Chapter 249 A Free Trip
It turned out to be this algorithm.

Kangxi was surprised.

He was curious: "It's also the prince's elder brother, but the number of coats is doubled. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Brother Jiu showed surprise on his face.

"Who does it all depend on? If you can ennoble your elder brothers together like several emperor uncles and uncles, you won't have to worry about it... Otherwise, the salary will be five thousand taels for one and two thousand five thousand taels for the other." One hundred taels, the number of people who are coated is the same, so how do you get the monthly bills of these people in the future?"

Kangxi frowned.

All of them are princes and elder brothers, and no one has wronged them, why are they so stingy?

A miserly person who likes to make small calculations.

One is the open-mouthed love to calculate economic accounts.

"Who counts on a salary to live, isn't there still a future in the Huangzhuang and the shop?"

Kangxi said.

Brother Nine shook his head: "Ama, you're doing the wrong thing... No one can spend their income on the basis of their income, they always want to accumulate some wealth..."

"Besides, do you have any other expenses for the County King's Mansion and Baylor Mansion? I used to live in the palace, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was responsible for the food and clothing expenses. It was your money that was spent. After the mansion is opened, these divisions will stop. , isn't it just a big expense..."

"With the addition of favors and etiquette, if things go wrong, you can't make ends meet, let alone support idlers..."

Although the third son was making noise for a long time just now, now the ninth son is a little chattering.

However, Kangxi was not bored this time, but felt that it made some sense.

He is in a slightly better mood.

The sons are all grown up.

Some started to be unpleasant.

Some also began to learn to be sensible.

"The coating of Baylor Mansion, according to the king's rules..."

Kangxi was in a happy mood and made a final decision.

Brother Nine thought he was a servant, and said, "Ama Khan, what example are you talking about?"

"Wang Li, Prince Gong and Prince Chun in the [-]th year of Kangxi..."

Kangxi repeated it patiently.

Brother Jiu was a little surprised, and then seemed to understand something.

This is……

Are you going to be crowned king in the future? !

The coating was removed together? !

Brother Jiu felt jealous and felt uncomfortable.

There is only a two-year gap between myself and my starling, why didn't I catch up with this wave? !

If he catches up, maybe he will also be a prince's hat.

"Khan Ama, when will the An family's money be allocated? What about Huangzhuang and Shengjing Zhuangzi?"

Kangxi felt a headache after hearing this.

It's okay to talk about Huangzhuang, this Anjia silver...

"Don't worry, first dial the number of people to be coated, and then talk about the property and the money for the settlement..."

Brother Nine responded and came out.

It's not just a matter of the population, the prince's elder brother is going to move today, and he has to arrange a carriage and force.

It was only then that Brother Nine remembered that he hadn't notified Myna to move.

Now there is no time to go to the Yamen, the starling is probably reading files in the Ministry of Industry at this time.

He then told He Yuzhu, "Go to the Ministry of Industry and tell Baye about the big brother and the others moving..."

He Yuzhu went in response.

Brother Nine went to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs of the previous dynasty.

He summoned one of the lords from the chief yamen side, and the two principals, and talked about apportioning the coat population for several county kings and Baylor, and asked the three of them to get the roster of coat collars.

Each person has a Manchurian assistant leader, a banner and drum assistant leader, and an internal management leader.

Brother Nine thought about these princes and elder brothers. Except for his own mother who raised the flag, the other elder brothers' biological mothers were still wrapping their clothes. I don't know if there are any relatives who want to take the flag down.

Before, he only asked the big elder brother, and didn't ask anyone else, so it was not appropriate to think about it.

He called a few pen posts over, gave a few instructions, sent him to run errands, and asked some elder brothers.

He took the roster and turned to Gao Lizuoling, his eyes narrowed.

Instead, the Jin family escaped unharmed.

It is true that the number of Gaoli Zuoring is limited, and it is not among the population to be allocated here.

Otherwise, Brother Nine would definitely send the Jin family out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Don't you want a future?
Jumping up and down, clinging to the powerful, it will be broken from the foundation.

what a pity.

But because of the Jin family, brother Jiu also thought of the arrogance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Self-proclaimed as the emperor's family slave, there are many vacancies in the House of Internal Affairs, and the future is good, even the honorable surnames outside are not taken seriously.

From this point of view, when you choose your own leader, you still have to pay attention.

If there is really a Zuo Ling where the local officials are, there is no need to move.

Not to mention offending people for nothing, Khan Ama will not be happy to have his confidant taken away.

He told Tang Langzhong and the two stewards about his requirements: "For each banner, select two Manchurian assistant leaders, two banner drum assistant leaders, and two internal management leaders. official..."

