My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 262 Unfilial Things

Chapter 262 Unfilial Things (Part [-])
"Both sons and daughters, I guess we have to wait a little longer, but having both grandsons and granddaughters is also a good fortune for my sister..."

Concubine Rong pursed her lips and said.

This is about Liu Gege on the fifth prince's side, who gave birth to a daughter at the end of September.

"I heard that this one is the eldest grandson's mother, and the lady on this side will not be able to run away from now on..."

No one answered, Concubine Rong answered by herself.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry, I heard that you value Gege who is beside Sanbeile more than Sanfujin, I think you can get this blessing after two years..."

Except Concubine Hui, who didn't know what happened before, the other concubines bowed their heads.

Just before the queen mother came out, she was admonishing people in Dongci, but she didn't keep the volume down.

What happened to Concubine Rong?
The queen mother wants to protect the fifth elder brother and Wu Fujin, so she dares to stab them at this time.

Everyone pay attention to the Queen Mother's reaction.

The Empress Dowager didn't even raise her eyelids, she just looked at Concubine Hui as air, and said worriedly, "Why are you so depressed? I feel uncomfortable, did you call the imperial doctor..."

Concubine Hui smiled and said: "It's just that I took a few more sips of tea last night, and I was sleepy after walking. I didn't close my eyes until the third watch. I'll just go back and catch up on sleep..."

The queen mother was also worried about Da Fujin's side.

"Good boy, such a tiny age..."

Concubine Hui said with a bit of sentimentality: "The concubine is also reluctant. It's not that the concubine is boasting. It's because this daughter-in-law is doing everything right. Before she served the elder brother, she did her best... Now that the days are getting up, hey, it's all the same. Fate..."

The queen mother nodded, a little sad.

Looking at the granddaughters-in-law below, he decided to turn around and talk to Wu Fujin and Shu Shu.

There is no fate, so don't mess around.

Children follow fate, don't force it.

Living your own life is a real blessing.

The Empress Dowager thought that Dafu Jin would suffer, and Concubine Hui would definitely feel uncomfortable.

She said: "These days, don't come here, take a good rest, you are not young anymore, let's explain yourself..."

Concubine Hui nodded gratefully and said: "Your Majesty is sympathetic, so the concubine will just hide for a few days..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu behind Concubine Yi, and praised Concubine Yi: "The county prince's mansion is in a mess, and the winter clothes of the little princesses and elder brothers are not complete. Fortunately, our Jiufu Jin is considerate and considerate. I took two carts of skins, most of them were ermine skins, the little man was in need, so it was a lifesaver..."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "What's the matter? Dear aunt, it's exactly what it should be..."

Concubine Hui looked at Shu Shu again: "It's not easy for your elder brother to come in, let him thank Lao Jiu later..."

Shu Shu was shy, and still kept the original rhetoric.

"Don't worry about the concubine's mother, but she happened to have it, so she was lazy and used this to fool her for a while, and made a housewarming ceremony. The elder brother is lenient, so she doesn't care about us..."

Lala is not grateful.

It was originally a matter of reciprocity.

It's just a coincidence.

Concubine Hui smiled and didn't say anything else.

She understood.

How can there be so many good things?
But it's the difference between intention and carelessness...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi ushered in his dissatisfaction.

He glanced at the clock.

It's not the second quarter of the junior high school.

On weekdays, it's either after breakfast or dinner, so I came early today.

Catch up with setting the table.

My son, who is staring at the dining table and drooling again, can he still be kicked out?

Kangxi pointed to the side of the kang, and said helplessly, "Sit down, and have a bite..."

There was a clever eunuch serving meals, who followed him with bowls and chopsticks.

Liang Jiugong personally handed over the handkerchief.

Brother Nine took it, bowed slightly and said, "Please trouble Liang Wenda..."

Liang Jiugong evaded: "This is the job of a slave..."

Brother Jiu wiped his hands and sat down on the edge of the kang.

Today is cold, there is a pot on the dining table, it is a stewed duck.

There are also a few stir-fried dishes, one meat dish is duck breast, and the rest are vegetarian dishes, such as cabbage, fungus, dried shrimp and radish.

No food.

The father and son ate their meal in silence.

After Kangxi put down his chopsticks, Brother Jiu pointed to the pot and said, "Ama Khan, this is wrong..."

Both the eunuch serving food and Liang Jiugong changed their expressions.

Kangxi was calm.

