My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 257 Continue to Dig

Chapter 257 Continue to dig (second update)
Brother Jiu couldn't sit still.

He got up and said: "I can't do anything today, the day after tomorrow is the day, and there are only two full days left in the middle, I will go to the third institute to have a look..."

As he spoke, he grabbed the red paper with "November [-]" written on it, got up and left.

Although he went through the "initial appointment ceremony" in early April, he was still emotional at the time, and those who were reluctant were all following the regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and didn't care.

Thinking about it now, there are many regrets and deficiencies in his heart.

For the first appointment ceremony of the tenth child, brother Jiu hoped that it would be well organized and perfect.

Three main houses.

Elder Brother Ten is also planning a gift list.

He hasn't married yet, so the housewarming ceremony he prepared for his brothers outside is less, as long as he feels it.

The remaining skins will be distributed.

For Niu Hulu's, you don't need to give it now. It's better to give it as a New Year's gift in the twelfth lunar month.

If I don't give it now, I have to prepare for it in the twelfth lunar month.

It's just a polite salute, it's not necessary.

The rest is on the side of King Fujin of Abahai County.

Wang Fujin of Abahai County is now in the capital, living in the "Inner Pavilion" under the Lifan Academy.

This was prepared for the princes of Inner Mongolia who came to Beijing to pay tribute.

Just north of Dongjiang Mixiang.

There is also an "outer hall", which is the foothold of the princes of Outer Mongolia.

They are all nice yards, specially for distant guests.

Elder Brother Ten knew that if there were no accidents, his initial appointment ceremony would also be placed in the inner hall.

In what name?
How to send it?

Elder Brother Ten was a little undecided.

The roll of ferret fur that I bought in Shengjing before was next to it, looking slick and smooth.

Brother Nine came in and took a good look.

"Is this the filial piety prepared for the mother-in-law?"

Brother Nine joked.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "Well, my brother is going to put the bottom of the box first..."

Brother Jiu disapproved: "Isn't it a pity for such a rare thing? Mongolians don't shy away from this..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "They don't shy away from it, but my younger brother feels a little irritated, and it's the juncture of engagement, think about it or forget it..."

He wanted to avoid the auspicious days of engagement and marriage, and wanted to add it when Fujin came in and gave New Year's gifts to his natal family in the future.

He told Brother Jiu about his plan.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's fine too, don't waste money... If not, you can change your color..."

That would be a bit of a waste of something good.

The price of ermine fur is two or three times that of sable fur, and it is because of this color that it is more expensive.

The tenth elder brother pleaded a little: "Ninth brother, in front of Khan Ama, are you going to help remind me? This initial ceremony..."

Elder Brother Ten felt that it was inappropriate to give gifts rashly, and it was best to send them along with the gift from Ama Khan.

Brother Nine spread out his palm, revealing the red paper inside, and handed it forward.

"Look what this is?"

Elder Brother Ten picked it up curiously, and when he realized it, his face flushed red.

"Ah? November seventeenth? Not twenty-seventh, but seventeenth!?"

Brother Jiu nodded, and said: "A few days ago, three days were suitable for marriage and engagement, this is the most recent..."

Elder Brother Ten felt numb, and spoke nervously.

"Then, then, what will my brother do..."

Brother Jiu thought about himself that day, and said: "You don't need to do anything else if you change into a new Jifu suit. The county king Fujin is fine... Don't worry, officials from the Ministry of Rituals will follow, and they will tell you how to salute in advance..."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "No one else cares, Brother Ninth, you must go with younger brother, younger brother is a little nervous..."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "You can't be a little promising, and you are nervous about getting engaged. What about the big wedding?"

Elder Brother Shi followed up with a smile and said, "During the big wedding, everyone was brought in, so why be nervous?"

Brother Jiu is already thinking about who will accompany him.

When I first set the ceremony, I followed the fifth brother and the starling, the two princes and elder brothers.

If the old ten wants to wait here, it is best to have three brothers following him.

Boss has no time and no mood right now, so skip it.

Fifth Brother's face was scarred.

It looks slightly lighter than before, but he is not very happy to meet people, so don't force him.

Old seven...don't like places with many people...skip it.

Starlings are sure to be fine.

In fact, brother, even if he doesn't say hello, he will follow.


It's the third and fourth...

I don't want to choose what to do...

It seems that the third child has been working in the Ministry of Rites for the past two years, Khan Ama will not order him...

No, no, it looks unlucky...

Otherwise, I would stop fussing with the fourth child and tell him?
Brother Jiu has made up his mind, and he will chat with Shu Shu when he lies down at night.

"I really don't know what I don't know. I'm shocked...Compared with the third child, the eldest brother has become a good brother, and the fourth child is not so annoying..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

"It's the same with the Lord. It's enough to remember things from my childhood for ten years..."

Speaking of which, despite the difference in age, even if the princes are brothers of the same father, unless they live in the same palace, most of their contact starts when they go to the study.

Whether it's being held high by the elder brother, or to provoke the dog of the fourth elder brother, it has been more than ten years.

This narrow-minded guy always remembers the present.

Brother Nine snorted softly, "What's wrong with ten years? I can remember it for a lifetime..."

Shu Shucha said: "However, Master's concern is right. We have to prevent the emperor from ordering San Bei Le to go over. It is better for Master to take the initiative to say hello to Si Bei Le..."