Several people bowed and listened, and breathed a sigh of relief.

They were also worried before, and they were very afraid that the prince's boss would choose people as he wanted.

Cutting off one's future is like killing one's parents.

Ruining the future of the whole family is almost like digging someone's ancestral grave.

These people didn't dare to complain about the prince's elder brother, and they might not hold grudges against those who handled them.

At this time, it is better to "bully the weak and fear the hard", and squeeze the soft persimmons so that there will be no future troubles.

After a short while, the pen posts to the fourth elder brother and seventh elder brother came back.

Just as Brother Nine had expected, neither of them intended to bring their grandparents under the flag, and there was no other request for the coat population.

After all, their natal family, by virtue of their family becoming the prince's natal family, has become a big family in the coat.

It took up the fat.

Marriage of children also tends to be high.

Just like Concubine De's natal family, after a concubine was born, the youngest daughter was married into the Duke's Mansion.

In the future, the marriage of children and daughters will not be bad.

On the eighth elder brother's side, Bi Tie Shi didn't come back alone.

The eighth elder brother followed, and his personal eunuch and He Yuzhu followed behind.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu quickly got up and went up to meet him.

Seeing the ninth elder brother, the eighth elder brother said: "Bao Yi population is here, avoid the concubine's natal family in the palace, it is best to choose the leader who has no rank..."

Along the way, he was worried.

I'm afraid that the ninth younger brother, out of good intentions, will send all the prince's natal families to the House of Internal Affairs and let the prince bring him into the lower five banners.

That's not selling favors, that's enmity.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "My brother knows, that's what I ordered..."

Coating is also different from coating.

Coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can make up for the lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are a total of more than [-] vacancies in the internal and external yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs coats others, and there is also the "Ministry of Internal Affairs Draft".

Just by looking at the palace full of wrapped concubines, one would know that the future of the "Beautiful Girls of the House of Internal Affairs" is no worse than that of the "Brilliant Girls of the Eight Banners".

The children of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after filling the vacancies, are easy to be promoted.

There is no shortage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the coating under the Five Flags, and there is no "draft by the Ministry of Internal Affairs".

They can also be regarded as the official households of the Eight Banners, and they can participate in the court's civil and military exercises and make their own way.

Most of them are staff officials of the palace.

The future is limited.

It is also necessary to compete with the population of the Eight Banners belonging to the king.

The eighth elder brother was slightly relieved, and then sighed: "I didn't expect this to be the case here... Eldest brother and sister-in-law have always been in harmony, and it is reasonable to ask for an order today..."

Ninth brother said: "Seventh brother is definitely going to move, and fifth brother should be similar. Old... fourth brother, if there is no accident, he will follow suit. How about you, eighth brother?"

The eighth elder brother said without hesitation: "We will also move today..."

Because he is the adopted son of Concubine Hui, his relationship with eldest elder brother is already closer than others, how could he hold back at this time?

Time was running short, so the eighth elder brother was worried and came over to give some instructions.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu had handled it properly, he also left in a hurry.

It was dark outside.

The elder brother sent someone over to ask about the carriage, and decided to leave the palace at the beginning of the year.

Brother Jiu got up and went back to the second school after hearing this.

Shu Shu has been waiting.

She is fully dressed.

The couple wanted to go together, and planned to send the elder brother and his wife for a ride.

It is inconvenient for them to go out of the palace on weekdays...

Now Dafujin is like this...

Today is birth and separation, goodbye is death.

Shu Shu said: "I just sent someone to invite the tenth brother, and I also sent someone to Zhaoxiang's place..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "It should be..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the eighth elder brother. He didn't know when the eldest elder brother would leave the palace, so he sent He Yuzhu to tell him.

At this moment, Brother Ten heard that Brother Nine was back, so he also came to gather.

Perhaps it was because of paying homage to his birth mother in the Imperial Mausoleum a few days ago, Elder Brother Ten has been a little listless these days.

There is no spirit right now.

Shu Shu said: "It's not surprising that there are many people, and it's not an ordinary move... It's not a bad thing to take care of the brothers' face..."

Elder Brother Ten nodded: "My younger brother knows what is good and what is wrong, please trouble Sister-in-law Nine to think about my younger brother..."

The three of them went to Gandongtou without delay.

There is no housewarming ceremony.

Time is too short.

All of a sudden, even if you get one part together, you still can't make up six parts, so you can only make up together later.

Shu Shu's face was calm, but if she wanted to say how sad she was, it would be a lie.

Speaking of which, she and Da Fujin met each other on several occasions.

Although the two are sisters-in-law, there is a difference in age, and they don't live together, and the number of times they meet each other is only a palm count.

