Chapter 251 Smart People

Holding such a soft meat dumpling in his arms, Brother Jiu felt amazing, and he thought it was not bad.

It also seems to have a milky smell.


Thinking of the mother-in-law's side, the empress's side, and the seventh sister-in-law's side, next year there will be three more meat dumplings.

Brother Nine felt that he was at a loss.

How many longevity locks have to be sent out...

Even if you want to reciprocate courtesy, this condition is not allowed.

I have to think of a way later, and find more reasons to treat guests, or I will lose money.

After all, Hong Hui was a child, and he refused to be honest, so he reached out to reach Brother Jiu's ear.

Brother Nine quickly avoided, and carefully grabbed his little arm.

"Oh, are you stupid? Be careful if you freeze your hands..."

As he spoke, he pulled the purse from his waist and stuffed it into Honghui's hand.

"Obey, play this..."

The purse is blue, it was changed this afternoon, and it contains several silver ingots, ready to be rewarded.

It's not Shu Shu's needlework, Brother Jiu doesn't feel bad, he looks very generous.

Hong Hui took it in his hands and played with it for a while, then he found it boring.

Children like colorful and bright colors, this one is not bright at all...

It's late.

It was cold outside too.

Si Age and Si Fujin did not delay, and took the children into the carriage.

Most of the three houses are empty here, because there are still warehouses that have not been moved, and Si Fujin has left his confidant here to look after the house.

Seeing his younger brother and younger sister-in-law following him off one after another, fifth elder brother felt a little distressed.

"We'll be leaving in a while, don't bother, don't send..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes.

"The other elder brothers are all given away, why don't you give them away when you come here? It's just that you don't give away the fifth brother, and you don't want us to send the fifth sister-in-law..."

Fifth elder brother looked at Wu Fujin, wanting to hear her opinion.

Wu Fujin knew that there were seventh and eighth elder brothers who would move and give away later, so even if he felt sorry for his younger brother here, it was not good to stop him at this time.

She said: "Don't go back and forth, it's windy at night, so go to the courtyard for tea..."

Brother Wu is not good to say anything.

Seventh elder brother took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said to fifth elder brother: "How is fifth elder brother doing?"

The fifth elder brother said: "It's almost done, let's move behind the big head..."

Seventh elder brother said: "Now it is the first moment of Xuchu, then half an hour later, we two brothers will go together..."

Fifth elder brother nodded hurriedly: "Let's go together, let's go together..."

The seventh elder brother went back to the fifth institute.

Everyone went to the fourth school with the fifth brother and his wife.

I sat directly in the study in the front yard.

None of them are outsiders, and fifth elder brother doesn't need to accompany him. He went to the backyard to accompany Wu Fujin to clean up.

The fourteenth elder brother pointed to the west: "Second, are you really not going to move today? No way... isn't that one the one who will please Khan Ama the most..."

When the eighth elder brother heard this, he also thought about it.

Although the news of the third elder brother's conquest had already spread to the capital, but for some reason, it was not true.

It is said that they failed in the siege and lost face in front of the Mongols.

There are also speculations that it has something to do with the fifth elder brother's injury. After all, the time difference between before and after is not too far.

Some people privately speculated that it was framed by Big Brother.

As the elder brother is the eldest son of the emperor, he thinks too much of himself and does not allow his lower brothers to stand shoulder to shoulder with him in title...

The eighth elder brother feels that neither statement seems to be close.

Khan Ama has always loved his son, not the kind to dispose of him for the sake of face.

As for the fifth elder brother's injury, if the third elder brother was really involved in it, it is not something that can be settled by lowering the rank.

As for big brother being intolerant, it is even more nonsense, big brother is not that kind of person.

But now is in front of people, not the time to ask this carefully.

Brother Fourteen didn't take it into consideration.

"Thirteen, thirteen, tell me... what's going on? The third child is fine, why did he lose his title of prince? What did you do, that Khan Ama caught you?"

Ninth elder brother also spoke in this way in private. He didn't think there was anything wrong before, but now seeing the fourteenth elder brother's reckless appearance, he felt a little displeased.

This seems to be ignorant of the rules.

"Old Fourteen, how do you talk? It's the rules, call me brother..."

Elder Fourteen's face drooped, and he was unhappy, staring at Elder Ninth.

"What's the matter with Ninth Brother? After going out for a while, he will become an old man when he comes back? Shisan hasn't said anything yet, you're just nagging..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "I don't understand the good words, right? This is to teach you the truth. In front of Khan Ama, you also call 'Thirteen', 'Thirteen'?"

The fourteenth elder brother stood up "Teng", pouted his mouth: "You have the face to talk about others, you pretend to be honest when you have feelings? I don't know who it is, but I used to say 'old three' and 'fourth'." , I didn’t see you call me brother properly! Hmph!”

After speaking, he didn't wait any longer, and left angrily.

The thirteenth elder brother did not follow, but sent the eunuchs around him to follow him back.

Brother Nine was so angry that he fell on his back and complained to Shu Shu: "It's just a sour face! So is Khan Ama, who is very used to it. She doesn't teach the rules when she is too old, and even good people are spoiled..."

Shu Shu also thinks that Elder Fourteen is a demon star, and it's hard to say what his character is and how he behaves. It's just this mischief that makes people headache.

Beloved Concubine Aiko, this is not just for fun.

