My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 258 New Control Group

Chapter 258 New Control Group

When they arrived at the right gate of Guangsheng, the couple separated.

Brother Nine continued to walk north and went to Qianchao.

Here, Shu Shu entered the right gate of Guangsheng and entered the Sixth West Palace.

When they arrived at Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi was already fully dressed.

She was wearing a golden river silk mink fur cloak and flat flag shoes on her feet.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law faced each other and looked at each other tacitly.

Da Fujin died of a serious illness, and since they knew about it, it was not advisable to dress too brightly.

Although the identity of Concubine Yi does not need to be taboo, Shu Shu has no time to taboo here, but there is no need to be so cold.

Greet the Queen Mother, and don't dress too plainly.

It is the safest way to wear golden yellow and fragrance according to the status level.

Yi Fei took Shu Shu's hand, and said: "I heard that you were dragged by Lao Jiu the night before, and you worked hard in this cold day..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "It's not hard work, this is what a daughter-in-law should do..."

Yi Fei smiled and didn't say anything else.

Favors are favors, and principles are principles, but not everyone obeys them.

Bafujin showed his face.

Except for the big elder brother who followed him when he left, he didn't show up at other times.

No one specifically asked Eighth Brother why Fujin didn't show up.

So I didn't give Eighth Brother a chance to make up excuses.

Looking back, the news spread in the palace.

The performance of the two princes, Fujin, was completely different.

One is still arrogant and rude, and the other is working tirelessly.

To be honest, on the twelfth day, Shu Shu was the one who worked hard.

I was still following the road in the morning, and I returned to the second institute at noon.

In the end, she didn't hide from her laziness through hard work, and the one who had been in the palace all the time became more expensive.

Yifei knows it here, and other people will know it there too.

I know that Bafu Jin is someone who has no rules and doesn't care about it, but I don't know what Concubine Dao and Dai Jiashi will think.

As for Concubine Wei, I'm afraid she won't be able to rest for two days.

Shu Shu took the box from Xiaochun and handed it to Xianglan.

"Auntie, these are donkey-hide gelatin and sea cucumber. Our master sent them to ask the imperial doctor, and they said they are for my mother's use..."

Xianglan looked at Concubine Yi, saw Concubine Yi nodded, and bowed her knees to accept it.

Concubine Yi joked: "Before, you were the youngest among the concubines, but among the prince's daughters-in-law in the harem, you are the oldest, what's it like?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "There is nothing to lose, and I am full of anxiety... Now, the daughter-in-law is looking forward to the ten younger siblings coming in, and she will have a companion in the future, otherwise she will be afraid of the day of asking for peace, and always feel stupid... "

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "These days, it's slow and fast, two or three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and some people will come in at that time..."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked a few gossips.

Pandan came over with a cloak in her arms.

Concubine Yi did not sit on the shoulder chariot, but gave alms.

"After sitting in the carriage for more than half a month, my body is numb, and it's all a slippery leg..."

Concubine Yi smiled and said to Shu Shu.

Shushu is on Yifei's right, and Xianglan is on her left.

Both of them were tense.

There is no ice on the corridor, but it is also a bluestone road.

Seeing this, Concubine Yi smiled and shook her head.

How can you be so careful...

Brother Nine has already entered the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He glanced at the few doctors outside.

Coincidentally, there seems to be a gap.

It's only natural for the fifth brother's father-in-law to come in at this time.

I just don't know when Khan Ama sent someone to order the official department, and when the official department issued an order.

Wang Fujin of Abahai County lives in the "inner hall", and the initial appointment ceremony is also there.

It's okay for the male guests, but it's too deserted for the female guests.

When I first decided on the ceremony, the Dutong Mansion was full of people.

Brother Jiu has already started to think about how to get the head.

Needless to say, Niu Hulu's family will be pulled out at this time.

If you don't work hard at this time, when will you work hard?
Banner people value in-laws, and the uncle's family has it, so what about the aunt's family?What about my aunt's house?
Now that there is no eldest princess in Beijing, the aunt's family has nothing to do with it.

As for the aunt's house?

Elder Brother Ten has four aunts, and the eldest aunt is married to Bahrain, Mongolia.

It was sister Rongxian's mother-in-law.

The second aunt is Empress Niu Hulu, who has passed away.

The fourth aunt was in the middle of the capital and was married to Yun Sheng, Duke Fu. The couple could make up the number.

My aunt is gone too.

It seems that there are not many.

Brother Nine sent his idea to the Yue family.

