My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 252 The Intersection of Yin and Yang

Chapter 252 The Confluence of Yin and Yang
Arrived at Haizheng.

Everyone is already drowsy.

You must know that you are still on your way this morning, and you have not been idle all afternoon.

I sent it off three times.

Up to now, everyone is drinking strong tea to hold on.

When the movement of the carriage came in, everyone couldn't wait to get out of the Second Institute and went to the corridor.

Eighth brother has come out.

Everyone welcomes up.

The eighth elder brother nodded to everyone, then patted the ninth elder brother on the shoulder, and said: "There is still a space in the official room, I reserved it for greeting people..."

Brother Nine heard this, and was a little surprised.

"Can you build one house, or two?"

He glanced at Elder Brother Ten and asked.

Elder Brother Ten also looked over, with anticipation on his face.

The two brothers agreed that they would live next to each other in the future.

Brother Eight laughed and said, "Of course there are two places..."

Brother Nine and Brother Ten both laughed.

Brother Jiu rubbed his fists and said, "When the spring begins, my brother will ask Han Ama to build it. It will take two or three years to build the house..."

Eighth Brother said with a smile: "Say it quickly, don't worry..."

After receiving this news, Brother Nine was full of excitement, without any worries about parting.

Most of the sentimentality brought about by Da Fujin's serious illness has gone.

Shu Shu stood by, listening with a smile, without too many thoughts.

So what if we live next door?
With Bafujin's temper, the two families can't get along well.

She inexplicably thought of a metaphor.

There is no corner that cannot be dug, only a hoe that does not live up to expectations.

Is she that hoe?
Or is Fujin the hoe?

It seems to be a two-pronged approach...

She is afraid of the inertia of history, afraid that brother Jiu will fall into the pit and drag herself down.

For the Eight Fortunes, it is the selfishness of a little woman, wishing that her husband would only see her, and all other parents and brothers would die.

I just don't know how long the combination of [-] can last under the two hoes.

At this moment, Ba Fujin was wearing a cloak and a cloak, and came out surrounded by mothers and maidservants.

I saw one, two, three, or four kittens in the corridor, which was very different from the scene outside Gandongtou before.

Ba Fujin's face turned dark.

No noodles.

It's just that she also knows that this is not the time to argue.

Who told them to put their teeth in the back?

The others have already left, so I can't come back to see them off.

At this moment, someone came to the Palace of Yanxi Palace.

It was the nanny next to Concubine Hui.

With a few eunuchs, he carried two boxes.

"In this box, there are some antique ornaments. Over the years, outsiders have come in one after another. The lady picked up the good ones and packed two boxes. One box was given to the county king, and the other box was left to the elder brother..."

"The other box is golden brocade, python satin, cloud brocade, zigzag brocade, and two bolts of foreign material imported from Guangdong, called fleece, which the empress asked someone to find out to make clothes for Fujin... ..."

"Your Majesty is sad, and she is not in good spirits. She thought that Elder Brother is no one else, so she didn't come here without those vain gifts..."

The eighth elder brother said gratefully: "Let the empress worry about us, it's not a big deal at all, I will go to pay my respects to the empress tomorrow..."

Bafujin also looked better, and said politely: "My lady is kind, thinking of us..."

When he got into the carriage, Fujin's face drooped.

She couldn't help complaining to the eighth elder brother: "Mother Hui'er knows how to send someone to come, why is our mother silent, acting as if there is no son like Master..."

The eighth elder brother shook his head and said: "It's not the same, when the fourth brother and the fifth brother left first, the concubine De and the concubine Yi didn't show up..."

The less biological, the more polite it is.

My own, but I don't need these vain gifts.

My mother-in-law has always been cautious and cautious, and she acts within the frame.

If all the other concubines came out to see off their sons tonight, then Emiang would come too.

Ba Fujin pouted, still unhappy.

Concubine Hui is not a mother-in-law, but she knows how to subsidize them. The concubine Wei can't get people or things?
That's right, I was born in Xinzheku's family, a small family in the coat, with no foundation, so I can't say that I need my son to subsidize it every day...

These days, Bafujin resumed his greetings to her mother-in-law, and also saw many methods of her mother-in-law.

Not a simple person.

She is soft and weak, and looks easy to be bullied, but in fact she is the most harmless.

Luckily, Bafujin moved out and didn't have to be in front of her mother-in-law, otherwise, he might not even have a place to stand...

At the gate of the Second Institute, Brother Nine directly said to Brother Thirteen: "It's too late, don't bother, just rest here..."

Brother Thirteen let out a sigh of relief and wanted to nod, but felt a little inconvenient.

The tenth elder brother directly pulled the thirteenth elder brother, and said to the ninth elder brother: "Just go to the third institute..."

The night is deep.

The brothers took the eunuch and left.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine returned to the main room.

The hot water in the dining room was always burning.

As soon as the two entered the room and sat down, Walnut and Xiaoyu came in carrying two footbaths.