Between people, they are afraid of looking at each other and hate each other, and they are isolated from each other.

With contacts, those who come and go again and again will become more entangled.

Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "Okay, for the sake of tenth son, Master Ming will go to look for fourth son..."

Shu Shu smiled lightly and said, "What did my grandpa say about Elder Fourteen? I'm not afraid that I'll leak my words in front of the emperor one day..."

Ninth Brother was wilted.

"Hey, that's why it's annoying to grow up... Even if there was a small problem or irregularity when I was young, Khan Ama reprimanded me and it was over... Now that I am older, Khan Ama will train again, and I will pay daily attention. This Who can stand..."

Shu Shu encouraged: "My lord, do your job well, and be more prudent in front of the imperial court. After two years, I will ask for an order, and ask the emperor to give the review..."

Brother Nine felt depressed, and said: "I think so too, so I have to be more honest in the past three or two years, and I can't let him talk about it for a second time..."

Not only was Shu Shu in a good mood, she was a little bit excited.

Be politically correct, boy.

After three or two years, the foundation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also stabilized.


really good...

The two rested early and slept well.

Plus pretty good sake.

It's just a little bit sweeter.

Wake up the next day.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu very gently.

He didn't want to be like the boss, he didn't think about cherishing it for ten years, and it was too late when he thought about cherishing it.

Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table, Xiao Yu turned her head behind her.

Next to it are some jewelry that has been put away.

Shu Shu took the two ruby ​​ones away and said, "In exchange for the pair of golden flowers inlaid with beads..."

Her clothes today are fragrant.

It doesn't look plain, but it's not the silver red tender pink that An Ai wears on weekdays.

It is quite satisfactory.

After hearing this, Xiaoyu changed the jewelry.

Shu Shu looked at her and said: "It's rare to go back, you don't have to come back today, go home and rest for two days..."

This time Nanny Qi went back to Dutong Mansion, besides bringing walnuts, Xiaoyu and Xiaosong also went back.

Xiaoyu responded with a smile.

"Grandmother must be happy when she sees the ingredients that Fujin rewards..."

Xiaoyu's grandmother is Shu Shu'enie's wet nurse, Nanny Wu.

He is a very wise old man.

This year I see people who are going to be seventy.

Before Shu Shu got married in June, she had been taught by Madam Wu.

He happened to get a piece of Ning silk with longevity patterns in his hand, so he divided it into two parts, one part was given to Nanny Zhou by Nanny Qi, and the other part was given to Nanny Wu by Xiaoyu.

Shu Shu said: "I guess the shop outside will also be ready. Go back and ask your brothers, if anyone is willing to work as an errand, you can go to the restaurant to do odd jobs..."

Xiao Yu agreed and wrote it down.

Xiaoyu's family is Jue Luo's companion, and now he is also the account holder under the name of Dong E's family.

But because Mammy Wu had the recipe, the whole family was working in Jue Luo's winery.

In the past two years, the winery has been closed, and then I started to take on other errands.

When it comes to wine, he is more proficient than others.

Shu Shu is short of manpower here, and he can't count on Brother Nine, so he wants to pull people from his natal family.

Brother Jiu was beside him, and he also remembered his family's plan to open a restaurant, and said: "This has to be delayed, I can't take care of it for the time being, and it's not suitable..."

Shu Shu also understands this truth, but it's just a reserve of manpower.

The couple had breakfast.

Brother Jiu is going to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, and Shu Shu is going to Yikun Palace.

There are several Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

The Imperial City has it, and so does Miyagi.

In the palace, there is an internal affairs office next to the backyard, just in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

There is also a large yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is in the outer court.

To the north of the building office of the Compassionate Palace is almost at the same level as the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Both husband and wife went north, and they went together.

Shu Shu took Xiao Chun and Peanut with her.

Peanut is also a court lady who was born as a beautiful girl in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and she is about the same age as Walnut.

However, compared with Walnut's progress, she is relatively quiet, and her presence in the second institute is not enough.

This time, Peanut stayed with Xiao Chun to watch the house in the second office.

According to Xiaochun's stay, he is honest and taciturn.

I don't know what her family thinks, sending such a temperamental daughter to the palace as an official.

Brother Nine, besides He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, followed today.

It was suggested by Shu Shu.

Brother Jiu didn't have enough people around him, so he originally planned to bring Yao Zixiao up, and choose another eunuch to watch the study.

Let Shushu persuade him.

After all, with Brother Nine on errands, the study will be an important place in the future, and it is still suitable for the elderly.

Shu Shu offered to entrust Sun Jin to Brother Jiu.

Anyway, the second institute had nothing to do on weekdays, so it didn't need to be divided between internal and external stewards. Li Yin alone was enough.

Brother Jiu has no objection.

He has been in charge of Sun Jin for more than four months.

It was originally the eunuch Haha Bead beside him, and it was easy to use.

In fact, he didn't know that Shu Shu had planned to set up an "inner study".

Moved her own things to the Xici room, and vacated the original study room for Brother Jiu.

As for Yao Zixiao, he was too deeply involved with the eighth elder brother, and he still has a bad record.

It's not easy to keep this bond, otherwise there will be time to worry about it in the future.

It's better to be like this now, put it in an expensive place, and gradually become marginalized...

(End of this chapter)

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