Chapter 254 Mother is more expensive than child
After tomorrow's greeting, what is the rule of greeting the prince Fujin who will open the mansion in the future?
Shu Shu thought about the Fujin of Prince Xiayu's Mansion, Prince Gong's Mansion, and Prince Chun.

These are the daughter-in-laws of the Empress Dowager, and they will also be admitted to the palace.

Shu Shu has never met her.

It seems to be once a month, the time is not fixed, so I submit the post in advance and wait for the Queen Mother to approve it before coming in.

If it's not every five or ten, it will collide with the day when the concubine and the prince Fujin pay their respects.

The daughter-in-law is once a month, and the granddaughter-in-law enters the palace to greet the queen mother, and most of them follow this example.

But in terms of time, it may be from five to ten.

The princes Fujin and the concubine are regarded as a family, and they are together as long as they are together.

Otherwise, if they come separately, there will be no time for the Queen Mother to welcome and send them off.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

That's fine too.

Otherwise, there would be only two junior daughters-in-law left in the palace.

One princess, one her.

Before being wiped out by all the princes, Fujin, he didn't feel that there was anything to do with his head, and it was a bit embarrassing to come out alone.

The crown princess has a supernatural status, and every time she has a row in Ningshou Palace, her seat is still higher than that of other concubines.

It's just that the princess is modest and refuses to sit down.

Shu Shu is a little daughter-in-law, and her mother-in-law is still happy. It's strange that she will go to Ningshou Palace and stand alone.

At this moment, Shu Shu is looking forward to the speed of life so that Shi Fujin can marry in sooner.

By the time of the next draft, the twelfth and thirteenth Fujin will almost enter the palace.

And at his natal home, Xiaoer is already engaged, and Xiaosan is also attracted by Su Nu Beizi.

Also fast.

In the future, there will be a bunch of younger brothers and daughters-in-law in the mother-in-law's family, and a bunch of younger brothers-in-law and daughter-in-law in the mother's family.

It seems that there is a sense of time passing by.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi just took down the dining table here, and someone came in to report that Brother Jiu begged to see him.

Kangxi glanced at the clock, if he remembered correctly, Lao Jiu seemed to have left just before the meal was served, less than an hour before and after.

The attendants saw her all day before, but now they are back in the palace, it's like this again, it's a bit annoying.

It seems that the appointment of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has to be brought forward.

In the future, if there is any matter in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they will discuss it by themselves, so as to save Lao Jiu from bothering him.

"Let's pass it on..."

Kangxi felt a little helpless.

Brother Nine came in, without any fuss, and babbled about what Nanny Qi saw and heard when she went to the various houses to give gifts.

Kangxi listened in, and focused on Babeile Mansion.

The county kings and beizi of the king's family have all gone?

Let this son go to Zhenglanqi by himself, does Prince An's Mansion not know what his intention is?
Or are they sure that the status of the owner of the Zhenglan Banner will not be shaken?

Is this treating the prince elder brother as a help that can be used?
And on the boss side, the subordinates under the door all moved...

Under his sect, there are twelve assistant leaders of the Eight Banners.

I had my own selfish intentions, in order to give him weight and not be suppressed by the clan and princes of the Xianglan Banner, I picked and selected among the officials of the Xianglan Banner, and allocated several high-ranking officials to the boss...

Brother Jiu finished talking, his mouth was dry, and he realized that Kangxi was distracted.

He expressed his displeasure: "Ama, did you hear me? I know you are looking for the brothers in front of you, but the fifth brother didn't pick it up? I also feel sorry for the fifth brother..."

Kangxi just paid attention to Zhijun Prince's Mansion and Babeile Mansion, and the others are just passing by.

"What's wrong with the fifth one?"

Brother Nine did not answer the question, but said, "Ama, what did you think at that time? Even though you value Governor Bu and the character of Fifth Sister-in-law, Mafa is Mafa and Ama is Ama, so why didn't you give it to Fifth Brother?" A grace from the father-in-law... Now that the elder brothers go out to open the mansion, other people's father-in-law is either honored, or in the capital, or the fifth brother's place, the father-in-law is still a six-part idle pen and post style... After the fifth brother goes out to meet people, When it comes to Yue's family status, you can't talk about the great father-in-law..."

Six-part pen post style, with six grades, seven grades, eight grades, and nine grades.

The father of Wufujin is Yinfeng pen post style, Zheng Qipin.

In the pen post style, it is neither high nor low.

But among the Beijing officials, they are already officials the size of a sesame seed.

Even the staff officials of Baylor Mansion are all higher than Zheng Qipin.

Master of Ceremonies of Baylor House, fourth grade.

For the ceremony of Baylor Mansion, there is one person from the fifth rank, and two people from the sixth rank.

The second-class guard of Baylor Mansion, from the fourth rank.

The third-class guard of Baylor Mansion, from the fifth rank.

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu couldn't help but move: "Khan Ama, why don't you let Fifth Brother's father-in-law be the master of ceremonies..."

