My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 246 A Prophecy

Chapter 246 A word becomes a prophecy

Since there were twenty or so roasted pigeons packed back, everyone except Yuqian and Yifei also received them.

On the big brother's side, he directly asked someone to serve two taels of shochu, and took out the standing chili and cumin powder.

Dipping the roasted pigeon, Big Brother drank two taels of wine.

He has always regarded himself as the eldest brother and refused to take advantage of his younger brother.

Today, I sent people to order my younger brother and sister-in-law to help with the purchase. I also knew that they were not rich, so I tried to supplement them.

After eating the roasted pigeons, the eldest elder brother called the chief eunuch and asked him to send half a car of good leather that he had packed up to elder brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu.

The right is to thank the two for their help.

The chief eunuch took a few people with him, with big and small bags.

The third elder brother stood in the yard next door and looked straight at him.

He felt a little unhappy.

The old college raped...

The one who was clean before, now started to put down his body to win over the little brother, what does he want to do? !

The third elder brother had reconciled with the ninth elder brother on the face before, but he still felt somewhat awkward in his heart.

The matter of Qi Xi's illegitimate daughter was revealed only yesterday.

As a result, there was no follow-up.

Jiufujin looked amicable, but in fact he was very courteous and didn't make a fuss.

Now watching the elder brother win over the ninth elder brother, the third elder brother feels that he cannot be left behind.

With Lao Jiu, it's better for him to be in the front row.

He still remembers clearly that Khan Ama asked him why everyone was not on good terms with him.

Even if he didn't bother to pay attention to those people, he had to make friends with one or two people and show them to Khan Ama.

Thinking of this, he looked at the pigeons sent by brother Jiu, and felt that they were all knowledge.

Pigeons are not a rare thing, even if this one came out of a restaurant, it would only cost a few tens of pennies.

It doesn't cost a tael of silver to buy a dozen or twenty, but they can be sold everywhere.

Be a filial son and filial grandson.

Lao Jiu is also fine.

Brothers, one by one, are all amazing.

There is still a face to laugh at himself for being stingy, Lao Jiu is no better than himself.

Tian Gege also got a pigeon.

She was full of disgust, and she didn't intend to move her chopsticks.

Who knows whether the things outside will be buried or not.

She couldn't get in.

The third elder brother ate well, and felt that if he wanted to add vegetables to the queen's dining room, he could also add pigeons, which were cheaper than chickens, and they were enough to eat without throwing money away.

Seeing that Tian Ge didn't move his chopsticks, the third elder brother reached out and pinched the pigeon in front of her.

"Don't waste it, you can't eat it, Lord eat..."

Tian Gege: "..."

When the third elder brother ate the pigeons, the dining table was also removed.

Tian Gege hesitated.

Before, she wanted to be picky about the roasted pigeons, and said a few words about Brother Jiu and Jiu Fujin, but seeing that Brother Jiu ate all of them, it was hard to say that.

At this moment, the eunuch in charge of purchasing came back.

It turned out that after much hesitation, the third elder brother decided to follow the crowd and add clothes to the followers.

Otherwise, it's too eye-catching.

But he couldn't bear to buy new clothes, so he decided to settle for the next best thing, and sent someone to buy these cleaned and refurbished cotton clothes from the clothes appraisal shop.

The price can be saved by more than half.

More than [-] cotton-padded clothes, plus four or five small-haired leather clothes, add up to less than five taels of silver.

That is, [-] to [-]% of the new clothes.

Seeing that the clothes were clean and decent, the third elder brother nodded in satisfaction and ordered the steward.

"Then send it on, don't come over and kowtow..."

The steward should answer, but don't mention it when you go down and distribute it.

The third elder brother still felt a little distressed by the extra unnecessary expenses, and complained to Tian Gege.

"Jiufujin is really spoiled and spoiled, I don't know that the days are passing, and his hands are too loose..."

Tian Gege was thinking about the roasted pigeon that was robbed, so he didn't really want to answer the conversation...

Wufujin is here.

The husband and wife were sitting opposite each other, eating roasted pigeon.

Wu Fujin usually eats a light diet and doesn't eat much meat.

But the pigeon meat is lean, and it is dry and not greasy when roasted, so she ate a few more bites.

When the fifth prince saw it, he broke off his pigeon legs to her as well.

"Eat more if you like to eat, how can you not eat meat? Only by eating meat can you grow strong..."

