My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 250 Seeing a Big Baby

Chapter 250 Saw a Big Baby

The eighth brother didn't really want to talk.

The elder brothers moved with them, it was the brotherhood's friendship.

This kind of affection is on the lips, it seems frivolous.

The third elder brother saw him like this, so he had to think about it with himself, and asked: "Is it, is it, that's the reason... Don't say anything else, the eighth brother and sister are golden and precious, why do they suffer so much?"

It was rare for Fujin to be quiet before.

No matter how high-minded he is, he is not a fool, and he will not show off in the previous scene.

Now after hearing this, she stopped doing it, raised her eyebrows, and stared at her phoenix eyes.

"I said, are you finished? Why is our father a soft persimmon, staring at our father and pinching him? Why are you pretending to be confused? Everyone is here, and you alone don't know why Zhijun Wang moved today? Leng What's the matter with the pot and cold stove? We are happy! What is our father hindering you? This is endless, you are precious, if you don't want to suffer, just say so, don't raise the banner, we just go with the crowd..."

After all, she ignored the others, turned around and left "deng deng deng deng".

The eighth elder brother nodded to everyone, and hurriedly followed.

The third elder brother was stunned, his face couldn't be wiped off, and he chanted along with everyone.

"Whose rule is this? You and I don't even have seniority, so sister-in-law and daughter-in-law just talk to brother-in-law..."

Everyone usually doesn't like Fujin's arrogance, but in the current situation, they don't think she is wrong.

Third elder brother here, was just grinding his teeth idle.

If he didn't want to move, he didn't want to move. It was a matter of his own will, and no one forced him to move.

But he also wants to be affordable, and he also wants to have a good reputation.

It's not good if you want to drag people into the water.

The fourth elder brother showed disapproval on his face, impatiently listening to his broken words, and said: "You are busy first, brother goes back to pack his luggage..."

The fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother followed suit, and they all followed suit.

Only Shu Shu and his wife, the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother are left.

The third elder brother was just about to talk to the ninth elder brother, but the ninth elder brother was already standing in front of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and touched the two of them.

They are all big hairy clothes, and they are warmly dressed.

He nodded and said: "There will be some movement here in a while, I will send someone to call you, let's make two more trips, the etiquette is coming..."

It doesn't make sense, if one brother gives it away, but the other brother doesn't, it would be contemptuous of others.

Elder Brother Thirteen had nothing to say, and obediently agreed.

Elder Fourteen rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, the number of etiquettes has come, can the ceremony be less? Six housewarming gifts, this year's hard-earned money will be scattered again..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "If you don't want to lose face, you can save yourself..."

Brother Fourteen rubbed his nose: "Forget it, forget it, let people know that Master Fourteen is also a face-to-face person, and he won't fool people with those cheap things..."

Others are fine, but the third elder brother is by the side, feeling very harsh.

It's so weird.

Is he that easy to bully?
One or two want to trample on him?
With a drooping face, he wanted to teach someone.

Sanfujin was by the side, woke up early, realized something was wrong, hurriedly came over and grabbed San elder brother's arm: "Master, let's go home..."

As she spoke, she gave the third elder brother a hard look.

The third elder brother saw it in his eyes, and reluctantly followed him into the second school.

Sanfujin was worried, and said: "Master, everyone is moving, isn't it too conspicuous if we don't move... I'm afraid it's the emperor's side..."

The third elder brother also became irritable after hearing this.

He stared at Sanfujin and said: "Others are packing their luggage, so you don't say to follow suit... What kind of brains, you can't even think of this..."

In fact, the third elder brother really didn't want to move before.

The others may sell something to the boss because of the boss's face, but he and the boss are not on the same side!
He is the prince!
If you go to sell it to the boss, what will it be?

Weeds? !

Khan Ama could not tolerate him either.

He thought that the seventh and eighth children would follow suit.

Needless to say, the eighth child is Concubine Hui's adopted son.

For Lao Qi, the biological mother is still in the apse of Yanxi Palace, so she is more or less scrupulous.

What he didn't expect was that the fourth and fifth children would join in the fun!
I don't see so many brothers and friends on weekdays, but this time they are showing their brotherhood.

They are all the same prince elder brother, even if the boss is the king of the county, it doesn't have to be like this, right?

How can he?
At this time, it would be inappropriate to talk about standing in line and not standing in line.

Others may not really want to move, they just show it to Khan Ama.

Whoever called Khan Ama is happy to watch this, deceiving himself and others, and everyone will follow suit.

Can only follow the crowd.

Sanfujin was also unwilling to move, let alone follow Big Brother and the others.

I think it's not auspicious.

It's heartbreaking.

She supported her waist and said, "Otherwise, it's just that I haven't done well in confinement, so it's not easy to move... Besides, our second elder brother is not yet a hundred years old, so it's better if we don't move or not..."

After hearing this, the third elder brother made up his mind.

"Move! Turn around and people ask why we are behind in the queue, and they say it's because the little brother is crying..."

