Chapter 261 Don't Come When You're Going

Wu Fujin looked more bewildered.

Three times?
Not twice?

One time was the day Shu Shu got married.

Bafujin was also like today, he came at him without thinking.

The reason for this is not difficult to guess.

But it's just bullying.

This softness is not softness of temperament, but family background.

Bafu Jin married into the palace, and within a month, she left a reputation of being arrogant and rude.

When Shu Shu came in, the two of them compared each other, and they could see that there was something wrong with Ba Fujin.

Ba Fujin's arrogance and rudeness are actually all in the frame.

Apart from being alienated from Concubine Wei before, which was criticized by others, the others are actually nothing.

Because, she has never been arrogant in front of people who shouldn't be arrogant.

Her arrogance is on the surface, but deep down she still weighs the pros and cons.

She didn't drink Ge Ge's tea before, but she didn't push or abuse anyone.

It's just a coquettish thing, but I still drank it afterwards.

At the beginning, she treated Concubine Wei indifferently, but following Concubine Hui to pay her respects could not be said to be a violation of the rules.

Nourishing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness.

How can also be justified.

On the contrary, Shu Shu is here.

He is thoughtful and has a good temper, but he is proud in his bones and cannot be underestimated.

The mother on the stove was negligent and returned directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

She didn't swallow her anger at all just because she was a new daughter-in-law.

But on weekdays, she treats people comfortably and is very polite.

I am not very old, and treat the girls around me like children.

For others, it is also very lenient.

She is also a noble girl, and she also shows a fierce side, but the only person that Baoyi of the Household Department is really afraid of is Shu Shu.

Not the Fujin.

Because the eight blessings are fierce and gentle.

Those who are cunning and have piercing eyes are the best at distinguishing people.

Wu Fujin's expression, there is something that everyone can't see.

There was no complaint at all.

But Fujin didn't believe it.

She was trembling with anger: "How dare you do it or not? Tell me, when and how did I bully you? Are you dreaming? Who cares about bullying you when you have nothing to do with it?"

Wu Fujin looked at the queen mother.

Now she suspects that it is the people around fifth elder brother who said something to the queen mother to make the old man angry.

The Queen Mother didn't look at Wu Fujin, but stared at Ba Fujin.

"No one wronged you, so don't blame others, it's not what the old five said..."

Ba Fujin said with red eyes: "It wasn't her who said it, who said it?"

Her eyes went directly to Shu Shu.

Apart from this villain, she never imagined that there would be anyone who would slander her for no reason.

Shu Shu didn't dodge or dodge, and looked directly at Ba Fujin.

Ba Fujin only took it as a provocation, as if he could see the pride of this villain.

"Dong E's!"

She gritted her teeth and said, "Are you sick? I didn't offend you. What are you trying to do to me? You're jealous that I'm married well. The eighth master is much better than the ninth master, so you falsely accused me in front of the imperial grandmother..."

Shu Shu's expression changed, she sighed lightly and said, "Sister-in-law Ba, you better stop talking..."

At this time, shouldn't we first apologize before talking about other things?
Is this the yamen?
Are you asking for personal evidence?
Attitude matters.

Ba Fujin snorted coldly: "Aren't you arrogant? Why don't you follow that cowardly person, dare to do it or not?"

Shu Shu frowned even more.

She wants to watch a play, not to sing.

Today in Ningshou Palace, she still plays a supporting role quietly.

If he didn't explain it clearly, Fujin would bite him to death.

It is rumored that it is impossible to say that the blame has really fallen on me.

Shu Shu stopped laughing, and said: "If you didn't say it, you didn't say it, but I also roughly know which three things the emperor's grandmother said. It is true that you are wrong, but no one pointed it out before..."

Ba Fujin raised his eyebrows, wanting to speak.

The queen mother said angrily: "Don't rely on this, rely on that, no one told me, but I am not deaf and blind, I can listen and see..."

Bafujin looked stunned.

She really can't remember why she treated Wu Fujin badly before...

Could it be that Brother Nine is getting married?
Thinking of this, Bafujin looked at Sifujin and Qifujin with doubts in his eyes...

At that time, there was some minor friction in the new house. It wasn't Wu Fujin and Dong E's who said it.

Is it one of the two in front of you?
Or the princess?
Maybe it's Dafujin?

Just a word, as for going online? !