Wu Fujin's eyes fell on Fifth Elder Brother's waist, and he responded with some reluctance: "I usually eat..."

This kind of belly meat can't be considered strong...

The fifth elder brother said: "The prince's dining room at Ninth Brother's side is very well prepared. After we return to Beijing, let's borrow someone from our younger siblings and put our four dining rooms back together, and then go to Ningshou Palace 'King Dish' is also convenient..."

It is right to be filial to the elders, Wu Fujin nodded and wrote it down.

It means "respecting dishes", only respecting Ningshou Palace, not Yikun Palace?

Wu Fujin hesitated for a moment, but did not ask.

It's better to go back and discuss it with Shushu to see if there is anything to avoid.

After all, the empress is pregnant now, so there may be other arrangements for her diet.

Shu Shu here.

Brother Nine has returned.

The husband and wife, looking at the big buns sent by the elder brother, had different reactions.

Shu Shu was a little embarrassed and said: "It seems that I have received gifts from elder brother several times..."

Short-handed, soft-mouthed.

This person comes and goes, this person is too real.

It's not easy for Shu Shu to use "Zhijun Wang" to refer to this elder brother.

Brother Nine felt at ease, and said: "The boss is like this, he has been generous to the brothers all the time, probably because he heard that we buy leather, so he subsidizes it..."

Shu Shu looked at him and said: "Since the elder brother has always been generous to you, why did you think about it before seeing you..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Who is to blame? It's not the boss's bad mouth... Treating people well is good, and training them is also true training... Who wants to be punished and hurt by him, so they should stay away ..."

Shu Shu didn't want to talk anymore.

When will Ninth Brother realize that he has the same problems as Big Brother, even more serious.

The elder brother taught the younger brother a lesson, and his identity as the eldest brother has a good starting point. Even if his words are not tactful, it can be attributed to "good words that hurt the ears".

Nine elder brothers, most of the time, it's just slaps and slaps.

That is, the elder brother of the prince, in an ordinary identity, hits three times a day.

Brother Jiu realized that he was not kind after finishing speaking, and changed his words: "But that was when I was young, now that I am older, I also know what is true and what is false..."

Shu Shu's heart moved, and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, let me see if it's good or not, it's not about how it's said, but how it's done... If it's good with just one mouth, it's a little dishonest..."

Brother Jiu agreed very much: "That's right, that's right, isn't that what the third child is like? It's just a mouth, if you really want to believe it, that's a big fool..."

Shu Shu smiled, but didn't answer.

Is there really only one elder brother?

Wait and see.

For a six or seven-year-old child, the "life-saving grace" from the mouth of the milk dog can be remembered for ten years.

For a sixteen-year-old younger brother who started to run errands, what should a good brother do?

There is a eldest brother who treats the ninth elder brother as his son, and there is also a "brother-controlled" fifth elder brother, a "brother-controlled" tenth elder brother, and a "brother-controlled preparation" thirteenth elder brother. I don’t know if the eighth elder brother can still Occupy the high position.

This road tour of the north has yielded a lot of rewards.

Compared with the things that can be seen, the gains that cannot be seen are more gratifying.

Shu Shu, she is no longer anxious.

Brother Jiu said that Concubine Yi wanted snacks.

Shu Shu felt that what Yifei mentioned was dried meat and dried meat, so what was greedy might not be chili peppers, it might be meat.

She sent a message to Xiaotang, ordering to prepare jerky.

Instead of the previous honey, sesame and spicy flavors, it has several new flavors.

"Cumin flavor, salt and pepper flavor, plum flavor, and some slightly spicy ones, just for a taste... Prepare more, except for the empress dowager and the empress, and share them everywhere..."

Xiaotang agreed.

Although Yifei looks very healthy, who knows if she will be weak after pregnancy.

If the body is weak, it may cause motion sickness on the road, or pregnancy reaction or something.

Shu Shu then ordered: "I remember that the dining room has apples and pears these days. You look at baking some dried apples or pears. This is troublesome. You don't need to do too much. Just prepare a few boxes and give it to the empress. A copy on the side of the empress dowager, forget about the side..."

She is here by herself, and she doesn't plan to stay.

Why is fruit scarce at this time.

All the tribute fruits in the dining room.

It's not the supply of their prince and Fujin at all, it's justified to be filial to the queen mother and concubine Yi, but it doesn't make such a big face when it comes to group points.