The footwashing water inside was steaming and yellow in color.

The water vapor also brought a familiar spicy taste.

"Old Ginger?"

Brother Jiu knew that Shu Shu liked to watch "Materia Medica" recently, and was curious: "What is this about?"

Shu Shu said: "It drives the cold, promotes sleep..."

In the [-] days since returning to Beijing from Shengjing, I have been traveling outside every day.

Even if he was dressed thickly, it was warm in the carriage, but it was inevitable that there would be times when the cold would enter his body.

This foot bath can not only dispel the cold and improve sleep, but also has two other effects, which Shu Shu did not mention.

For women, it is a warm palace.

For men, it is nourishing the kidneys.

Regarding the kidney issue, it is now considered the Nine Elder Brother's Ni Lin.

If you touch it, you don't have to die, but you will die.

Shu Shu was so tired today that he didn't have the energy to play around with him.

Just hide this effect.

Brother Jiu was soaking his feet, thinking that the effect of repelling the cold should be targeted.

Because the soles of the feet go up, it is steaming hot, and it feels warm all the way to the knees.

Brother Jiu is used to being a good brother, and immediately thinks of the younger brother next door.

"Tomorrow, I'll also tell Old Ten that this foot bath is very good..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Lord, I should be soaking too. After I remembered this, I sent someone to tell the people in the third institute..."

In the past, the two dining rooms had undergone a big change, and there was no one there for a while, but the three dining rooms have been here for half a month, and the people in the two courtyards are all familiar.

With the addition of two masters, the two yards maintain a relationship of mutual exchange.

Brother Nine looked at Shu Shu and felt honored.

I am a good brother, and Shu Shu is a good sister-in-law.

This is also "the husband sings and the wife follows".

The couple were also really tired. After soaking their feet, they were ready to freshen up and settle down.

There was movement outside, it was the eunuch in charge of Qiandong No. [-] Institute who came.

Brother Jiu didn't bother to go to the front, so he asked He Yuzhu to lead him to the main room.

The eunuch said: "Jiuye, our master sent a servant to tell me that Zichu used a car..."

Brother Nine put on his clothes to meet people, only to realize that he had forgotten about the third child.

But what happened to the third child?
Do you really think that you, the acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are the chief housekeeper?

Brother Nine was in a bad mood.

There is a gate control in the palace, but the difference today is because the emperor asked for an order before, and also arranged for the Lang Guan from the House of Internal Affairs to be on duty inside the Shenwu Gate, so the gate of the palace was postponed to close.

When to use the car and when to leave the palace, shouldn't you tell them?
Brother Jiu really wanted to be self-willed, and threw a tantrum and kicked people out.

But he endured it, and said to the eunuch: "The carriages are waiting outside the Shenwu Gate, you go over there and say..."

The eunuch went in response.

Sitting on the edge of the kang, Brother Jiu complained to Shu Shu about luck.

"You say it's sensible, is it a good thing or a bad thing? Why do you think it's more comfortable to be ignorant..."

Shu Shu was also a little embarrassed.

With the way the third elder brother looked like before, she really thought he was not moving anymore.

What is this picture?

I said everything in front of my younger brothers, so I just stick to it to the end, but I ended up talking like farting.

Shu Shu could only comfort Brother Nine and said, "Who calls him a brother? He has walked eighty-eight steps, so don't worry about it in the end..."

As she said that, she asked He Yuzhu to call for someone next door.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother next door have already rested, and their eyelids are forced to come over.

Everyone and the third elder brother didn't have a word. They estimated the time, and it was almost there, so they rushed over there.

Brother Nine whispered: "The third child is the most narrow-minded, and he is at the front. If he has a grudge in his heart and turns around and complains about Ah Ma's tongue, we will ignore it..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "We have to be careful, just go..."

Brother Thirteen didn't say anything.

His mind is already a mess.

Shu Shu followed, wrapped in a cloak, with a hat on his head, and a mask on his face.

I soaked my feet just now, and I was sweating all over.

Now that she came out again, she was also afraid that the night wind would blow.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu still wanted to talk, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "I'll talk about it after I get home later, don't eat the wind, my stomach hurts..."

Only then did Brother Jiu shut up.

Gandong Second Institute is here.

The carriage has arrived.

Concubine Rong is also there.

What she was holding was not Sanfujin, but Tian Gege.

"Good boy, take good care of him. For a year or so, adding an elder brother will be your blessing..."

Tian Gege said softly: "I listen to your mother..."

Looking at this posture, the two of them look like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Shu Shu glanced at San Fujin standing beside her.

Sanfujin looked a little stiff.

The third elder brother said to the ninth elder brother: "Ninth brother, keep an eye on the imperial dining room, and send them over early on a case-by-case basis, and wait for that one to start a business..."

Brother Jiu was slandering in his heart.

This is really an iron rooster, he doesn't pull out a hair.

