-laws.

The third elder brother didn't speak immediately, but took the ninth elder brother to a secluded place.

"It's not about to end, it's already over..."

The third elder brother is still taking his time, selling lawsuits.

Brother Nine frowned and said: "But my father-in-law came out with a follower, he was not at home, and he didn't listen to the exchange of posts between the two..."

The third elder brother shook his head, also surprised: "Dong E's family even kept you a secret?"

Brother Nine was confused.

"Third brother, what exactly are you going to say?"

The third elder brother sighed a little: "The seventh elder brother of Beizi's mansion, a concubine, married Dong E's wife the year before last, the daughter of Master Qi Xi..."

Brother Jiu heard that something was wrong, and finally realized that he shook his head quickly.

"Impossible! I, Fujin, is the eldest daughter! There are no sisters in my family, even uncles and sisters. The closest one is the third sister-in-law's room..."

The third elder brother raised his eyebrows and said: "The label on the account is very clear, who will fool you?! The Beizi Mansion is probably planning to hide it, but your third sister-in-law has a sister who promised the ninth elder brother of the Beizi Mansion. In the past post in the month, I went to dinner, and their brothers said that they were leaking, and I listened to it... I had forgotten it before. A few days ago, when Sunu came out to welcome and stood with Master Qi Xi to talk, I remembered this ...It's about the secrets of Dong E's family, I didn't intend to tell you, but relatives are here, and I always want to talk to you, so that you know..."

Brother Nine is a little confused.

His father-in-law doesn't look like Fu Gang is tough.

The family doesn't even have a concubine's room, and they end up with a concubine?

And a maid who is older than Shu Shu, the eldest daughter?
This is the thunder!
You know, his mother-in-law is pregnant.

In case the news is leaked, just listen to a few words, and you can't be angry.

Brother Jiu couldn't stand it anymore.

He didn't bother to greet the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, and said to the third elder brother: "No, my brother has to go back and ask to see what's going on..."

Saying that, Brother Nine turned around and left in a hurry.

The third elder brother couldn't help shaking his head when he saw this: "You're still young, you don't see much, are you a man, that's what it is..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen saw them muttering here for a long time, so they also came over.

In the end, Brother Jiu left as if his butt was on fire.

The two were worried.

Elder Brother Ten said, "Brother Third, what's wrong with Brother Ninth?"

The third elder brother hesitated for a moment, then called the two of them to come closer, and said, "That's what happened, I told you two, don't spread the word..."

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were also dumbfounded when they heard this. They really didn't expect such a change.

This is it……

The secrets of my sister-in-law's family...

It's really not something that my brother-in-law can intervene...

Brother Thirteen muttered in a low voice: "Could it be a mistake, Mr. Qi Xi, you look quite serious..."

Elder Brother Shi not only met Qi Xi, but also walked around with the red flag in his hands and made a robe for a day.

He felt that what he heard was deceptive, and what he saw might not be true, and there might be other secrets.

Mr. Qi Xi really doesn't look like the kind of person who is greedy for pleasure and lust and keeps a concubine.

Just seeing that the children in the family are all descendants, it is already very rare.

If Mrs. Dutong was married off, he would be concerned about Yue's family, so he could barely make sense of it.

But Mrs. Dutong's natal family is already dilapidated, so there is nothing to be afraid of. If she really has that thought, she doesn't need to keep her outside.

He felt that the news would not spread any further, so he reminded Third Elder Brother.

"Since the Beizi Mansion is hiding it from the outside world, there may be something that should not be revealed to others... Let's pretend we don't know..."

The third elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

"Others can be fooled, but the Ninth Brother and Sister have to make it clear... The two families are married, not just this one marriage. I heard that their family Liu Gege is about the same age as the Ninth Brother and Sister's second brother... If you get married in a muddle , I will not be able to live in peace in the future..."

The tenth elder brother originally thought that the third elder brother was a talker, so he said this because he wanted to see the excitement of the ninth elder brother and his wife.

Unexpectedly, there were other reasons, so Elder Brother Shi also showed admiration on his face, showing a very close look.

"Third brother is right, you can't be so muddled, or it will be a fraudulent marriage..."

The third elder brother had a bit of complacency on his face: "Who said we are brothers? If we can think more, I should naturally think more..."

Brother Thirteen was beside him, and he was also surprised.

The fighting thing really turned upside down?
Brother Ten seems to be easier to talk to than usual, as if... a bit ulterior motives...

Is the third brother really so sincere...

There seems to be no quarrel between the brothers, looking at the joy and harmony.

Kangxi also happened to come to the school grounds to watch the prince and other princes riding and shooting, and he was also relieved to see him upright.

I just didn't see Brother Nine...

Kangxi kept it in his heart.

Brother Nine took his wife to Guo Luoluo's house today, did he leave a meal?

Here Shu Shu is looking at Walnut's palm.

After twenty slaps, Mrs. Guo Luoluo's face turned into a pig's head, and Walnut's hands were swollen like steamed buns.

Xiaosong was holding the ointment for reducing swelling, and was helping the walnuts to apply it.

Shu Shu frowned and said, "Don't use your strength next time..."

A slap in the face, even a light slap, is just as embarrassing.

What you want is to fight, but not to fight.

Walnut laughed and said: "My mother's family has been prosperous for many years, and they are used to pampering them. The servant was afraid that they would not be able to restrain them, so he tried his best..."

Xiao Song muttered to the side: "If you try harder, you will have some strength! In the future, when you punish people, you can just move your mouth, let me do it..."

She said, holding out her hand, and comparing it with the walnut.

