My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 241 One gift, or two gifts

Chapter 241 One gift, or two gifts

Shu Shu didn't smile.

This can be regarded as the ugly of Dong E's family.

The publicity has spread, whether Ama continues to take the blame or completely reveals the truth, it will not be a good thing for Dong E's family.

Dong E's family will become a joke, and people will talk about it for a while.

Even the marriage of the younger generation of the Dong E family will be temporarily affected.

Especially my younger brothers.

This is also the habit of getting married now.

Picking a daughter-in-law depends on the character of the mother-in-law.

Pick a son-in-law and act according to the character of the in-laws.

She said helplessly: "Master, if you really want to make a fuss about this, the most embarrassing one is Dong E's family... It's hard for Ama to explain anything, otherwise my cousin will be offended..."

Obviously it is helping others, but the hard work in the front is also a lot of effort, and then backtracking, even the good things in the past are wiped out.

Brother Jiu thought about it, and it was indeed the truth.

He hurriedly got up and said: "Master has to find a way to shut up the mouth of the third child... Otherwise, his mouth is loose like the old lady's belt, and he will definitely be bald when he sees people..."

After all, he hurried away.

Walnut brings tea in, watching Shu Shu hesitate to speak.

Shu Shu looked over.

Walnut whispered: "Do you want Fujin to go to your empress to plead guilty?"

Shu Shu understands what she means, Guo Luoluo's family's negligence and rudeness are not easy to publicize. After all, superiority is inferiority, human affection is human affection, and there is still a "elder" over there, and she occupies a "young".

To be honest, as a junior, Shu Shu also has some impoliteness.

If she took the initiative to go to Yifei's side to make amends, it would be considered as erasing the past.

Shu Shu shook her head, and said, "No need. From now on, the master will tell the empress about Guo Luoluo's family affairs, so I won't get involved..."

Everything is comprehensive, but everything is difficult to be comprehensive.

Besides, it was related to Concubine Yi's natal family, the son was reluctant to vent his anger, but the daughter-in-law had no scruples.

If Shu Shu wants to be a perfect daughter-in-law who makes her mother-in-law impeccable, it's not impossible, but it's too tiring, and it's unnecessary to work hard.

The relationship between people is like this.

Blindly bowing your head and retreating, what you get in return may not be harmony and tolerance, but may be more picky.

Keeping a certain distance, retaining imperfections, and learning to tolerate each other may be a better way for mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along.

After hearing this, Walnut stopped talking.

Shu Shu counted the time, today is the [-]th day, and on the [-]st, Sheng Jia set off to return to Luan, so only tomorrow will be free.

She looked at the clothes on Walnut.

Walnut is wearing a light brown palace silk padded jacket, which was uniformly distributed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The palace silk used is the annual example of walnut.

As a court lady, she gets one piece of palace silk, one piece of linen silk, one piece of yarn and two catties of kapok every year.

This year is not too small, but also decent.

You must know that the daughters of families like Xiaosong and Xiaotang only have one piece of cotton silk, and the rest are one piece of dark blue cloth, one piece of summer cloth, two pieces of wool green cloth, and two catties of kapok.

These pieces of silk gauze cloth are made into eight clothes, which are changed according to seasons.

Along the way, even the masters were nervous about making winter clothes, so naturally they couldn't afford to go down to the palace servants.

But it still takes more than half a month to travel from Shengjing to the capital.

At this time, the early winter has passed, and it is the middle of winter.

Just wearing cotton clothes, running outside, a little bit of suffering.

She called Xiao Yu: "Take someone to measure the length of everyone's clothes, make a list, and go to the tailor shop tomorrow to buy some woolen clothes..."

Xiaoyu agreed and went to get ready.

Shu Shu thought about it, felt that it was inappropriate, and ordered Walnut again.

"Go to Wu Fujin and talk about our arrangement, and ask Wu Fujin if they want to buy together tomorrow..."

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

Even if it's not the same elder brother's house, they are all palace servants who came out together, so they have to compare in private.

Shu Shu is sympathetic to the people around her, but she doesn't want to show off and trample others under her feet.

Walnuts to go.

Shu Shu then ordered Sun Jin to also go to the elder brother's place and the third elder brother's place to mention something to the eunuch in charge.

Anyway, told it all.

As for the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, she can make the decision. Later, she can send Xiao Yu to go directly to count the number of people and the size.

All of a sudden, everyone was busy.

When Walnut came back, he brought a person, the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family.

The eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family, under the order of the elder, went to the palace to give gifts to Concubine Yi and the two Fujins.

Shu Shu's face drooped, and she didn't mean to be surprised by many people.

Looking at Mrs. Guo Luoluo is like looking at dust.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo did not dare to talk about her relatives, so she kowtowed.

Shu Shu accepted it calmly.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo smiled and said: "It's the slaves who can't speak, which made Fujin unhappy. After our old man found out, he scolded us and asked people to prepare gifts to apologize..."

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows and said, "Guo Luoluo's family has three gifts?"

The eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family nodded and said: "Don't worry, Fujin, don't dare to break the rules, except for your mother, you have a share with Wu Fujin..."

Shu Shu sneered and said: "Then I only have one here?! What kind of apology is this?! Isn't this a reciprocity...Isn't it enough for you to take advantage of your feelings? One gift, but two excuses...Then our master prepared it first. What is it? Several years of monthly bills, gathered these old things, and sent them over, but they won't get into your eyes..."

Mrs. Guo Luoluo blushed from being squeezed, but she didn't dare to speak up.

