My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 243 Brother, Son

Chapter 243 Brother, Son

Everyone was speechless.

Now is not the time to be silly.

Shu Shu hurriedly asked He Yuzhu: "What's wrong with your mother?"

He Yuzhu trembled and said: "The servant came out of the imperial pharmacy and saw Eunuch Zhao next to the empress. He went to ask the imperial doctor and said that the empress fainted..."

Besides, He Yuzhu didn't know either.

Shu Shu told Walnut: "Go to Wufujin and tell me, so that I don't know..."

Without delay, everyone rushed to the palace where Concubine Yi was temporarily staying.

One step earlier than the imperial physician.

Concubine Yi had already been helped to lie flat on the kang, her eyes were tightly closed, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

Xianglan stood beside her, her face full of suspense.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he was anxious and hurriedly said, "I was fine this morning, why did I faint? What the hell is going on..."

In front of the adult prince, even if it was born by the empress, Xianglan couldn't say anything about the extinction of the sunflower, so she could only hesitate and said: "The eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family came to say a few words at noon, and the empress is not very happy. ..."

"It's Guo Luoluo's house again..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"If something happens to my mother, I will ask his whole family to pay for their lives..."

When Kangxi got the news, he just arrived at the same time as the imperial physician.

Hearing this, he was so angry that his face was livid: "Yinzhen, shut up!"

You bastard, don't be afraid of taboos, talk about everything!

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he also knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and bit his lips tightly to keep silent.

The imperial physician has stepped forward to check the pulse.

At this moment, Fifth Elder Brother and Wu Fujin also arrived.

The two were worried and waited for the imperial doctor to make a diagnosis.

Kangxi looked at Xianglan: "What's going on?"

In front of the emperor, Xianglan didn't dare to talk about Guo Luoluo's family anymore, fearing that there would be some kind of thunder and anger, and the Guo Luoluo family would not be able to bear it.

"Your Majesty has been a little irritable recently, and her chest is stuffy, and she said at the beginning that I want my slaves to go to the pharmacy to ask for some Qingxin pills..."

Kangxi's eyes first glanced at the fifth elder brother, then at the ninth elder brother and Shu Shu.

I roughly guessed why.

The eldest son was injured and disfigured, and the second son suffered physical damage.

My mother's family is not at ease.

In Kangxi's heart, he made another note to Guo Luoluo's family.

It's just that Concubine Yi's health is critical right now, so it's not the time to pursue it.

Brother Jiu looked at Concubine Yi who was unconscious, his heart was full of fear, his eyes were a little straight.

Even though he always complained about Er Niang's eccentricity, he never thought about what would happen to Er Niang one day.

Shu Shu was worried before, and her handkerchief was clenched.

Who let her show off her masculinity today.

If Concubine Yi is really angry about this matter, how will she deal with herself in the future?
Usually, I don't realize that Yifei has such a temper, otherwise Shu Shu would never let herself be in the current predicament.

She paid attention to the look of the imperial physician.

The imperial physician's expression seemed flat.

No anxiety and panic.

Shu Shu's heart was settled at once.

It shouldn't be a serious illness.

Otherwise, with a status like Concubine Yi, the imperial physicians would only be in panic.

At this time, the imperial physician had already checked the pulse, and had also carefully checked Yifei's complexion.

The imperial physician didn't speak immediately, but looked at the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother with strange eyes.

Kangxi asked: "What's going on? Is it a rush, or what?"

The imperial physician bowed and said, "Your Majesty, wait a moment, Rong Chen will ask Miss Xianglan..."

Xiang Lan hurriedly said, "You said..."

The imperial doctor said: "Dare to ask the girl, is it because your mother hasn't received her monthly letter this month?"

Xiang Lan nodded: "Maybe I was tired on the road, so I was a few days late..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin stood side by side, and the two had already reacted.

The sisters-in-law looked at each other with a complicated look.

Kangxi also understood. He was sitting on the edge of the kang, but he stood up all of a sudden.

"Is it Huamai?"

The imperial doctor bowed, and said in a brisk voice, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, your majesty has a slippery pulse. It's been more than a month. It didn't show up before, so I didn't diagnose it..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Then this fainting..."

The imperial physician said: "Your Majesty has been sleeping lightly lately, lacking in energy and blood, she just fainted when she was emotionally agitated... she woke up later..."

At this time, it is time to invigorate the blood.

Because Concubine Yi is in good health, the imperial physician did not prescribe a prescription, but prescribed food tonic.

Take two blood swallows a day, morning and evening.