Hearing his son's tone, he felt that the next words were not serious, not what the slaves were worried about.

You must know that just now Brother Jiu ate deliciously, not to mention a big duck leg, and drank three bowls of soup in a row.

I saw that Kangxi also drank a bowl of soup.

Not to mention, I don't know if it's because the heat is up or if the side dishes are well placed. This duck soup is refreshing and not greasy, and it tastes good.

Kangxi raised his eyelids.

"What's wrong? Did you use Ni Fujin's recipe?"

Brother Jiu's eyes rounded: "Khan Ama, you know..."

Kangxi snorted softly and didn't bother to answer.

Isn't it nonsense?
If he doesn't nod, who would dare to increase or decrease the menu in the imperial dining room?
Brother Nine dissatisfied: "Then Khan Ama, you are wasting your time? These are all figured out by my son Fujin, and he still wants to put them away and send someone to open a restaurant later..."

Kangxi stared at him: "What do you mean? Outside the banner people can eat it, but I can't eat it?"

Brother Nine felt obedient, and hurriedly changed his words: "Then how can I... My son is just thinking, isn't it going to be the end of the year? You said earlier that you would reward the prince's elder brother with money, and you would also add your son, Fujin, so that you don't feel like an elder It's not generous, it's like taking advantage of the junior..."

Kangxi said unhappily: "The others are 'brothers, clear accounts', you are 'clearing accounts' with your Ama..."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "I can't figure it out, that's what my son said, you'll be done as soon as you hear it, let's get down to business..."

Kangxi rubbed his temples.

"Speaking of which, what's the matter..."

The "business" the day before yesterday was the tenth's initial ceremony.

The "business" yesterday morning was the daily supplies of the princes' mansions outside.

The "business" yesterday afternoon was at the level of the fifth elder brother's father-in-law.

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan, isn't Old Ten getting engaged the day after tomorrow..."

"The day after tomorrow? Seventeen?"

Kangxi was surprised: "The day when Qin Tian supervised the election?"

Only then did Brother Jiu remember that he hadn't reported to the Qin Tianjian after he got his life.

"Yeah, after listening to Khan Ama's order, my son sent someone to Qintian Prison. In the first three days, the remaining two were in the twelfth lunar month, and this one was in the winter moon..."

Kangxi nodded.

Brother Jiu continued: "The prince's initial appointment ceremony, in addition to leading the guards and ministers, the head of the House of Internal Affairs also needs to come forward... The son will accompany the tenth brother with the fourth brother and the starling to recognize relatives, so the head of the House of Internal Affairs Son, do you see if there are two more people?"

Kangxi was unhappy.

"Nonsense! Just to add two chief executives for the initial ceremony?"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "It's not just for this. There are so many things in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, inside and outside, and so many things. How can my son take care of it... What can Ama Khan do? People, transfer them over and use them, and it will be convenient for my son to use them at that time... Otherwise, my son will have to watch the palace every day to kill a few pigs, and which brother outside wants a few more pieces of satin? It's so trivial..."

Kangxi reprimanded angrily: "I've only been working in the yamen for a few days, so I'm disgusted..."

He wanted to arrange for the manager to go on.

But he wants to arrange it, and his son wants to be two different things.

When his son doesn't want it, he wants to give it to others.

The son wanted it, but he didn't want to give it.

Otherwise, following this kid's heart, wouldn't it make him proud?
Brother Jiu went on to say: "Ama Khan, apart from working, you also need to give Zhenshan Tai Sui. It's best to look at the six departments of Jiuqing, which adult has time... The coats of the House of Internal Affairs have been tolerated by Ama Khan. , all arrogant..."

Kangxi sized up Brother Jiu several times, his eyes darkened with curiosity.

"Is this all what you thought?"

Brother Nine just wanted to tell the truth, but immediately shut up.

Who knows why Khan Ama asks this...

He is narrow-minded, what if he picks on the bone in the egg?

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Isn't this son trying to hide from laziness? This big Dongyue, sleep half an hour longer, wouldn't it be more fragrant... Seeing the sky staring at the yamen, my son has lost weight... After reading so many books, my son is not a fool, and he has almost learned..."

He was arrogant, but Kangxi shook his head and said: "I didn't see it, but I saw it, you look more like a military advisor..."

Brother Nine has a nail growing under his buttocks.

He stood up and said, "There is really no one else, it is my son who thinks it himself... You are also true, it is useless to ask again, can my son create something out of nothing for you, and make someone out of it?"

