My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 247 Big brother asked for orders

Chapter 247 Big Brother Asked for Order

In history, the records of concubine's demise are too simple.

They are insignificant women and do not affect the trend and process of history.

If it is a queen, the mother of a country, and the righteousness of a female monarch, it will be recorded in more detail.

If it was a concubine, the emperor's concubine, even the most favored ones such as Taizong Min Huigong and Yuan Concubine Hai Lanzhu were only a few hundred words of historical material.

For other concubines, there may only be one or two lines left.

Just a few strokes.

Become a small embellishment in the history of the emperor.

After staying in the imperial mausoleum for an hour, Luanjia set off again.

Brother Nine did not return to the car.

Shu Shu was not surprised.

It should be accompanied by Elder Brother Ten.

Everyone is here.

Others don't have to go to the concubine's garden to worship.

Elder Brother Shi, the son of a noble concubine, had to go.

I don't know if the other elder brothers will go to accompany the sacrifice, but the good elder brother Jiu, who is "Jiao Buli Meng, Meng Buli Jiao", will not be left behind.

The pain of losing a mother cannot be healed after the filial piety.

Even if the ten brothers and sisters are harmonious and beautiful, with children and grandchildren, they will not be able to heal this pain in life.

Shengjia walked for another four days.

At noon on November [-], the Empress Dowager Kangxi returned to the Forbidden City, ending the four and a half month tour to the north and east.

Shu Shu lay on the kang, feeling her body was still swaying.

Even though the imperial road is flat, the current carriage does not have any shock absorbing measures, and the shaking is still obvious.

After a little cleaning, Shu Shu spread herself into a cake.

Nanny Qi and Xiaochun stood by, seeing her so tired, her eyes were red with distress.

Even though they were not blind, after looking at Shu Shu from the beginning to the end, they wished they could touch her, but they couldn't say that she had calmed down.

In the past [-] days since returning to Luan, Shu Shu did not exercise too much.

Eat more and move less throughout the day.

Although it is not perfect, but her cheeks are plump and her body is a bit fleshy.

Xiao Chun looked at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said softly: "The belt has been released by an inch..."

Walnut said from the side: "Is it necessary to change the shoe size, Fujin said that some feet are squeezed..."

Shu Shu heard it and turned her head lazily.

"I'm not in a hurry for the shoes. I guess I've been sitting in the car all the time. My feet are swollen... I'll see when the swelling subsides..."

After hearing this, Xiaochun took it to heart, and decided to sew a pair of loose soft shoes first, and let Fujin wear them in the house.

She made a note of this and told the story of the two institutes in the past few months.

It was clean at first.

Later, the two princesses began to move around.

Ordering food is also in one place, lively and bustling, looking like sisters, dare to speak loudly.

Later, Zhaojia Gege sent people out of the second school, but was stopped by Nanny Qi, so she settled down a bit.

"About when did I start to move around..."

Shu Shu asked.

Xiaochun thought for a while: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is over..."

Shu Shu counted the days, and it happened to be the time when Brother Jiu started to check the palace.

"Can you be safe in the future?"

she asked again.

Xiaochun sarcastically said, "By the end of September, everyone calmed down, and no one had to stare at them, and they just sat in the house peacefully...the two stopped running around each other. I heard that Zhao Jiagege Come to the door, Wang Gege doesn't entertain guests..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu understood in her heart.

This coincided with the time when Brother Nine acted as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It seems that the fence stakes of these two schools are not tight enough, the convenience of this news transmission.

Wang Gege is very funny.

Zhao Jiage is a little stupid, always rushing to the front, or trying to appear stupid on purpose.

Shu Shu made a note in her heart.

But it is not good to punish people at this time.

Otherwise, no one would look into the inside story, and would only think that she was jealous and unfriendly, and would be unhappy with Princess as soon as she came back.

Xiao Song also went back to freshen up, changed into clean clothes and came over to give Shu Shu a massage.

This taste is so comfortable.

Shu Shu put the two princesses behind her, thinking about the home outside.

Er Nie's pregnancy has been four months, so I don't know what's going on.

Is Ah Mou in good health?
What's more, my uncle has to be ill every autumn and winter.

It's a bit sad at the end of the year, and I have to suffer every winter.

Where is the cousin?
It should be better to have my cousin take care of me, right?

Shu Shu felt a little nervous.