Brother Jiu usually doesn't care about food, but when he thinks of Shu Shu's instant soup dumplings, he can't help but think about it, and discuss it with Shu Shu.

"It's cold now, even if you take a break on the road, it won't take too long, that's half an hour, to feed the horses or something. It's inconvenient to add food at that time, as I said, I will prepare noodles, a lot of preparations, and soup You can also prepare it for the officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners..."

Shu Shu thinks it makes sense.

Instant noodles are just that convenient.

This is a matter but it is not suitable for her, a prince Fujin, to come forward.

This is not to send some food to the masters, but to prepare the meals for all the officers and soldiers who follow.

She then said: "My lord is now acting as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it's just a matter of one sentence to ask the dining room to prepare food..."

Brother Jiu realized later, got up hurriedly and said: "Master forgot about this, this time Luan's affairs, and Master's errands are involved..."

After finishing speaking, he left in a hurry, looking for orders from the officials of the House of Internal Affairs.

The next day, Kangxi returned to Luan with the Empress Dowager.

Civil and military officials of Shengjing, as well as soldiers, civilians, merchants, elderly women Tong Rang, etc., thanked the emperor for his kindness, and all gathered in the suburbs, kowtowed and cheered, burned incense and knelt to send off.

Shu Shu sat on the carriage, listening to the mighty cheers outside, feeling a little excited.

Finally returned.

Before leaving the capital, she was extremely looking forward to seeing the outside world.

But these days after she came out, she missed the capital.



And outside the palace.

It is indeed a strange thing for a woman to marry.

The family I have lived in for more than ten years has become my natal family.

Life is torn apart.

Before marriage, after marriage.

The second Ganxi Institute in the palace.

I didn't think there was anything before, it was just a big yard.

To be honest, from the time she married in at the end of June to the time she came out with her followers at the end of July, she lived there for a month and two days.

But compared with the outside, it also feels like home.

Shu Shu, who was afraid of the people in the House of Internal Affairs before, wished she could move out of the palace early.

Now that Brother Nine is acting as the agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, only Bao Yi is afraid to curry favor with them, and they are much more at ease, but they are not so eager to leave the palace.

Thinking of the monotony of the second school, and the delicacy of the yard of the first school.

Shu Shu discussed with Brother Nine: "When the year turns, I will also ask people to buy more flowers and trees to decorate the yard..."

Brother Jiu asked strangely: "Aren't you most afraid of bugs? Why are you still thinking about growing flowers and trees?"

Shu Shu was dumbfounded.

Forgot about this for a while.

This time the retinue entered Mongolia and lived in tents many times on the way.

Even if the insect repellent is on and the mosquito net is up, there are still "insects that slip through the net".

In addition, it is cold, and it is warmer in the tent than outdoors, and many flying insects are phototaxis.

Shu Shu has gained a lot of insight seriously.

She frowned and said, "Are there any plants that don't grow insects?"

Brother Nine jokingly said: "With your temperament, don't you come from fruit trees? Fruit trees can smell bad, big sister... If you are not afraid, the master will ask someone to buy it for you..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt disgusted.

That was when he first left Beijing, he couldn't catch the bugs at night, crushed the smelly sister to death, and Shu Shu was sick for two days.

She shook her head quickly: "Forget it, forget it, we will tidy up the garden when we have our own house, keep it away from the bedroom..."

Brother Nine laughed and didn't speak any more, but he was thinking about going back and asking someone to go to the Changchun Garden to find out if there are any fruit trees that are clean and don't like insects...

It's winter outside.

It was freezing cold.

It was as warm as spring in the carriage.

Small charcoal stoves are prepared at the front and back.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu didn't even wear big wool clothes, they wore small wool clothes and big wool capes.

Otherwise, it would be too hot.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, who were going to follow outside, were also sent by Shu Shu to take the car.

They are all on their way, and there is no order.

When it's time for a break, the two of you can just come over.

Those who served closely with Walnut and Xiaosong, the two of them, all wore woolen clothes.

Wear it with a cotton coat to keep out the wind and cold.

Others also rewarded with new cotton-padded clothes.

Because of the rush in winter, the break at noon is short, probably only half an hour.

There was no time to make food, but the water room of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was one step ahead, and hot water was ready for waiting.

Everyone had hot water and a few mouthfuls of dry food.