As he said that, he walked towards the door: "The day after tomorrow is the day, you have to wait, Khan Ama, so hurry up and add something else, so as not to make mistakes in a hurry..."

Kangxi couldn't laugh or cry when he saw that he was assigning work to him, and wanted to scold him a few more words.

Brother Nine kept on stepping, and left in a hurry.

Kangxi's face turned pale, and he told Liang Jiugong: "Go and find out, who did Brother Jiu meet before..."

Who is behind the scenes?
What exactly does that mean?
Eyeing the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

or something else...

No matter what kind, Kangxi will not tolerate it.

I can't tolerate it, someone takes advantage of Lao Jiu's innocence...

His heart can be punished...

In the study.

Elder Brother Shi also just removed the meal box.

Seeing Brother Nine coming over, Brother Ten was overjoyed.

Brother Nine said, "Apart from Niu Hulu's family and your aunt, do you have any other people you plan to invite... to join the crowd, and it will be more lively..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this and shook his head quickly.

"It's just a preliminary ceremony, don't need to be too elaborate...these two are enough..."

The key is Khan Ama's place, I'm afraid he doesn't want him to hook up outside.

The fewer people there are, the better. If there are too many, it is a sin not to know when.

According to Elder Brother's original intention, he didn't even want to call with Niu Hulu's family.

The eldest uncle lost his title and his reputation was tarnished. In recent years, he has stayed behind closed doors and is not very sociable.

Calling him out is embarrassing.

On the other side, Ah Ling, it's just a villain, and it's just a matter of face for me.

But who said that Elder Brother Shi is the grandson of Niu Hulu's family?

In the Han Dynasty, Elder Brother Shi would be called Prince Niu Hulu.

In the eyes of the world, the prince and his family are also inseparable from each other.

If Elder Brother Ten behaves alienated from that side, in the eyes of the world, it means that he doesn't know what is good or bad, and is cold-hearted.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Then don't call anyone else, I have sent someone to the Dutong Mansion, when the time comes, let my father-in-law bring a few people there too, it's about the same..."

Brother Ten understands Brother Nine's kindness and accepts it.

"That's a good relationship. When the time comes, my younger brother will get close to Mr. Dutong..."

Brother Ninth still felt that it was not perfect, so he complained to Brother Ten.

"Abahai is too small, there are only two banners, and there are few children in the capital... Khan Ama is also the same. How good it was to choose people from Horqin. The children there can fill the vacancies in the capital and serve as guards. There can be [-] or [-]. people……"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and comforted him: "It's fine, but don't show it to others, don't be so lively..."

These two days are really busy, so Brother Jiu went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after finishing talking.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi has received accurate information from the front, knowing Brother Jiu's itinerary in the morning.

The eighth elder brother has been to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The two brothers left the imperial city together.

Afterwards, Lao Jiu went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.

Is it the fourth child or the eighth child who guides the ninth child behind the scenes?

Kangxi put his doubts on Lao Ba.

The two brothers have always been on good terms, and Lao Jiu seems to listen to Lao Ba more.

Old eight, old nine...

The eighth, the boss...

Kangxi felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Liang Jiugong came in and said, "Your Majesty, Sibeile is begging to see you..."

Kangxi was a little surprised that the fourth child would not come to Qianqing Palace easily without being summoned.

He checked the files of death row criminals in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. What did he find?
However, according to his actions, even if he discovers something, he must report it to the Manchu and Han Shangshu first, rather than report it by leapfrogging.

Even if it is the prince elder brother, if he walks in Liubu, he is just walking.

The real callers are still the six ministers.

Kangxi nodded, and the successor came in.

The fourth elder brother came in and saluted in an orderly manner.

Kangxi exclaimed, and said: "Lao Jiu went to see you in the morning? I'm asking you to be the last one to arrange the ten elder brother's initial appointment ceremony?"

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "This is where my son should go."

His preface is here, the elder brother can't get out of his family, the third elder brother...

He also vaguely heard the reason why the third elder brother was demoted.

I'm afraid it's embarrassing for two times.

Kangxi's expression softened a little: "Then you will work hard, keep an eye on the little ones, and don't tell Lao Jiu to mess around..."

The fourth elder brother said: "Ama Khan, I came here just to tell you about the ninth elder brother..."

Kangxi was a little surprised.

"What's wrong with Lao Jiu? Did he mess up in front of you? Or was he disrespectful..."

He remembered clearly that the ninth child avoided the fourth child.

