Chapter 264 Elegance is just enough, but not enough (the first one asks for a monthly ticket)

Ganxi No. [-], the main house.

The dinner table is already cold.

Neither Shu Shu nor Elder Brother Shi moved their chopsticks.

Because Brother Nine was angry, his cheeks were bulging like a toad, and he couldn't eat it.

The uncle and sister-in-law were also with them.

Seeing that the food is getting cold, brother Jiu is not well.

Shu Shu persuaded: "Sir, don't be angry, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to think too much..."

Brother Ten also said: "Don't worry, Han Ama has appointed her to punish her, so she won't let Fifth Sister-in-law be bullied for nothing..."

Shu Shu was by the side, feeling that this time, the connection between the two brothers had failed.

In front of the [-]th and [-]th CPs, even the hard-core brothers like the old ten have to avoid the edge for the time being.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "What happened to Prince An's Mansion? Did that Tai Fujin do it on purpose? Because Khan Ama didn't let their mansion not be downgraded to attack the nobles, I have a grudge in my heart... I deliberately taught people to be bad? Just to let She married in, and everyone was disturbed..."

The more he talked, the more real he felt.

It must have been specially taught.

Can normal people do this?
Ignore the mother-in-law...

Bullying sister-in-law...

Disobedience to grandma...

"Myna is so unlucky to marry such a Fujin..."

Brother Nine was muttering, with distressed expression on his face.

Shu Shu and Elder Brother Ten looked at each other.

Both of them raised objections.

Poor Eighth Brother?
The "noble son-in-law" of the palace is in front of him.

Fujin's background and dowry are all first-class.

He was also knighted together with his brother above.

But the spring breeze was very proud before.

Brother Nine felt unhappy when he saw the small movements of the two of them.

"What kind of expression do you guys have? Could it be that what you said is wrong? The starling is not wronged? He worked hard from dawn to dusk in front of him, worked hard, and worked so hard... As a result, there is such a slow-moving Fujin, so he can't fall behind... Khan Ma can't teach his daughter-in-law a lesson, and the one who gets scolded is mynah..."

During the day, Shu Shu wielded a small hoe and dug under the wall several times. Seeing that Brother Nine was still stubborn, he continued to look for that good brother, Brother Eight, and felt unhappy.

Instead of being annoyed, she showed doubts.

"According to my father's words, the eighth master has no faults at all, and the fault is all on Bafujin? But she acts so recklessly, even the queen mother ignores her, hides at home and does not come out, and no one else can tell her to go... Here is the eighth master Husband and wife, shouldn't they be blamed? What about the grievances of the fifth sister-in-law? What about the grievances of the seventh sister-in-law? I have been bullied for nothing, and I am waiting for the grievances to pass..."

Brother Nine got stuck, and said for a while, "But the Eight Fortunes will be punished..."

Shu Shu lowered his eyes: "If the empress in the palace could punish her, she would have punished her... The empress of Yanxi Palace can't be strict, and the empress of Wei can't surpass the empress of Yanxi Palace, so it's not easy to manage..."

One is the adoptive mother-in-law, and the other is the biological mother-in-law.

Partial status is also divided into high and low.

You have to be more cautious when you act, so as not to lose your tongue.

If Concubine Hui punished Ba Fujin severely, it would be like treating her adopted son and daughter-in-law harshly and ignoring Concubine Wei.

There's no need, there's a mother-in-law around, and it's not her turn to play tricks on others.

The same goes for Concubine Wei, with a high-ranking adoptive mother in front of her, so it's hard to talk about the Pope's son Fujin.

Coming and going again and again made Bafujin have fun in the palace.

Elder Brother Shi noticed that Shu Shu was unhappy, and was afraid that the couple would really be unhappy because of this, so he hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law Jiu is right, Brother Jiu thinks about it, it can't be that my face is my face, and my fifth brother's face is not my face. Seventh Brother's face is no longer face... It was Ba Fujin's fault in the first place, Ba Ge didn't control people, and he didn't feel wronged when he was scolded..."

Brother Jiu frowned, but his mouth was still stubborn.

"He's such a big man, what should he do? Mynah is still mild-tempered, so it's good not to be controlled by that shrew..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "If you can't control it, then you will be scolded. You can't have all the good things, and don't get involved in the bad... Husband and wife are one, and let Bafujin go on a rampage to offend others, what can you do besides making amends?" What? You can’t let others suffer in vain, why?”

Brother Jiu was a little anxious.

"It's just a few quarrels, why is it like this..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Shu Shu, with rebuke: "You are too, just standing in front of you, and you don't want to try to persuade..."

Shu Shu was already beating the villain in her heart, but her face showed shame.

"It's my fault, I should stop it..."

Elder Brother Ten is by his side, so he is not happy anymore.

"Ninth brother, what's the matter with you? There is no distinction between near and far. What's wrong with Ninth Sister-in-law? That's not a nearby place, it's Ningshou Palace! Ninth Sister-in-Law is a sister-in-law, not a sister-in-law. How can she speak? The fourth sister-in-law can stop, and she can also suppress Fujin... Ninth sister-in-law, try to block it? With the virtue of Fujin, I guess it is even better..."

