Chapter 256 Someone Always Appreciates (The first update asks for a monthly pass)

Next to the Eight Baylor Mansion is the Four Baylor Mansion.

The regulations of the two governments are the same, and they were created together.

In the main room, Sifujin held the gift list, facing the leather, and asked someone to organize and distribute.

The fourth elder brother had already returned from the yamen, and was sitting beside him having tea.

Seeing that the ermine leather took up half of the car, Sifujin smiled, and praised the fourth elder brother: "The ninth brother and sister are careful. This ermine skin is not as valuable as sables and silver foxes, but the top-quality ones are also worth it." It's rare, but it's even more difficult to buy some... We and the Zhijun Palace must have the most shares..."

The fourth elder brother nodded, and had never dealt with this younger sibling.

Occasionally, I heard that they are also filial to their mother-in-law and careful to their husbands.

But just looking at the changes in Lao Jiu's behavior, one can tell that this ninth sibling is a virtuous one.

If he was as arrogant and unruly as Fujin, he would have been notorious for a long time.

Si Fujin pointed to the rolls of sable fur and said, "Master's cloak is still from the year before last, and I will add another one this year..."

The fourth elder brother said: "Two pieces, this is the material for two pieces, you also make one..."

Si Fujin nodded, pointing to the silver fox and red fox skins who were next in line.

"These two are for Li Gege and Song Gege..."

The fourth elder brother didn't care about the distribution any more, and just told him: "These two cars are worth a lot, and the other mansions should be similar. The old nine and the others should go out for a trip, and the stock should be almost... Just remember, when you come back to the New Year's ceremony, Think about how to make up for it... They spend a lot of money living in the palace, so it's not good for us to be brothers and sister-in-laws and take advantage of it..."

Sifujin nodded, keeping this matter in mind.

Xicheng, Zhijun Palace.

Now the palace is very quiet, Da Fujin is recuperating, and the elder brother is always by his wife's side.

The two masters did not show their faces, but the people below performed their duties and seemed to be in order.

The general affairs in the mansion are watched by the nuns who came out of Yanxi Palace.

This old nanny is an old man next to Concubine Hui, and she looks serious.

No kid dares to be a waste at this time.

Seeing that there was a carload of ermines on the gift list of Brother Jiu and his wife, Mammy breathed a sigh of relief.

She hurriedly called the steward of the sewing room, and carefully ordered: "Take this wagon skin, and add winter coats to the little masters..."

After the Double Ninth Festival in Dafujin, there are signs of illness.

At that time, the people above and below the head prepared winter clothes, that is, according to the proportion of materials.

Among the divided materials, the winter clothes are cotton, and the outside is made of silk and satin, with neither large nor small wool.

As a result, the young masters were either wearing thick cotton coats, or old leather jackets from last year or the year before.

When children grow up, they can also make clothes. Last year's old clothes may not fit well this year.

One by one, looking pitiful.

Mammy was about to burst into tears.

But it's not good to buy leather to make clothes with great fanfare at this time.

This housewarming gift was just a solution to the urgent need.

Sanbeile Mansion is on the same street as Zhijun Wang Mansion.

It used to be built according to the regulations of the County King's Mansion, but now it can only hang the sign of Baylor Mansion.

Many places that are beyond the rules must also be avoided.

The third elder brother was a little unhappy.

You must know that when he arranged the population of the banner before, he also followed the configuration of the county prince's mansion, so there are many high-level staff members.

There are nineteen civil servants, ranging from the third rank to the eighth rank.

As a result, it became the Baylor House, with only four bureaucrats.

Besides, the military officer can be a bodyguard.

There are fifteen people in the county palace, six first-class guards, four second-class guards, and five third-class guards.

When they arrived at Baylor's Mansion, there were only ten guards, six of the second class, and four of the third class.

When he saw the gift list and knew that the housewarming gift prepared by Brother Jiu and his wife was made of leather, he became overwhelmed.

I sent them eight cars before, and they came back with two cars.

Is this taking your own things as favors for yourself?

Who are you fooling?

He was a bit petty, and suspected that Brother Jiu and his wife did it on purpose.

Is this because he dislikes his lack of etiquette here, and he is reluctant to prepare things for them as a housewarming gift, so he deliberately fools them?
For others, designation is not such a simple gift.

He ordered someone to take a few bags of leather and look carefully.

When you see that the mink fur is made of high-quality sable fur in rolls.

There is also rare silver fox fur in fox fur.

And they were all specially processed, as if they were specially purchased, not the unprocessed leather seized in the paddock.

