Chapter 242 The Empress Is Bad (Second Monthly Pass)

Third elder brother sensed something was wrong.

Khan Ama seems to be...

Not very happy...

That's right, Qi Xi is a confidant minister promoted by Khan Ama in the past few years. He must feel uncomfortable being deceived and his face dull.

He figured it out in his heart, he knew what "gan gang arbitrariness" meant, and he didn't dare to come up with random ideas, only tentatively.

"It's fine for Khan Ama to know about this matter. If there are violations of the law in the future, let's talk about other things... don't have to deal with it right now. It's not good to pick this matter out now, and it's related to Sunu Beizi..."

Kangxi no longer had the patience to listen, he waved his hands, frowned and said, "I see, you can go down..."

The third elder brother was a little disappointed.

He just made this casual suggestion, not really looking forward to "making big things into small things and making small things into nothing".

Even if you don't deal with Qi Xi, shouldn't you bring Lao Jiu over and talk about the family tradition of the Dutong Mansion?
Or just order a side Fujin to teach Dong E a lesson, lest she follow her mother's temperament and become jealous.

This is not only due to Qi Xi's lack of personal morality, but also Mrs. Du Tong's fault.

Now the reputation of the nine younger siblings is terribly stinky in the coating, and everyone fears and avoids it.

But in the eyes of the elders, everyone praises it.


Such a snobbish and domineering woman, who was bullied and flattered, became the face of the old nine.

A younger brother and daughter-in-law who don't deal with each other on weekdays, the third elder brother didn't dislike Jiu Fujin at first.

Because of Brother Nine's illness, he felt pity for this sister-in-law.

But with Tian Gege around, he was dissatisfied with Jiufujin because of the "winds in his ears" all day long.

In the final analysis, it was still Jiufujin's arrogance, disrespecting his big brother, that would treat Tian Gege slowly.

As long as there is a little more respect, Tian Gege will be treated as a little sister-in-law.

Liang Jiugong was beside him, feeling very worried about this third elder brother.

He is the emperor's Haha Zhuzi eunuch, who has served his master for more than thirty years, not to mention completely knowing his master's intentions, he is almost the same.

I am not afraid that the emperor will scold people, but I am afraid that the emperor will not scold people.

The emperor does not curse, it is more terrifying than cursing.

When the third elder brother went down, Kangxi sighed, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "It turned out that he really changed, and it was less than a month before he made the old problem again..."

Besides, the one who is jealous this time is not the brother, but the brother-in-law, is this jealous?
Liang Jiugong bowed down and listened, not daring to follow the words, he could only say: "Perhaps it was really for the good of Master Jiu that he didn't think carefully..."

"Xu Shi... Really Xu Shi..."

Kangxi sneered.

At this moment, Zhao Chang came in.

Kangxi raised his head and looked over: "Lao Jiu has come back, is there no food left? He came back early?"

Zhao Chang bowed his body and started talking from the time when Brother Jiu and his wife got off the car at Guo Luoluo's house.

Lifelike, as if seeing it in person.

Brother Nine's indifference to his grandfather and uncles, as well as Shu Shu's reprimand and lessons to the uncles and wives, also preached one by one.

Kangxi was noncommittal and did not comment on Brother Jiu's reaction.

Kangxi is no stranger to his daughter-in-law showing off her femininity.

This daughter-in-law usually looks good in everything and has a gentle and submissive temperament, but she is too protective of her husband.

It is estimated that Lao Jiu is in poor health, so he frightened her, so he guarded her tightly, for fear that something was wrong.

Not only was he afraid of damaging Lao Jiu's body, but he also couldn't hear what had to be auspicious.

When it comes to Lao Jiu, he becomes a tigress.

Guo Luoluo's family is too big.

Knowing clearly that the prince has descended, he treated the guests in plain clothes.

Lao Wu would not think too much if he was careless, and even if Wu Fujin found it inappropriate, he would not be too picky.

It's Lao Jiu and Dong E's who can't see this.

Kangxi sneered.

What is Guo Luoluo's family doing?
on purpose?
Do they have resentment?
Not happy with his decision?
Otherwise, how dare you neglect Prince Elder Brother and Prince Fujin.

He was unhappy.

But thinking about Concubine Yi and Sanguan Bao's face, it is not good for Kangxi to directly attack Guo Luoluo's family.

He found two posts, one was an excerpt from the doctor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are selections of officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the names of the second and third sons of the third official Bao.

Kangxi directly picked up the imperial pen, underlined the names of the two people, and marked next to it, "Stop the tone and stop falling."

Immediately, he looked at another brochure, which was from the Clan Mansion, about the appointment of the master of ceremonies in the Wubeile Mansion.

Master of Ceremonies of Baylor House, fourth grade.

He is the chief steward of Baylor Mansion's general management affairs, and leads his staff to be in charge of everything in Baylor Mansion.

As the master of ceremonies of Wubeile's mansion, Wubeile himself provided an alternative, the eldest son of Sanguanbao and the younger brother of Concubine Yi.

Although he didn't have any obvious slights to the prince and Fujin, but just because he couldn't restrain his family, there was also some inappropriateness.

Kangxi hesitated.

But thinking that this candidate was mentioned by the empress dowager, and that the fifth child made his own choice, he couldn't just cross it out and replace it, so he closed the booklet to see the aftermath.

Concubine Yi is also depressed here.

The reason was not that Mrs. Guo Luoluo was being reprimanded again, but because of the incident where Brother Nine and Shu Shu went to Guo Luoluo's house.

Before the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family went to the two Fujins, she went to Concubine Yi first.

He keeps saying that he is pleading guilty, but in fact it is nothing more than a complaint.

Intimacy is different.

