My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 244 The Rare Ferret

Chapter 244 The Rare Ferret

Shu Shu didn't want to hear any more about his heir, so she handed over the gift list from Guo Luoluo's family.

She did it on purpose.

Brother Jiu received the gift list, and after reading it, his face turned cold.

Although Guo Luoluo's family has raised the flag, Sanguanbao's brother and nephew still occupy the position of assistant leader in Shengjing inlaid with yellow flags.

The wrapping Zuoling in Shengjing is different from the wrapping Zuoling in Beijing.

The responsibility is greater and the oil and water are more abundant.

The Yamen of the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs is jointly in charge of the three banners, Baoyi Zuoling.

Ninth elder brother has already come out to work, and he is well aware of the rank and salary of officials.

In Guo Luoluo's house, the Sanguan Bao wears a manchurian assistant leader with a yellow flag inlaid on his body, and also has the title of minister of the Sixth Ministry of Industry in Shengjing.

Zuo Ling is the fourth grade, with a salary of one hundred and fifty taels of silver.

The minister of the Ministry of Industry is from the third grade, with a salary of one hundred and fifty-five taels of silver.

Although the sons of Sanguanbao have already raised the flag, most of them still have errands in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

That is, the rank is not high, the highest is the fifth-rank doctor, and the lowest is the seventh-rank treasurer, with an annual salary ranging from eighty taels to forty-five taels.

There are six fathers and sons, and the annual salary adds up to about five hundred taels.

Feed the whole family up and down dozens of people.

"It's really rich..."

Brother Jiu sneered, "Is this because I'm afraid others won't know that they are greedy?"

Shu Shu felt that compared with greedy ink, ginseng should also be paid attention to.

Collecting ginseng privately is a serious crime.

Even the royal family and princes dare not touch it lightly, so why should a man in a coat?
If you really want others to pay attention to this matter, if it is uncovered, will it be blamed on the fifth elder brother and ninth elder brother.

Shu Shu pointed to the person's parameters and said: "Master, didn't you say that ginseng is precious? Why did Guo Luoluo's family prepare so many..."

Speaking of which, she felt that she might be thinking wrong.

Guo Luoluo's family is not a fool, and this is a gift to the palace, and they have to go through the gate control.

How could the handle be exposed outside?

She recalled a similar record in Materia Medica, and changed her words: "Could it be that in Materia Medica, ginseng' can also be harvested and planted in October, just like the method of growing vegetables' is true..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "This is young ginseng. Its medicinal power is insufficient, and the price is only [-] to [-]% of that of ginseng..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat.

"I heard that Zhijun Wang and Sanbeile have divided the Zhuangzi in Shengjing? What about Fifth Brother and the others?"

Brother Nine said: "They should all be divided, but I don't know when, the fourth brother, the fifth brother, the seventh brother and the eighth brother, the four Baylors, it is estimated that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will separate Zhuangzi, and then divide them equally into their names. ..."

Even though he was supposed to act as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it was not good for him to directly intervene in such matters.

Even if he can intervene, he can't put his partiality on the face and choose the good Zhuangzi for the fifth brother and the starling.

In that case, Khan Ama could not tolerate him.

Ginseng farming, Shu Shu just put it down after thinking about it.

One bite cannot make a fat man.

At present, deer blood ginseng antler pills are the main ones.

Shu Shu said: "Going out with my master today, I found that the soldiers and civilians in Shengjing City seem to be very rich. Do you want to set up a sales point here? There is no need to open a shop, just find a proper shop for consignment..."

Guo Luoluo's family is considered a good family in Shengjing, but there are still many such families in Shengjing.

Since these people show their wealth, they can also reap a crop.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Tomorrow is just right to go to the market to have a look..."

Shu Shu said that tomorrow she wanted to ask someone to buy ready-made clothes for her followers.

Brother Jiu was very satisfied when he heard that she had made all the arrangements: "It's my negligence, I forgot about this, and now it's cold, everyone followed me for a few months, it's really hard..."