She was a little worried, glanced at Eighth Prince, and remembered something important.

She said to Elder Brother Thirteen, "Brother Thirteen, are you on the premise of what you are talking about?"

Brother Thirteen nodded with a smile and said, "I mentioned it, and I mentioned it three times!"

Young and old in order.

He is an older brother.

He and the fourteenth elder brother came out of Zhaoxiang's house, so he should have chosen the yard first.

The eighth elder brother was exquisite, he understood, and said to the thirteenth elder brother: "The courtyard over there has been repaired in spring, and everything else is fine, just a few flowers and trees in the main courtyard, which were chosen by your eighth sister-in-law before. It was sent in, and after the spring of next year, it may be moved out..."

Elder Brother Thirteen had already got up, put his hands down and listened, and then said: "Don't worry, Brother Ba, when my younger brother passes by, I will ask someone to pay attention to it, and it won't be damaged..."

The eighth brother smiled.

"Don't be so careful, even if it's damaged, it's nothing... I'm telling you this because I want you to be careful, and you can find some fruit trees you like and move them over later..."

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded and smiled, "My brother understands, thank you myna..."

The eighth elder brother signaled the thirteenth elder brother to sit down, hesitated for a while, and said to the ninth elder brother: "Since fourteen has a temper, he definitely doesn't want to live in the east by himself. When the time comes, there will be only one fourth house left... ..."

When Brother Jiu heard this, his expression turned a little ugly.

Ganxi four.

It was the yard before his elder brother Eleven.

Ever since my elder brother died on the eleventh year before last, it has been sealed up there.

At this moment, Ningshou Palace sent someone to come.

Bai Momo brought four or five rough envoys and eunuchs to deliver things to Fifth Prince.

Everyone got up.

The fifth elder brother and his wife also rushed to the front yard when they got the news.

"Your Majesty said that I was afraid that Elder Brother and Fujin would not be able to eat well when they went out to eat, so I brought some food from the dining room of Ningshou Palace. Most of them are ready-made or half-ready, and they can be eaten after steaming with water. Elder Brother and Fujin eat first, if there is anything missing, send someone back to tell..."

Nanny Bai said to Fifth Prince respectfully.

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "Yeah, I understand, when the time comes, the food outside is not good, so I will go to Ningshou Palace to eat..."

Da Xiao was born in the palace and grew up in the palace.

The fifth elder brother has not yet realized the difference between opening a mansion and not opening a mansion.

After opening the mansion, they came in and out of the palace, unlike now, they came whenever they wanted.

Bai Momo listened and didn't remind her, she just responded with a smile: "The servant will tell the empress to go, and the empress will be willing..."

Half an hour, say it quickly.

Wait until the two families are sent away.

Everyone went to Ganxi Age.

Elder Brother Thirteen was also pulled over, saving him a lot of fuss.

Arriving at the gate of the head office, the eighth elder brother paused, and said to the ninth elder brother: "I won't pack up the things, let's leave early, so as not to drag it until midnight, let's go to Haizheng..."

Ninth elder brother naturally had no objection, and sent someone to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send a message.

It's not necessary to prepare the carriage now, after sending the fifth elder brother and seventh elder brother's carriage back, they can catch up.

The eighth elder brother entered the head office.

The rest of the people went to the second institute.

Everyone sat in the study in the front yard.

Brother Jiu looked at the clock on the ground.

It was less than an hour before Haizheng.

He muttered to Elder Brother Ten: "I didn't realize it before, Brother Seven is a smart man..."

After the things are packed, there is no difference between moving early and moving late.

Seventh elder brother offered to move with fifth elder brother.

In this way, several good ones were sold.

Not only will the younger brothers be sent one less time, but also in the twelfth lunar month of winter, they will suffer less crimes.

Even with the eighth elder brother, it's a good deal, so they don't have to wait until midnight.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "Even though Brother Seven is reticent, he knows what's in his heart, he's a sensible person..."

Otherwise, the situation would not have been reversed.

There is sincerity in it, and there are also some cities in it.

Otherwise, Prince Chun's Mansion would not stop mentioning the matter of the heir.

On the other hand, Khan Ama turned a blind eye and acquiesced to Seventh Brother's contacts with the palace.

Lao Qi here, will not suffer in the future.

This is the real wise man.

Like the third child, taking advantage of the obvious, it is embarrassing to death.

That's a fool who doesn't know what it means to "take advantage of a small advantage and suffer a big loss".

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Brother Seven has a righteous heart, you can't go wrong in the days to come..."

It is said that the seventh elder brother hides adultery because of his temperament, so he gets close to the pure palace, and has the intention of taking over the property of the palace.

But in fact, as the prince elder brother, what property can't he get?

Need to miss my uncle's house?
The thirteenth elder brother felt that it was because the seventh elder brother had a righteous heart and knew how to be grateful.

Shu Shu sat by the side, smiled and listened to everyone's conversation without interrupting.

Just in my heart, I slandered a little.

What shit seniority?
Pure Prince Fujin, daughter of the late Princess Heshun and Prince Consort Shangzhilong.

Princess Heshun, adopted daughter of Emperor Shizu and adopted sister of Kangxi.

According to Princess Heshun, Prince Chun is Kangxi's niece and the cousin of the princes.

But, now it's Aunt Wang...

In the future, she will be Seventh Brother's stepmother...

(End of this chapter)

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