Chapter 266 Zhou Quanren

The next day, Shu Shu woke up early.

I slept very comfortably.

Last night, the lights were turned off when the room entered.

There was a whole night of stories.

Although it was a big winter month, it was freezing cold outside.

But the house is full of earth dragons, and the spring is in harmony.

Don't be afraid of catching a cold.


The fatigue of the journey is also loosened a lot in the story.

She didn't know that the incident in Ningshou Palace had already had a chain reaction.

The future Eight Sage Kings suffered the first major setback in his life.

If you don't cheer up, you can't say that you are silent.

The structure of Kowloon can no longer be maintained.

It can only be said that this world is not very friendly to princes and elder brothers.

There is a third elder brother folded in front.

Right now, another eighth brother has fallen.

Climbing high and falling heavily has already left a bad comment in Kangxi's heart.

Even if she knew, Shu Shu would only be happy.

The sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked.

Shu Shu felt refreshed and relieved.

Brother Batu once said, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't need to.

That's a good rule of thumb.

It's a trivial matter for Brother Jiu to mess up from time to time, or to have cramps or something.

Even if the wind is blowing on your pillow and you are digging with a small shovel, there is still a time limit.

It can't be good, just throw away the brotherhood of more than ten years.

Thinking about it better, it is humane and not cold.

Brother Nine was in a tangle.

He is the easiest to hold grudges, but he doesn't have the habit of "indifferent".

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter.

What happened at the beginning of July made him aggrieved once.

In order to quell the disgusting rumors that he was in love with Fujin or something, Shu Shu took the initiative to give in and apologized to Fujin in the past.

In fact, it should be Ba Fujin who made the apology.

With a vicious mind, he deliberately prepared cold food and cold wine for him.

The results of it?
It's not enough for Bafujin to bully him once, why do he come a second time? !

This is relying on the ranking at the top, if you think you are bullying, you will bully, and you and Shu Shu will apologize?

Brother Jiu has never hated a person so much.

Ba Fujin has been honored to be the person he hates the most.

Knowing that the eighth elder brother might be reprimanded by Khan Ama, in the past, the ninth elder brother must go directly to the Ministry of Industry to find someone to comfort and persuade.

But the premise is that Ba Fujin bullied Fifth Sister-in-law and Shu Shu, and Brother Nine felt that he was going to scold others in front of Ba Ge.

Can't say anything about it.

Thinking that tomorrow is a good day for the old ten, and I have to let the starling be the best man, the ninth elder brother feels that he can go there after finishing his errands in the House of Internal Affairs.

Don't mention that bastard woman, let's go through the first appointment ceremony of the old ten first.

As soon as breakfast was served, Elder Brother Ten came.

Before the retinue, Elder Brother Ten ate here morning and night.

When the retinue came back, Brother Ten went back to eat.

The prince's dining room in the three schools is also becoming more and more perfect.

Brother Ten came in, glanced at Brother Nine, then at Shu Shu, hesitant to speak.

Brother Jiu saw that he was a little awkward, and said, "What's the matter?"

Why "again"?
And my own tone, a bit familiar...

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "I just want to ask Sister-in-law Nine to do something..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu asked curiously, "What's the matter, are you going to accompany your siblings tomorrow?"

Brother Ten shook his head and said, "It's not tomorrow, it's today..."

It turned out that after he went back last night, he didn't rest well.

With the lessons learned from Ba Fujin, he was a little scared.

Bafujin is not the princess or county master of the palace, but the daughter of the princess, and they are all so arrogant.

Borzigit is the real daughter of the Mongolian county king.

During their northern tour this year, they visited three parts of Mongolia.

Mongolia is not the same as the capital.

The princes have greater rights and are more harsh on the herdsmen and slaves in the territory.

What if Borzigit was as arrogant as Fujin?
Elder Brother Ten wanted to invite Shu Shu to take a look.

It's best if you have a gentle temper.

If you are arrogant and indulgent, also give some warnings.

Be restrained, and don't leave a bad impression in front of the elders.

"If that's the case, my brother will find a way to move out to live earlier, and then slowly teach..."

Elder Brother Ten made his plan very clearly.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other in blank dismay.

What a world of difference.

On the eighth elder brother's side, eight Fujin has been in the door for half a year, and he hasn't started to discipline him yet.