Who asked Khan Ama to go to the siege this year and let the old ten palms be in charge of the red flag camp.

Let the father-in-law bring his nephew to come out and get close to the old ten. It would be good for the two of them to form a good relationship in advance.

Ninth brother thought seriously, and eighth brother came.

"What are you thinking, this is?"

The eighth elder brother saw his serious appearance, he was no longer the boy who escaped before, he was much more stable, and felt a little strange.

It seems that the separation is not four months, but four years...

This younger brother that he could see through at a glance, has grown up rapidly...


Ninth elder brother brought a bit of joy: "What a coincidence, I was thinking of going to the Ministry of Industry to find mynah..."

Eighth brother laughed.

Maybe it was the bleak winter that made him think more and feel sentimental.

This is still the younger brother who beat Xiaoai to get close to him.

"what's up?"

Interrupted by the ninth elder brother, the eighth elder brother put aside his intention of coming and asked.

It turned out that he came here today because he wanted to ask the third elder brother about his conferment.

Brother Nine ordered the people next to him to bring tea, and asked Brother Eight to sit next to him, and then said: "I was just about to tell Brother Eight that the date of the ceremony at the beginning of the tenth day has been fixed, which is the day after tomorrow. When the time comes, all of us brothers will go, so we can save money." The inner hall is deserted..."

The eighth elder brother laughed, nodded and said: "It's really good news, I will definitely go, this is what I should..."

The tea is here.

Brother Nine personally poured tea for Brother Eight.

"Brother, are you coming in from the outside? Then you brother didn't..."

The princes have been granted titles and opened their houses, and the inner court has become a taboo.

Unless it is ordered, the scope of activities is limited to the front.

The eighth elder brother was a little surprised: "I didn't go there, did you have something to do with the fourth brother?"

Brother Nine patted his forehead and said: "My younger brother made a mistake. He pretended to be the fourth brother to check the accounts at the household department. He forgot that the punishment department is on the other side..."

Then, he told the reason.

"Isn't this the first ceremony for the tenth? I want to ask the fourth brother and the eighth brother to accompany the tenth..."

The eighth elder brother brought an accident: "What about you? Are you paying special attention to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

At the initial ceremony of the prince's appointment, the head of the House of Internal Affairs will show up, and there will be an internal minister leading the guards, and an internal minister.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "It's not the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment.

Starlings are not outsiders...

But thinking of Ba Fujin, he swallowed the truth again.

Couples, couples...

After all, he spent all his time on the old ten, and only the eight Fujin were on guard.

The Eight Fortunes are the elders, if they look down on the Ten Fortunes who come from foreign domains and find an opportunity to bully them, how can they make up for it?

At that time, it will be like my own family. If I get angry, I will have to make amends.

"It was Khan Ama's order. The tenth old man has a high status, and he is marrying a foreign vassal. The initial appointment ceremony should be compared with the prince's initial appointment ceremony..."

The eighth elder brother was shocked this time.

"What kind of promotion?"

Brother Nine said casually: "Ama Khan just gave an order and didn't set a regulation. It should be that Prince Fujin's parents will give more rewards, and Prince Fujin's betrothal gift will be more, and then we can add another person. It should be fine..."

The eighth elder brother felt a little sour in his heart.

Can't tell what it's like.

You should be used to it by now, right?

Even the princes are divided into ranks.

The son of a noble concubine is different since childhood.

Even Lao Jiu, the concubine's son, is different from himself.

I took advantage of myself.

If he hadn't caught up with this wave of conferring titles, he would be conferred at the same time as the ninth and tenth brothers, the eighth elder brother would not dare to think about it.

After the ninth elder brother finished speaking, he also understood that the old ten was a bit out of line.

Others will take a second look, but the brothers might not like it.

He just smiled and said: "Who told us that the old ten married Mongolian Gege... The marriage between Manchu and Mongolia is a national policy, and the old ten can be regarded as half a married brother..."

Eighth brother listen, this is indeed the truth.

At the beginning, when he pointed to Mongolia Gege to the old ten, he cut off the support of his wife and clan.

In front of the prince, the son of the imperial concubine will give way.

On the contrary, their other brothers, except for the special case of the fifth prince, the wives of the others are all decent.

But Khan Ama is not cruel, he treats his sons kindly, probably because he has softened his heart and wants to make up for the old ten.

The eighth elder brother faintly felt some sympathy.

Brother Eight nodded and said, "Don't you want to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice? Let's go together..."

