My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 245 Grandpa wants to say, Grandpa is not short of money

Chapter 245 Grandpa wants to say, Grandpa is not short of money (Second ask for a monthly ticket)
Speaking of which, the Manchus, like other northern minorities, have a tendency to favor whiteness.

It was like this before entering the customs, and there are still some after entering the customs.

In Costin, pure white is the most respected.

Among the horses, the white horse is also the top grade.

But after many years of entering the customs, the Eight Banners have been sinicized, and now some taboos have also been added.

It is this white clothes, not ordinary clothes.

In fact, the big wool clothes are wrapped in fur, and the outside is made of other silks and satins, and the color cannot be seen outside.

But thinking of Zhang Bin...

Shu Shu still feels that white is not appropriate.

Especially the white fur given by Elder Brother Thirteen.

Shu Shu hesitated.

Everyone noticed something was wrong.

It's not that she suspects that she is petty and domineering, and wants to occupy the ferret fur.

Because I know that she is not that kind of person at all, otherwise I wouldn't let Brother Thirteen pick the skin first.

Brother Jiu had been married to her for half a year, knowing that she had many taboos, he immediately thought of the reason.

He pointed to the rolls of Taiping sable furs, and said to Brother Thirteen: "Choose this one, it's rare, it's rare in Beijing..."

As he said that, he pointed to the rolls of ferret fur again, and said to Elder Ten: "The old ten will keep these rolls, the Mongols are still white, and there is no taboo..."

Brother Thirteen understood the reason.

Since it is a birthday gift, of course it is not a taboo.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to Brother Jiu's arrangement..."

Elder Brother Ten felt that ferrets were rare and wanted to decline, but after thinking about what Brother Ninth said, he nodded and stayed.

He was worried that something was really unlucky and he bumped into Brother Jiu.

He felt that he, like Sister-in-law Nine, was suffering from a heart attack. He liked to listen to auspicious words and was afraid of bad omens.

Even if it doesn't work, I'm afraid it will come true.

Elder Brother Thirteen also made a note of this in his heart.

Brother Nine's body...

Not only do you need to pay attention, don't make similar mistakes again.

In the future, we should pay more attention to brother Jiu and sister-in-law Jiu.

A total of six boxes of leather were carried out, except for the same one picked by the thirteenth brother and two boxes picked by the tenth brother, the rest were all rounded by Shu Shu.

When it was time to settle the bill, the shopkeeper refused to settle the bill.

"Don't worry, pay the bill first, and wait until the account is settled later..."

This is to wait for the palace to show.

Shu Shu refused to take advantage of this.

If it was really going to be spread to the ears of my aunt or cousin, most of them would not accept money for their affection for her, wouldn't that be a waste of money?

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, I just changed some dealer tickets, just settle it..."

Seeing her firm expression, the shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, held the account book, and took a step back.

"It's my own business, and you are not someone else, or just count according to the purchase price? Whose money is it earning? It's not easy for the slave to earn your money. Otherwise, we are too rich and the prince can't spare the slave..."

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "If that's the case, it's not easy for us to buy from you... I also have a shop under my name, and I know that labor, storefront, and loss are all indispensable. Needles are not spared when buying and selling a horse, what my aunt has said before, this is the truth..."

The shopkeeper also said that elder brother Jiu is already bored.

He directly took the account book from the shopkeeper, and handed it to Sun Jin: "Pay the bill according to the purchase price plus [-]%..."

Sun Jin took it, and bowed in response.

The shopkeeper looked at Brother Jiu with a stern face, and didn't dare to talk anymore, and only looked at Shu Shu with pleading.

Shu Shu pulled the sleeves of Brother Nine, as if she was married and obeyed her husband, and said softly: "Just listen to our master..."

The shopkeeper whispered: "There is no need to add [-]%, and the [-]% can be equal..."

The profit margin of fur is high, and the shop and the staff are all servants of the palace, and there is not much loss of expenses.

Shu Shu said: "In the cold winter months, it's not easy for everyone to work outside, so stop talking..."

In fact, even if the purchase price is increased by [-]%, this time it can be regarded as taking advantage of Kang Wangfu.

The few rolls of ferret fur and the few rolls of Taiping mink fur are obviously good things to put on the bottom of the box, and the selling price has more than doubled.

Brother Jiu is not rare to take advantage of this.

He condescended and said, "How many shops does your palace have in Shengjing? Is there a medicine shop?"

The shopkeeper was quite flattered, and replied honestly: "There are four shops in total, and there is a half-sized medicine shop... On weekdays, I am responsible for purchasing the medicinal materials in the house. If there are many, I sell them here..."

Brother Nine nodded and didn't say anything else.

He has decided to return the favor to Kang Wangfu.

Shengjing Pharmaceutical Sales will be located here later.