There are so many shops outside, even if the palace is delayed here, won't they buy them?
But he still said nicely: "Don't worry, as soon as the gate of the palace is opened tomorrow morning, people will be sent to deliver things..."

Not for the third child.

It's for the other brothers.

It can't be really cold pot and cold stove, so that the prince elder brother and prince Fujin have nothing to eat or drink.

The third elder brother was relieved now, and with a bit of pride, he said: "Grace Khan, I have given my brother my residence in Zhenghongqi. It is also close to the government's mansion and Dutong's mansion, and it is convenient to walk around... When will The ninth brother brought his younger siblings to visit, and he can also visit a few more houses..."

Brother Jiu felt that he seemed to be showing off, but for a while he didn't understand what he was showing off.

He was very appreciative and said: "Zhenghongqi has a good boundary, and my brother also wants to go there. My father-in-law mentioned it to Khan Ama twice, but Khan Ama didn't allow it..."

The third elder brother smiled even wider: "Who told you to be in the back? Khan Ama thinks too much, and I can't build the prince's mansion on the border of the Zhenghong flag..."

Sanfujin stood by, her mother-in-law ignored her, and her husband ignored her.

After eating Night Breeze, his face turned pale.

Shu Shu saw it and turned a blind eye.

She felt that she was cold-hearted.

She treats whoever is kind to her.

Whoever treats her badly, she will also write it down.

But San Fujin is obviously not a smart person.

Treating her mother-in-law like a little daughter-in-law.

Facing her husband, she didn't show self-improvement and self-love, like a husband and wife rivaling each other.

On the contrary, facing the cousin Shu Shu, she still kept a cold face and avoided her.

Shu Shu didn't come forward.

San Fujin is confused.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, husband and wife, and wife and concubine seems to be handled poorly.

If you can't stand up, you will have a hard time in the future.

Now the Baylor Mansion of the third elder brother is in Zhenghongqi, which is a good thing for San Fujin.

If Sanfujin made good use of it, the situation should be eased.

Drums sounded in the distance.

It's the beginning of the child.

The third elder brother also finished showing off, said a few words to Concubine Rong, and got into the carriage.

Concubine Rong didn't stay any longer, she nodded to everyone with a calm expression, and got on the chariot.

Brother Thirteen did not follow this time, and went directly to Zhaoxiang's place.

The three of Shu Shu crossed the imperial garden again.

After tossing and tossing several times a night, brother Jiu is not afraid anymore.

He took Shushu's hand and said: "Miss Zhong Cuigong has a tight hand, she is really generous to her son, she got several boxes of things, but something is wrong, not to mention keeping it for the daughter-in-law, but keeping it for a princess. what?"

Shu Shu asked curiously, "Is Tian Gege her relative?"

Most of the princesses of the princes before their wedding are chosen by their biological mothers.

Concubine Rong was also born in Baoyi, and her in-laws were all in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Probably not, if it were, it would have been reported a long time ago... Khan Ama taboos the harem to meddle in elder brother's affairs, and Empress Zhong Cuigong should not knowingly commit a crime..."

Shu Shu understood.

If it is not a relative, then it is deliberately embarrassing the daughter-in-law.

I don't know what Sanfujin did to make her mother-in-law so dissatisfied.

The two were talking warmly, and Elder Brother Shi was annoyed at the sidelines.

He deliberately said: "It's time, the third child is out of the palace at this time, so he won't be afraid of collision... This yin and yang meet..."

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's hand, a little tight.

Are you scared again?

Shu Shu was still thinking about how to solve it.

Brother Nine has already pushed Shu Shu to the other side.

Originally, there were nine princes in the middle of the three, with Shu Shu on the left and ten princes on the right.

Now it's the middle of Shu Shu, with the ninth brother on the left and the tenth brother on the right.

Both Shu Shu and Brother Ten stopped in their tracks, and they felt strange.

Brother Jiu said: "Men are yang, women are yin, you'd better avoid it..."

Shu Shu felt his trembling.

Instead of conquering his fear, he chooses to face it.

Elder Brother Ten was by his side, seeing that Brother Ninth was really scared, he regretted it.

It's all the fault of Brother Jiu, who wants to get close to Sister-in-law Jiu regardless of place.

Always in front of me, don't you know that you haven't got Fujin yet?

Brother Ten remembered one thing.

It's cold in Mongolia, and the place where the Abahai tribe is located is still outside the mouth, just on the wind.

The wedding team will leave in early winter, otherwise it will be too late, and there will be a white hair wind in the sky, and they will not be able to go on their way.


His Fujin may be in the capital!

According to the previous plan, in the twelfth lunar month, the wedding will be in February or March next year, and the time seems to be very fast.

Elder Brother Ten felt a little excited when he thought of this: "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, the people from Abahai's department should have almost arrived, or have already arrived..."

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:8 a.m. on August 8th. This book is the starting point for the first release. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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