My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 269 How did it work?

Chapter 269 Why It Works
When Shu Shu arrived at the corridor of the West Fifth Institute, Brother Jiu had already returned, waiting for Shu Shu.

He didn't wait at the door of the corridor, but stood in the corridor, standing at the door of the head office, looking inside.

Today, November [-]th, my brothers moved on the night of the twelfth.

In the past few days, all the remaining items in elder brother's place have also been removed.

The Department of Construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent people to repaint the building, so the door was left open.

Brother Jiu stood at the door of the head office, a little distracted.

"What are you looking at, grandpa?"

Shu Shu supported Brother Nine's shoulders and looked inside.

Brother Nine sighed and said, "I just remembered that there was a small door between the first and second schools, and we followed suit. It was only blocked the year before last..."

The year before last, Kangxi thirty-five years...

There are two more squares on the head...

With a family member, brothers who are about the same age naturally have to avoid taboos.

Shu Shu was a little curious: "Have you seen the two princesses?"

Since Shu Shu married into elder brother's house at the end of June, and left Beijing with her escort at the end of July, she lived in the second house for a full month.

Gege Guo Luoluo from the third institute had met once, but the two Gege from the first institute had never met.

This is not surprising.

The two princesses of the second school also stayed in the backyard honestly, and never showed their faces in front of people.

As Princess, they have no chance to go out to socialize unless the mistress leads them.

This is also the reason why the Eight Fortunes were afraid of Wang Gege before.

Concubine Wei allowed Wang Gege to pay his respects in the past, this is no longer the usual prince Gege's treatment.

Brother Jiu nodded: "I've met Wang Gege twice, but I haven't seen the other..."

The timing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' talent show is almost the same, at the end of the first month and the beginning of February.

Calculated in this way, the qualifications of the two elder brothers beside Eighth Prince are not shallow, which means two and a half years.

"Fifth brother has a relationship with Liu Gege, and has an eldest son and daughter; the situation is similar with Qibeile, and Babele's here, after more than two years, the relationship should not be shallow..."

There seemed to be doubts on Shu Shu's face, but in fact she was very clear in her heart.

For men, love and love can be separated.

Sleep is sleep, love is love.

You must know that even a well-mannered person like the fourth elder brother didn't say anything to prevent Ge Ge from getting pregnant before the son-in-law fell to the ground.

But it was Sifujin's luck that the two Princesses got pregnant first, and both Geges were born.

It can be seen that the rules of the royal family are different from those of the outside world, the ancestry and concubines are not clear, and it is all credit for the branches and leaves.

There is no way to talk about things like Wufujin and Qifujin.

It refers to the early marriage, the late marriage, without even a chance of fair competition, and the eldest son.

Brother Eight did it here.

During the three years of the two princesses, none of them became pregnant.

Either the eighth elder brother is sick, or there is a valley in his heart.

Otherwise, how could it be a special case?
Could it be that at this time, he has "self-motivated"?
In order to win over Prince An's House better, why not give birth to a concubine's eldest son?

Shu Shu felt hard to say.

There seems to be a possibility.

Brother Jiu was stunned by Shu Shu's question and thought about it.

"I don't know about the other Gege, it seems that Wang Gege is getting along well..."

Shu Shu sighed and said: "Then it's hard for Babele to come here for half a year, old love and new love, spoiling concubine and getting wife..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "What's the trouble? Just one Gege, one Guo Luoluo is not enough for him to have a headache..."

He knew that Shu Shu's problem was that he was generous in his mouth, and he didn't want to see his concubine Gege in his heart.

"Ah? Then Babeile understands better than Fifth Brother and Seventh Beile. Fifth Brother and Seventh Beile miss their old relationship too much. Even if they don't spoil their concubines and kill their wives, it's still a bit inappropriate. Let people talk about it..."

Shu Shu nodded and gave her a sincere praise.

Brother Jiu was stunned.

Do you understand...

Starling seems to be a little cold towards Wang Gege...

After Shu Shu swiped the small shovel, she felt refreshed and urged: "Master, should I go now, why don't I ask my sister-in-law to wait..."

When Brother Jiu came back from Sibeile Mansion, he made an appointment with Sifujin to meet up, which was just outside Di'anmen.

Mongolia divided the inner and outer domains.

The foothold of Inner Fan in the capital of Mongolia is the inner hall on the edge of East Chang'an Street.

It is a building connected in one place, covering an area of ​​tens of acres.

Each flag has its own yard.

The princes of the various banners of Inner Mongolia need to send envoys to pay tribute in shifts, and they are divided into two groups to go to Beijing every year.

The same is true for Outer Mongolia, but because of the long distance, the envoys of the various banners in Outer Mongolia are divided into four groups, with a dynasty once every two years.

When the couple left the Shenwu Gate, someone had already been ordered to prepare the carriage and wait.

There were two carriages in total, and the couple got into the front carriage.

Xiaochun and longan went to the back.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin followed a car alone, sitting on the shaft of the car.

Another group of guards, fifty guards, followed on horseback.

Sifujin's carriage has arrived.

Seeing movement at the gate of the imperial city, Si Fujin got out of the carriage.

When He Yuzhu saw it, he hurriedly turned his head and said: "Master, Fujin, Si Fujin got off the carriage..."

When Shu Shu heard He Yuzhu's report from outside, she put on a mask, raised the curtain, and said to Brother Jiu: "Master, I'll go and sit with Sisao..."

After all, without waiting for help, she got out of the carriage by herself and went to Sifujin.

But he didn't forget the brocade box, he was holding it in his hand.

"Fourth sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu came forward with joy.

