My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 263 Give You Two Choices

Chapter 263 Gives You a Choice

The eighth elder brother was full of surprise.

He looked left and right.

Want to know who was scolded by Khan Ama?

Old nine?
Is this the disaster of a fish in the pond?

But no one else...

He is the only prince elder brother in Xinuange...

What's going on?
The eighth elder brother was still ignorant and didn't react.

A cup has already been thrown towards him.

"Pacha" landed in front of his eyes and fell to pieces.

"Cultivate your body and keep your family healthy, what kind of body do you cultivate, and what kind of family do you manage?"

Kangxi frowned, his voice full of dissatisfaction.

The eighth elder brother was confused, but he didn't dare to talk back, and immediately knelt down.

"Teach your son in front of you, and teach your wife behind your back. Guo Luoluo married you in May, and it has been half a year now. How do you teach me?!"

Thinking of this daughter-in-law, Kangxi was filled with disgust.

But he doesn't feel like he's referring to the wrong person.

Even though Prince Anhe spoiled this granddaughter before his death, Prince An's Mansion did not teach Guo Luoluo's rules well, so what about the eighth elder brother?
What did my husband do for half a year?

Let her be arrogant and rude again and again.

Eighth Prince's heart sank.

He really couldn't figure out what his wife had done to make Khan Ama furious.

He immediately kowtowed and pleaded guilty: "It's all my son's fault, I didn't restrain my son Fujin..."

When Kangxi saw that he didn't ask any questions, he just took the responsibility on himself, and became more and more angry.

It's not the first time Eighth Brother has made such a mistake.

In July, Guo Luoluo deliberately prepared cold food and cold wine for the unwell elder brother Jiu, and Dong E was so angry that he made a fuss. He was an older brother, not to mention protecting his younger brother. I bear it, and apologize to my brother and sister-in-law.

It's just bullying Lao Jiu and treating him respectfully. Lao Jiu's family is a bride, and neither of them can care about him.

How dare he be so perfunctory if it was someone else?
Lao Jiu treated him with sincerity, how did he treat Lao Jiu?
Don't mention seniority or inferiority, just talk about the sophistication of the world.

As long as Lao Jiu is taken seriously, Guo Luoluo will not let Guo Luoluo bully Wu Fujin and Lao Jiu's family.

Others marry a wife and forget their mother, and when he marries a wife, he leaves his parents and brothers behind, and no one else is in his eyes.

Kangxi's face became darker, and he looked at Ba Prince with disgust.

"It's not your fault, or is it my fault?! Since you said it was your fault, then Guo Luoluo bullied his sister-in-law and disobeyed the queen mother in Ningshou Palace. How do you think I should punish you?"

The eighth elder brother was shocked.

He really didn't expect his wife to be like this?

"Khan Ama... There is still a misunderstanding..."

He was sweating profusely on his forehead, feeling a little helpless.

If that's the case, it won't be possible to just plead guilty...

Knowing about Baozhu herself, she is a bit arrogant, but in fact she is not very courageous.

What happened, how could this happen?

Kangxi had no patience to speak, and said with a serious face.

"I've handed in your errand, and I'm going to rule your house! If you can't teach Guo Luoluo well, you can stay at home and don't go to the imperial court again!"

"The Empress Dowager is impatient to see Guo Luoluo, and I am also impatient to see you!"


The eighth elder brother came out of the Qianqing palace in a daze.

It seems to be windy.

It's getting colder.

Eighth Prince's teeth were chattering.

Did Khan Ama look disgusted just now?
He has seen that expression...

In the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang came back from a defeated battle and lost [-]% of the elites of the Eight Banners. This is the look of Khan Ama...

He walked out in a daze.

Elder Brother Shi just came out of class, came out of the upper study room, and saw him straight.

Originally wanted to say hello, but seeing the other person's footsteps fluttering, with a dazed expression, he shut his mouth.

He looked in the direction of Qianqing Palace, and then at Eighth Prince, feeling weird in his heart.

Mynah has always looked calm, such a situation is really rare?
Is this a training? !

When I set the ceremony at the beginning of the day after tomorrow, I have to trouble my starling to be the best man.

Do you want to find a way to inquire and see what news the Ministry of Industry has recently?
How big a mistake has happened in the errand, can Khan Ama be so angry that he can teach his son...

Elder Brother Ten couldn't make up his mind for a while, but after thinking about it, it's better to ask Brother Ninth.

He estimated the time, at this time Brother Nine should be back from the yamen, so he returned to Elder Brother's place...

When the eighth elder brother left the Daqing Gate, his face had returned to normal.

But my heart became colder.