Don't you know how to be polite when asking for help today?

This is to piss off the honest man?Forcing the fourth child to complain?
The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "No, elder brother has grown up. It's just that I feel that he is here at this age. He has always been spoiled and spoiled before. He has never experienced anything... There are many things in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He just took over, and he is not familiar with it. There are too many, if you don’t take care of it, there will inevitably be mistakes, and then it will be the fault of negligence... It’s not good to delay the errand, and it’s easy to hit brother’s self-motivation..."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "My son found out, so he just talked a little bit more, and wanted to tell Khan Ama, should we arrange two more suitable people to help and teach elder brother how to behave?"

Kangxi didn't show any expression, he was very surprised.

It turns out that the military adviser behind Lao Jiu is not the eighth elder brother, but the fourth elder brother.

But after thinking about it, you can understand why.

The fourth son of my family has a cold face and a warm heart.

If you find out the shortcomings around your younger brother, you must think about it and help comprehensively.

Kangxi smiled: "So it was your idea, no wonder Lao Jiu was still asking for someone from me just now, I think he couldn't think of this in his head, and when asked who gave him the idea, he refused to say it... "

The fourth elder brother felt uncomfortable, and said: "It's my son who talks too much..."

Kangxi said: "I know you are kind, I wrote it down... I was negligent, Lao Jiu is recuperating his body, and it is not appropriate to work hard, and there is no need to involve a prince in the daily affairs of the House of Internal Affairs... just let him be the one." Prime Minister..."

The fourth elder brother came rushing for this, and after saying this, he retreated.

Kangxi's heart was slightly sour, and he complained to Liang Jiugong: "One by one, they are good brothers, as if I treated my son harshly..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "This is also the reason why the emperor taught me well, the fourth master is friendly and the ninth master is loving..."

Kangxi's face showed disgust, but he still made some pertinent comments.

"The fourth one is not bad, but the ninth one has a dog-like temper. I really didn't expect him to be as advanced as he is today..."

Liang Jiugong noticed that he was in a good mood, and flattered him: "The source is all on you, master. Who told you to point Jiufujin to Master Jiu, you two, you can learn from me, and I will learn from you, it's fine..."

Kangxi laughed broadly: "That's right, Lao Jiu can be regarded as close to Zhu Zhechi..."

Speaking of this, Kangxi was thoughtful.

"According to what you said, if I give you a bad one, my elder brother will be kidnapped and ruined..."

Liang Jiugong groaned.

He wanted to slap himself.


Conscience of heaven and earth, he is really not reflecting anything.

At this time, Zhao Chang came.

"Your Majesty, Ningshou Palace sent someone to the Royal Pharmacy to get Xiaoyao Pills..."

In the imperial pharmacy, the queen mother is the only one who can directly take medicinal materials without going through the imperial pharmacy.

Kangxi's face sank.

Xiaoyao Pills soothe the liver and regulate qi.

"what happened?"

he asked with a cold face.

Zhao Chang leaned over, and told the story of the incident in Ningshou Palace this morning,
Kangxi's face was so dark that he was afraid of people, he told Liang Jiugong: "Go and bring Eighth Brother over here!"

Liang Jiugong hurriedly went out to pass on the message.

Why is there such a scene?

Is he unlucky?

Or is the eighth brother unlucky?

It's really hard to say...

The eighth elder brother also just finished his meal in the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry.

Naturally, his meals were sent from Baylor House.

It is also a hot pot, and the bottom is warmed with a charcoal basin.

It's pigeon stew.

This is invigorating.

I don't know how Bafujin heard about it, and I have to add one every day for the past two days.

The eighth elder brother felt that the meat was a bit too much, and it was cumbersome to eat.

Just sandwiched a few side dishes to eat.

Seeing Liang Jiugong coming to pass on the message, the eighth elder brother thought that he was going to make a ceremony at the beginning of the day, so he followed him out.

On the way, he said politely: "Liang Wenda, is there any rules for the initial ceremony?"

Liang Jiugong pursed his lips and did not answer.

He didn't dare to give favors at this time.

The eighth elder brother smiled slowly, realizing that something was wrong.

In the Qianqing Palace, Kangxi endured his rage.

Seeing the eighth elder brother coming in, he shouted: "Unfilial thing!"

 Today's two updates are both big chapters of [-]. The next update is probably going to be late, so everyone can join together tomorrow morning.

  Back to normal tomorrow. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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