My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 267 The Hero is Sad

Chapter 267 The Hero Sad Beauty Pass

Brother Jiu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

"Mynah is really grounded?"

Although I thought of this possibility yesterday...

But I didn't expect it to be true. After all, the starling is already an errand prince elder brother, and he was ennobled and opened a mansion. Isn't it for him to save face?

Brother Nine muttered, "What's this called? The culprit is fine, and it's just a matter of implicating mynah..."

The fourth elder brother heard the voice of the ninth elder brother and realized that they didn't know the news that the eighth elder brother was injured.

"It's not a grounding. The eighth elder brother was so anxious that he fainted and fell down. He hit his head. I guess he needs to rest for a while..."

Si elder brother said.

Brother Nine heard this, how could he sit still?

He stood up suddenly: "Then I'll go and see mynah..."

After all, he turned around and ran outside.

Elder Brother Ten hesitated, wondering if he should follow.

He was also a little worried about Eighth Brother, but it was only a little bit, not so urgent.

The fourth elder brother was not at ease at first, so he confessed to Si Fujin, "I will go and see with the tenth brother..."

Only then did the tenth elder brother follow the fourth elder brother, and the two went to the next door.

The tenth elder brother already knew that the best man invited the fourth elder brother, so he said very politely: "I will trouble the fourth elder brother tomorrow..."

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said, "We're all brothers, so don't bother..."

Although the Baylor Mansion occupies a large area, it also has many houses.

But the layout is here, on the front and back yards.

Brother Nine entered Babeile's mansion, pulled a eunuch, asked where Brother Eight was, and went directly into the room.

Eighth brother has woken up.

He leaned on the kang, his face indifferent.

He already remembered everything about yesterday.

If he could choose, he would rather pass out by himself.

Such an accident...

I still lack experience and stability.

Khan Ama will not misunderstand, right?

Eighth brother didn't know what to do.

Seeing Brother Jiu come in "dengdengdengdeng", eighth elder brother was a little surprised.

At this time, I was too embarrassed and didn't really want to see people, even close brothers.

His smile is a little bitter.

"Why are you here? You're not busy with the tenth brother's initial ceremony..."

His voice was hoarse, his lips were dry, and his face was pale.

Ninth Brother did not answer, but frowned and looked at Eighth Brother for a few times, his face was pulled down, and he was unhappy: "Where are the people who serve? Where are they all dead?"

While talking, he was not idle. He saw a kettle and a cup on the table. He touched the temperature and found that it was still warm. He poured a glass of water and brought it to Brother Ba.

It should be Gu Ba Ge taking medicine, not tea, but boiled water.

Eighth Brother took it and took a sip.

The mouth is so bitter that even the warm water in the mouth seems to be bitter.

Brother Jiu pulled up a chair and sat next to the Kang.

He looked at the eighth elder brother with anger.

"Mynah is also true, how could he have such a big temper..."

"Is there anyone in this world who doesn't discipline his son when he is a father? He who is a son must also be disciplined by Laozi..."

"Speaking of it, we're all pretty good. We were born in the royal family, and Khan Ama didn't practice stick teaching. He just cursed a few times and didn't get started..."

"I heard that disciplining your son outside is like interrogating a thief. What kind of whip, stick, whatever you catch, and it's not uncommon to beat him to death or maim him by mistake. It's not ashamed to say it once..."

After hearing this comfort, Eighth Brother couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's the strict father discipline the naughty boy, I'm already eighteen..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "What's wrong with Shiba? Shiba is not a son anymore? There is also the one with a big beard who was chased and beaten by me with a cane..."

The eighth brother didn't dare to think about that scene.

This is Khan Ama always scolding the ninth elder brother, is the ninth elder brother really skinny?

The eighth elder brother is aware of his own faults, and is very concerned about Han Ama's attention.

That's why Khan Ama's disgusted eyes made him feel like a thunderbolt.

The eighth elder brother was afraid that the ninth elder brother would say something else, as if he was resentful.

He smiled hurriedly, and said: "I'm not angry, Khan Ama taught me a lesson, and I should, it's true that I didn't do well..."

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother followed behind, and at this moment, they also reached the door.

I am listening to it.

The two come in.

Ninth elder brother got up and gave up his seat to fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother didn't sit down, but looked at the eighth elder brother with a straight face and said: "I know it's wrong, just change it. The queen mother is going to make amends, and Khan Ama has to admit her mistakes honestly in front of her. You can go after a two-day break. It's too early, this matter can't be delayed..."

The eighth brother knew that these were all good words, and nodded with gratitude on his face: "I see, fourth brother..."

The fourth elder brother frowned, dissatisfied with the eighth elder brother's reaction.

"Not only do you have to admit your mistakes, but you have to correct them... If your younger siblings don't understand something, you have to teach her well... She grew up in the palace when she was young, and Prince An and Prince pitied her for being lonely, and couldn't bear to be strict. No one will teach her the ways of the world, if you don't teach her, what will she do?"

Ba Fujin stood outside the door, his eyes were red.

Hearing that some elder brothers were coming, she was worried that someone would play tricks, so she came over to have a look, but she didn't expect to hear these words.

