My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 265 Don't Think About It

Chapter 265 If You Can’t Remember, Don’t Think About It (Second Monthly Pass)
When Sheng Jia came back from Ningshou Palace, the fourth elder brother was already waiting in front of Qianqing Palace.

He turned around in a hurry, sweating all over his head.

Seeing the shoulder chariot coming, the fourth elder brother rushed forward to meet him, anxious.

"Khan Ama..."

Kangxi looked at the sky, it was already dark.

The palace gate is about to close.

Si elder brother is like this again...

It's the "disease" on the eighth brother's side...

Kangxi didn't rush to ask questions, but got off the chariot and motioned for the fourth elder brother to follow.

When the father and son entered the Xinuang Pavilion, the fourth elder brother couldn't wait, lowered his voice and said: "Khan Ama, the eighth elder brother fell down and fainted, there is a wound on the back of the head, the back of the head needs to be shaved..."

He changed his rhetoric and did not directly say that the hair was broken.

After all, the implication is not good, and I am afraid that Khan Ama will be jealous.

Kangxi turned around and looked over at once.

"Fall?! How did you fall?"

The fourth elder brother was taken aback.

He came here in a hurry just now, he was thinking about the request from the imperial court, worried that the palace gate would be closed, and he hadn't had time to ask why.

Kangxi had a sneer on his face.

"Isn't it a rush to attack the heart?"

The fourth elder brother thought about the imperial physician's diagnosis, and it seemed to be this, so he nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, that's it... The imperial physician did indeed say that, Elder brother fainted and fell, bumped, and bled a lot, and he hasn't woken up yet. I don't know why he was so annoyed..."

In Kangxi's mind, he thought of the words "rushing to the heart".

Qi, blood, yin and yang are reversed and disordered as the result, and rushing to attack the heart is the cause.

Anger makes the gas go up, joy makes the gas slow down, shock makes the gas go down...

Fainting, this is gas...

Last month, the third elder brother was also "in a hurry", and this month it is the eighth elder brother's turn.

Seeing his displeasure, the fourth elder brother thought it was a taboo to "cut hair", so he had to make gestures.

"Just when I fainted and fell down, my head hit the pedal, and the hole was nearly an inch. It looked scary. If you don't shave your hair, it's not easy to apply medicine, and you're afraid of delaying the injury. After all, it's on the head, no more than the side..."

Kangxi's expression was indifferent, and he nodded his head.

"Then shave..."

The fourth elder brother was careless, he didn't notice the strange look on the emperor's father's face at all, got the oral order, without delay, he left and left in a hurry.

Kangxi thought of Concubine Wei's hibiscus appearance, as well as her pretentiousness before.

He snorted coldly: "Brother Ba is not pure, he really followed his mother..."

How dare Liang Jiugong talk too much?

I said something yesterday, but I don’t know what the consequences will be...

He wants to be dumb...

What's more, the emperor's harsh comments on concubines are not words he can listen to...

Kangxi didn't expect Liang Jiugong to answer, and said to himself: "Isn't it because I fell on purpose? Or could it be a good injury?"

As he spoke, he felt more and more that this was a possibility.

The eighth elder brother is deeply thoughtful.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

Among the princes and elder brothers, the eighth elder brother and the third son are stronger, and they are also a little cautious.

Whether the third child is strong or calculating, it's all on his face, which is obvious.

The eighth elder brother has complicated thoughts.

Use humility to cover up his jealousy and resentment.

Followed his mother-in-law.

They are all complicated people who don't follow the right path.

This time I punished him to ground him, and when the news spread, the eighth elder brother's gentle and progressive image would no longer be able to stand.

hurt at this time...

It's a matter of course to spread it outside and stay behind closed doors...

I want to use this to fool Bafu Jin's disobedience...


Kangxi sat on the kang, looking at the rosters of the bannermen and assistant leaders spread out on the table.

If the eighth elder brother wants to protect the eight blessings, he will protect them in Baylor's mansion.