Brother Jiu also knew that his anger was unreasonable.

He just wants everyone to be well...

"I don't know what happened to the Queen Mother..."

Brother Jiu started to worry about this, and looked at Shu Shu: "Have you passed on the imperial doctor?"

He is not a wolf-hearted dog, and the queen mother treated them kindly during her northern tour.

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I was angry at the time, but I didn't tell anyone to tell the imperial physician..."

Brother Jiu was slightly relieved.

The old man has always been generous and fat, so he should calm down soon...

As for not letting Bafu Jin to Ningshou Palace, maybe it was just an angry word...

Otherwise, even the mynah would be questioned by jokes.

Brother Nine sighed and said, "No wonder there is an old saying in the folks, 'A good man has no good wife'... Mynah behaves like this, and yet he puts such a Fujin on the table, and it doesn't stop when he enters the door in May... I remember it clearly. Because she didn't go to pay respects to Concubine Wei, the starling felt uncomfortable, and even dragged me to drink..."

Shu Shu was by the side and didn't answer the call.

Who is it?
The relationship between the newlyweds was originally a struggle.

You retreat, I enter.

If Brother Ba hadn't regressed again and again, Fujin Bafujin would not have become more and more imposing.

This is the west wind overpowering the east wind.

In fact, with Ba Fujin's obsession with her husband, is it really difficult to control her?
It's like Brother Nine wearing a good brother filter to Brother Eight.

The elder brother is good, but the bad is someone else's.

Shu Shu also put a filter on Brother Ba.

People who are well-connected with each other and act warmly and considerately don't know that Bafujin's actions are inappropriate?
The concubine was born a prince, and got the most respectable marriage among the princes, and was regarded as a "noble son-in-law" by Prince An's family. Before, others were envious and jealous, and chewed a lot of tongues.

What now?
Anyone who mentions this marriage will be arrogant and disrespectful of the Eighth Fortune, and the eighth elder brother has been wronged...

Maybe that's what he meant...

Shu Shu felt a little embarrassed.

Xu had read a lot of the promotion of dog-blood novels held by Du Ma in her previous life, so she thought that Brother Ba's actions looked familiar.

It seems that those phoenix men and son-in-laws all use similar methods.

If you get a wife with a high family background or a lot of money, but you don't want to be laughed at by others, the flaws in this wife are infinite.

He, a phoenix man who climbed high, became the one who suffered.

True or false, others were fooled, and they forgot that he was soft food, and thought that he was not easy, tolerant, tolerant of his wife's many flaws, and he was a responsible and good man.

One word sums it up, that is, "soft rice is hard to eat"...

Such an eye-catching face...

Shu Shu didn't want to think of him too meanly, but she still felt like...

Seeing that the atmosphere between brother and sister-in-law had eased up, Elder Brother Ten had no intention of quarreling over this, so he ate together.

The food was cold early.

Shu Shu asked someone to remove the dining table, and cooked a bowl of noodles by herself.

Bone broth is readily available and very convenient.

After eating, Elder Brother Ten went back first.

Shu Shu couldn't help feeling worried when she thought of the tenth elder brother's initial appointment ceremony.

"My lord, if the emperor punishes Ba Ye, he won't delay the business, will he?"

Brother Jiu frowned.

He didn't know what to do.

But thinking of the fourth elder brother, his brows loosened again.

"It's okay, the fourth brother is still here, and he is also the elder brother... If the starling can't go there, I will make up the number with thirteen, and the fourth brother on the left and right will be in front..."

Several brothers are the bridesmaids.

If they were all younger brothers, it would be unreasonable and disrespectful.

An older brother took it with him, and it will be fine later on.

Forty-four, thirteen and nine-nine?

What configuration?
This combo is so friendly.

Shu Shu's heart skipped a beat.

The difference between humans and animals is the use of tools...

I don't know if it's because of this, but the desire to take shortcuts is also engraved in human genes...

The eighth elder brother should be severely punished...

It's not easy to go out.

Shu Shu was in a good mood, thinking badly.

She looked at Brother Jiu, so she didn't complain about his unreasonable troubles before.

Who told him that was his good starling.

Now it is beautiful and strong again.

However, it is still necessary to increase the blockage.

When Elder Brother Ten is around, save face for him.

Right now, Elder Brother Ten is not here.

Shu Shu showed a bit of admiration, looked at Brother Nine and said, "Fortunately, the Lord asked for grace, Mr. Zhang is already a fifth-rank doctor, otherwise the eight Fujin would have a 'pen post-style daughter', 'Xiao Men Xiao Xiao'." If you're a householder, throw Fifth Sister-in-law's face under your feet, and from now on, the palace servants and eunuchs will despise Fifth Sister-in-law..."

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded.

This really doesn't sound good.

Some people have been gossiping behind Wu's sister-in-law's background for a long time, but no one dared to say it in front of Wu Fujin.

The eight blessings are so...

Is it intentional?