She handed the brocade box to her left hand, freeing her right hand to hold Si Fujin's hand: "Why did you get out of the car? It's cold outside..."

Seeing that she was covering her tightly, Si Fujin knew that she couldn't help freezing, so he said, "Let's talk after we get in the car..."

It's time to work.

Brother Jiu also got out of the carriage and went forward to greet Si Fujin.

Si Fujin said with a smile: "Our sister-in-law is talking, and the ninth brother will take the car first..."

The two sisters-in-law wanted to go together.

Brother Jiu was speechless.

what's up?
You have to know that the brothers and sisters-in-law have only moved for four days.

The point is that yesterday was the fifteenth day, didn't I just see it in Ningshou Palace?
Is it necessary to reunite after such a long absence and hold hands?

Sticky and out of shape.

He was full of slander in his heart, and he could only nod generously on his face.

When he got back to the carriage, Brother Jiu couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Fortunately, the brothers have all moved out.

Otherwise, looking at the stickiness of Shu Shu and her sister-in-laws getting together, she would ignore him.

Treat your sisters-in-law well, as well as the girls around you.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin.

Noticed something weird.

It seems that Shu Shu is especially close and patient with women.

Of course, except for the eight blessings.

Wouldn't it be the color that makes the mind faint...

Brother Nine feels that it is uneasy to get this woman together...

On Sifujin's carriage.

Shu Shu took off her mask, the two sisters-in-law, you looked at me, I looked at you, they all laughed.

Shu Shu directly handed over the brocade box.

"I became the God of Wealth on the road, Fourth Sister-in-Law quickly put it away, so I won't be jealous..."

Sifujin took it curiously: "What is this..."

Shu Shu said: "Fourth sister-in-law open it and have a look..."

Sifujin opened it, and saw a pair of golden pocket watches.

Only then did Shu Shudao explain to the side: "Before I came out, I went to Yikun Palace to report to the empress, and the empress told me to bring it for the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law. It is probably a housewarming gift..."

Sifujin showed hesitation on his face.

Although it is said that "the gift of the elders cannot be denied", there is also a saying "you will not be rewarded for no merit".

Si Fujin hesitated for a moment, but still said: "The concubine's wish is accepted, but it's too precious, I'm afraid our master won't let me accept it..."

Shu Shu said softly: "Fourth sister-in-law, let's keep it, our mother is also kind-hearted... Besides, there is brother ten here, who bothers fourth brother and sister-in-law one after another, it's all caused by our master..."

It's not easy for Sifujin to refuse, so put it aside and put it away.

Thinking of Wu Fujin, she also worried.

"Fifth siblings here, always have to stand up on their own. The more people talk, the stronger she will be..."

Sometimes, there is no step back.

The more timid you are, the easier it is to be bullied when you see people ordering more dishes.

Just like this sister-in-law getting along with each other, if Fujin Ba was disrespectful at the beginning, Fujin Wu would directly teach her a lesson and put her sister-in-law's airs on hold, so there would be no farce yesterday.

Si Fujin married into the palace at the age of twelve, the daughter of a high-ranking official, but Ama had already passed away at that time.

Her Ernie Niang is the eldest daughter, but she comes from Guanglue Baylor's lineage.

Grandpa passed away, and the title was also dismissed there, and there was no help from my grandparents.

Here in her natal family, Si Fujin has no siblings, only a few half-brothers, all of whom are ordinary people, and the family has already declined.

Sifujin was in a bad situation at the time.

He is young and of ordinary origin.

But she abides by the rules, learns to be the prince Fujin diligently, and keeps her elder brother in her hands.

Became a real hostess.

Thinking of the past, Si Fujin also sighed.

"There may be people in this world who are blessed and everything goes smoothly, but there are also people who have experienced ups and downs. They have to walk through it by themselves so that the road will become smoother and smoother. Otherwise, if they stay there, they will not be able to rely on others to drag them..."

Shu Shu thought of Wu Fujin's changes in the past few months, it was much better than before.

"Our mother taught me along the way, brother five was also gentle and considerate, sister-in-law five is learning to adapt... It's just that she has a calm personality and doesn't show it for a while..."

She said it very bluntly.

Si Fujin nodded, and said: "It's good to learn to change, otherwise I just can't think about it, how can I survive these days? At that time, others will live freely and lively, and only myself will suffer..."

Shu Shu remembered that Sibeile Mansion and Babeile Mansion lived next to each other, and wondered how Ba Ge and Ba Fujin were doing now, whether they were arguing or not.

It's because Ba Fujin behaved too wildly yesterday, and he will definitely be punished. I don't know how this good old man will solve this matter.

She pretended not to care, and said: "Yesterday, the old ten came over and talked about it. He saw Babeile coming out of Qianqing Palace, and he seemed to be reprimanded. I don't know if it was because of the Ningshou Palace..."

After hearing this, Si Fujin hesitated for a moment, and whispered about the situation before and after the eight princes fainted and injured.

Shu Shu was dumbfounded.

"Don't remember anything?"

real or fake?

If he dared to pretend to have amnesia, Kangxi would probably die of anger.

Where is such a coincidence?

Forgot about this time...

Can't be so stupid?
Si Fujin nodded and shook his head again, worried, and said: "It was like that yesterday, I heard it's better today, but the knock is not light, it's still on the head, I heard it will take ten and a half months..."

Shu Shu covered her mouth with a handkerchief...

It seems that yesterday she was thinking in her heart to keep Eighth Brother from coming out...

I didn't say it myself, so why did it work?

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:14 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the starting point app. There are a lot of related historical materials in the book circle

(End of this chapter)

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