Only then did he feel a little more at ease, and finally he was still sensible.

Otherwise, when he went back to see Lao Jiu, he would definitely ask.

Who is this looking down on?
Sanfujin was angry with Shushu.

The good county king Fujin is lost, why don't you allow yourself to be unhappy?

The result was good, I made a face and ignored her, and she ignored herself.

Who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister?
What's wrong with taking the initiative to bend over and say something nice?
Fortunately, I was the first to open her eyes in front of others and protect this cousin.

Just snobbery.

Thinking of this, Sanfujin showed disgust on his face.

"When is it, are you still sending these materials? Half of this winter is over..."

Her winter clothes have been prepared as early as after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

She has a lot of money, and has bought both big and small woolen clothes.

The third elder brother said: "If you don't need it, you will close the warehouse, and look back to share some with Tian and the others..."

Sanfujin's face turned blue.

What's the point of this?
This Fujin doesn't make clothes, but Gege does instead.

She said: "And our elder brother and second elder brother, it's all new clothes for the Chinese New Year..."

The third elder brother frowned and said: "Children, why do you prepare so many new clothes? Khan Ama advocates frugality, and we don't want to be extravagant... Save it for the New Year's gift, and add one or two pieces to everywhere The leather is also decent..."

With such a straight face, he ordered solemnly.

Sanfujin couldn't say anything, so he could only nod reluctantly.

Five Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

Wu Fujin rested on his side.

These two days are exhausting physically and mentally.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have married into the royal family in the first place.

This blessing is too great for her to bear...

The grandma carefully held the pomegranate bonsai, and said with joy: "Look, Fujin, this is so festive, let's put it in the room..."

Flower pots of cloisonné enamel, branches of gold and silver, pomegranates of agate, and pomegranate leaves of jasper.

Looking rich and auspicious.

Wu Fujin nodded: "I think it's good too, so let's put it on..."

She looked down at her belly, hoping that with a good meaning, her wish would come true sooner, and her life would not be so difficult...

Seven Baylor House.

Qifu Jin has always been generous, he took two carts of good leather, and did not ask anyone to take over the warehouse.

Instead, it is allocated.

She and Seventh Brother are first class.

Big elder brother and big princess are the second class.

Nala Gege who gave birth to Big Brother and Big Gege is third class.

The other three childless Ge Ge are fourth class.

New home, new atmosphere, of course, new clothes.

Seventh elder brother came back and saw that she was distributing the skins, so he ordered: "Keep some, and send a copy to Aunt Wang and the nobleman later..."

Although the seventh elder brother also followed suit this time, he only went around two rounds and got some skins, which were not as good as these specially purchased ones.

Qi Fujin smiled and glared at him: "You still need me to order this? I set it aside long ago... My master used fox fur. The rolls of sable fur are the material of two bodies. I will buy a copy tomorrow." Bring it to the nobleman when the palace greets you, when will we take the other half to the next door..."

Seven Baylor Mansion is right next to Prince Chun's Mansion.

It is very convenient to go in and out of the two provinces...

In the palace, there are two Ganxi institutes.

After Shu Shu gave the gift, she put the matter aside, not thinking about the reaction of each family.

Anyway, she does her own thing, whatever she likes.

What she cares about now is whether the donkey-hide gelatin and sea cucumber are top grade.

After a while, Walnut came back from the Tai Hospital on duty.

The sea cucumber donkey-hide gelatin has been carefully inspected by Yin Taiyi, and it is all top grade, and pregnant women can use it, especially the sea cucumber.

It is a good nourishing food to stew one every day.

After hearing this, Shu Shu asked Walnut to divide the two into two.

One plus two boxes of bird's nest, added to her natal family's gift list, and one to take with her when she went to Yikun Palace to pay her respects tomorrow morning.

People do not blame.

In addition, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, even if they treat them differently in their hearts, they are the best on the surface.

Others can't make a mistake.

Brother Jiu was listening and knew that Shu Shu was going to send Nanny Qi and the others to Dutong Mansion tomorrow.

He asked for the gift list, and saw that there were two kinds of leather and ginseng.

"Is the etiquette too thin? Didn't we also get a lot of gold wares in Mongolia? Although the craftsmanship is rough, they are also simple and cute. Take them for a few brothers-in-law to play with..."

Shu Shu said: "I won't add it this time, I want to find a chance to go back a year ago, and then I will talk about it... When does the Lord think it is convenient..."