Shu Shu sighed, and said again: "You don't slap people in the face, you don't expose them... Seventh sister-in-law is not tall, and because she is pregnant, she can't wear flag shoes, so she is scrutinized by the eighth Fujin and ridiculed." What did you say about 'exquisite body'... Bafujin's mouth is like a knife, it is specially designed to stab people's hearts..."

Brother Nine couldn't sit still, and was worried.

The two sister-in-laws who have no grievances with Bafu Jin will be bullied by her, so what about Shu Shu?
He took Shu Shu's hand and looked into her eyes seriously.

"Did you hide something from my master? Did she bully you too?"

In Shushu's narration just now, he only heard about the reasons for Bafujin's disobedience in Ningshou Palace and everyone's reactions, and did not mention herself.

After hearing Brother Nine's words, Shu Shu's face showed just the right amount of embarrassment and hesitation.

Brother Jiu frowned, feeling bad.

"Say it quickly, don't hide it from the master! What did she do?"

After asking this question, he remembered Bafujin's meanness, and said, "Did you also talk about your mother-in-law's natal family?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "That's not true, it's just... maybe there is some misunderstanding..."

Shu Shu first talked about what happened at the gate of Ningshou Palace.

"I didn't think well at the time, and I was afraid that she would be impulsive. After all, there are lessons learned from the past. Before she left the court, she went to the uncle's mansion. If she said something wrong, she would slap her... I was afraid of Seventh Sister-in-law's situation, and stopped in front of Seventh Sister-in-law... ..."

Shu Shu "tell the truth".

"She was annoyed, as if she was complaining about my bad intentions, disrespect or something..."

"The queen mother later called in to question the crime, and she insisted that I was envious and jealous that she married better than me, so she sued the queen mother... Fortunately, the queen mother explained, otherwise I really couldn't explain..."

Shu Shu said, with embarrassment.

"Heaven and earth conscience, I don't know how this jealousy talk came about..."

Speaking of this, she brought a hidden worry.

"However, there were too many people at that time, so if you can't say it, you will spread it. I'm afraid you will be wronged by the time... You are obviously good at everything, respecting the elders, loving brothers, but they are regarded as inferior..."

Brother Nine was so angry when he heard this.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Where is she guessing randomly?! She is envious and jealous of you, so she purposely said this to disgust you..."

Are you better than myna?
It seems that it is really not as good as...

Starlings look better...

You don't have to pick your character...

If Shu Shu didn't propose marriage to herself, but a starling...

The beauty of a girl, the beauty of a girl...

Brother Jiu felt that the top of his head was a little green.

He stared at Shu Shu, feeling a little worried, and said, "Do you think that the starling looks more rare in your heart..."

Shu Shu heard what he meant, couldn't laugh or cry, and glared at him.

"No! No! No! It's just like Lord Xixi!"

between husband and wife.

The head of the bed fights with the end of the bed.

As for how?
It's still bright...

I'll talk about it later...

In Ningshou Palace, Kangxi came to Dingsheng.

The Empress Dowager looked sullen, without her usual kind and gentle appearance.

When Kangxi saw this, he couldn't help being concerned, and immediately wanted to pass it on to the imperial physician.

The Empress Dowager waved her hands, she was not strong enough, and said: "It's nothing, I'm just tired of tossing around for a few months, just take it easy..."

Kangxi naturally knew it was not for this reason.

But the Queen Mother didn't mention it, so he couldn't ask directly.

Grandson's daughter-in-law's disobedience hurt the Empress Dowager's face, so it's not easy to bring it up on the table.

The Empress Dowager looked at Kangxi and said: "Brothers open the mansion and go out. The Fujin come to the palace every day to say hello, which is also filial, but I am impatient and there are many people here. In the future, except for big days, don't come to my place to arrange shifts... Go to the palaces Just go, or else there will be too many people and it will be a mess, which will give me a headache..."

Where did Kangxi not understand?
For the sake of one of the eight blessings, the queen mother didn't even want to see other granddaughters-in-law.

This is to save face for the eighth prince.

Otherwise, it is easy to be criticized if it is singled out.

But the days in Ningshou Palace were already deserted.

The fifth child has moved out now.

Kangxi thought for a while and said: "There are others, there is also the fifth daughter-in-law... She is visiting you in the palace on behalf of elder brother. If you ignore her, then the fifth son should be worried outside..."

The Queen Mother thought for a while, then shook her head, and said, "You don't have to be too diligent, since they are both granddaughters-in-law, and I don't want to be too partial. Let them live their own lives, for ten days and a half months, just come in once... I'm free here, and the old nine daughter-in-law..."

The prince Fujin in the palace is different from the separated prince Fujin.

Not to mention, Shu Shu was originally a sweet and loving child.

Kangxi has no objection.


Kangxi was not very satisfied.

I used to think that the appearance and character were not bad.

As a result, she didn't inherit her grandfather's good morals, and she looked like a god.

Elegance is just enough, but not enough.

Some are not atmospheric.

Today, Guo Luoluo's fault is seven points, and Wu Fujin is also three points.

Brother and daughter-in-law are disrespectful, when can we teach them a lesson?
If I changed to another place, I could be justified, and no one said anything.

It happened to be in Ningshou Palace, and he refused to bear it any longer...

(End of this chapter)

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