My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 260 You Think I'm Dead

Chapter 260 You Think I'm Dead (Second Monthly Pass)

Bafujin was annoyed.

"Why are you so angry? Can't tell the truth?"

One by one, they deliberately ignored her at first, and now they bully her together.

What do you want to do?
Think she is easy to bully?

I'm afraid I misjudged the person.

"The truth?! The truth is good. I've always been 'talking but not thinking', and I want to tell the truth. Eighth siblings, do you understand the seniority? Do you understand the rules? I was ignorant when I was young, and I was married. , shouldn’t you also study hard? The fifth sister-in-law speaks well and provokes you to provoke you? You are not old or young, but you interrupted me... That’s the sister-in-law, you are younger siblings, don’t you know how to count? It's really eight to five... The fifth sister-in-law is the prince Fujin handpicked by Han Ama, the granddaughter of the second-rank governor, why is the family status inappropriate? It's your turn to worry about this, and talk about it?"

Seven Fujin said "crackling".

Bafujin looked at Qifujin, his eyes were about to breathe fire, and his body was shaking with anger.

Before coming here, she was always choked by her "quick talk", but unexpectedly, she was also slapped in the face by Qi Fujin's "unintentional".

Shu Shu was by the side, a little nervous.

Seven Fujin's loyalty is too much.

The firepower of the eight Fujin is directed at the seven Fujin.

I'm afraid Qifujin will be hated.

Brother Qi's temperament is not afraid of trouble, but he doesn't like to make trouble either.

Husband and wife, don't start a quarrel over this.

From the beginning to the end today, there was nothing about Qi Fujin.

Shu Shu is busy making up for it.

She didn't speak, but just took a step forward, stood in front of Fujin Qi, firmly blocked Fujin Qi, and then looked at Fujin with vigilance.

Not to mention, her behavior attracted many people's attention.

Sanfujin's eyes widened, and he looked at Bafujin carefully, as if to see if there was anything wrong with her actions.

Sifujin also became serious.

The maids and eunuchs standing in the corridor were all afraid.

I had been clever for a long time, and went inside to report the news, for fear of witnessing some terrible scene.

Prince Fujin is precious, even if something goes wrong, they may not be punished.

When the time comes, it won't hurt the fish in the pond.

Wu Fujin didn't think much, and his body followed Shu Shu's movements, and he also stood in front of Seventh Fujin, guarding against the appearance of Eighth Fujin.

It really angered Ba Fujin.

She was so angry that she shifted her anger back to Shu Shu, gnashed her teeth and said, "Dong E, what do you mean?"

Shu Shu properly showed a little helplessness.

"I... I... nothing, just thinking, everyone has something to say..."

The villain in her mind is jumping.

Inexplicably, I remembered a certain master shouting with a big horn.

"Nanhong, I miss you..."

Hey, don't talk too hard...

The harder the tearing, the better, then we'll see what Brother Nine's narrow-mindedness will do?
He can remember things at the age of six or seven for ten years.

It is estimated that the eight blessings are indispensable here.

Ba Fujin was about to explode with anger, and her voice was raised: "Who didn't say it properly?! You're just pretending here, what do you mean..."

Seven Fujin was blocked by Shu Shu, and she knew what her worries were, and she was also afraid.

This one can't think according to common sense.

The prince Fujin next to him, no matter what he thought in his heart, he would pretend to be calm and honest.

After all, this is not my backyard, my mother-in-law and grand-grandmother are all in the house.

I heard that before Bafu Jin got married, he came to the Dutong Mansion uninvited as a guest. He uttered nonsense and almost fought with Shu Shu.

Qifu Jin was just afraid.

With Shu Shu standing in front of her, she felt relieved.

Seeing Bafujin's panic, Qifujin poked his head out on purpose, and said in a tone of voice: "I said, eighth brother and sister, are you really confused or pretending to be so? I still can't tell? We are afraid of you... What's the matter?" Can't you? I shouldn't talk too much, what do you like, anyway, if you go out, you won't be mine..."

Ba Fujin said sharply: "Why am I ashamed? Who is ashamed? It's none of your business. Why did you come in and say fart? It's your turn to teach me how to behave?"

Qi Fujin's expression showed disgust, and he said: "This is not appropriate, eighth brother and sister, don't mention it in private, it's not good to talk like this in front of people, this 'shit, urine fart' hangs on your mouth, not only dirty your own mouth, but also dirty. Dirty others' ears..."