"Things that are not filial", it turned out to be yourself? !

Next to Khan Ama, there are two note-takers, Man and Han, on duty every day.

Bai Shanxiao is the leader.

People in the world regard character as filial piety, and those who are not filial are cast aside by all people.

I have worked so hard, I obviously want to do better...

The eighth elder brother felt despair in his heart.

He handed over the errand in his hand to the chief on duty, hesitated for a while, and left the Ministry of Industry without saying hello to the servant on duty.

It wasn't until he got into the carriage that his expression showed pain, with a faint hint of ferocity.

Eight Baylor House.

Ba Fujin stayed alone, sending out everyone around him, with a look of fear on his face.

She was already filled with remorse.

Just stay by yourself, why did you go to Wufujin?

The queen mother looked kindly, but she just watched.

The fifth elder brother is the lifeblood of the queen mother.

The queen mother didn't ask right or wrong at all, she favored the fifth elder brother, and even took care of Wu Fujin.

The emperor is the most filial.

I will definitely vent my anger on myself.

Ba Fujin gnawed on her nails, her body trembling slightly.

How will the emperor punish her?
Copy books?

Give Fujin?

Or... ask someone to send him back to Prince An's Mansion...

Bafujin's eye circles were red.

She couldn't figure out how to make amends...

she's scared...

"click", "click", "click"...

Familiar footsteps came from outside, but slower than usual.

Eighth brother is back.

Ba Fujin ran out like a bird, rushed to Ba elder brother, and hugged his arm directly, feeling a little excited.

"Grandpa, lord, you're back..."

Brother Ba's expression was calm, and he looked at Fujin sizing up.



Ba Fujin felt that this gaze was very strange, without the gentleness and tolerance before.

She bit her lip and said, "Master, what's the matter?"

The eighth elder brother twitched the corners of his mouth, his voice was ethereal.

"I was scolded by Khan Ama, saying that I am not filial..."

Ba Fujin's eyes widened, and when he was about to ask why, he reacted immediately, and the blood faded from his face.

"It's... I got tired of Grandpa..."

Brother Ba's expression had calmed down, and he looked into Fujin's eyes.

"So, can you tell me, what exactly did you do in Ningshou Palace?"

Ba Fujin was full of grievances, sour and unbearable, tears came out, and his speech was choked up.

"I didn't do it on purpose...Really, it's not because of me, it's all because of Dong E's family... She hooked up with Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin, and didn't talk to me...I stood alone, like a joke, I was annoyed..."

Speaking of which, she was a little bit speechless.

Eighth Brother said softly: "And then?"

Ba Fujin lowered his head, and whispered: "Then, I just said something to Sister-in-law Wu..."

The eighth elder brother let out a long breath.

"Fifth Sister-in-Law has always been good-tempered. If it was normal, she wouldn't argue with you... What are you talking about?"

Ba Fujin pouted and said: "I'm also telling the truth. I said that she, Ama, is a pen and a small family. Who knows that she won't listen to the truth. She also said that I insulted her parents' family status and wanted to talk to me." Tell me about the 'improperness of your mansion'... Really, it's her turn to talk about how the palace is..."

As she said that, she babbled about Qifujin and Wufujin booing, saying that she looked down on her before.

He also said that Shu Shu was heartbroken and deliberately stopped Qi Fujin in order to frame herself in front of others.

What else do you say "have something to say"...

In fact, he must have deliberately angered himself.

To irritate yourself.

I'm not a fool, how can I do something to my sister-in-law in full view?
Brother Eight's eyes turned black.

Seeing that besides being frightened, Fujin has no regrets, and still looks confident.

He sneered.

"You really don't know what fifth sister-in-law is talking about?"

Ba Fujin raised his head, frowned and said: "I don't believe the foolish words outside, do you? The uncles are all from the same mother, so it doesn't look like brothers who are rumored to be at odds..."

"'Your Mansion' is Guo Luoluo's family, Fujin, you grew up in the palace, but you are not the Jueluo family, you are the Guo Luoluo family..."

Ba Fujin's expression froze, and only shame and anger remained on his face, he straightened his neck and said, "Master, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me?"

This is her taboo.

No one dared to mention this matter in front of her.

As early as when I was a child, my little aunt robbed me of jewelry and said "the daughter of a criminal minister".

She was only six or seven years old at the time, but she also knew what humiliation was, and she almost cried to death.

Grandpa beat the little aunt's wet nurse and girl with a board and drove them to Zhuangzi to settle the matter.

The eighth elder brother said in a deep voice: "The seventh sister-in-law is helping you, and the ninth younger sibling is also helping you..."