On the side of the tenth elder brother, the preliminary appointment ceremony has not yet been held, and he is already thinking about preventing problems before they happen.

Shu Shu comforted: "You think too much, no matter how noble the ten younger siblings come from, they can't surpass you. The biological parents are not stepfathers and stepmothers, so they will think about raising them well..."

Shu Shu felt that Fujin was not mentally healthy.

It's not like a normally pampered noble girl.

Too sharp.

Very competitive.

A normally pampered child should be like Qi Fujin.

Even if you encounter difficulties, be calm and choose the light in the end.

Elder Brother Ten is still worried.

"Just in case, if you are confused, don't know the seriousness, and something is wrong, it will not be good to leave a bad impression in the hearts of Khan Ama and the Queen Mother... She married from afar, and she has no natal family to rely on..."

Elder Brother Ten obviously thought it over.

Shu Shu hesitated.

She has self-awareness.

What are you?
The husband is a bald elder brother with lower teeth.

I am a new daughter-in-law who has only been in the door for half a year.

What kind of garlic?

Concubine Yi is not qualified to appear in the tenth elder brother's marriage, let alone herself...

"Tenth brother, to visit the tenth sibling, it is more appropriate for the Crown Princess to come forward... Even if the Crown Princess is not available, it should be the third sister-in-law or the fourth sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu said.

She didn't mention Da Fujin, after all, it's useless to mention it.

Although she was joking with her sister-in-law when she was in Mongolia before, she recognized the title of "old sister-in-law".

But in fact, she really doesn't have the weight of an old sister-in-law.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly shook his head.

"Don't bother them, the big fanfare is just going to the inner hall..."

Brother Nine glared at him: "It's just a thought, and you know it's troublesome..."

There is no one who asks someone to do things on the same day.

Their husband and wife have a good relationship with the old ten, so there is no need to pay attention to this.

It would be rude to change the princess or other sister-in-laws.

Elder Brother Ten whispered: "If there was no such thing as Fujin, my younger brother would not be able to remember this... Even if Fujin made trouble, I would feel a little guilty when thinking of 'Your Lady'... If 'Your Lady' would That would be too disturbing..."

Seeing Elder Brother Ten like this, Shu Shu couldn't say no, so she looked at Elder Brother Ninth.

"Master, it's rare that the tenth brother is thoughtful, so I'll go there..."

Ninth elder brother disagrees.

I think this is a bit out of line.

Before I made the initial ceremony, I didn't think about going to the Dutong Mansion.

But seeing his wife and younger brother looking at him eagerly, he said angrily: "Okay, okay, let's go, but we can't make decisions on our own, we have to ask Khan Ama... "

Elder Brother Ten nodded with joy on his face.

"That's, that's, it's better to just go and see..."

Even if it's not a word of mouth or something, it's like representing the royal family, and the teacher is famous.

Brother Jiu took a few bites and put down his chopsticks.

The two brothers went to Qianqing Palace together.

Shu Shu was a little nervous when she thought about going to see a guest.

I can be regarded as the elder of the in-laws.

A meeting gift should be prepared.

She wanted to prepare a new flag outfit for Shifujin as a meeting ceremony.

Not enough time.

She told Xiaochun: "Go find two pieces of jewelry, two bolts of red satin, the color is auspicious..."

Xiaochun thought for a while, and said: "I remember the birthday gift from outside, there are four satin with red magpies on the branches, and gold thread is used on it, it looks gorgeous, why don't I just take that?"

Although she stayed at Elder Brother's house and did not go out with her, but in the past two days, she packed Shushu's luggage and put the gifts received from Mongolia into storage, which can be regarded as gaining experience.

She knew that the Mongols liked bright colors and gold.

Gift giving is naturally the best.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "If you think it's good, then take that... When looking for jewelry, don't look for gold ones, look for delicate ones..."

Ten Fujin was born in the royal palace of Mongolia, so there must be no shortage of gold jewelry.

Exquisite, it's hard to say.

There may be good craftsmen in Mongolia, but the craftsmanship of most jewelry is not as good as that in the capital.

Xiao Chun agreed, but hesitated.

"Fu Jin, if you really want to leave the palace today, don't you need to tell your empress?"