That's still the fourth grade.

Rather than taking advantage of Daobao, the uncle of Guo Luoluo's family, it would be better to take advantage of others.

Just look at the past two years when Fifth Sister-in-Law has been in the house, he has kept the family safe and sound outside, and has never done anything under the name of Fifth Brother, so he knows that this family is more reliable than Guo Luoluo's family.

Kangxi scolded: "Nonsense..."

In any case, Daobao is Yifei's younger brother, and the uncle of fifth elder brother and ninth elder brother.

Now that there is no fault of dismissal, what do others think?
And it was Ama from Wufujin who was replaced.

How will the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along in the future?

And it also involves the queen mother, who is the Taobao ordered by the queen mother.

If they were replaced, even the queen mother would have objections to Wu Fujin.

Kangxi was patient and told the reason with Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Your Majesty, you shouldn't care about this..."

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "Anyway, don't worry about this, even if Daobao is transferred, it is not appropriate to choose Zhang Baozhu..."

Zhang Baozhu, the fifth elder brother's father-in-law.

No matter how decent the master of ceremonies sounds, he is also a member of Baylor's staff, the housekeeper.

Father-in-law is considered a respected relative.

As for the biological mother and uncle, it doesn't get in the way.

Because the nominal uncles of the princes are the natal families of several empresses.

Brother Jiu nodded, his brows still frowning.

When Kangxi saw this, he thought about it and said, "You really care about this wife's family background..."

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi and felt that this was nonsense.

Who doesn't want to find a wife with a high family background?

He nodded, then shook his head again, and said: "If you say you care, you care, if you say you don't care, you don't care... The royal family is not outsiders, and marriages are about being well-matched... Whoever marries into the royal family is a high profile... It's just that there are a lot of people watching the fun outside... , Putting the princes together, you have to compare the prince's Fujin family status, dowry and so on..."

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Ah Ling is a first-class gentleman, and Qi Xi's Labulhafan and Salahhafan are only fourth-rank nobles. Do you despise your father-in-law's low status?"

The honor of the Eight Banners is never compared to the level of official position, but the level of title.

No matter how high the official position is, if the descendants fail to become talents, the family will be reduced.

Having a high-grade title, descending from generation to generation, can also ensure that the family will not become an ordinary banner family.

Brother Jiu quickly shook his head and said, "That's different..."

Who told him that Fujin is an outstanding talent...

He didn't say this sentence, but only mentioned the ancestors of Dong E's family.

"Dong E's family is the descendant of Princess Wenzhe. They have been married to the clan for generations, and several generations have made great achievements in military affairs. The family is decent... But for the fifth sister-in-law, counting up, the grandfather is the governor, the great-grandfather is the infantry military academy, and the great-grandfather is the ordinary. Bannerman, there is no hereditary leader in the family..."

Speaking of this, Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan, or else you will give me a favor and promote my fifth brother's father-in-law to work as a doctor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs... There is also a precedent for the doctor in charge of my son's side to be selected from the Six Departments..."

After hearing this, Kangxi fell into deep thought.

I was negligent back then.

I only think that Buyanu has a handsome personality, and his granddaughter is also outstanding among that group of beautiful girls, so I didn't think about adding any kindness.

The seventh grade idle pen post style is indeed too low.

He nodded and said: "Then he will be promoted to the doctor of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Although his son was blatantly showing favoritism, Kangxi was still very satisfied in his heart because he asked Khan Ama for instructions first.

Ninth elder brother happily said: "Then son will send someone to report the good news to fifth brother, and let fifth brother kowtow to you later..."

Immediately, Brother Nine thought of the news from the Li Fan Academy.

"Ama Khan, Princess Abahai has arrived in Beijing with her eldest son and eldest daughter, can the 'initial ceremony' of the tenth old man be arranged?"

When Kangxi heard the words, his expression became solemn.

He thought of Big Brother and Da Fujin, and the time was really tight.

He said: "Go to Qin Tianjian and choose a date nearby..."

There have already been so many "initial ceremonies" for princes and elder brothers, and the regulations are all ready-made.

There are examples to follow.

It should go quickly.

Brother Jiu didn't move.

He didn't pay attention and didn't care before, because the old ten got engaged, and he realized how simple the prince's engagement ceremony was.

Compared with the prince's engagement ceremony, it's like a child's play, and the gifts are not rich.

Old Ten here, Brother Nine wants to fight for it.

Although Khan Ama promised the old ten a county king's hat, he still doesn't know when he will be ennobled.

Always point out that the old ten's status is precious, lest someone in the harem treat ten Fujin unkindly, and that would be the old ten's face.

After half a year of marriage, Brother Nine understands what a "husband and wife" are.

New little family.

unanimously externally.

All glory, all shame.

"Khan Ama, the tenth old man here is the son of a noble concubine, and he is married to the prince Gege, so it's not good to follow the example of brothers and sons..."