The palm is bigger, and the joints look thicker.

When Walnut saw it, he hesitated.

Xiaosong had already closed his palm and said, "Don't be naughty! I'm not like you. I put on some ointment all day long to make my hands tender... These copper and iron palms are all made out of practice..."

Shu Shu looked at Xiaosong, but there was nothing she could do about it.

If it weren't for the clothes and dressing up, she really didn't look like a girl at all.

Brother Jiu hurried in and saw Shu Shu looking at the black-faced little maid with a smile on her face.

Standing or sitting next to him, surrounded by several court ladies.

He immediately darkened his face and felt sore in his heart.

Everyone got up when they heard the movement and saw Brother Jiu coming back.

Seeing that his complexion was not good, Shu Shu thought it was because of Guo Luoluo's troubles, so she waved everyone away.

Only then did Brother Jiu come forward, sat on the edge of the kang, and looked at Shu Shu.

"I found out that you are so horny, not only masculine, but also feminine..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu pinched his waist, and said angrily: "Say everything, let the girls listen, everyone will feel uncomfortable in the future..."

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand and snorted coldly: "It's better not to be uncomfortable, don't come close to you, I'm upset..."

Hearing this style of painting, Shu Shu doesn't seem to be related to Guo Luoluo's family, and she is still in a jealous mood, so she relaxes a lot.

"If it's Master, there are two handsome eunuchs in the study. I can't bear to see them, what do you say?"

Brother Jiu couldn't help shivering when that scene appeared in his mind.

"Don't be disgusting, Grandpa... Is Grandpa that kind of person?"

Shu Shu snorted softly and said, "In my heart, I'm that kind of person! I don't taboo meat and vegetables, but can I be a man or a woman? Except in front of my master, outside, can I be a bit frivolous and disrespectful?"

Brother Jiu saw that she was going to be annoyed, so he was honest.

"It's the master's slip of the tongue, it's the master's slip of the tongue..."

He hesitated for a moment, but still whispered what Brother San said.

Shu Shu looked very calm.

Brother Jiu looked at it and felt lost.

"Mother-in-law knew this earlier, so she opened her eyes and closed her eyes..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Ene knows, without Ene's nodding, how dare Amma let others register with Dong E's household registration, even if it is not the official household, it is just another household..."

Brother Jiu heard this, nodded and said: "Master is still thinking, if you have an older sister, why are you still the eldest daughter..."

It turned out that the household registration was separate.

He couldn't say anything on his face, feeling that he couldn't face his father-in-law for the time being.

A good man who loves his wife and daughter suddenly becomes a womanizer who raises a wife.

Seeing his misunderstanding, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's not Amma's daughter, Amma was entrusted by someone..."

Brother Jiu's complexion is now normal, with a look of gossip on his face.

"Uncle's niece? Because of Mrs. Uncle, I begged my father-in-law to register..."

If so, it is justified.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's not Uncle's daughter, it's Uncle Tang's daughter..."

Brother Jiu was stunned.

"Is that sister-in-law's sister?"

Shu Shu counted the ages of the women in the outer room, and said, "It seems to be my sister..."

Brother Jiu slapped his legs and laughed loudly, and said, "I'm dying of laughter, I'm really dying of laughter..."

Shu Shu was by the side, she really didn't think it was funny.

It's also wrong to say it.

The biological mother of this outsider girl is a little widow, the daughter of Zuo Ling, who had been recruited before.

At that time, I had selfish intentions and wanted to have a child, so I concealed it after I became pregnant, and the dewy marriage was broken.

I didn't expect to give birth to a girl later, and I didn't even think about admitting relatives at first.

When the child is old, the little widow thinks too much, and wants her daughter to recognize her ancestors and become a princess in the government.

Unfortunately, it happened to be the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi.

In the battle of Ulan Butong, Peng Chun was dismissed and was under the command of the Red Banner, and he was at home with leisure.

Don't dare to expose this matter, for fear of being criticized, the matter will be delayed.

In the future, the outsider girl will be old and will be drafted by the Eight Banners. At that time, the granddaughter of Zuo Ling will be very different from the daughter of the Duke.

The widow quit, and she insisted on Peng Chun giving an explanation so as not to delay her daughter's future.

Peng Chun had no choice but to beg Qi Xi.

At that time, Qi Xi had already taken over as the governor of Zhenghongqi from the chief of staff, and he officially took up this vacancy, blocking Peng Chun's way to be the governor of Manchuria.

He is in charge of Zhenghongqi's household registration, and the family girl's return to the clan can't get around him.

After discussing with his wife, Qi Xi complied with Peng Chun's request.

Otherwise, it would seem that they are arrogant when they are successful, and they don't think about the advice from their cousin in the past.

It's just that Qi Xi has always acted thoughtfully and refused to leave any hidden dangers.

After discussing with his wife, and with his wife's consent, he did not move the niece into his household registration, but directly moved to another household.

And before handling the household registration, he also reported the matter to the emperor in private.

Because, this matter has actually passed the Ming road.

Naturally, it is not easy for such an outsider girl to participate in the draft, so she applied for disease exemption.

As for the marriage with Beizi Mansion, it was decided by Peng Chun himself.

Brother Jiu heard the reason, smiled and said to Shu Shu: "You haven't seen the appearance of the third child, he looks good for you, but there is a thief in his eyes, waiting to see the excitement... This is Looking for help, he lost someone once, so he can feel at ease only if he pulls others and throws them back with him... Haha, I didn't expect that this time he will be disappointed..."

 Sleeping overtime in the afternoon, the third watch is [-], another day of hard work, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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