He also instructed Xianglan: "Recently, the empress has been sleepy and her appetite has increased. It's normal, so don't worry..."

Pandan took notes carefully.

Only then did Kangxi laugh happily.

"Good! Good! Good! For those who serve, reward the bimonthly rule!"

Headed by Xianglan, the maids and eunuchs on Yifei's side all knelt and thanked each other.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen are a bit awkward.

I don't know if I should step forward to congratulate him at this time, or retreat.

Brother Nine finally realized it later, knowing that it was a false alarm.

He frowned and said: "Emiang is really, I don't care how old she is, she still has pearls..."

The front is the mother-in-law, this time it is the mother-in-law.

Brother Nine heard Shu Shu talk about the worries of "older mothers", so he was naturally more worried than happy.

Kangxi frowned and looked at him and said, "Huh, what's the matter, you don't want to be an elder brother?"

Brother Nine glanced at Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen.

"My son doesn't lack younger brothers... My son just feels... awkward. My eldest nephew is running all over the place. What's the matter?"

He had scruples in his heart, and he didn't dare to say any more unlucky words, so he changed his words.

Kangxi glanced at him angrily.

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "The son, congratulations to Khan Ama for growing old and strong..."

Kangxi thought of a common saying inexplicably.

Dogs cannot change shit.

The third child is like this.

The same is true for Lao Jiu.

With several sons standing in front of him, the room seemed crowded.

Kangxi waved his hand and sent everyone down.

It wasn't until they were far away that fifth elder brother said to ninth elder brother: "I also feel awkward..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's right, I'm already holding a grandson, and I'm going to raise my younger son, I can't think about it..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin followed behind hand in hand.

Neither of them spoke.

Wu Fujin breathed a sigh of relief.

When the mother-in-law has an old son or daughter, she should not stare at the eldest son.

Shu Shu thought of this crisis.

I still haven't thought it through.

If Concubine Yi wasn't pregnant, and she was really angry, then all the good things she had done before would be useless.

Go straight on the avenue.

In the future, it is better to act in an upright manner.

Even if Guo Luoluo's family is to be punished, it may not be necessary to come forward.

Concubine Yi is still able to bear children for the emperor at her age. In the eyes of outsiders, she is extremely honored and favored. Isn't it a bad thing?

Just by looking at how the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are favored, one can know the difference between the youngest son.

It was Brother Nine who was thinking about the "advanced puerpera", and felt a little irritable, but he couldn't say this out of his mouth, so he couldn't help complaining to Brother Fifth.

"Before, I was partial to Fifth Brother. I really want to add an old son and an old girl, and I don't even care about me..."

Fifth elder brother took it seriously, thought for a while, and said: "I have you in my eyes, don't compete with the little one..."

Brother Nine: "..."

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were beside them, and they couldn't help laughing.

Elder Brother Ten hooked Elder Brother Ninth's shoulder: "Brother Ninth, my younger brother also has you in his eyes..."

Brother Thirteen ticked the other side: "You are also in Thirteen's eyes, Brother Ninth, don't be sour..."

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand to push, but he couldn't push it away, and said with distaste: "Go, go, that's what I said..."

A false alarm.

In the end it turned out to be good.

Everyone went away.

Shu Shu thinks more.

Shengjia will return to Luang the next day.

In the past, Qifujin was stranded in the paddock palace because of the early pregnancy and was afraid of bumps.

The current situation on Yifei's side is similar to Qifujin's.

She mentioned this to Brother Jiu.

"Does your empress want to stay in Shengjing to raise a baby?"

Wait until the full three months before returning to Beijing.

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said: "Should not be used. Shengjing to the capital is a royal road. It is flat and has been repaired this year... Besides, the frame of the empress is also more stable, so it should be fine..."

Apart from the worries of the husband and wife, no one else felt that there was anything to worry about.

At this time, there is no concept of older women.

Instead, I think it is a symbol of good fortune.

Shu Shu calculated Concubine Yi's age, she was thirty-nine years old, fourteen years had passed since her last childbirth.

No matter how careful you should be.

She urged Brother Jiu: "Master, I'd better go to the Imperial Hospital and ask carefully. You have to think carefully, so as not to be negligent..."

Brother Jiu was worried for a long time, and hurried to the imperial doctor's room.

On Kangxi's side, when Concubine Yi woke up, Concubine Di concubine talked lingeringly for a while.

Seeing Concubine Yi's sleepy eyes, Kangxi watched her eat a bowl of bird's nest, and urged her to lie down and have a rest.