While talking, Sun Jin came in, bringing the steward of the elder brother.

It turned out that the elder brother heard that Shu Shu was going to buy winter clothes, so he handed over the list and entrusted the matter to Shu Shu. Along with the list, there were five hundred taels of silver pancakes.

Shu Shu asked someone to collect the list and money.

Brother Jiu was not happy with it, and started nagging after the steward left.

"What's the matter, boss, is he calling people around?"

Shu Shu didn't care too much.

"Anyway, we have to send someone to buy it, it's just a matter of convenience..."

At this moment, the nurse next to Wu Fujin came.

They also came to send bills and money.

"We, Fujin, thought that although the empress sent Aunt Xianglan a message, it would be better to leave someone in the palace, so as not to be inconvenient when the empress wants to give orders..."

Shu Shu nodded, this is Wu Fujin's prudence, and let Walnut accept the list and money.

On the big brother's list just now, more than [-] pieces of ready-made clothes are needed.

There are also more than [-] pieces for Wu Fujin and his wife.

In addition to their here, with the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, the total number is more than a hundred and dozens.

Mammy left.

Shu Shu was a little worried, and talked to Brother Jiu.

"We're going to buy out the leather clothes in Shengjing City, right? What if it's not enough?"

Brother Jiu smiled and said, "I don't know much about it. It's cold here in winter, and there are many leathers. It's not as expensive as in Beijing. Let alone more than a hundred pieces, you can buy them by multiplying them a few times..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn competitive.

Even if she sold her favor, she hoped to do it perfectly.

Brother Jiu saw her like this, so he had to mention something: "Besides, you don't need to give all the skins. You see, on the list of the boss and the fifth brother, the second row is a cotton coat..."

Shu Shu took it over and looked at it.

I saw this just now and thought nothing of it.

Looking at it now, I was negligent.

Appreciation of clothes, but also to share.

Not all leather jackets.

After a while, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also sent people over.

Also buying bills and silver,
Let my sister-in-law take care of the general affairs, but there is no reason to be cheeky and let my sister-in-law make up for it.

Shushu was taken away.

Brothers, clear accounts, very good.

The third elder brother didn't move.

I don't know if I want to arrange people to go shopping, or other plans.

Brother Nine murmured to Shu Shu: "Master, I bet you that the third child has committed another mistake of narrow-mindedness, and he is reluctant to pay for his servants by himself. It will definitely be nothing..."

Shu Shu listened and remembered it in her heart.

There is no need to criticize the third prince for this.

Palace servants and eunuchs all received annual salaries, and various clothing materials were rationed according to their grades.

This reward is extra.

Giving is favor.

It is also reasonable not to give.

It was my generosity that accidentally tricked the third elder brother again.

It really wasn't intentional.

You can't take him into account and let the people around you suffer from the cold.

There are rules in the palace, food and clothing are decent.

Unless the master rewards it, the servants are not allowed to wear fur.

The next day, the entire entourage was resting and there was no itinerary.

Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen came over after breakfast.

Today, everyone will visit Shengjing City together.

Shu Shu and the ninth elder brother were in a carriage, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother followed each other on horseback, behind them were ten guards and fifty guards.

Didn't make any micro-service private visits.

Shu Shu's carriage was provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which fits the Zhulun carriage of his prince Fujin.

The three brothers, Brother Nine, were wearing ordinary clothes, but they also wore yellow belts.

They are mainly shopping.

Because they wanted to buy some leathers and give them back to others, they went straight to the largest leather goods store in the city.

The shop is called "Shangyi Pavilion".

The name is magnificent, and the appearance of Wujian is also magnificent.

As soon as the carriage stopped, the shopkeeper inside got the news and came out to greet him.

Looking at the yellow belts around their waists, they are all equipped with guards and guards.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to be ambiguous, and said with a thousand words: "Slave Cheng Fu has met the masters, and greeted the masters..."