Seeing that Qifu Jin was still fighting, Shu Shu felt very helpless, turned her head and glared at her, and whispered: "Okay..."

Only then did Qi Fujin become honest, he stroked his temples, called gold to withdraw his troops, faintly smug.


Bafujin saw it clearly, why didn't he understand?

Qi Fujin is flattering Dong E's family and taking the initiative to take the initiative to shoot?
Thinking about it, these two families live next to each other, one Ama is the Zhenghongqi Dutong, and the other is the Deputy Dutong, so they must have worked as servants since they were young.

No wonder Qifu Jin was like a shield protecting Dong E's head when he was in the palace.

It turned out that the two had long been in collusion.

I hate myself for only seeing it.

She is so self-willed and degrading, she is obviously a sister-in-law, and her family background is not bad, but she still flatters her younger siblings, so she is also worthy of being a prince Fujin? !
Bafujin had a look of contempt on his face, and he was about to speak.

Sifujin spoke.

She had a straight face and a solemn expression.

I don't know if it's because I've been a husband and wife with the fourth elder brother for a long time, and I have a bit of the fourth elder brother's posture.

"Okay, okay, just shut up! Don't even look at this place?!"

Following the voice, Sifujin also looked over one by one.

Wu Fujin straightened his waist and looked back.

Although today's incident happened because of her, she did not admit her mistake.

Once again, she is still the same.

Sister-in-law gossip, if Bafujin was talking about her, then she would just laugh it off and not care about it.

But it was her Ama, who was a woman, who couldn't bear it.

Seeing this, Si Fujin nodded reassuringly, and then moved his eyes away.

Qi Fujin covered his mouth, with a guilty conscience on his face.

It's a good idea to start by yourself, I don't want sister-in-law Wu to say bad things, tear faces between sisters-in-law, but it doesn't seem right to be booed by a child behind her.

Seeing Sifujin looking over, Qifujin hurriedly looked away and looked at the colored paintings on the buildings in the distance.

a bit old...

Si Fujin glared at her, then his eyes fell on Shu Shu.

Shu Shu has a cute face.

She didn't mean to either.

It is intentional.

I had a cup of tea.

We can't really let Bafujin hate Qifujin.

On his own side, this "hate value" is also lacking.

Si Fujin shouldn't be able to see this, right?

She carefully looked at Si Fujin's expression.

There was no condemnation on Si Fujin's face, but a hint of praise instead.

The corner of Shu Shu's mouth curved.

That's right, others will only think too much and protect Qifu Jin when she is young and has little experience and is too careful.

Who would have thought that her intention was already on the third floor...

Bafujin has to say more.

Si Fujin said with a sullen face: "Eighth brother and sister, don't make it difficult for Brother Eighth..."

Bafujin is not angry, so he has to say more.

Si Fujin has already continued to say: "In a breath of leisure, you must force Lao Ba's family to bend over and pay, don't you?"

Bafujin was so angry that his chest was gasping.

But she also understood Si Fujin's warning.

I didn't take these sisters-in-law seriously, but the eighth elder brother took my brothers in my heart.

She gritted her teeth loudly,

Yinhu, Yinhu...

How much did she endure for him?
So what if you endure it again?

Right now, Nanny Bai came out with a cold face.

Seeing the distinct distinctions between the princes, Fu Jin, she was a little confused.

Wufujin and Jiufujin protect Qifujin and guard against Bafujin.

Si Fujin reprimands Ba Fujin.

What about Sanfujin?

Isn't she the big one this time?

Why do you seem to be watching the excitement, and even take pleasure in other people's misfortunes?

The younger sisters-in-law felt uneasy.

On weekdays, this nanny always had a smiling face.

Right now, it's too serious.

Bai Momo pulled her face and said: "The empress dowager summoned..."

Everyone is honest.

Except for Ba Fujin who still held his head high, everyone else became quails.

In Ningshou Palace, there are already many harem concubines.

In fact, except for Concubine Hui, everyone else is complete.

Everyone's faces are also very strange.

Just now the princes Fujin were talking small things in the corridor, but there was not much movement, and it didn't reach the house.

But in the end, Fujin's voice was not suppressed.