Otherwise, in Ningshou Palace, Wu Fujin revealed Ba Fujin's identity and said, then Ba Fujin would be a joke in the future.

Qifujin is pregnant.

If there was a mistake, no matter how much he begged for mercy, he would not be able to keep her.

Ba Fujin's lungs exploded when he heard this.

"I'm not a fool, and I don't know whether others are helping me or hurting me... If they really help me, shouldn't they persuade my fifth sister-in-law to calm down? Why do you bully me together and help me instead? It's a joke, am I holding back?" I'm so angry, I have to thank them..."

The eighth elder brother said indifferently: "They don't interrupt, let the fifth sister-in-law also 'tell the truth' and talk about your Ama..."

Ba Fujin said bitterly: "My Ama was framed by someone back then, and I broke the law when I became a high-ranking rafter... Maybe the emperor regretted it long ago, so he ordered me to be a Fujin for the Lord. The matter has long passed, How can it be the turn of others to talk..."

"What about the queen mother? Why are you angry with the queen mother again?"

The eighth elder brother continued to ask.

Bafujin didn't dare to look her husband in the eyes, fearing that there would be blame, so she rubbed her veil and looked out the window, her mouth still stubborn.

"Who would have thought that the Empress Dowager held a grudge in her heart, saying that I bullied my sister-in-law several times, that the dowry was not polite, and that I didn't go out to give it off the night before... You didn't see that posture, and tried me like a sinner, insisted on Forcing me to confess... What is this called? Just before the concubine paid her respects, all the other concubines arrived except Concubine Hui, and all the sisters-in-law...I was so ashamed, I couldn't I ran away ..."

The eighth elder brother didn't see the scene at that time, but he could imagine what it would be like.

No wonder Khan Ama said he was not filial.

With a "poof", he spat out half a mouthful of blood, and leaned back straight.

When Ba Fujin heard the voice was wrong, he turned his head and was shocked.

But it is too late to pull people.

"Plop", the eighth elder brother fell to the ground, his head directly "bang", and when it hit the ground, sticky blood flowed out.

"Ah... grandpa..."

Bafujin screamed and jumped on Ba Ge.

The grandma outside was coming, and when she heard something wrong, she hurried in.

Seeing the situation in front of her, the nanny was also scared to death, and said tremblingly: "Fu Jin, there is no delay, go and call the imperial physician..."

Bafujin knelt on the ground, all she could do was cry, she couldn't care less about anything else.

The grandma had no choice but dared not delay, so she quickly ordered people to divide the troops into two groups.

All the way to the nearest medical center to ask for a doctor, all the way to the next-door Sibeile Mansion for help, and begged Sibeile to send someone for the imperial physician.

Not everyone can hire an imperial doctor.

Especially high-ranking imperial physicians.

Next door, Four Baylor House.

The fourth elder brother is not here. For the sake of checking the case file, he has been staying in the criminal department for food and lodging recently.

Si Fujin heard that it was the eighth elder brother who had fainted, so he didn't dare to delay, so he quickly sent someone to take the fourth elder brother's name card to the Imperial Hospital.

She sent someone to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to look for the fourth elder brother, and then she was worried and went to the next door in person.

After entering the main courtyard, she heard Bafujin's cry.

"Grandpa...Grandpa...don't die...uh..."

Si Fujin was startled when he heard the words, walked quickly a few steps, picked up the curtain and went in.

Ba Fujin sat on the ground, hugging the eighth elder brother in his arms, covered in blood.

The eighth brother's face was as white as paper, his eyes were closed tightly, blood was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Sifujin was a little unsteady, and after a few careful glances, he understood why.

"Is this a fall?"

"Fourth sister-in-law, woo woo..."

Bafujin raised his head, as if seeing a savior, he cried, "Hurry up and save our master, save our master..."

Si Fujin hurriedly called for someone to gently lift the eighth elder brother from the ground to the next kang.

Because the eighth elder brother had a wound on the back of his head, he was placed facing the kang.

Fujin was terrified, but still stretched out his hand tremblingly to check the wound on the back of Brother Ba's head, Fujin hurriedly grabbed her arm.

"Don't move, lest you hurt the wound..."

Now that Fujin was being honest, he prayed a bit and looked at Fujin: "Sister-in-law Si, is our master alright?"

Si Fujin pursed her lips and said nothing, whoever said it well.

You have to see a doctor before you know what to do.


She glanced at Fujin...

half body blood...

Eighth Brother has shed a lot of blood, which makes people suspense...

She was not a talkative person.

Even though he vaguely guessed the reason for the eighth elder brother's fainting, he didn't intend to preach.

Became a sister-in-law with Ba Fujin for half a year.