Hearing this, Elder Brother Shi asked curiously, "Which household are you a servant of..."

The shopkeeper bowed and said: "The slave is a servant of Prince Kang's mansion, and he is here to take care of the shop of the mansion as ordered by the lord..."

Brother Jiu happened to get off the carriage, and after hearing this sentence, he felt a little bit blocked.

He was thinking about whether to get in the carriage again and change the shop.

Shu Shu has already picked up the curtain and is about to get out of the car.

The shopkeeper took a look, recognized the person, and hurried forward and said: "It turns out that my aunt has arrived, my servant Cheng Fu, please greet you..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand and got out of the carriage.

Seeing the person coming, she laughed: "So it's Brother Cheng Fu..."

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "I don't dare, you just call the slave by name..."

It turned out that this was Prince Kang Chuntai's baby brother, who Shu Shu saw often when she was a child.

At that time, the shopkeeper was still half a boy, and now he has a beard, and he looks quite mature.

Shu Shu went to look up at the plaque again, her brows were crooked, and she was in a good mood.

The shopkeeper said flatteringly: "It's still the name my aunt chose back then. It's a good name. The business is booming, and this shop has also been established..."

Brother Nine was beside him, more and more worried, but he couldn't show it in front of his younger brothers, so he could only bear it.

Seeing Brother Jiu fell ill again, Shu Shu pulled his sleeve and said with a smile: "I thought about it when I was six years old. At that time, my aunt wanted to change a restaurant here into a leather goods store, so she asked me to name it as a joke. , I didn't know these things, so I just made up nonsense, I didn't expect my aunt to choose this..."

six years old...

It's the shop opened by Prince Kang Taifujin...

Brother Jiu felt a little more at ease.

He's not that mean...

Elder Brother Shi was nearby, and he understood the origin of this shop, so he told Sun Jin: "Since it is a relative's shop, it is more convenient to buy here first..."

It was because he wanted to sell favors, but he was afraid that Shu Shu would be embarrassed to speak up, so he passed her order to Sun Jin.

Sun Jin was quick-witted and understood the reason, so he immediately bowed to answer.

Shu Shu thinks so is also good.

The bulk of the purchases this time were not the ready-made clothes of the servants, but the gifts of several of them.

There are not many thirteen elder brothers here.

He got the leather in the paddock before, and that's about it.

The main thing is to want some good leather materials, as a birthday present for Concubine Zhang.

Zhang Pin is thirty this year, and it is a full birthday.

On the side of ten elder brothers, there are more favors.

The filial piety of the in-laws outside, as well as the elders from Mongolia who sent off relatives, will also come to Beijing at the end of the year.

Shu Shu here is even bigger.

In addition to several elders and respected relatives, there are also in-laws and relatives.

I received a lot of gifts when I got married before, and I have to take advantage of the New Year's ceremony or something to give back some.

Shu Shu was not as polite as the shopkeeper, and said: "You guys are all rich, you just bring up all the good stocks..."

The shopkeeper agreed, and ordered someone to go to the storeroom to bring out a few boxes.

They are all tanned leather.

Mainly mink and fox fur.

The mink fur is mainly sable, and the rest are patterned mink. What is rare is that there are a few rolls of mink, which are ferrets and Taiping mink.

Needless to say, ferrets are white in color without variegation.

Used to make collars and trims are all top-notch.

Taiping mink is green, which is not common.

Because elder brother Thirteen had prepared a birthday gift, everyone asked him to choose first.

He took a look at the ferret fur.

But thinking of Shu Shu, he hesitated.

There are not many ferret furs, only four rolls in total.

Added up, it is the amount of one piece of clothing.

He looked at Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Shu Shu's gaze also fell on the ferret, and her heart tightened.

For a moment, I was hesitant to cut off my beard...

 The monthly ticket list turned out to be 81, and it has advanced to 39 places. I am moved, grateful, and grateful. ^_^The goal for the next three and a half weeks, stick to it

(End of this chapter)

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