He still remembers the nine hundred acres of dowry Zhuangzi.

Always let Chuntai know that he is not short of money.

A group of people left the shop.

Sun Jin took a few people to stay.

In addition to checking out, but also to buy ready-to-wear.

Coincidentally, King Kang's Mansion also has a clothing store, which is also on this street.

It happened to be bought together, and it was convenient.

Shu Shu and his party picked a lively restaurant and went up.

The manager of the restaurant is similar to the shopkeeper of the fur shop. He is called "elder brother" when he comes up, and he calls himself a "slave".

It is the business of Prince Jane's mansion.

Most of the shops in the good parts of the city belong to the imperial family.

Everyone was not surprised, and was respectfully welcomed by the shopkeeper to the private room on the second floor.

Everyone eats imperial meals all day long, and they also want to taste the taste outside.

I didn't order any delicate dishes, so I asked the shopkeeper to serve two signature pots.

One is sauerkraut pot and the other is Feilong pot.

Sauerkraut pots are always available in the Imperial Dining Room.

The ones outside are not as refined as the ones in the palace, and they look rougher.

The copper pot was more than one foot long, and the bone broth sauerkraut that had been stewed for several hours was placed under it, and the top was covered to the brim.

White cut pork belly, blood sausage, frozen tofu, vermicelli.

The staple food is cat ears made of buckwheat.

The other pot is Feilong soup. In order to keep it delicious, no other dishes are added, just salt and chopped green onion.

It comes with a bowl of rice.

Everyone drinks the soup first, and then the rice.

Shu Shu thinks it tastes good.

The sauerkraut should have accumulated enough time, and it is more sour than the sauerkraut provided by Yushanfang.

The sauerkraut has been stewed for enough time, and the taste is better.

Brother Thirteen had regret on his face.

When everyone put down their bowls, he said suspiciously: "Eat the pot in the morning, I think it's just right, but now I eat it, I always feel that the taste is a bit bland..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Are you hungry for chili?"

Brother Thirteen nodded and said: "That's the difference! The same pot, if dipped in chili oil, the taste will definitely be better... Even Feilong soup, if half a spoonful of chili oil is added, the taste will definitely be better..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "When we return to the capital, our own shop will open, and we will add spicy pot..."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled when he heard that.

"Before I didn't understand why there was a pungent in the five flavors, but now I know..."

Brother Thirteen thinks Xin is the top of the five flavors.

It's hard for Shu Shu to explain to Elder Brother Thirteen the difference between pungent and spicy.

According to the ancients, the five flavors correspond to the five internal organs.

Sweet, bitter, salty, pungent, sour.

Five grains, five fruits, five livestock, and five vegetables can all correspond to the five flavors.

Among the five grains, millet is pungent.

Among the five fruits, peach is pungent.

Among the five animals, chicken is the pungent.

Among the five dishes, green onions are pungent.

This Xin's statement is more like an energy theory.

Spicy is a tactile response, not a taste response.

As for Brother Thirteen's obsession with the spicy taste, it also involves the secretion of dopamine.

This feeling, like being in love, is addictive.

If you don't eat for a few days, you will think about it.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, and also followed suit.

"Not only the pot needs to be spicy, but the barbecue is also better..."

Just as he was talking, the shopkeeper knocked on the door.

It turned out to be one of the restaurant's signatures, the clay oven roasted pigeons.

The shopkeeper personally brought some of them in, and presented them to the older brothers and Fujin.

It looks golden and crispy.

Everyone tasted it, and felt that it was delicious in color and fragrance, and it tasted better than two pots.

Obviously they ate well before, but they still ate a pigeon alone.

Seeing that everyone used it well, Shu Shu whispered a few words to Walnut.

So, when everyone went back, they packed up the remaining twenty or so roasted pigeons.

The pigeons are still hot, everyone came back early, in time for dinner.

Shu Shu arranged for He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to send them around, in the name of several elder brothers.

Therefore, for the masters in the palace, there is an extra "respectful dish" for dinner.

Kangxi rubbed his wrists, looked at the golden roasted pigeon, felt the filial piety of his sons, and was not happy.

These brats think about eating, drinking and having fun all day long.

There is nothing serious about it, the days are too leisurely.

He frowned, and followed Liang Jiugong's instructions: "Go over in a while and ask, how is the homework of the tenth brother and the thirteenth brother? Let them hand in their homework for this ten days, and don't waste their homework outside..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and agreed.

Kangxi thought of Brother Jiu, and felt that he couldn't be taken advantage of.

But Lao Jiu has already left the study room, so it's not good to punish him with homework.

"What's the matter with Brother Nine? Did you forget that he is also acting as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Isn't he supposed to be on duty today? Why do you have time to go out for a stroll..."