Although she is not a concubine, she does not need to enter the palace as deep as the sea, but it is not easy to return to the province frequently like an ordinary daughter-in-law.

Brother Jiu thought about it carefully, and said: "Forget it these few days, it's a mess, Khan Ama feels uncomfortable, and it's not good for us to ask for leave, or else we can take a good rest, and we will talk about it in the twelfth lunar month..."

A bit of disappointment appeared on Shu Shu's face.

Ninth elder brother saw it, he was a little reluctant, and hurriedly said: "My master sent someone to Qintian Supervisor to collect the date, and the tenth younger brother's initial appointment ceremony will be brought forward. When the time comes, my master told Han Ama that you should go out to help... "

Naturally, Shu Shu had no objection, but thinking of the eldest brother, she still reminded: "If the master is going to make arrangements, I'd better choose the nearest date, so as not to change..."

Brother Nine came to his senses with hesitation on his face.

"It's not that the new year is sad, it's still some days before the twelfth lunar month..."

Shu Shu shook her head lightly, and said: "If it wasn't for the fact that sister-in-law's condition is really bad, the king of Zhijun wouldn't have moved out without a break after returning..."

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not be willing to move.

Living in the palace, it is convenient to call the imperial physician and so on.

Although the Zhijun Prince's Mansion also arranged for the imperial physician to be on duty, it was not as convenient as being in the palace.

Ninth elder brother said disgruntledly: "Okay, I got it..."

After a while, He Yuzhu came back from Qin Tianjian.

Holds three red sheets of paper in hand.

There were three people who were suitable for "marriage and engagement" years ago.

November seventeenth.

The second day of the twelfth lunar month.

Twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month.

Brother Jiu looked at these three days and felt a toothache.

The twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month will definitely not work, the distance is too far, and it will be Chinese New Year again, so it will be messy.

November [-]th, isn't that the day after tomorrow?
This is simply too rushed.

To be honest, the middle day of the second day of the twelfth lunar month is the best.

There are still twenty days to prepare.

But Zhijun Prince's Mansion...

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Ama Khan also said that as soon as possible, then seventeen will be fine..."

Shu Shu nodded, and said: "There is already a charter for the prince's preliminary ceremony, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also rich in manpower, so it should be okay..."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu waved his hand to send Walnut and He Yuzhu off, and then whispered to Shu Shu: "Don't follow the example of the previous prince..."

As he spoke, he talked about the ten elder brother's preliminary ceremony and other things.

Shu Shu was a little surprised.

"What on earth is Grandpa thinking?"

Brother Nine said: "It's not like seeing Fifth Sister-in-law in a difficult situation and thinking of this temporarily... Ten younger siblings are married from far away, and there is no natal family in Beijing to rely on. If the people in the palace neglect, it will be the tenth who will be hurt Face……"

With the lessons learned from the past, he thought more carefully.

Shu Shu was silent.

In this case, did you offend the brothers in front?

You know, whether it is the eldest son of the emperor, the fourth elder brother raised by the queen, or the fifth elder brother raised by the queen mother, the engagement and marriage are the same, and they are not superior to others.

Although the status of the tenth elder brother is here, it should be regarded as high-ranking, but in the end it is eye-catching.

Brother Nine whispered: "I'm thinking about it, but I'm keeping it a secret, don't say what I said, it's Khan Ama's grace..."

He didn't think about offending his brothers or anything, but made a simple comparison.

It has different meanings for him to raise money for the ten princes, and for Khan Ama to raise money for the ten princes.

Let others know that it was Khan Ama who "actively" gave the initial ceremony to Elder Brother Shi, knowing that the son of a noble concubine in Khan Ama's heart is not the same, and he will also take a look at Old Shigao.

He was afraid that Shu Shu would not understand, so he simply explained the reason.

Shu Shu was pleasantly surprised, nodded quickly and said, "Master is very thoughtful, I didn't even think of this..."

Brother Jiu was so embarrassed by the praise: "What's the matter, just draw inferences from one instance, I'm not a fool..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu with a smile.

This is really a good brother.

Also a good brother.

The fifth elder brother encountered difficulties, he didn't need to ask, he would help solve it.

Elder Brother Ten hasn't encountered any difficulties yet, and his elder brother wants to prevent problems before they happen.

Loyalty is true righteousness.

Worrying is really worrying.

I'm afraid that this kind of loyalty will fall on the eighth elder brother in the future.

This has to be guarded against.

Shu Shu felt that she still had to hold on to the small hoe tightly, so she couldn't relax too much...

(End of this chapter)

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