Don't come out together to block everyone's eyes.

Mrs. Fucha, her status is just right...

Enfeng Bellezor leads the count...

There is no precedent.

Here, the third child, take back the six leaders of the upper three banners, leaving three of the Manchurian leaders, one of the Mongolian leaders, and two of the Han army leaders.

This can be customized.

For the third child, the King of Duoluo descended to Baylor, and six assistant leaders were reduced, and the rest were the Zhongzuo leaders assigned by Xianglan Banner before, so no one else would say anything.

If the fourth child goes down, he cannot completely occupy the Zhongzuo leaders of the bannermen.

In that case, it is easy to cause dissatisfaction with the clan and princes.

Still from the example of the boss, it is better to take half of the population from Shangsanqi.

The fourth, fifth and seventh children are all inlaid with white flags.

Prince Chunjing is extinct, and Zuoling under his name has been taken over to Shangsanqi.

You can take out a few collars and let the three elder brothers bring back the Xiangbai Banner.

With the addition of the Gongzhong Zuoling with a white flag, it is almost the same...

The remaining eight elder brothers are in Zhenglan Qi.

That's easy.

The king of Anjun attacked and released many assistants to keep in the palace.

It just happens to be assigned to Eighth Brother...

As for Shangsanqi, where the Fucha clan resides, there are a total of three assistant leaders.

At the beginning of Manchukuo, the third leader and the tenth assistant leader.

There is also population reproduction, the eleventh Zuoling who was assigned in the [-]th year of Kangxi, and the ninth Zuoling who was assigned in the [-]rd year of Kangxi.

At present, the tenth leader is Mu Sika, the eldest son of the late household minister Mi Sihan.

Mi Sihan is the hero who advocated the withdrawal of the vassal, and he has made great contributions to the preparation of food and grass.

Finally died in his prime, he was one of Kangxi's most valued confidantes in his early years.

Mi Sihan has four sons, the eldest son Muska, the second son Ma Qi, the third son Ma Wu, and the youngest son Li Rongbao.

Li Rongbao was only two years old at the time.

Under the struggle of his stepwife Borzigit, Li Rongbao took the title according to the rule of "the youngest son guards the stove".

The first three elder brothers shared most of the property equally.

The ancestors of the Fucha family passed down the hereditary leader, and as early as when the eldest son Musca became a member, Mi Sihan passed it on to the eldest son.

The second hereditary leader is the grace given by Kangxi.

It was the eleventh assistant leader assigned in the eleventh year of Kangxi. The first assistant leader was Ma Qi, Mi Sihan's second son.

The third hereditary Zuo Ling was the ninth Zuo Ling who was separated in the [-]rd year of Kangxi. Zuo Ling was Ma Wu, the third son of Mi Sihan.

The four brothers of Wang An's family, against the four brothers of Shang Fucha's family...

A first wife and a side wife.

I don't know how the eighth elder brother chooses...

Eight Baylor House.

The fourth elder brother came back with Kangxi's oral order.

There is a barber in the mansion, who has been waiting for him for a long time.

The one-inch square area around the wound on the back of the eighth elder brother's head was shaved.

The medicine for external application is ready.

Medicines taken internally...

Eighth Prince fainted and couldn't swallow.

The fourth elder brother poured it himself once, spilled more than half of the bowl, but didn't drink a few sips.

A picture flashed into Bafujin's mind immediately.

Brother Nine fainted from heatstroke, and Dong Eshi poured salt water for him mouth to mouth.

What she can do for Brother Jiu, she can also do for Master Ba...

Ba Fujin stepped forward, took the medicine bowl from the fourth elder brother, and poured it into his mouth.


She didn't expect it to be so bitter, so she sprayed it out, and the medicine bowl in her hand fell to the ground.

With a bang, the bowl shattered and the medicine was scattered all over the floor.