First, he named Jiu Fujin by name, and then he spoke in a dirty manner.

The other princes, Fujin's voice was low, but they didn't hear it, they just listened to the eighth Fujin singing alone.

Everyone looked at Concubine Wei as if they had nothing to say.

Concubine Wei wished she could faint to death.

This is Ningshou Palace, even if she is elder brother's biological mother, she is not qualified to discipline her daughter-in-law here.

Otherwise, as early as when Bafujin named Jiufujin, she would have gone out to stop her...

This daughter-in-law is married...

The eyes are on the top of the head, and I can lose my face if I say a few more words, let alone put my sister-in-law in my eyes.

But the same prince Fujin, who would be spoiled by her?
The other person is also a precious daughter of the Eight Banners, who was raised by her natal family.

Except for Jiufujin, the others are still sisters-in-law, so who can tell her wrong?
Shu Shu and his party followed Nanny Bai into the East Room.

In the Dongji room, the Empress Dowager sat on the South Kang, no longer the usual warmth, her face was very ugly.

Sitting on the chair, Concubine Yi also lost her hearty and bright smile, and instead had the arrogance and sternness of a favorite concubine.

The atmosphere is solemn.

Shu Shu's eyes were sharp, and she saw that the maid standing next to the queen mother was from the previous porch.

She almost guessed why.

The queen mother got the news, did she know that their sister-in-laws had a quarrel?
Is it because they think they have lost the dignity of the prince Fujin, and want to reprimand them?

Shu Shu is not very worried.


There is also the first to flirt.

Today's matter was investigated, and Bafujin alone was responsible for [-]% of the fault.

Others are joint and several, and will not be severely punished.

After a while, if the Queen Mother asks, what should I say?

Shu Shu began to think about this.

Sanfujin stood at the front, looked at the faces of the two, and felt uneasy in his heart.

Seems like she's the biggest...

Just now Si Fujin went to stop him, but he didn't realize it, so he should stop him, even if he was acting...

Sifujin pursed her lips, also thinking.

Eighth Prince and they are neighbors.

The fourth elder brother and the eighth elder brother are also friends.

But right is right, wrong is wrong, she can't favor Fujin.

The Empress Dowager stared directly at Fujin, without any intention of "responsible to the public".

"What's the matter with you? Why do you bully the old Wu family every time..."

The queen mother spoke a little blunt Chinese and asked directly.

Bafujin is unruly, but not stupid.

She knew that the Mongolian old lady in front of her was the most honorable woman in the Qing Dynasty, not one of them.

With a grievance on her face, she hurriedly said: "Grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law was wronged... It was the fifth sister-in-law and the others who joined forces to bully and run on the granddaughter-in-law. The granddaughter-in-law couldn't bear it, so she lost her sense of propriety when she spoke, and her voice was too loud..."

She reacted belatedly.

Ningshou Palace is indeed not a place where Prince Fujin can roar.

The Empress Dowager's face was livid: "Why don't you bully others, but pick up bullying from the old five family?"

The old lady admitted to death, with a solid eye, seeing that, she had to ask what happened.

How could Bafujin dare to bear this charge?

At this time, she didn't want to sue, so she hurriedly argued: "My granddaughter-in-law really doesn't have one, she's just talking too fast, talking without meaning..."

The Queen Mother was still annoyed, she stretched out her hand and said, "Not once or twice, it's already the third time... Do you think I'm dead? You still feel that the fifth brother is not as noble as others, even if they are your uncle, uncle Sister-in-law, if you want to bully, you can bully? If you don’t dare to bully others, you just pick on the old five’s bully..."

Bafujin was dumbfounded.

I really can't think of when I bullied Wu Fujin three times?
The Shengjia North Tour has not talked about it for the past few months.

Before Shengjia's northern tour, the two of them lived in the East Fifth Institute and the other in the West Fifth Institute, and they had never dealt with each other.

She had endured her anger when she was outside, but she came in just now because of her identity as the queen mother and she was "seeking perfection".

But seeing the charges from the sky, all that was left was resentment.

She turned her head, looked fiercely at Wu Fujin and said, "Okay, what kind of complaint is this that the emperor's grandmother misunderstood me like this? I'm right here, and I have something to say to my face, how did I bully you?"

 Today and tomorrow are going out to study, so the third episode will be very late, everyone can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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