This guy's temper is a bit scary,

My second younger sibling has always been used to arrogance, she made dozens of mouthfuls and lost all face, and in front of her sister-in-law and the younger generation of the whole family, she is now pretending to be ill and hiding her shame.

If he was attacked in the palace, then there is no need for this old face.

Shu Shu showed impatience and picked up the teacup.

Mrs. Guo Luoluo backed away embarrassedly, she really didn't expect to learn a lesson again when she was giving a gift to apologize.

Is it really my own faux pas?
Should prepare two gifts?
Shu Shu's face has returned to normal.

Walnut took the gift list from Guo Luoluo's house and handed it over.

Shu Shu took it over and looked at it.

There are mainly two things, people participate in the leather, and there are two thousand taels of banknotes.

There are not many types of things to send, but the quantity is gratifying.

Ginseng, twenty boxes.

Half of them are [-]-year-old, and the rest are older. There are two boxes of [-]-year-old ginseng.

Ginseng alone is worth two to three thousand taels of silver.

Four carts of furs, two carts of sable furs, and two carts of silver fox furs.

Just looking at it, it looks like a high-quality leather material, which is expensive, not as expensive as ginseng, but the difference is not too big.

These two things, plus the banker's ticket, totaled no less than five thousand taels of silver.

Guo Luoluo's family was bleeding profusely.

Shu Shu put down the gift list, pointed to the fifty-year-old ginseng on it, and ordered walnut to fetch it.

The walnuts went out, and Shao Mo came out with a brocade box.

A foot and a half long.

Shu Shu opened it, and saw an old ginseng that was in good condition and processed.

The ginseng reed on it is intact, and it is indeed fifty-year-old ginseng.

Shu Shu didn't feel happy, but felt depressed.

You must know that the ginseng that the queen mother rewarded her is only thirty years old.

That was the Halloween tribute from Shengjing.

Guo Luoluo's family spent all their efforts, buying gifts and apologizing?

Shu Shu didn't believe it.

That is, Lu Fu didn't know it?

Or did he intentionally take out good things to let the prince elder brother and prince Fujin see the strength of his family?

Either way, it's stupid.

Thinking about Gui Dan's style of conduct, he also knows what kind of family tradition Guo Luoluo's family usually has.

Arrogant, domineering, greedy for money, ignorant of laws.

Xiaotang came in, saw the ginseng box, and looked around curiously, unable to help but be speechless.

"Is ginseng popular as a gift here? I have always regarded it as a rare item, but I didn't expect there to be so many outside the pass..."

Speaking of this, she was a little moved: "Fu Jin, pick a young one, and I will go to the imperial hospital to ask you... Now is the time to nourish your health. If it can be used, you can use ginseng slices to stew chicken every day. It will also work. Replenishing Qi..."

Shu Shu naturally had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Xiaotang went down to pick ginseng.

But Shu Shu remembered Xiaotang's words.

This ginseng is too much.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the three gifts that Guo Luoluo's family sent in this time.

She should be similar to Wu Fujin, that is twenty boxes of ginseng.

The number of Concubine Yi will only be more than them, not less.

Because her and Wu Fujin's side can be regarded as "reparation" or "return", but Yifei's side is the real backer of Guo Luoluo's family, and there will be no less "filial piety".

If it is only doubled, it will be another twenty boxes of ginseng.

Guo Luoluo's family doesn't collect ginseng privately, does it?

Shu Shu was a little lost.

On the side of Brother Jiu, he went to the Xinggong school again.

One step late.

Just looking at the sympathetic eyes of the elder brother and the worry of the fifth elder brother, he knew that the third elder brother had "kindly" told the brothers.

Seeing him coming, the elder brother gave him a word of advice.

"Tell Master Qi Xi to hide from the third child these few days, lest the bastard deliberately ask in front of others, so that Master Qi Xi can't get off the stage..."

After all, the elder brother left.

The fifth elder brother also came over and muttered: "Don't quarrel with younger siblings, and stop younger siblings..."

Ninth elder brother gritted his teeth and agreed, pushed fifth elder brother and said: "My brother has written it down, you should go to the empress dowager's side, and you will return to Luan soon, see if there is any order from empress dowager..."

Fifth elder brother also left.

Brother Nine looked around for people.

Where is the third elder brother's grandson?

Elder Brother Ten was a little frustrated, feeling sorry for Brother Ninth.

He really wanted to stop him, but in the end he made a mistake. He didn't keep an eye on the good guy, and the matter was "publicized".

Thinking that the third elder brother was still a good brother just now, the tenth elder brother regretted not directly gagging his mouth.

Acting like a woman is too stingy.

The thirteenth elder brother also had lingering fears, and he pulled the ninth elder brother to complain: "I went after Khan Ama just now, so I can't tell the same about Khan Ama..."

Brother Nine laughed when he heard this.

"Things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself, do not have a long memory, let him talk about it, it is good not to be left behind..."

imperial front.

Listening to the third son talking about the "secret" of Qi Xi's family.

Kangxi immediately turned dark.

Seeing this, the third elder brother secretly rejoiced in his heart, but on the surface he tried to persuade him with a bit of regret.

"Khan Ama, don't be upset, even if Qi Dutong's conduct is flawed, it's a trivial matter... It's just a little bold, the Eight Banners household registration is so important... As the Dutong, he knows the law and broke the law, and he has failed Khan Ama. The importance of..."

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother and felt his head "buzzing".

He thought of the picture of brother Cai and Le Rongrong just now, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother treated this elder brother respectfully.

But this brother, can't he be a good brother?

He rubbed his temples, and said coldly: "In your opinion, how should I deal with Qi Xi..."

(End of this chapter)

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