Hearing this, Sanfujin felt uncomfortable.

I'm afraid that if I say this, the child will really have a headache.

The baby lump she gave birth to in October is not happy to be cursed.

She said, "Let's say I'm uncomfortable..."

As long as the third elder brother has a legitimate reason, it doesn't matter whether Fujin is uncomfortable or the little elder brother is uncomfortable.

Three here.

After receiving the report from Brother Nine, Si Fujin asked someone to pack their luggage.

She didn't ask people to pack things in a box, but packed everyone's daily bedding, and the things in the prince's dining room, while other warehouses were sealed up.

Therefore, it was cleaned up quickly here.

It's almost packed.

There are three children on their side, the oldest is only four years old, and the two youngest are only two years old.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother couldn't help feeling a little worried, and told his wife, "Prepare a few more hand stoves..."

Si Fujin nodded in agreement, and then said: "I didn't expect Lao Jiu's errands in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be really good, and he is also careful with others. I carried my nieces into the car before, and there were heaters in the car, so it wasn't cold at all... ..."

The fourth elder brother thought that the ninth elder brother would send a pen post to inquire in the afternoon, and felt that he had improved a lot.

The fourth elder brother did about the same thing here, and knew that there were still a few younger brothers waiting in line behind him, so he sent someone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and told him when he would use the car, Xu Chu.

Brother Jiu has already returned to Ganxi No. [-] Institute.

Brother Ten is also there.

Brother Nine hit the back of his head with his foot, he was busy all afternoon and didn't eat.

Elder Brother Ten, on the other hand, had no appetite before and didn't have much dinner.

Even Shu Shu's place had heard bad news, so she only ate half a bowl.

Everyone is hungry now.

Shu Shu asked the dining room to cook three big bowls of Yi noodles.

She and Brother Nine put sausages, eggs, and rapeseed on the noodles.

For the noodles of Elder Brother Ten, there are two poached eggs and small rapeseed.

There are no other side dishes prepared, just a dish of shredded mustard greens with sesame oil and a dish of radish skin with sesame sauce.

The three of them ate deliciously.

Shu Shu put down her chopsticks, looked at the situation of the two of them, and felt relieved.

There is no sentimentality, food can't solve it.

If it doesn't work out...

Then eat two more meals.

After hearing the news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Brother Nine curled his lips.

"The fourth one is not bad this time, he's still a bit human, and he didn't give up on the pick at this time..."

He said, calculating the time in his mind.

"This hour is a family, and the starling is at the end, it will be late at night..."

It is also impossible.

It's definitely going to be a toss up tonight.

Shu Shu had asked Xiaochun to prepare the hand stove, and the three of them hugged each other, and walked through the imperial garden again, heading for elder brother Gandong's place.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the vegetation swayed and looked like ghosts, with a howling sound, which was a little shrill.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand, grabbed Shu Shu, and trembled when he spoke: "Slow down, don't rush..."

In fact, the lantern is shining in front, and the ground is a corridor.

Shu Shu didn't wear flag shoes, but put on warm leather boots, and walked steadily.

She didn't expose Brother Jiu, she just shook Brother Jiu's hand, handed the stove to Xiaochun, supported Brother Jiu's arm herself, and said softly: "Well, thank you, Lord..."

Brother Ten was walking on the right of Brother Ninth. He wanted to say that Brother Nine should not be afraid, but he also shut up.

Although my brother is a good brother, but sometimes this brother is really cowardly.

Sister-in-law Nine is not bad.

He is obviously a rigid person, but he puts brother Jiu in his head everywhere, and he is full of face in front of others.

At this moment, there is movement behind.

It was the eighth elder brother who came after him.

He glanced at Shu Shu in surprise before nodding.

Afterwards, he said to Brother Nine and Brother Ten, "I'll go see off Fourth Brother too..."

The two grew up together in Jingren Palace.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten are not surprised either.

Otherwise, Brother Jiu would not have sent someone to inform him.

Zhaoxiang's place is closer to here.

When Shu Shu and his party arrived here, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother had already arrived.

This time there is no concubine to send it off.

This is also reasonable.

It's just that the junior elder brother moved, which is different from the older elder brother.

The fourth elder brother pursed his lips, did not speak, just looked in the direction of Yonghe Palace, his eyes were fixed.

Brother Thirteen was staying quietly, but when he saw Shu Shu and the others coming, he joined them.

Brother Fourteen is about to turn the world upside down, without the honesty and quietness of the first one.

He was jumping up and down in the carriage, and his mouth was never idle.

The corridor is full of his movements.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother, remember to pick me up..."

"Fourth sister-in-law, fourth sister-in-law, leave a room for my younger brother..."

"Haha, I heard that the fried liver over at the Drum Tower is delicious, so I'll go eat fried liver..."

"I will share the food with Hong Hui..."

The fourth elder brother let him make trouble, without raising his eyelids, he talked to the eighth elder brother.

