My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 253 There Are Difficulties

Chapter 253 There Are Difficulties

Brother Jiu calculated the time in his mind, and it was indeed almost time to arrive.

He nodded and said: "Tomorrow, I will ask the Lifan Academy and the Clan Mansion..."

If people come, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also start preparing for the "initial ceremony".

He is in charge of hosting this, and it feels much more convenient.

Shu Shu heard this, and said with a smile: "There is a concubine in the palace, if someone comes over there, they must pass a sign into the palace to greet the queen mother and the concubine..."

At that time, Aba Hegege will definitely be brought into the palace as well.

Elder Brother Ten nodded, not feeling sleepy anymore.

He looked at Shu Shu, very shy: "Then when they enter the palace, sister-in-law Jiu will help you take a good look..."

Shu Shu suppressed a smile, and said: "The Queen Mother is the most considerate and caring. At that time, I will definitely send you to Ningshou Palace..."

It not only provides opportunities for unmarried couples to meet each other, but also shows Abahai's elders a look at Elder Brother Ten.

Fortunately, Elder Brother Ten passed through the voice-changing period smoothly, and with the addition of a few months of follow-up, he looked a little stronger, and he was no longer the thin-footed and thin male-duck-voiced boy before.

Otherwise, it's really a bit of a downer.

Elder Brother Ten nodded, with the corners of his mouth curled up, a little bit of anticipation.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he had to remind him: "The wedding period is either February or March, and there are only three or four months left. Don't make any eldest son at this time... When the time comes, the younger brothers and sisters will have no face and say nothing. It will be troublesome in the future..."

Three or four months is not enough to have a baby, but it is enough to be pregnant.

With the lessons learned from the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother, the ninth elder brother doesn't like the mess here.

Don't look at the trip to the north, it seems that the two couples have become harmonious and more beautiful, but the eldest son is standing upright.

Now that it has become a clan, it is even harder to say.

It will be different when the eldest son's birth mother asks to be his concubine in the future.

In the future, there will be disputes in the succession of this title.

I am still looking forward to my tenth brother's son, so don't delay because of these messes.

Shu Shu was at the side, and found that the two brothers had forgotten one thing while talking.

That was Da Fujin's serious illness.

If Da Fujin dies of illness, they will also keep their filial piety.

The wedding will definitely be postponed.

Maybe in their hearts, they were still thinking about Da Fujin getting better.

Death is still too strange for sixteen or seventeen year olds.

Even if Elder Brother Ten has experienced it once, it is still the same.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Brother Ninth, don't worry, younger brother is not that foolish..."

Shu Shu remembered that the Mongolian capital's flags were completely different.

Even do as the Romans do, it will take some time.

Perhaps, I know what meeting ceremony to prepare.

Only others, it is not her turn to come forward yet.

The tenth elder brother is a distinguished man, and there are not many female family members in the palace who can represent him.

That is to say, Concubine Cheap has been on good terms with Concubine Wen Xi for many years before, so at this time, she can't do anything for her.

Shu Shu, the sister-in-law, can take care of brother ten's diet and daily life when she goes out, but she is not qualified to speak on such important matters of marriage.

Those who are qualified to come forward are the Queen Mother and the Crown Princess.

The queen mother doesn't care about things, that is, there is only one crown princess left.

Shu Shu remembered something that was not quite right...

Tonight, no one came out from Yuqing Palace.

The prince did not come, the princess did not come, and no one was sent.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Has Master sent someone to Yuqing Palace?"

Brother Jiu was puzzled and said: "What are you sending people to Yuqing Palace for?"

Shu Shu was dumbfounded.

"Over there... I don't know if King Zhijun will move tonight?"

Brother Jiu said: "Maybe I know, maybe I don't know, who knows..."

Shu Shu hesitated and said, "But...the prince didn't show up..."

Brother Jiu said: "Ama Khan didn't show up either... Besides, Yuqing Palace and Elder Brother's house are still separated by the East Sixth Palace, the prince didn't know how to avoid it, and came across in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

Elder Brother Ten was by the side and understood Shu Shu's concerns.

"Sister-in-law Jiu doesn't need to worry, it's not Brother Jiu's negligence, the prince is the king, he is the same as Khan Ama, and different from our brothers, so he doesn't have to follow these customary etiquette..."

Shu Shu nodded and said nothing more.

Is it just simple etiquette?

The prince regards himself as the king, who can regard him as a brother?
Now Kangxi is not picky, and feels that among his sons, "there is a difference between the monarch and his ministers" is to keep order.

But when you are picky, will you feel that the prince lacks human touch?
Now that the emperor's father is in power, he treats his brothers to alienate him and regards them as his servants, so what will happen next?
At this time, it is wrong for the prince to do it, and it is also wrong not to do it.

Right now, the prince is being held up too high.