But after all, he was someone he knew, and he was still so young.

Today, this is the last ride...

still feels heavy...

When the group arrived, the carriage from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already arrived.

Zhulun carriage made by Prince Fujin.

Horse-drawn carriages are not allowed to enter the Forbidden City on weekdays, but the rules are dead, but people are alive.

There are exceptions as well.

For example right now.

The five Gandong Institutes share a corridor.

As soon as the carriage Lifu came in, he immediately alarmed the other elder brothers.

The fourth elder brother couple, the fifth elder brother couple, and the seventh elder brother couple all came out.

Everyone understands the farewell in front of them, but they will never see each other again, and they always come to see them off.

Si Fujin's eyes were swollen like peach pits, and Wu Fujin's eyes were also red.

Qi Fujin has not yet shown her bosom, wearing loose clothes and flat shoes, looking delicate and exquisite.

Perhaps it was because of her pregnancy, she was very sentimental, and she also burst into tears.

Seeing that the sisters-in-law were all there, Shu Shu walked over.

Qi Fujin had already leaned over, tilted his head on Shu Shu's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Okay, why is it like this..."

Shu Shu sighed.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are irreversible and unstoppable events.

Brother San also heard movement.

San Age and San Fujin come out.

Sanfujin glanced at Shu Shu, but still walked over.

She drooped her face, and Shu Shu didn't come forward to speak.

The third elder brother was surprised when he saw the carriage.

After greeting the fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother and others, he frowned and said, "Why did you move today?"

No one paid any attention to him.

Because Concubine Hui has arrived.

Everyone came forward to salute.

Concubine Hui stepped down from the chariot and nodded to everyone in return.

There was noise from the courtyard.

The elder brother came out with Da Fujin in his arms.

Da Fujin was wrapped in a cloak, covering her tightly.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother hurriedly opened the curtain of the carriage.

Seventh elder brother went over and pressed the shaft of the carriage.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother followed the elder brother one from left and one from the right, preventing him from helping him when he was weak.

The fifth elder brother reacted slowly, and did not find a place to help, so he followed behind step by step.

At this moment, the eighth elder brother and his wife, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also arrived.

The corridor is full of people, but it is extremely quiet and solemn, and you can hear a needle drop.

The shoulder chariots of Concubine Yi and Concubine De also have front and rear legs.

Concubine Yi brought seventeen elder brothers, and Concubine De brought fifteen and sixteen elder brothers.

The third elder brother realized that something was wrong, so he quickly and quietly sent someone to Zhongcui Palace.

I'm afraid it will be delayed, it's dazzling.

Fortunately, Zhongcui Palace is next to elder brother's place.

Concubine Rong got the news that several concubines were dispatched, and followed them.

The elder brother carried Da Fujin into the carriage, put his wife in the carriage, and got out of the carriage again.

He met several empresses and brothers first, and finally knelt down in front of Concubine Hui.

Concubine Hui helped him up, held back tears and said, "Let's go, let's go..."

The little Gege in the head, the two older ones, are walking by themselves, and the two little Gege and the little elder brother are both hugged by the nanny.

All the children showed panic on their faces.

Seeing this, Si Fujin stepped forward and knelt down, softly comforting the two older Ge Ge.

Shu Shu followed, not saying much.

She is unfamiliar with these children, and the children feel strange to her.

It was when Si Fujin carried the children into the car, she gave a helping hand and helped carry them.

The carriage slowly left the corridor.

Several concubines have left.

The fourth elder brother looked at the sky, and said to the third elder brother: "When will the third elder brother move..."

He has always respected rules, and he naturally puts the order of seniors and young people first.

When he asked, the remaining five elder brothers, seventh elder brothers, and eighth elder brothers all looked over.

They are at the back of the queue, and they must move in order.

The third elder brother was looked down upon.

"Move what? Big brother is forced to, and we are not in a hurry..."

The fourth elder brother obviously didn't expect him to say that, his brows were wrinkled, and he was entangled.

After a while, the fourth elder brother said: "Third brother, you really don't want to move..."

Third Elder Brother nodded and said, "Don't move..."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "The younger brother is rude, the younger brother will move later..."

The fifth elder brother imitated the example, and said: "My younger brother is also rude, and my younger brother moved after the fourth brother..."

The seventh elder brother didn't make amends, but looked at the third elder brother with unkind eyes.

The third elder brother was a little anxious.

"It's getting dark now, and the house over there is not cleaned up, it's cold..."

As he said that, he looked at Brother Ba: "Old Ba, do you think this makes sense?"

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:7 a.m. on August 8th. This book is the starting point for the first release. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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