She discussed with Nanny Qi: "I have just returned to the palace, so it is not easy to ask for leave to go back to the province. Nanny will walk for me tomorrow and see the elders..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Xiaochun and the others: "You guys ask for leave together, go with the nanny, and reunite with your family..."

Ever since Shushu was married to the palace, Xiaoyu and Xiaosong went back to Dong E's house twice, Xiaochun once, and Xiaotang never.

All four of them had children, and their families were all in the mansion.

This is also the first half of the year.

Xiaotang said: "The servant will not go back..."

Xiaochun also said: "Fu Jin always has people around, don't be in a hurry, wait for the next time..."

Shu Shu didn't force her, and only ordered Walnut to hand over to Xiaochun.

Count out the skins brought back.

Among them, many are for Dong E's house, and they can be taken back tomorrow.

Also, when buying small woolen clothes for everyone in Shengjing, the few left behind were also taken care of.

Nanny Qi, Xiao Chun, and Eunuch Cui, Li Yin, and Yao Zixiao.

Shu Shu didn't reward the others.

The masters were away for four months during this period, and half of everyone's errands were idle.

But in the middle, mid-autumn festival, elder brother and Fujin's birthday, there are rewards here as usual.

Shu Shu looked at Walnut and said, "You've worked hard these days, starting tomorrow, I'll give you three days off, go home and rest..."

Walnut hurriedly said: "I'm not in a hurry here, I'll talk about it when Mammy and the others come back..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Then the day after tomorrow, you will go out and spread the word, telling those who followed the northern patrol that they will all have a ten-day vacation starting tomorrow..."

The subsequent eunuchs and servants worked in three shifts in the palace and were on duty for four hours a day.

When you are away from home, there is no limit of four hours.

Even if you are rewarded with cotton clothes, it is more difficult than staying in Beijing.

Walnut agreed, and went down to spread the word.

The house where elder brother lives is all burned earth dragons.

The warmth in the room makes one drowsy.

Seeing the time for dinner, Shu Shu was afraid that she would fall asleep and would be sleepy at night, so she got up and went to the study.

I haven't practiced calligraphy for a long time.

Holding the brush, Shu Shu felt a little forgetful.

After copying two pages of the book, she still couldn't find the status, so she put down her pen.

She took "Materia Medica" and looked through it, thinking about the prescriptions that pregnant women can eat.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi looked at the eldest son who was kneeling on the ground, and felt sorry for him.

He got up and got off the kang, and helped the elder brother up himself.

The elder brother's face was sad, and the circles of his eyes were red.

Teenage hair, married for ten years, it is different after all.

Kangxi sighed: "Do you have to move at this time?"

The elder brother nodded, with a vibrato: "I beg Khan Ama to be fulfilled..."

She is the hostess of his county palace.

How can you not live all day?

Even if you want to say goodbye, you should be at home.

Walking comfortably and happily...

Instead of the court that has lived carefully for more than ten years, even at the end it is restrained...

Kangxi nodded and said: "Yes... go down and prepare..."

He knew that the eldest son valued friendship, and this was not only because of Da Fujin's serious illness, but also related to Da Fujin's death.

If he died in the county prince's mansion, it would be convenient for him to stop and mourn, and follow the rules of the county prince's successor Fujin.

If it is moved to Jingshan, and the funeral is held in Jingshan, there will be elders in the palace, and the younger generation will have more scruples about funerals, and the time of death will be short, so it will inevitably be simple.

The elder brother got the letter, knelt down and kowtowed a few times before retreating.

Kangxi frowned.

Big brother can't be let out of the palace like this.

Is it necessary to let everyone in the capital know that Da Fujin is no longer good?

Waiting for Da Fujin to die?

Kangxi said to Liang Jiugong, "Send Laojiu here..."


As an old father, Kangxi still hoped for some miracles.

Let's take this move as a celebration...

What if there is a turning point...

Shu Shu here, after reading "Materia Medica" for half an hour, it's time for dinner.

The dining table has just been set.

Among them are two kinds of Dongzi dishes, stir-fried small cucumbers with eggs, and fried small rapeseed.

This is not a typical dish.

Xiaotang said: "It's a filial piety from the imperial dining room, and it was sent along with today's gift... However, just two cucumbers and a handful of rapeseed, the servants asked someone to accept it..."

Shu Shu nodded, without fussing.

As long as it is not out of the ordinary, there is nothing wrong with making some contributions.