From looking up at the earliest, everyone has gradually become picky...

Silent all night.

The next day, Shu Shu slept until mid-morning before getting up.

Brother Jiu is not here, and has already gone to Yuqian.

You don't need to ask to know, right now Brother Nine thinks that it's the marriage of his tenth brother that is the most important thing.

Shu Shu ate a basket of longan buns with seaweed and egg drop soup.

The most important thing today is to prepare six housewarming gifts.

Today is November thirteenth, and the day after tomorrow is fifteenth.

For the princes Fujin who moved out, what kind of itinerary to pay respects to them in the future has not been determined, and they should enter the palace as usual the day after tomorrow.

It's best to send this housewarming gift tomorrow.

It's not good to save it from procrastinating.

Fortunately, I brought back a lot of skins this time, including "birthday gifts" from various Mongolian ministries. At that time, Shu Shu felt hot and shared them out.

But afterward, there are "birthday gifts" for the stewards of the paddock, which can be received with peace of mind.

Including what the third elder brother gave and what Shengjing bought, there are about twenty cars.

Shu Shu took Xiaochun and Walnut to count, and kept the share of her mother's family, and divided the others into six shares.

However, slight adjustments have been made according to the population of each family.

If there are many children like the eldest brother and the fourth elder brother, more ermine skins are replaced in it.

The skin of ermine is soft and thin, which is more suitable for making children's coats.

But the overall value is about the same.

Xiao Chun asked privately: "Fu Jin, is Wubeile's mansion giving them the same way? The empress knows, I'm afraid she's not happy..."

Shu Shu thought about it a long time ago, and said: "In addition to the white jade Guanyin, and the pomegranate bonsai, pick a pair of vases, a pair of golden Ruyi..."

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin entered the door on the same day, and now that Qi Fujin is pregnant, Wu Fujin is probably the one who is most worried.

Although it's only been a year and a half since she got married, but now it's calculated according to false years, and in one and a half months, it will be the third year.

Shu Shu sending this is also a good blessing.

Even if Concubine Yi intervened, she would only be satisfied.

Xiaochun refused to move, and prayed: "Fujin...then Guanyin should be changed..."

Shu Shu glanced at her and saw that the corners of her mouth drooped and tears were about to come out, so she knew she was thinking too much.

"That's enough, that's enough, the White Jade Avalokitesvara is here to stay, plus that set of red sandalwood four seasons brush holder..."

Only then did Xiaochun happily go down to prepare.

Walnut was beside him, hesitating for a moment and said: "Bafujin's side, I'm afraid they'll make a fuss..."

Shu Shu lightly scoffed, "Let her choose..."

But Sifujin and Qifujin...

Forget it, it's not just a one-time gift.

On the Seventh Fujin side, there are plenty of preparations for the child when he lands.

For Sifujin, let's talk about it later.

Otherwise, another round will be given away.

In the afternoon, Brother Nine came back.

Shu Shu showed the prepared gift list to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked through it briefly, and found that they were roughly the same, and he was a little hesitant.

Shu Shu will hand him another gift list: "This is for Sister-in-law Wu in my name..."

In fact, what Brother Nine wants to say is, won't Myna add a share?

But he was a little speechless.

I sent my starling off, didn't the boss say anything?
If you don’t give it, you don’t give it away. If there is a distinction, it’s not a gift, it’s a slap in the face.

It seems that Shu Shu's method is the best.

The etiquette is the same on the surface, impartial.

Make an extra copy in private.

It is also because of my brother.

No matter how critical others are, it is unreasonable.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "That's it..."

Between him and mynah brothers, they don't pay much attention to these formalities.

It was inconvenient for Shu Shu to go out of the palace, so Nanny Qi came forward to give gifts.

Early the next morning, Nanny Qi left the palace with people and gifts.

At noon, Nanny Qi returned to the palace with a strange expression on her face.

After sending the girls off, Mother Qi whispered the reason.

It turned out that she walked through six mansions in the morning, and most of them were packed in an orderly manner.

Needless to say, the king of Zhijun has assigned the Eight Banners Zuoling a long time ago, and has a king's population.

Now every family arranges for people to come to serve.

Many people also went to the Shangshu Mansion.

Here in Sanbeile, the situation is almost the same.

The few Baylors left have moved, and the Zuo Ling of the House of Internal Affairs has also been assigned, but the Ba Banner Zuo Ling has not yet been divided.

Most of the coatings are used.

But these coatings have only just been drawn down, and they are all unfamiliar with each other.

At this time, there is a distinction between the capable wife and the weak.

"Sibeile Mansion, it seems that the order is not chaotic, it seems that a few haha ​​beads of Sibeile need to be used..."

"Qibeile Mansion, Prince Pure Fujin has sent someone over, and it looks like it's pretty much cleaned up today..."