Shu Shu nodded: "Of course I want to say it, but don't worry, and we don't need to say it. This is what Elder Brother Ten begged me to do. After I report to the imperial court, let him tell the empress..."

If Kangxi refuses, then there is no need to talk too much.

The less trouble, the better.

As for myself...

She is a virtuous little daughter-in-law who "married and obeyed her husband"...

It's not about showing off and trying to get things done...

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

When Kangxi saw Brother Nine and Brother Ten, he frowned when he knew their intentions.

It's not that I dislike Elder Brother's meddling.

The Borzigit family came from afar, and it is also humane to send someone from the palace to visit.

However, Dong E's age sequence is here, and it would be too contemptuous to go to the inner hall on behalf of the elders in the palace.

The inner hall also lived in Fujin, the king of Abahai County, who was sending him off for marriage.

But if the Crown Princess came forward, it would be too grand and unnecessary.

Kangxi thought about it carefully, and then said: "You go to Si Age's mansion and ask Ulanara to come forward, and let her take Dong E's for a walk..."

Brother Nine and Brother Ten looked at each other, both brothers hesitated.

Brother Jiu said bluntly: "Khan Ama, asking for help and blocking the door on the same day, not very good, there is no such rule..."

Kangxi snorted softly: "You still know the rules..."

Elder Brother Ten hesitated: "Or, let's forget about it, and treat it like a son without mentioning it..."

Kangxi looked over and didn't say anything, Brother Nine quit.

He begged for the black-faced fourth son, what could the fourth sister-in-law not beg for?
Ninth elder brother said to tenth elder brother: "Sister-in-law Si is usually the most lenient and generous, let's go with the cheek, and sister-in-law Si won't be picky..."

Elder Brother Ten also felt relieved when he thought about Si Fujin's daily routine.

The two brothers came out of Qianqing Palace and hurried to Sibeile Mansion.

The fourth elder brother had breakfast and was just going to the yamen when he bumped into the two of them at the door.

The fourth elder brother looked back at his bare door.

There is no plaque yet.

This is to see the eighth elder brother, did you go to the wrong place?

When Four Baylor House is Eight Baylor House?

The fourth elder brother was about to ask, but the ninth elder brother had already greeted him.

"Fourth Brother!"

When he saw the righteous master, he was afraid that Elder Brother Shi would be embarrassed, so he cut to the chase and said, "Fourth brother, the younger brothers are here to beg you..."

Fourth elder brother shut his mouth and looked at ninth elder brother.

Besides being a bridesmaid, what else do you do yourself?
Brother Nine was already chattering.

"Old Ten is worried about the inner hall. He originally begged me to come over there to see how the preparations are going, so as to save tomorrow's mess and what's wrong with the rules... But my brother was thinking, I, Fujin, are young The face is tender, even if I go, I can't say anything, so I want to trouble the fourth sister-in-law to come forward and take me, Fujin, with me..."

He was clever, and he didn't mention anything like the imperial court.

Otherwise, it's not like inviting people, but like passing orders to people.

First meeting is a serious matter.

Prepare in advance, and save yourself from making mistakes tomorrow.

The fourth elder brother nodded, and led the two of them into the gate.

They were all brothers from the same family, not outsiders, so the fourth elder brother brought them into the hall and went directly to the main room.

Si Fujin had already received the order and knew that the two uncles were coming.

She straightened her clothes and came out.

After knowing the purpose of the two elder brothers' visit, Si Fujin readily agreed to the plea of ​​the tenth elder brother, without feeling slighted.

She had already heard from the fourth elder brother that the tenth elder brother had initially decided on the ceremony.

Sheng Jia returned to Beijing on the twelfth, and the day set on the fourteenth was so hasty, how could he think carefully...

"I'm idle here. I'm free all day. Have you delivered the post?"

It's not a medical visit, it's a normal visit, and there is nothing taboo about the time.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head.

Brother Jiu laughed and said, "I forgot this..."

The fourth elder brother glanced at the two of them unhappily, and ordered one of them to take his post to the inner hall to spread the word, saying that the two princes, Fujin, would visit the county king Fujin in the afternoon.

Then, the fourth elder brother asked the ninth elder brother.

"Eighth brother can't come out tomorrow, have you thought about who else will be the best man?"

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:13 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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