Now those people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also testing and watching. It would be foolish if the couple blocked the way.

Win over a group, divide a group, and suppress a group.

The three-three-three distribution method is more secure and appropriate.

Before Shu Shu moved her chopsticks, familiar footsteps came from outside.

Shu Shu raised her head and looked at the clock, but she was not right.

Brother Jiu only left for half an hour, and went to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, saying that he would not come back for dinner.

Here, why come back?
Shu Shu went out to welcome her, only to see Brother Jiu come in with a cold face.

Not like anger, but more like fear.

Shu Shu hurriedly stepped forward and took his hand.

He was obviously terrified, and his palms were covered with cold sweat.

Shu Shu didn't rush to ask, she pulled him to sit by the kang, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to him.

As if he had just been slowed down, Brother Nine held the teacup tightly and shivered.

"What's wrong……"

Shu Shu said softly.

Did the Ministry of Internal Affairs get any new clues related to Brother Eleven?

Or, because Brother Nine was acting as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, someone surrendered in private, what kind of secrets did they say?
What else can make Brother Jiu so moved.

Brother Jiu let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Boss asked for an order to move..."

Shu Shu was very surprised.

It is now mid-November, less than a month before the imperial court begins its annual holiday, and another month and a half is New Year's Eve.

Didn't you hear that they moved only after the year?

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Han Ama agreed, let the third, fourth, and fifth brothers all move with them..."

Shu Shu thought about it for a while, and expressed worry: "Could it be that it's sister-in-law's side..."

It seemed that only in this way would the elder brother eagerly ask for an order to move on the day he returned to the palace.

On Kangxi's side, they won't just say yes and agree, and they didn't care about this matter with the elder brother.

But he may have thought too much, in order to cover up the fact that Da Fujin was seriously ill, he also kicked out the other princes who had already been knighted.

In this way, the big elder brother is located in it, so it is not so eye-catching.

Brother Jiu's face turned black, and he nodded: "Sister-in-law is seriously ill, and has been dragging on forcibly, it seems that it has been these few days..."

In the Forbidden City, the dead are taboo.

Therefore, apart from the level of emperor, empress, and empress dowager, even noble concubines who are seriously ill have to be moved outside the palace city to recuperate in Jingshan.

Da Fujin, a prince Fujin, is no exception.

If elder brother doesn't ask for an order to move, Da Fujin will move out alone.

Da Fujin and elder brother are the same age, [-] years old this year.

Only then did Shu Shu understand what brother Jiu's fear was.

The death of Prince Chunjing was before he was born, only heard about it.

He was with Elder Brother Ten and knew more about the death of Concubine Wen Xi, but at that time, he was more sad for his brother.

I didn't really understand what parting from life and death was.

Now that he cares, he realizes that life and death are so close.

These have to be figured out by yourself.

It will be fine after this time.

Shu Shu opened the conversation and said, "We have collected so many good things from the eldest brother along the way, and now there is really a time when people need to be watched over there... Those nannies, nurses and so on, even if they move into the county palace, It's not the coat of the county prince's mansion either... It's just a trivial thing to guard against someone's consumption, greed for ink and so on. If you have bad intentions, you can use the little master's body as a trick, just like Liu Nanny. Receive credit in front of the master, it is impossible to guard against..."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu turned from sad to serious.

"I know, I will make people stare at me..."

Brother Nine still calls Big Brother "Boss" in his mouth, but he really treats him as the eldest brother in his heart.

In addition, I have been married to Shu Shu for half a year, and I feel like I owe my boss every day when I listen to words like "Observing favors is not indebted to favors".

And this sister-in-law, just as Brother Jiu boasted, is indeed a elder sister-in-law who deserves the respect of brothers. She treats people generously and handles things fairly and justly.

Before the Crown Princess married in the early years, the elders in the palace praised this Dafujin.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu became agitated and muttered to Shu Shu.

"What's so good about having children? It's like earning your life, one after the other... Married into the palace for twelve years, I have been pregnant and giving birth to children in the past few years, no matter how good my body is, I can't stand it..."

Brother Jiu is really scared.

He felt that it would be fine if his wife did not have children, as it would not damage her body or affect her life expectancy.

Their husband and wife are currently Prince Elder Brother and Prince Fujin, supported by the House of Internal Affairs.

Later, the clan and the clan Fujin will be supported by the clan mansion.

I don't need my son to take care of me...

(End of this chapter)

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