"Babeile Mansion, I heard that several princes and beizi from the King An family were here yesterday, and there is no shortage of manpower..."

"It's Wubaile Mansion, which looks messy now, without the help of in-laws, and those women in clothes are a bit big..."

When Nanny Qi said this, she said: "There are still people who say that Ama of Wufu Jin is like a written note..."

Shu Shu listened and knew the reason.

Although Wu Fujin was born with a common surname in Manchuria, his family is from a side branch.

My grandfather was serving as the governor of Shaanxi, but he was not in Beijing.

Her Ama is indeed the six idle pen and post style.

In the past few days when the prince opened the mansion, all the in-laws' families came to visit. It should not be easy for him to come to his house.

It's really a big difference in status.

Even the father-in-law and mother-in-law have no confidence.

Now that the wrapped women still refuse to accept the status of Wufu Jin, they have divided the population of the Eight Banners equally. What do those imperial wives think of Wufu Jin?

When they were in the palace, everyone was the same prince and prince Fujin, and they couldn't see anything.

Once outside the palace, I'm afraid they will be compared everywhere.

When Brother Jiu came back, Shu Shu told him about the current situation of Baylor Mansion and the difficulties of Wu Fujin.

Brother Jiu heard this, but his face turned black.

"No in-laws to help? Guo Luoluo's family is dead?"

It turned out that before Shengjia returned to Luan, Guo Luoluo's uncle's family also set off and moved to the capital.

The uncle of Guo Luoluo's family will be the master of ceremonies of the fourth-rank Baylor House.

Only then did Shu Shu remember, she forgot about it.

"Did you delay on the way and haven't arrived in Beijing yet?"

Although she has a bad impression of Guo Luoluo's family, Shushu still doesn't think they have the guts to neglect the prince.

Especially when Brother Jiu has already expressed dissatisfaction with them.

"Isn't there still Gui Dan? There are also the upper and lower managers..."

Brother Jiu is still dissatisfied.


When you are an official, there will be fat vacancies for you.

When you need your help, don't show up.

He was a little worried: "It's not going to be in the Baylor Mansion over there, brother five is a good tempered man, don't be fooled by them..."

Shu Shu said: "Fifth sister-in-law is a sensible person..."

Speaking of this, she curiously said: "After Han Ama pointed out the marriage, she never thought of giving the fifth sister-in-law Ama a favor..."

It doesn't sound good to say that the daughter of the pen post style is the prince Fujin.

Brother Jiu thought about it carefully, and said: "It seems that I gave something to Buyanu..."

Buyanu, the grandfather of Wufu Jin, the governor of Shaanxi.

Shu Shujiong.

Brother Nine also noticed something was wrong: "I guess Khan Ama didn't think about the fifth brother's father-in-law..."

He thought for a while, and said: "After the time for giving the marriage, it's not good to be kind again at this time... But at the House of Internal Affairs, some of the clerks under the general manager were transferred from the Sixth Department..."

Shu Shu heard that the voice was wrong, Brother Jiu wanted to solve this matter for himself.

She hurriedly said: "Master, the House of Internal Affairs is the Emperor's House of Internal Affairs... Fifth brother is not only the prince, but also the elder brother of the master, I'm afraid I don't like it... Whether it's Jia En or promotion, the emperor should make the decision... ..."

There is no such thing as selling favors.

Obviously he is the younger brother, who did my job, how can Kangxi be happy?

Brother Jiu thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the truth.

He stroked his forehead and said: "I went to Qianqing Palace yesterday, talking about the ceremony at the beginning of the old tenth month; I went to Qianqing Palace again in the morning, talking about the divisional supply of each government after the year, and I have to go this afternoon... ..."

When they were in Shangshufang before, except when the emperor was taking the exam, they hid far away and didn't go to the imperial court.

Now that there are more errands for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it feels like one or two trips a day.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt very at ease.

That's right, boy.

This is a qualified worker.

Don't be self-reliant, ask for instructions and report at any time.

Brother Jiu mentioned Qianqing Palace, and whispered to Shu Shu: "Ama Khan hasn't rested well these two days, and she can't bear her son to go out of the palace, her eyes are dark... I don't even think about it, everyone is old, and there are a bunch of grandchildren If you don't let it out, you will have a great-grandson in a few years..."

Shu Shu nodded, and felt that she shouldn't stay any longer.

Elder brother's place is too close to the East and West Sixth Palaces, even if there are heavy access controls, you can't see you when you look down.

In addition, there will be many little princesses and little elder brothers in the future, so it is inevitable that there will be conflicts.

Novelists of later generations said that the mention of "the prince's concubine mother" may be a fabrication.

Perhaps there is a suspicion of being pretentious...

But now, the access control in the Forbidden City is indeed not so strict.

Anyway, hard to say...

(End of this chapter)

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