"Your fourth sister-in-law can clean up the dining room first, and everything is ready. If there is any deficiency on your side, just send someone to pick it up..."

After everyone listened, they realized that the two were still neighbors.

Eighth Brother nodded and said: "Maybe I really need to bother Fourth Sister-in-law, we tidy up late, and the dining room was not very tidy before..."

The Fifth Brother looked at the Ninth Brother: "Old Ninth, what should I do with the order?"

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

It's okay to move, and it's enough to settle in for two days.

It is a big problem for people to wait for various supplies.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry, the supply of each prefecture was allocated from the imperial dining room a year ago; the supply after the next year depends on the situation of each prefecture, and also depends on the arrangement of Khan Ama... Khan Ma has always loved her son, and she can make everyone go hungry and cold..."

The fifth elder brother nodded and said, "Well, Khan Ama is really kind..."

The fourth elder brother's eyebrows and eyes also eased.

He knew that Khan Amah had a lot to do, and he would not think about these trivial matters.

This is the master of the ninth elder brother.

Before, the fourth elder brother felt that the ninth elder brother was out of touch and was not suitable for such a cumbersome job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Today, Brother Jiu made him look at him with admiration.

Really grown up.

Be well-organized.

It's impossible to find fault.

Not only is she careful, but it is rare that she does not show off or show merit.

He said kindly to Brother Nine: "Ninth brother worked hard today, and he handled things well. Brothers appreciate it. When we set a hot pot day later, you will bring your younger brothers and sisters out to have fun, and recognize the door... "

Brother Nine felt strange.

Is this being exaggerated?
Some are flattered!

He held back his expression, did not show complacency, and showed a bit of reserve.

"It's all part of my job, and I can't take it as the fourth brother's praise... Then, I will wait for the fourth brother's post..."

Sifujin was beside him, holding Shu Shu's hand.

The two sisters-in-law also whispered.

Originally, I thought that I would live until next year, so that Sifujin, who is my sister-in-law and cousin, could give more pointers to Shushu.

As a result, the sister-in-laws all over the place were about to move.

Shu Shu, the new daughter-in-law, has to adapt to court life by herself.

Even though there is still a crown princess there, but Yuqing Palace is far away from elder brother's place, and they don't deal with each other on weekdays.

"Just remember, put Lao Jiu at the front, especially Concubine Yi's side... If there is anything to offend, don't be foolish and let Lao Jiu go, let's just be the little daughter-in-law who can't make up his mind ..."

Si Fujin gave detailed instructions.

Shu Shu is very appreciative.

This is the wise saying.

With mother-in-law and grand-grandmother around, it's not their turn to be princes Fujin to act as big cloves of garlic.

She is also sincerely grateful to Sifu Jin.

What a generous and gentle man.

At this moment, a nanny came out with the children in her arms.

The one in front is Hong Hui, the elder brother from Sifu Jin.

She is only one and a half years old now, and she is a cute little girl with three heads.

The eyebrows and eyes are a bit like the fourth elder brother, but the chubby face and dimples are all like the fourth prince.

Seeing Shu Shu, she couldn't love her enough.

Seeing that the little elder brother is not afraid of life, he obediently calls people when asked, and loves to laugh, so she stretched out her arms and hugged him.

Shu Shu looked at Honghui as if looking at a big baby.

Isn't it big baby?
As long as Hong Hui is fine, what's the matter with Zha Zhalong? !

It is said that the dragon begets the dragon, and the phoenix begets the phoenix.

The power of inheritance is engraved in the genes, which cannot be influenced by human beings.

Si Fujin's temperament is calm, quiet, generous and generous.

Even if this eldest son has inherited some of his Ama's little paranoia and carelessness, but with the fusion of his mother's genes, can he look forward to it?
Shu Shu's enthusiasm fell into the eyes of everyone, but they had different ideas.

When the eighth elder brother thought of the ninth elder brother's body, he felt sad.

Brother Ten is already thinking about how many sons he will have.

A few more are good, there is room for choice.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked at each other with distress.

Who in this world doesn't want to be a mother?
Bisheng is married to the royal family, even if the husband has problems, there is no such thing as remarrying.

Brother Jiu didn't think so much.

He felt that his wife still took a fancy to the little elder brother's face.

Not to mention, the fourth brother looks ordinary, but the fourth sister-in-law has a good appearance. This child looks quite clever and cute.

He stood in front of Shu Shu and teased the child: "Hong Hui, do you want Uncle Jiu to hug me too..."

Honghui was a good-natured child, he smiled, showed his teeth, and obediently stretched out his little arms.

Brother Jiu also brought a novelty and took it directly.

He felt very overwhelmed, and shook his head: "Oh, I'm still a little fat man, this weight is not light..."

Although he is only one and a half years old, he seems to understand good words.

The little elder brother was a little unhappy, and struggled to bump into Shu Shu.

Ninth elder brother quickly changed his words: "It's not serious, let's be good, don't tire your ninth aunt..."

(End of this chapter)

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