Concubine Yi naturally protected her daughter-in-law in front of outsiders, but instead gave Mrs. Guo Luoluo a scolding.

But when Mrs. Guo Luoluo left, Concubine Yi didn't speak for a while, she was a little tired.

Seeing this, Xianglan scolded Guo Luoluo's family in her heart.

I don't understand the reason for not being close.

After living for decades in vain, is it necessary to force the empress to deal with her daughter-in-law?
How can there be such a reason?
The face of Guo Luoluo's family is face, but the face of Prince Fujin is not face?

Still compared together, really do not know the so-called.

Now the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is delicate, not as close as before.

If there is a rift, it will also affect the relationship between mother and child.

But as far as Xianglan is concerned, in the future, the mother's pension may still have to fall on Jiufujin.

It's hard to say about the fifth brother and his wife...

If the empress dowager lived as long as the empress dowager, it would be really difficult for the empress to follow the eldest son and daughter-in-law to provide for the elderly.

After weighing the balance, Xianglan persuaded in a low voice.

"Jiufu Jin is usually the most gentle and shy person. He never speaks loudly with others. Thinking about it, he is very angry. He is afraid that Elder Brother will be bumped into, so he protects Elder Brother..."

Concubine Yi nodded with a complicated expression.

"Don't try to persuade me, I'm not old-fashioned yet, I know why..."

Having said that, she smiled wryly.

"It's just that I feel a little stuck. She is good in everything, she is a good daughter-in-law, and I am a stepmother instead..."

Xianglan said: "In the past, brother Jiu was like a child, he didn't grow up, and he had to worry about everything... Now that he stands up, he knows how to protect his mother, and his mother can let go of his hands later, so he can relax... "

Concubine Yi caressed her chest.

"You said this, I understand it in my heart, it is probably because of the change of seasons, I am anxious and irritable, and I will ask the Tai Hospital to prescribe some Qingxin Pills..."

After hearing this, Xianglan felt worried.

"It's time to ask for a pulse, the empress should take a closer look..."

Saying so, she froze by herself.

Concubine Yi sensed something was wrong and looked over.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Xianglan was surprised and said: "Niang Niang, your little life has passed for three days..."


Concubine Yi showed a look of horror on her face.

She got up quickly and went to the dressing table to get the makeup mirror.

I don't know if it is a psychological reason.

The same glass mercury mirror, in the morning, it still feels good, and the skin is white and tender, but now it feels pale inside, as if there are faint spots on the sides of the nose.

"No way……"

Concubine Yi's face was pale: "Concubine Hui is ten years older than me, Concubine Rong has dyed her hair for more than ten years, these two are not clean yet, I will be clean..."

She thought of Concubine Shuhui again, who was nineteen years older than herself.

This time on the way to follow the retinue, Tiankui was cut off.

Concubine Yi didn't care about being jealous with her daughter-in-law, looking at herself in the mirror, she couldn't accept that she was about to become an old woman who would be cut off from Tiankui.

When Tiankui is cut off, the green head card is about to be played, and there is no way to hide it if you want to.

She will be a joke in the palace.

She has always been strong, but when she gets excited, she only feels that her eyes are dark and her body goes limp.

Xiang Lan was horrified, she hurriedly stepped forward to hug her, and shouted sharply: "Come on, come on, pass on the imperial physician..."

The place in the palace is limited.

The palace servants on Yifei's side looked like headless chickens, and they were reporting to the imperial court, and they were also going to preach to the imperial physician.

The news spread immediately.

Brother Nine has brought Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen back.

He has already quietly explained the secret to his two younger brothers.

Now Brother Nine is just thinking about it, he wants to see Brother Three's jokes.

This guy doesn't have a long memory.

I hope Khan Ama can give him a hard time this time, so that this guy won't be so annoying in the future.

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Even if Han Ama wanted to punish him, he wouldn't use this reason. Dong E's family and Beizi's mansion were also involved in it... Let's talk about it, it doesn't sound good..."

Brother Jiu was a little disappointed after hearing this.

"Let him escape again? Khan Ama is too used to this, if you don't teach him, I'm afraid you won't be able to break it in the future..."

Brother Thirteen smiled and said: "It's hard to tell now, they say three years old, how old is he..."

Brother Nine gave him a sideways look, and said: "Let you see a joke! It's because you are far away from each other. It's not good for you young ones. The eldest brother and fifth brother suffered a lot when they were young..."

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while, and said, "Fifth Brother is too honest, Eldest Brother is a bit lazy, and he doesn't care about anything other than meeting the Crown Prince... He wouldn't dare to mess around with someone else, maybe he would have cleaned it up long ago." To be honest..."

Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "You're right, you're a bully! When I was young, I bullied Lao Qi, but later Lao Qi got angry, punished him twice, and walked around after that... But myna, I got it back then. Khan Ama praised him a few times and poked his lung tube, and he said a lot of sour words, that is, the starling has a good temper, otherwise I would have quit..."

The brothers are talking about the third child behind their backs, which is actually not in compliance with the rules.

But sometimes, it is enough to feel at ease, and obey the rules without hiding people's backs.

Shu Shu listened at the side without interrupting.

She watched her brothers despise the third elder brother, but she made a note in her heart that that one would also be a strongman in the future.

I don't have the ability, but pulling others off the horse is the first class.

The villain is always like this.

You can't do great things, but you can ruin them.

The atmosphere in the room was just right, and He Yuzhu trotted in.

On a very cold day, he was sweating from running out.

"Master, Fujin, our mother is not well..."

There was silence in the house.

Shu Shu immediately stood up and greeted Brother Jiu: "Master, let's go over and have a look..."

Brother Jiu looked in a daze and said: "Did the master miss you? What you said is that the empress dowager is not good..."

(End of this chapter)

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