She had already seen that Bafujin's temper had been developed, he was self-willed and could not listen to persuasion.

Otherwise, Da Fujin would not let go after three or two times of persuasion.

If the Dafujin is like this, what is her Sifujin?
Bafujin underestimates Wufujin's low background, but his own place is not much better than Wufujin.

My Ama is a high-ranking official, but he has passed away long ago.

Er Nie is a daughter of the clan, but her mother's family is a resigned clan, or a step-sister, and now the half-brother is in charge of the family.

Wu Fujin's dowry is thin, and her own is not too thick.

The Tai Hospital is not close to here, and it will take a lot of time to pass it on to others.

The doctor from the hospital arrived first.

Diagnosed the pulse, inspected the wound, asked about vomiting half a mouthful of blood before fainting, and came to a conclusion.


Start the prescription for soothing the liver and regulating qi.

For trauma, he is not good at it.

"I need to find a sore doctor..."

Like a marionette, the eight Fujin sent someone out to ask for a sore doctor.

Wait until the sore doctor comes in.

The fourth elder brother also brought the imperial physician here.

Both Sifujin and Bafujin breathed a sigh of relief.

An imperial physician is safer than an outside doctor.

The imperial physician's conclusion was similar, and he was also in a hurry.

The wound on the back of the head was not big, about half an inch, and no sutures were needed.

However, external application of drugs is required, so the hair at the back of the head is cut.

After hearing this, Fujin couldn't help hesitating.

She was really scared.

this haircut...

Only when there is a national mourning can the hair be cut off...

The fourth elder brother was beside him, but he didn't dare to call the shots.

He said to the imperial physician: "First, prescribe medicine for Elder Brother..."

He didn't care about asking why, so he turned around and went out to Yuqian.

Seeing that the sky is dark and the palace gate is about to close, there is no delay...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi has already got the news that Babeile Mansion is looking for an imperial doctor.

He was not worried, only unhappy.

Is this how Eighth Brother responded?
Is this a trade-off in mind?
What an unfilial son!

Kangxi recalled that the elder brother Jiu was talking about the relocation of the Babeile Mansion, and the fact that the clans of Wang An's family all came out.

His brows were furrowed, and he thought about it.

He placed the eight princes in Zhenglan Qi in order to prepare for taking over Zhenglan Qi in the future.

It's not that the eighth elder brother and Prince An's mansion are as close as a family.

The Zhenglan Banner did not belong to King An in the first place.

The current Zhenglan flag is not the earliest Zhenglan flag, it has undergone two color changes.

The background is the yellow flag of Prince Azig of England.

At that time, Emperor Taizong was the owner of the Zhengbai Banner and won the Khan throne. In order to justify his name, he changed his Zhengbai Banner to Zhenghuang Banner.

He also seized the inlaid white flag of Guanglue Baylor and gave it to the eldest son Hauge, changing it to inlaid yellow flag.

Azig's bordered yellow flag changed color to bordered white flag.

Duoduo's Zhenghuang flag was changed to Zhengbai flag.

Later, Mang Gurtai, the owner of the Zhenglan Banner, conspired to execute him for rebellion. Taizu incorporated the Zhenglan Banner Niulu into his Zhenghuang Banner, disrupted the distribution, and re-formed the new Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner.

Hauge's Bordered Yellow Banner was divided into eight Zhenglan Banner Niu Lu, which became the new Zhenglan Banner.

During the reign of Emperor Shizu, Dorgon took full power to liquidate his brother Azige who was at odds with him, and took Azige's inlaid white flag to his younger brother Duoduo, and occupied the Zhengbai flag himself.

Later, Dorgon executed Hauge again, took the Zhenglan Banner back, mixed it with the Zhengbai Banner under his name, and divided it into a new Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner.

The original inlaid white flag held by Duoduo was changed to the new Zhenglan flag.

Calculated in this way, the real former owner of Zhenglan Banner is not the prince of Prince Yu, nor the prince of Prince An, but Prince Ying Azig.

Azig's clan once lost their clan status and became common people, but after receiving grace, they rejoined the clan.

However, the clan of this line is now inlaid with the red flag, and has not entered the Zhenglan flag again.


When Kangxi thought of this, he also thought of Azig's old subordinate.

There are quite a few in the two yellow flags.


Minister of the Guards, Musca...

Ma Qi, Minister of Lifan Academy...

First class guard Ma Wu...

Perhaps, Lao Ba can choose.

Do you want the flag to help...

Kangxi drew a circle on Ma Qi's name.

He remembered clearly that Ma Qi's concubine was supposed to be this year's show girl, but she begged for grace to be exempted...

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:12 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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