In this way, the Yi noodles that can be soaked in hair have become the best extra meal for every master.

The officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners did not have Iraqi noodles, but they also had steaming hot soup with dry food such as fried rice and fried noodles, and they were also warm.

Waited until the first palace.

Nine Elder Brother took people around inside and out, the house was clean and tidy, and all kinds of rice, noodles, meat and vegetables in the dining room of the palace were also seen.

Compared with the palace in August, it's a world of difference.

When he returned to his residence, he chatted with Shu Shu.

"Every one of them is treacherous, but they are fully prepared, so it's not easy to catch them..."

Shu Shu counted the time, it has been more than four months since Brother Jiu checked the presence of the palace at the beginning of August.

If they didn't take the warning and insisted on courting death, they would be fools.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "A group of rats, are we going to let them escape..."

Shu Shudao: "Master Qi has already conducted an investigation, and there should be records. If he wants to punish at that time, or wait for the aftereffects, there is a reference..."

Brother Jiu nodded, and his expression eased.

The rest of the journey was uneventful.

The child in Yifei's belly is also obedient and filial, and there is no such thing as morning sickness at this time.

Although the mother-in-law said that Shu Shu and Wu Fujin were not allowed to go to the province, they couldn't really hide.

Every day, either before departure or before moving into the palace, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin would go over to say hello.

Twenty days passed in a flash.

On this day, the ninth day of November, Shengjia arrived at Xincheng, where Emperor Shizu's Xiaoling Mausoleum was located, and also the Mausoleum of Emperor Kangxi.

Early the next morning, Kangxi led all the princes, princes, ministers, guards, etc. to pay homage to the hall and the Xiaoling Mausoleum temporarily, and held a drink and mourned.

Temporarily safe Fengdian, where the coffin of the Empress Dowager is enshrined.

The second time I went to the mausoleums of Empress Renxiao, Empress Xiaozhao, and Empress Xiaoyi to drink and mourn.

The convoy was waiting outside Xiaoling.

Female family members are not qualified to visit the mausoleum.

Concubine Yi and Concubine Zhang got off the carriage and looked at the imperial tomb in the distance.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin were accompanying him.

Concubine Yi felt sour when she thought about the three queens who had already been welcomed into Feng'an in the underground palace.

At this time, she can no longer deceive herself.

No matter how much affection, it is also a concubine's room.

Life cannot be in the same room, and death cannot be in the same acupuncture point.

She was a little discouraged, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know how big our place will be in the future..."

Except for the queen who can be buried with the emperor, all of them will be buried in the concubine's dormitory attached to the emperor's mausoleum.

No matter whether it is a high-ranking concubine or a promise similar to a court lady, there is no exception.

Now, how many people are buried inside?
Concubine Hui...

Concubine Wen Xi...

Princess Ping...

No matter how early, promise, Changzai, nobleman...

More than two slaps...

Birth, old age, sickness and death do not seem to be that far away.

Especially birth, old age, sickness and death in the palace.

Yi Fei felt a little sad.

Concubine Zhang also felt a little uncomfortable, and said softly: "I heard that the concubine's garden bedroom has already ordered auspicious points, and the empress must be the main point. It's hard to say..."

Wu Fujin reads a lot and doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so he just thinks that the two of them are just expressing their feelings.

Who said that the imperial mausoleum is in front of you, and it is the midwinter season when everything is withering.

Shu Shu listened, but felt a little uncomfortable.

Concubine Yi was implicated by her son, so she did not get the honor of the new emperor, so she naturally had to give way to the eminent concubine and imperial concubine, and her burial was ordinary.

What happened behind Zhang Pin was full of twists and turns, and she really answered the sentence "it's hard to say".

It seems that a word becomes a prophecy.

Shu Shu thought of Elder Brother Thirteen, and decided to remind him when he returned to the capital, and ask someone to take a good look at Zhang Concubine's side.

It would be great if we could detect the signs of the disease. We are not afraid of chronic diseases, and there is still a buffer time for recuperation.

If you can't find anything, if you are in good health now, and next year is an emergency, then there is nothing you can do...

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:6 a.m. on August 8th. This book is the starting point for the first release. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

 Although it is the third update, it is [-] words. The number of words in the four chapters, ^_^, thank you to every book friend, thank you very much, I wish you all a happy weekend, happiness and health.

(End of this chapter)

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