The fourth elder brother is earnest, but the ninth elder brother thinks of Ba Fujin bullying Shu Shu and his sisters-in-law.

Fart loneliness?

Which orphan girl can develop such a self-centered temper?
He looked at Eighth Prince and felt dissatisfied.

"Fourth brother is right. You are used to it. If you got rid of her earlier, would she be like this? It's the princess, and I don't see her temper... It's okay to bully me, Fujin. Who told us that we are small, she It’s my sister-in-law again, I think the two sentences are all teaching, but this is even bullying my sister-in-law, is this going to heaven?”

Brother Nine is holding a grudge, and deliberately filed a criminal complaint.

"You're still blatantly saying that my sister-in-law has 'there is no tomorrow', what is this?! Looking back, I'd better think about it, why do you see Concubine Hui and the elder brother..."

The eighth elder brother was surprised: "What?"

He had heard about Fujin Ba before, and he only knew of the quarrel with Fujin Wu and Fujin Qi, and even Fujin Jiu was involved in it, but he didn't expect that there were others.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's nothing, just someone 'tell the truth' a few words... not only said this, but also said that if the fifth sister-in-law is the same as the eldest sister-in-law, what and what, I guess the queen mother is so angry that this is the curse. Well, it’s a bit vicious, but it doesn’t bring any truth to it..."

Bafujin knew that he shouldn't come in right now, but he couldn't help hearing brother Jiu's nonsense.

She came in with a dark face, glared at Brother Jiu and said, "What's your intention? Chewing your tongue like a woman to provoke us and mess up An's life... It's really fish looking for fish, shrimp looking for shrimp, you and Dong E's is as dark-hearted as he is, and he can't see the good of others..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips when he saw her like a crazy woman.

"I'm just telling the truth, why did you provoke me? Which sentence is not the truth, or go to Ningshou Palace to confront it?!"

Bafujin was so angry that her lips trembled. After a while, she realized her priorities, looked at Brother Ba, and said with grievance: "Master, I just rushed to the point. I didn't mean to curse anyone..."

Everyone was speechless, that's not what it means, what does it mean?
Just now, she yelled at Lao Jiu, and even brought Jiu Fujin into her words, which was not a good thing.

At this moment, it has become "talking without heart" again?
If she had a clever mind, she would be able to insinuate or something. If she didn't say it on the surface, there was still room for an excuse.

But she didn't have that speaking skill either, so she just sweared at each other so bluntly.

Up to now, it is still preposterous.

Everyone didn't see the situation of Ningshou Palace yesterday, but they can guess the general situation by looking at the eight blessings in front of them.

This kind of attitude, in front of the elders...

It is expected that the Queen Mother will be uncomfortable with anger...

Eighth Fujin only had Eighth Brother in his eyes, so he was nervously watching his reaction.

Brother Ba woke up this morning, and he was very indifferent to Fujin.

There is no quarrel, but it is more uncomfortable than quarrel.

Ba Fujin dismissed the servants before, because he didn't want others to know that the husband and wife had a rift.

She is afraid of losing face.

Brother Ba's expression was still indifferent, as if he was looking at Fujin Ba, but she was not in his eyes at all.

It's this dead virtue again!
As if when she wasn't there.

Bafujin bit his lip.

If no one else was around, she could apologize and beg for mercy.

But in front of others, she couldn't let go of her figure.

She has always been arrogant.

She wanted to yell twice, but knowing the severity, she lowered her head.

"I'm going to see Master's medicine..."

After all, turn around and leave.

Brother Ba raised his head and looked at Fujin's back with a wry smile on his face.

The fourth elder brother's eyebrows can pinch mosquitoes to death.

"Otherwise, you and Concubine Hui will ask two nuns to come over..."

The king of Zhijun was busy taking care of Fujin, and the next day after moving, he begged two nuns from Yanxi Palace to help with housekeeping.

It's really not responsible for Ba Fujin to act like this.

But it can't be like this, just hide when things happen.

Brother Ba took a long breath and said, "I'm afraid that's the only way..."

The ninth elder brother was beside him, looking at the eighth elder brother with hatred.

"Brother, you have to be hard-hearted, don't just let her go with a few nice words! You have to make her afraid, so you will have scruples in doing things! Otherwise, what will you do in the future? Khan Ama doesn't beat people, but she will be degraded." Jue, look at the old... the third brother, he just acted improperly, and directly took off the title of the county king... Baylor, how many times can you be demoted?"

The eighth elder brother listened, looking a little dazed.

What to do from now on?
Is there a future?
Khan Ama said that he was impatient to see him and refused to let him go to the imperial court.

And let him go...

His expression was too heavy.

Brother Nine wanted to babble again, but Brother Ten hurriedly stopped him.

"Ninth brother has a few words. Mynah has been smart since he was a child and knows the world. How can he say these things? I was restrained before, and it was not easy to restrain. It's because of my eighth sister-in-law's temper. Mynah cares about my eighth sister-in-law's youthful face, so I'm afraid it will affect it It's just a couple's relationship..."