Ba Fujin's face was filled with grievance: "Grandmother, maybe this is a rash word, and there is something that offends Fifth Sister-in-law, but if you say it's bullying, the granddaughter-in-law dare not admit it..."

The queen mother said with a straight face: "You married in late, but the dowry is the same as your sisters-in-law. Isn't this bullying?"

Bafujin was even more unconvinced.

"It was prepared by the palace, and more preparations were made first. The granddaughter-in-law took care of her sister-in-laws and followed the example of the seventh sister-in-law... If the granddaughter-in-law is bullying, then the seventh sister-in-law is also bullying?"

The queen mother shook her head and said: "She is different from you, she was negotiated by the two families, did you go to discuss with Lao Wu's family?"

Bafujin straightened his neck.

"I haven't heard of anyone's new daughter-in-law's dowry, so you must not surpass your sister-in-law's... Everyone comes from different backgrounds, and the family situation is different, so I just try my best... If the emperor's grandmother punishes me for this, then punish me... I don't know." What is the second charge..."

The queen mother snorted coldly: "The night before yesterday, why didn't you come out to give someone away? Da Fujin is a sister-in-law, but Wu Fujin is not a sister-in-law? Or is it because the fifth elder brother is just Baylor, not a county king, and you despise his status?"

Ba Fujin frowned and said: "Can it be the same? What's the situation of my sister-in-law? If there is a day without tomorrow, shouldn't it be a gift? What's the situation with her? If she is like my sister-in-law, don't say it's the middle of the night, it's the sky. I sent them all over there... As for underestimating the status of Fifth Baylor? Our eighth master is also Baylor, what is there to look down on?"

The queen mother felt that it was all sophistry.

Just listening to Ba Fujin's address to Wu Fujin, not even calling her sister-in-law, he knew that he was disrespectful in his heart.

Empress Dowager showed solemnity.

"Anyway, let me tell you, I'm not dead yet, it's not your turn to bully the old five..."

After talking for a long time, Fujin himself became irritable, and turned his face, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Anyway, the granddaughter-in-law didn't bully her. If the imperial grandmother insists on accusing the granddaughter-in-law, then the granddaughter-in-law has nothing to do..."

Seeing her disobedience, the queen mother fell on her back in anger.

"Okay, okay, I don't understand you, call Eighth Brother, I'll tell Eighth Brother..."

Ba Fujin became anxious, and his voice became louder.

"What do you want our Eighth Master to do? Could it be that Fifth Baylor is your grandson, and Eighth Master is not your grandson? Even if Fifth Baylor was raised by you, you shouldn't be so partial..."

The queen mother said angrily: "I only raised this one, and I am not allowed to be partial? I am partial, so what..."

Bafujin wanted to say more, Yifei said: "Presumptuous! The empress dowager admonished, as a junior, it sounds like it should, so how can there be any reason for it?"

Her face was frosty and cold, her eyes were like knives, she looked at Ba Fujin without any warmth.

Ba Fujin clenched his fists vigorously.

No matter whether it was the Dongci room right now or the main room outside, there was complete silence.

Ba Fujin felt his skin was burning hot...

Never been so humiliated!
Everyone must be laughing at her!
She knew that she shouldn't talk back, but she couldn't stay any longer, she turned around and ran out "deng deng deng deng".

Everyone really didn't expect her to react like this, and they were all stunned.

Even the queen mother expressed doubts: "He ran away? You haven't admitted your mistake yet..."

Even though the old lady was angry, she didn't expect to do anything to Ba Fujin, she just wanted to warn her so that she would not do this again.

Concubine Yi looked at the row of Prince Fujin standing on the ground, she didn't make trouble at this time, but she didn't have the heart to speak well for Fujin either.

She is a concubine who doesn't speak, and the princes Fujin of the younger generation have no room to speak.

The queen mother came to her senses after realizing it, and her face turned pale with anger: "Do you think I'm talking about her? Show me face?"

Concubine Yi hurriedly said: "Don't be angry, just teach slowly..."

The queen mother shook her head and said: "I don't teach her, and I don't see her... She's gone, don't come in again..."

The more the old lady spoke, the more excited she became, her face was pale at first, but now it was flushed.

Now that I have Spring and Autumn, if I am so angry...

Concubine Yi hurriedly winked at Wu Fujin.

Wu Fujin stepped forward, took the Empress Dowager's hand, and said with a face full of shame: "Grandmother, it's all bad for the granddaughter-in-law, so you have to worry..."