Kangxi couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Didn't notice this before.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said, "What Yiyou means..."

Brother Jiu couldn't take the prince's engagement ceremony and said, "Then compare it with the initial engagement ceremony of the son and others. The reward from Fujin's parents and the reward from the prince Fujin, Khan Ama, you should reward more, that is. To make the old ten decent..."

Kangxi glanced at him several times, seeing that he didn't intend to put on a show, he said: "You said earlier that there are many people watching outside, so you are not afraid that you will become a crowd?"

Brother Jiu didn't understand for a while.

Kangxi said: "Others will also compare your marriage with Lao Shi..."

The initial ceremony will be added, and the subsequent wedding will also be added.

Brother Nine's wedding has only been less than half a year, and by that time they will have to be compared.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Let's go with what they say, anyway, my son is like this, he doesn't slip away in his ability, he doesn't slip in his background, we have to let people tell the truth..."

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "As long as you have one or two outstanding features, you don't have to be so indifferent..."

Brother Jiu didn't reply, that was before, and now he also wants to make a difference, accumulate credit, and work hard in the future to be named the county king for the first time.

Otherwise, Shu Shu might not be happy to salute to a bunch of side Fujin while socializing.

Kangxi waved his hand and sent him off.

"This old nine is really impressive... If you say he has selfishness, it's not for himself; if you say he has no selfishness, it's all a small scheme..."

Kangxi felt a little helpless and complained to Liang Jiugong.

Liang Jiugong said: "Look at this servant, Master Jiu has followed the emperor, he is kind-hearted, and he treats brothers and sisters kindly..."

Kangxi nodded, he felt the same way.

Although Lao Jiu is not good at writing, he is not good at martial arts, and he is not so sophisticated in human relations, but he has a good heart.

It's about the same as the fifth child.

Concubine Yi's two sons are good.

Thinking of Concubine Yi, now the old clam is pregnant with a pearl.

Kangxi said: "The Yikun Palace wants to use blood swallows, you go to the warehouse to find a few boxes to reward..."

Liang Jiugong agreed and went down to prepare.

In Yikun Palace.

Concubine Yi was lying on the kang, with hot towels covering her eyes.

When she came back from the head office yesterday, she felt a little sad, tossed and turned, and didn't sleep well.

Now the eyes are astringent, and the eyes are also blue.

Xianglan was sitting beside her, holding a soft sole in her hand, she was sewing non-stop, and she was asking about the housewarming ceremony of the Fifth Prince.

Concubine Yi said: "Look at it and tidy it up, try to adjust some of the built-in ones, and when the time comes they will be respectable..."

If the things in the house are bestowed by the emperor, they should be collected in a book.

Those who are not rewarded by the emperor, but those who are "in" by the subordinates, can be rewarded.

Xiang Lan wrote it down, and said: "There are a lot of good ingredients..."

This is the treatment of a concubine.

Concubine Yi's place, apart from the clothing materials on the case, the big head is a gift from Kangxi, and filial piety outside.

Even if this kind of daily consumption is rewarded by the emperor, it is not taboo to send it out.

The fifth elder brother opened the house, and what Concubine Yi was worried about was that her sons would not be able to make ends meet.

When living outside, the biggest expense is not the food and clothing, nor the population, but the courtesy of these favors.

Before they were in the palace, they didn't have to walk alone.

Now when you go out, you have to socialize with your clan relatives.

Now there are more than a dozen Prince's Mansions and County King's Mansions in the capital, a dozen Baylor Mansions and Beizi Mansions, plus twenty or so Duke's Mansions, that's dozens of family exchanges.

Plus mother and wife clan.

If there is no subsidy at this time, when will it be subsidized?
But Concubine Yi couldn't help but give an order: "Remember to divide it into two parts, and save the old nine's part, lest he turn around and nag me for being partial..."

Xianglan smiled and said, "Why don't you divide it into three parts, don't lose out to our little elder brother..."

Concubine Yi rubbed her stomach and said: "It's still early for this mansion to open, let's let his brothers first..."

This will work.

Liang Jiugong arrived with Xueyan.

Concubine Yi, supported by Xianglan, thanked Qianqing Palace.

"It's hard for the emperor to think about me. I don't know if the emperor is busy these two days. I will kowtow to the emperor later..."

Yifei smiled and said.

Liang Jiugong wanted to sell favors, and said: "The emperor is still the same, even Jiu Ye has worked hard these past two days, and the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are complicated, and he often comes to Yuqian..."

As for the ninth elder brother begging fifth elder brother's father-in-law for an official position, he didn't utter a word.

False words can be said; news that others know can also be said.

To be honest, the imperial court will not stay long.

Yi Fei listened with a smile.

When Liang Jiugong left, Concubine Yi followed Xianglan and sighed: "I saw Lao Jiu playing around like a fool before, and he didn't look serious. I didn't expect that mothers are more expensive than their children..."

(End of this chapter)

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