Brother Nine listened and nodded.

Old Ten seems to be right.

Starlings are clever, but Khan and Ama have praised them.

In the past six months, there has been something wrong. Is this the legendary sex, mind, and faintness?

He looked at Eighth Brother with some doubts.

Eight Fujin looks good.

Heroes are sad about Beauty Pass?
Starlings don't seem to be as perfect as imagined.

Don't talk about others, just talk about yourself.

That is to say, Shu Shu is a good person, everything is in order.

If he was as domineering and rude as Ba Fujin, he would have dealt with it eight hundred times already.

The eighth elder brother didn't know that his good brother filter in the ninth elder brother's heart had a big hole.

With a bit of guilt, he said to Elder Brother Ten, "I won't be able to be the best man tomorrow, so I wish Brother Ten great joy in advance..."

Elder Brother Shi waved his hands and said, "Myna, don't be lazy. When my younger brother gets married, I will have to trouble Myna a lot..."

Only then did Eighth Brother feel relieved, and nodded with a light smile: "Definitely!"

A few people had business to do, chatted a little more, and then came out.

Brother Jiu didn't go directly with the two of them, but went to the Dutong Mansion.

At Niu Hulu's house, brother Jiu directly sent the Lang Zhong of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to inform him.

On the Dutong Mansion side, he had long planned to go on his own.

Shu Shu can't come out for the time being, so if she goes there by herself and meets her father-in-law and mother-in-law, it can be regarded as a filial piety on behalf of Shu Shu.

Dutongfu, Shangfang.

Jue Luoshi was with Mrs. Uncle, leading someone to count the things to be brought into the palace for Shu Shu.

Early yesterday morning, Nanny Qi came back with Walnut, Xiaosong, and Xiaoyu.

Bring back a whole four wagons of leather.

These people all traveled with Shu Shu.

Right in front of Jue Luo Shi and Mrs. Uncle, he told Shu Shu's itinerary and actions in the past few months.

A few days ago when Shengjia returned to Luan, the sister-in-law had already listened to Qi Xi's lecture.

However, Qi Xi lives in the Baqi tent, so he only knows about the deeds of his daughter and son-in-law.

For example, over the two sister-in-laws, he was ordered to take care of the diet and daily life of the two younger uncles.

Follow the ninth brother to go ahead and check the palace of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The queen mother is not in good health, so she follows the concubine Yi to accompany the queen mother.

The fifth elder brother was injured, and the ninth elder brother acted as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...

The sister-in-law did not feel proud, but became more and more worried.

Brother bald, if there is no errand, there will be no major mistakes, and Shu Shu will not be dragged down.

With an errand, although the husband and wife are honorable, if something goes wrong, Shu Shu will also be implicated.

Waiting until yesterday, listening to Walnut's lecture, the other three added.

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law knew about Shu Shu's affairs in the past few months.

My own Shu Shu is still that little witty ghost, she is considerate in everything, and she can't make a mistake on her face.

Even Brother Jiu, it sounds like he has improved a lot.

Not surprisingly.

Shu Shu's cousin and five younger brothers are all taught clearly, how can he not train a ninth elder brother?

The two sisters-in-law were finally relieved.

But when they heard that the twenty wagons they had brought back were all gone, the two of them started to pack their things.

This year is Shu Shu's first year in the palace, and she has to prepare an annual gift for the elders in the palace.

The little elder brother and the little princess below should also be prepared.

Definitely not rich.

Mrs. Uncle took out another ruyi handle, cloisonné enamel inlaid with gold patterns.

There are also several exquisite ornaments.

Jue Luoshi didn't say anything to refuse.

Over there...

The uncle planned well, and hired Mrs. Uncle's niece from his mother's family for the concubine, thinking about the harmony between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future.

Even if Mrs. Uncle treated the concubine coldly, it was because she didn't raise her by herself. It was different when she raised her grandson.

But Xizhu's body is here, taking medicine like eating, three times a day.

The niece and daughter-in-law are also considerate, but always put her husband first.

Now the Bo mansion has become the old pattern again.

Before, there were three masters, each with their own lives.

Now there are four masters, divided into three places, each with their own affairs.

Jue Luoshi saw it in his eyes and was vigilant in his heart.

This bastard is a thorn, which woman who has been in love with her husband can bear it?
If there is no Xi Zhu, the uncle's family will not be in such a cold pot and cold stove situation.

But for a man, his sons, concubines, and outsiders are all his own blood.

That's the most important thing.

No matter how close a nephew is, he can't surpass his own son.

Otherwise, even with Xizhu, it is not impossible for the Bo family to have an heir.

After all, there is a difference between concubines and concubines, Xizhu is only a maidservant and concubine, and his identity is really hard to tell.

Jue Luoshi thought about this, not because he was thinking about his ancestor's title or anything.

It's just a warning.

When she finds a chance, she will mention it to her daughter.

You can't be as stubborn as Mrs. Uncle.

Married to the royal family, sons and daughters are inevitable.

You have to think about it.

I can't see it, or because I care too much.

In fact, it's not worth it, the most important thing is to feel comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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