When Kangxi thought of this, he felt unhappy.

Liang Jiugong didn't speak for Brother Jiu, but thought about it and told the truth.

"My slave guesses, Master Jiu must have really forgotten...the matter of returning to Luan has always been watched by the county king and the third master. I am afraid that Master Jiu never thought that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for this incident..."

Neither the master nor the servant mentioned Fifth Prince.

That one has always made up the numbers.

You don't need to ask to know that it is appointed in front of the Queen Mother.

Kangxi thought about Brother Jiu's temperament, and said critically: "I don't have a long-term personality..."

He remembered it in his heart.

Before, because of his son's happiness, he didn't refer to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as the past.

Looking at it now, I still have to tighten the strings for him.

Otherwise, you can't tell when you will slack off.

As for the candidates, we have to choose slowly to see whether they are transferred from the outside or picked up from among the old people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu didn't know, so he spent half a day at leisure, went shopping, had a meal, and stabbed old Ah Ma's eyes.

His acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is still stable for the time being, but he will soon be decentralized.

At this time, elder brother Jiu was doing filial piety to his son and personally delivered roasted pigeons to Concubine Yi.

Although Concubine Yi asked someone to order her yesterday, but the son is still worried.

The daughter-in-law must be obedient and not disobey the mother-in-law's orders, but the son does not have to worry about anything.

If you want to go, go.

On Yifei's side, the dining table has been removed.

But seeing the delivery from her son, and smelling the strong aroma of roasted pigeons, Concubine Yi came up a little greedy again.

She washed her hands, ate two pigeon legs, and tore two wings.

The bones of the pigeon legs and wings are roasted crispy and chewy.

Brother Jiu saw how delicious her food was, and said: "If Er Niang likes to eat, my son will tell the dining room to find a few baskets of pigeons for preparation..."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi quickly waved her hands.

"No need, just take a bite if you catch up, and don't eat this on weekdays..."

Speaking of food, she hesitated, and said: "I just feel that there is no taste in my mouth, especially when I started to eat bird's nest, it is a bit sweet... If you still have spicy jerky, spicy jerky, etc. , send someone to bring some over..."

Brother Jiu shook his head quickly after hearing this: "That's not okay, you can't eat that..."

Concubine Yi was not happy, her face drooped: "What's wrong?"

Brother Jiu explained.

"My son went to the imperial doctor's room yesterday to inquire. Although Erniang's diet does not need to be too taboo, she can't eat spicy food, for fear that her stomach will feel uncomfortable and cause other symptoms... I really want to eat it, but I can bear it too much. Let's talk in a few months..."

Listening to her adult son, asking about this pregnancy taboo, Concubine Yi felt uncomfortable.

She covered it up and pouted her lips: "What I eat now is either sweet or salty, and I just want to eat something else..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then son will go to the imperial physician to ask again, to see if there is anything my mother doesn't like to eat, and think of two ways to grind my mother's teeth..."

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Then I'll trouble you guys, you just have to hurry up so as not to be inconvenient on the road..."

Her son is filial, and she also feels it in her heart.

It's just that I'm used to talking loudly, so I can't speak soft words.

She instructed: "Prepare more, don't forget about the queen mother, the queen mother has rewarded her several times along the way..."

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, my son will remember it... But I have told you that no matter whether you give birth to a little princess or a little elder brother, when the private house is divided in the future, the share between your son and son Fujin will be precious." can not be less……"

Concubine Yi glared at him, and said: "You're thinking about your private house, what kind of nonsense are you talking about?"

Brother Jiu said bluntly: "I won't remind you a few words, why do you keep it in your heart... I was vague when I turned back, the eldest son is a treasure, and the youngest son is also a treasure, but I can't remember it. It's not a loss..."

Concubine Yi said helplessly: "Let's go, let's go, don't be mad at me..."

Ninth elder brother remained unmoved.

Concubine Yi hurriedly waved her hands: "Remember! Remember! Don't worry, I won't lose you, and I won't lose you, Fujin..."

Only then did Brother Nine nodded in satisfaction, got up and left.

Concubine Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she rubbed her stomach and said, "This old nine, I'm still thinking about fighting for favor even before I was born..."

Xiang Lan said: "My elder brother is also close to your mother, that's why..."

Concubine Yi also knew this, so she didn't care about her son.

She rubbed her belly, with a loving face, talking to Xianglan.

"Looking at Jiufujin's good looks and cleverness earlier, I thought it would be nice to have Gege... But we just came back from Mongolia, and thinking about the current situation of these princesses and princesses, I couldn't bear to give birth to a little Gege It's..."

The birth of a son and a daughter cannot be controlled by humans.

Xianglan could only comfort her: "Your Majesty's life has always been smooth, and this time the appointment can also come true..."

(End of this chapter)

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