The queen mother shook off her hand, stared at her and said, "I haven't said anything about you yet, and you are not good either! You have been bullied again and again, you are a sister-in-law, she is a child, you just scold her and scold her." She... You are bullied, you are ashamed of the fifth child... If there is another time, I will not allow you..."

In the end, the old man gave a warning seriously.

Wu Fujin knelt down directly, holding the queen mother's knees with both hands.

"Don't worry, grandma, granddaughter-in-law will never be again. Fifth master is fine, and you are fine too. Otherwise, fifth master knows that you are worried and angry because of him. It should be uncomfortable... Once he feels uncomfortable, he won't be able to eat." Things, it's time to lose weight..."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother was indeed less angry and more worried.

"Going out and tossing for half a year, I have lost a lot of weight, but I can't lose weight anymore..."

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "Yes, I was just about to tell you that the fifth master is not used to the food outside these two days, and he is talking about the pickled melon seeds from the emperor's grandmother..."

It's just the rhetoric that I want to say, and they are all about the same. Even if the master of the stove is changed, the carelessness of the fifth elder brother can't tell the difference.

The Queen Mother heard this, and looked at Nanny Bai: "The day before yesterday, I told you to pack up the food for the fifth child, didn't you pack up?"

Bai Momo hurriedly said: "It's my servant's carelessness, I could have picked up the fleshy ones at that time, but I left the pickled melon seeds behind..."

The Empress Dowager said: "Quickly pack a pot and bring it back to Lao Wu's family. Lao Wu likes chicken marinated with melon seeds in sauce the most. With this, you can eat three bowls of noodles..."

She focused on Fifth Prince's food, and the atmosphere in the room relaxed.

Concubine Hui outside finally arrived.

The princess is not here today.

The princess caught a cold a few days ago and has not recovered yet.

Just when the empress dowager returned to the palace, she showed her face outside the Shenwu Gate, and today she sent someone to ask for leave in advance.

This is also the rule in the palace, if you are sick, you have to close the palace to recuperate, so as not to let others get sick.

Concubine Hui felt something was wrong when she entered the hall.

She glanced at the clock, and she came at the usual time, and she was not late.

But she still said, "I'm late today..."

Concubine Yi came out from the next room with the help of the Queen Mother. After hearing this, she said with a smile: "My sister is not late, it is my sister who didn't sit on the shoulder chariot today and came here for a stroll. She came out early..."

Everyone stood up and greeted the Queen Mother.

Concubine Yi returned to her seat, and the princes Fujin also followed the previous rules and stood behind the concubines.

Concubine Rong sat at the head of Concubine Yi, raised her voice slightly, and said, "I haven't congratulated my sister yet, what a blessing, it seems that next year we will have more little elder brothers..."

The concubines and concubines in the hall had different expressions, only then did they know that Concubine Yi was pregnant with a pearl.

Concubine Tong's face showed envy.

Xianfu Palace Gege is like an old monk entering meditation.

The nobles standing below looked at noble Guerjia winkingly.

Among the concubines who followed this time, she was the youngest except for a few promises from the Qianqing Palace.

As a result, Concubine Yi, who was more than twice as old as Guerjia, became pregnant, but Guerjia didn't move.

Her new favorite is still not enough, and she has no luck.

Concubine Yi is a favorite concubine and has two sons, and now that she is pregnant is just icing on the cake.

But if you were nobleman Guerjia, if you gave birth to a little elder brother, you might just be another Zhang concubine.

Zhang Pin knew the news a long time ago and listened with a smile.

But she was counting the time.

Concubine Yuxi is almost the same as outsiders, and they only talk about it after three months.

It seems that Concubine Yi has been here for less than three months. Is Concubine Rong looking for trouble?
Concubine Hui's eyes were darkened, and she lacked energy. After hearing the news, she only nodded to Concubine Yi and said, "Congratulations..."

Concubine De, on the other hand, had a smile on her face: "If I get Xiao Gege this time, I will have both children..."

Concubine Yi didn't answer Concubine Rong's words, she thanked Concubine Hui, and then said to Concubine De: "Thank you, I'm looking forward to little Gege..."

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:11 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
 I'm too tired today, I sat and listened to the class all day, I didn't write the punishment, I will punish it tomorrow morning, everyone can guess how it will be punished, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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