As he said that, he took out a purse and sent it to Brother Jiu: "You keep this well..."


Ninth elder brother took it in a big way.

Opening the purse, there were actually a few large banknotes inside.

They were all one thousand taels, and there were five of them.

Brother Jiu was not happy, and stuffed the purse into his hand.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

The eighth elder brother said: "You first pay off fifth brother's debt..."

Brother Nine quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about it, my brother is good when you go out this time, and I've got the reward from Han Ama and our empress, and I'm ready to pay it back...the five thousand taels are the Ministry of Household Tickets, I didn't ask someone to change it, it was only delayed for two days..."

The eighth elder brother still handed it over.

"That's fine too, your skins are all loose, and you will be preparing for the annual ceremony soon, which is also an expense..."

Brother Jiu said proudly: "Brother, you forgot, my brother is on an errand... and this 'three festivals and two birthdays'... not bad for the annual ceremony..."

"Then... how about the gift for the eldest brother's wedding?"

The eighth elder brother said: "Why don't you keep it, and then subsidize it to the old ten..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I won't give him this, he is a rich man, richer than us, so we need to subsidize..."

The eighth elder brother smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Yes, the tenth brother is a rich man..."

The ninth elder brother really refused to accept it, so the eighth elder brother had no choice but to take back the purse.

The two brothers left the House of Internal Affairs and came forward.

After leaving the gate of the imperial city, the yamen of the Ministry of Industry is to the east, and the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment is to the west.

The two should part ways.

The eighth elder brother didn't stop walking, seeing what it meant, he wanted to follow the ninth elder brother to the Ministry of punishment.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu hurriedly stopped.

He is not willing to talk soft words to the fourth child in front of mynah.

"Oh mynah, go get busy, don't accompany me..."

The eighth elder brother saw his awkwardness, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm not busy right now..."

The ninth elder brother quit, pushed the eighth elder brother and said: "Don't delay if you are not busy, go and work hard..."

The eighth elder brother smiled and didn't insist any more.

Brother Jiu waved his hand, and walked briskly to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

The eighth elder brother looked at the back of the ninth elder brother and felt a little cold on his body.

got windy.

He tightened his clothes and turned around...

At this moment, elder brother Jiu has already entered the yamen of the Ministry of punishment.

The yellow belt around his waist is golden yellow, and he bent forward in a clever pen post style to strike a thousand.

Brother Jiu said: "Where is Sibei Le, where is it..."

That Lang Guan is a clever man, he weighed the age of Brother Jiu, and asked tentatively: "But Lord Jiu..."

There are many yellow belts, but the golden yellow belts are reserved for princes, and they are so big that they come in to look for people.

Ninth elder brother nodded reservedly: "That's the master, if you need something to find Si Bei Le..."

With this post, I personally brought Brother Jiu to the side room.

The fourth elder brother was inside, sitting behind the big case and reading the files.

Brother Nine stood at the door and looked at it for a while, but no one looked up, so he cleared his throat.

The fourth prince raised his head when he heard the movement.

Seeing Brother Nine, surprise appeared on his face.

Brother Jiu didn't go in either, and stood directly at the door and asked, "Well, Fourth Brother, I wonder if you are free the day after tomorrow..."

The fourth elder brother stood up and asked without answering: "What happened the day after tomorrow? What's the matter..."

Only then did Brother Jiu step in, thinking he was begging for help, but he was a little more honest than usual.

"Prince Fujin of Abahai County came to court, and Khan Ama ordered that the preliminary ceremony of the tenth old man be brought forward, so that he will be the second..."

The fourth elder brother heard it and understood the reason.

Everyone knows Da Fujin's condition, which should be the reason for the rush of life.

He nodded and said: "I see, when the time comes, I will accompany Lao Shi to the inner hall with you..."

Brother Nine breathed a sigh of relief, and his voice was much lighter: "I just want to trouble fourth brother, when the time comes, you, starling, and younger brother, let's go together..."

After hearing this, the fourth elder brother hesitated and said, "Should we use three people? Not two?"

Brother Nine said loudly: "Ama Khan said that the tenth old man has a high status, and he is marrying Gege from a foreign clan. The initial ceremony and so on..."

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "So that's the way it is, Khan Ama is kind and loving, it should be like this..."

Brother Nine echoed: "Yes, yes, Khan Ama has always attached great importance to Mongolia, and this is also a marriage... The eldest daughter Fumeng, the dowry of the title has to be raised, let alone the prince..."
Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:10 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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