Concubine Yi's face was flushed, she was no longer what she used to be.

She loves face the most, she fainted because she was afraid that she would become a joke in the palace.

Right now, I am about to be proud.

After the emperor left, Concubine Yi felt a little inadequate.

It seemed that she was a little ashamed in front of her daughter-in-law.

My little elder brother, little Gege, is even younger than my nephew.

She told Xianglan, "Go to the two Fujin's, just to explain that you don't need to spend time the day after tomorrow. I'm doing well here, I need to catch up on sleep, and I'm impatient to see people. They can do whatever they have to do..."

Pandan cheerfully agreed.

When Kangxi returned to his living place, he also got the news that elder brother Jiu went to the imperial physician to be on duty.

He snorted softly, feeling a lot in his heart.

This son can't speak, but he has a heart of a child.

third child...

speak nicely...

My mind is twisted...

It was rare for Kangxi not to be irritable while he was reviewing papers.

There is no shortage of sons.

No, there will be again.

At this moment, elder brother Jiu arrived in a hurry.

Kangxi also wanted to hear what the imperial physician had to say, so he asked Brother Jiu to come in.

Ninth elder brother directly stated his intention.

"Han Ama, my son just asked the imperial physician, and said that Erniang is in good health and does not need to lie still to raise her baby, but she should not be too tired... When the holy driver returns to Luan, should he go fast or slowly? If he goes fast, then Son and son Fujin spend a few days with Erniang in Shengjing to recuperate?"

Kangxi thought for a while and said, "No, just slow down..."

The road from Shengjing to the capital is a royal road, and it is not hard to travel sixty or seventy miles a day.

They should be able to return to the capital before the twelfth lunar month.

If you stay in Shengjing to raise your baby, you will have to wait until the next year.

To avoid the melting of ice and snow, so as to avoid slippery road surface, it will take longer.

At that time, maybe it is even more inappropriate to run around.

Brother Nine felt relieved after hearing this.

He hesitated, was about to say something, shut up again, and then quit.

This son has always been used to croaking, and it is rare that he left so happily today, Kangxi is not used to it.

"Just now, does Lao Jiu still want to say something else?"

He asked Liang Jiugong the way.

Liang Jiugong said: "Master Jiu is straightforward, he always said something in front of the emperor, it shouldn't be a big deal so he didn't say anything..."

Kangxi thought about it, Brother Jiu really couldn't hide things in his stomach, and it should be fine if he didn't say anything.

After returning to the residence, Brother Jiu whispered to Shu Shu.

"Master Cai almost couldn't help but tell Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu was curious.

"What do you want to say?"

Brother Nine lowered his head, feeling more uncomfortable on his face: "I want to say hello to Ama Khan. If I give birth to a little brother, we will take care of it..."

Shu Shu felt like a thunderbolt.

She laughed and said, "I didn't say anything, it's good..."

If you say so, Qing waits to be scolded.

It's not a kitten or a puppy, it's a noble prince with healthy parents, so it's not his brother's and sister's turn to act as big cloves of garlic.

Brother Nine nodded, feeling depressed.

"That's what I think, the prince is different..."

The prince has a noble status and no shortage of titles.

The emperor's grandson is different.

The grandson of the emperor can see that he is filial to his heir mother in terms of the inheritance of the title; the prince does not think of the kindness of his sister-in-law and be filial to his sister-in-law.

Seeing his serious appearance, Shu Shu felt angry, funny, and slightly sour.

She took Brother Jiu's hand and said, "I'm lazy. I don't even want to raise cats or dogs, let alone raise a child...don't worry about it...don't worry about it until we are seventy or eighty. If you don't have the fate of children, then just have a grandson to inherit the incense, wouldn't it be easier..."

Brother Nine was dumbfounded.

"It's not the way to save trouble, is it? Didn't you agree to hug the old ten later?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Anyway, I'm still a child, and I'm not too old. Let's wait ten or twenty years before we mention this..."

Speaking of this, she had to ask a few words: "In the future, if you adopt the elder brother of the tenth brother, don't talk about it. If our children come late, it will be embarrassing... "

The main reason is that they entered the door after the tenth year of the Jin Dynasty, and it was outrageous to hear this.

He hasn't given birth yet, and you pre-arranged an heir, perhaps because of deep brotherly love, but it is cruel and unfair to the child's mother.

Brother Nine listened and nodded.

"Okay, I won't talk about it... Needless to say, the old ten must be at the top of my heart, but I'm thinking, this nephew should not be as good as my son..."

(End of this chapter)

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