The fourth elder brother was still stunned, wondering why Ba Fujin snatched the medicine bowl, but was sprayed with medicine soup all over his face.

He stood up abruptly, glaring at Fujin.

Ba Fujin's face was contorted in pain, and he didn't even spit out the medicine soup in his mouth, but bent over and retched.

Si Fujin was taken aback by this change, and quickly took out his handkerchief to wipe Si elder brother's face.

The fourth elder brother was lucky, and his face was as dark as ink.

He didn't dislike his embarrassment, but frowned and looked at the medicinal soup on the ground, fearing that it would delay the eighth elder brother's medication.

He hurriedly called someone and ordered another bowl of medicine.

The eighth elder brother fainted, and the eighth Fujin didn't take care of things at this time. Everyone here regarded the fourth elder brother as the backbone and was very obedient.

There was movement on the kang.


Eighth Prince groaned and woke up.

Because of the injury on the back of his head, he was lying on the kang.

This time in a daze, he wanted to get up, but his body shook.

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother hurried over to help him.

Bafujin had already stepped forward, threw herself on Ba Ge, and wailed loudly.


The voice is high pitched.

The eighth elder brother showed pain on his face.

The fourth prince frowned and said, "Shut up!"

Eight Fujin paused, then ignored the fourth elder brother, and continued to cry.

"'s my fault, sir, don't be angry, I just changed it..."

The fourth elder brother gritted his teeth and tried his best to endure.

Sifujin hurried forward, pulled Bafujin and said: "Sister and sister, the eighth brother just woke up, so I can't stand the noise..."

Only then did Ba Fujin cover his mouth with a handkerchief, sobbing softly.

The fourth elder brother stepped forward and helped the eighth elder brother.

Seeing people who usually live in Zhilan Yushu, now they are like dehydrated cabbages, pitifully languid.

The fourth elder brother lowered the volume.

"Lie down when you feel uncomfortable, drink medicine for a while and sleep, don't think about anything..."

The eighth brother felt something was wrong, and his mouth was very strange.

He licked it with his tongue, and there seemed to be something foreign, like a blister.

Densely packed, all in the mouth.

He looked at the lights.

Looked four more times.

This is my own home, it's dark outside, and the lights are already on, why did my fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law come?

His mind was blank, and the back of his head was throbbing.

"Fourth brother, what's wrong with me?"

He said, startled himself.

His voice was hoarse, as if he was a different person.

The fourth elder brother pulled his face and said: "How old is he? I don't know how to cherish myself. What's the big thing that deserves your urgency? I fell down today, and the back of my head hit the wooden pedal. If I was outside, Knocking on a rock, there is no life left..."

"A rush to attack your heart?"

The eighth brother is full of chaos in his mind.

I really can't remember, and I can't open my eyes.

"Did it fall?"

Eighth Prince's voice was weak.

Bafujin stopped crying, stepped forward and said softly: "Master, don't think about it if you don't think about it, your body is the most important... What's the matter, let's talk about it when you get well..."

The eighth elder brother looked at her softly and comforted: "Don't be afraid, I'm fine..."

After hearing this sentence, Bafujin couldn't stop crying and burst out.

Sifujin was beside her, with a weird look on her face.

The fourth elder brother saw it in his eyes.

At this moment, the medicine came again.

The eighth elder brother lacked strength, so he fell asleep drowsily after drinking the medicine.

There was the sound of clappers outside.

It's already entered.

It was dark and early, and the stars and the moon were already densely covered outside.

The fourth elder brother carefully instructed the eunuch in charge of the eighth elder brother before taking Si Fujin back to his home.

"What's going on? Why is Lao Ba so anxious? Did the couple quarrel?"

Si Fujin shook his head, sent the maid at the door away, and then whispered about the change in Ningshou Palace.

The fourth elder brother had a straight face, but now he was so angry that he couldn't help uttering abusive words: "Slut!"

The third one is going to be very late, everyone, don’t wait, you can watch it together tomorrow morning, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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