Chapter 270 I'm sorry to talk about you and me (the first update asks for a monthly pass)

Di'anmen is in the north of the imperial city, and the inner hall is in the east of the south.

The carriage passed by and circled half of the imperial city.

More than ten miles away.

Even if they are all spacious roads, it is not easy to gallop in the city.

The carriage walked slowly.

It took half an hour to reach the entrance of the inner hall.

It's already early.

Because there was a post in the morning, Wang Fujin of Abahai County sent someone to wait at the gate of the inner hall early.

Wait until the carriage arrives.

The Zhulun red-covered carriage is exclusively for the family members of the clan.

Coupled with the accompanying guards and guards, it is not difficult to determine the identity of the visitor.

Wang Fujin of Abahai County came out with his children and entourage.

Brother Jiu had already got off the carriage, and came over to help Shu Shu get out of the carriage.

Shu Shu turned around and helped Si Fujin.

"Magpies fly across the sky, bringing auspiciousness and joy, honored guests descend, we wish you well..."

The county king Fujin came up with a welcome speech, holding a blue khata in his hand.

Seeing this, Si Fujin bowed and lowered his head, allowing the county king Fujin to put on a khata for himself.

Shu Shu followed by, imitating everything, and also harvested a khata.

Although I met a few Mongolian tribes with Shengjia's north tour before, the dress of the Abahai tribe is completely different from that there.

The Mongolian robe worn by the county king Fujin is not the kind with a belt, but some styles with a jacket and a skirt.

The jacket on the upper body is short and tight, revealing the woman's curves.

The skirt of the lower body is somewhat umbrella-shaped.

The material of the clothes is red full-embroidered satin, and the cuffs and front are inlaid with mink.

On the head is not a hat or braided hair on the top of the head, but a loose braid.

On the outside of the braid, there is a connected headdress made of finger-sized rouge wax, all in the shape of tassels.

Look gorgeous and rich.

Behind the county king Fujin, a man and a woman followed.

The man was in his twenties, he didn't look tall, but he was as solid as an iron tower.

The woman is a little ageless, and she is also wearing a red robe.

It should be the daughter of King Fujin of Abahai County, the future Ten Fujin.

The headdress is similar to that of Prince Fujin, except that the beeswax hanging on it is not as big as a thumb, and it is much more delicate overall.

Her skin is extremely white.

Snow white snow white.

Her eyes were not pure black or dark brown, but light brown.

The hair exposed under the headgear is not black, but brownish yellow.

Keeping the head curtain, all with natural curls.

The facial features resemble those of later generations of mixed blood, with a higher nose bridge and deeper eye sockets.

Shu Shu said before that she couldn't tell her age because she has a very plump figure.

The tight-fitting little jacket makes the upper body billowy.

Not the slender figure of an ordinary girl.

Didn't it mean that he was one year younger than Elder Brother Ten?
Shu Shu can only sigh in her heart that the development of the meat-eating nation is too early.

When the county king Fujin asked his sons and daughters to come forward to pay respects, this one was indeed the future ten Fujin, Buyingege.

County King Fujin and Si Fujin held hands, leading people to the courtyard of Aba Haibu.

Shu Shu stood shoulder to shoulder, and Buying Gege followed behind.

Brother Jiu didn't follow in, and together with Taiji, they talked about the ceremony for tomorrow's initial appointment in the front hall.

Buyin looked curiously at Shu Shu's makeup.

Shu Shu smiled at her.

This kind of stare is straightforward, but it is not offensive.

Because the words "good-looking", "good", and "like" seemed to be written on her face.

You can praise people without talking.

Maybe this smile gave Bouyingege encouragement.

She whispered: "Jiufujin is good..."

Not fluent in Chinese.

The tone is a bit blunt, like a foreigner speaking Chinese.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Ge Ge is good..."

Buyin Gege asked curiously: "Some people say that Brother Nine and Brother Ten have the best relationship and live next to each other, so shall we stay next to each other in the future?"

Such a straightforward and lovely girl.

Like a cheese doll.

Shu Shu smiled, and took Buying Gege's hand.

"Yeah, we'll live next to each other from now on..."

Buyin breathed a sigh of relief, and shook her hand back, with a bit of a childish air.

"Then let's play together..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes."

Buyin Gege said: "My name is Buyin Bayer, what a joyous blessing...what's your name?"

Did you learn the rules?

It feels a little lacking.

What a carefree girl.

Shu Shu replied in a low voice: "My breast name is 'Shu Shu', which means purple in Manchu, but now that I'm in the palace, no one calls me that..."

Buyin Gege smiled, nodded and said, "I know, they must all call you Jiufujin, or the Nine Brothers and Sisters..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Yes, when Ge Ge gets married, someone will call me Sister-in-Law..."

Buyin Gege is not ashamed: "I am now called Ni Jiusao..."

Shu Shu whispered: "The rules in Beijing are different from those in Mongolia. It is not advisable to directly say 'you' or 'I', especially in front of elders..."

Buyin Gege said with a smile: "I know this, my father invited a nun from Beijing to tell me to behave, I said this, I will remember..."

Shu Shu was silent.

This nanny is a bit tricky, and the teaching rules are not complete.

Shu Shu said patiently: "This elder includes not only elders, but also peers... For example, Si Fujin, when I talk to her, I can't just say 'you' or 'I', but I have to address her as 'you'... ..."

Buyingege was confused.

She pointed to Si Fujin's back, and then to Shu Shu.

"I'm not an elder, why did I become 'you'..."

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "As long as they are older and have a higher ranking, they are all 'respect', and they must speak honorifics, otherwise they will be regarded as unruly..."

Buyingege said with a bitter face: "Then, should I talk to you in the same way? It seems that you have become a senior?"

Shu Shu nodded slightly: "You have to say that in front of others, so others won't laugh at you... In private, you don't need these rules..."

Buyingege breathed a sigh of relief.

"I made a note of it, thank you..."

As she spoke, she was a little embarrassed.

"What if I can't tell what to say 'you' and when to say 'you'... If it's the first time we meet, I don't know if the other party is older than me, whether the seniority is higher than me..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "The one who can be called the identity, just call the identity directly... For example, if the other party is also Fujin, or Madam, just call it 'Fujin' or 'Madam'..."

Buyin's eyes sparkled, he nodded and said, "Well, I made a note..."

At this moment, a group of people have arrived at the courtyard of Aba Haibu.

Everyone entered the living room, and the host and guest were seated.

County King Fujin asked his daughter to meet again.

"This is my daughter who is as precious as a pearl. She flew from Mongolia like an eagle and is about to fly into the Forbidden City..."

Buyin Gege stepped forward and greeted the two Fujins again.

Sifujin also prepared a meeting ceremony here.

It is a pair of filigree inlaid red beeswax gold bracelets.

Buyin put it on directly, and it was integrated with her headgear.

Si Fujin is a careful person, he should have inquired about it and knew that this tribe is still popular.

Because not only the mother and daughter of the county king Fujin are wearing red jewelry, but there are no turquoise and lapis lazuli that are common in other Mongolian tribes. Even the belt and hat of Taiji are covered with old red beeswax.

Shu Shu asked Xiao Chun to hand over the package.

Buyingege picked it up in person, but didn't intend to open the package.

The county king Fujin looked at his daughter proudly, and praised the two of them.

"Our precious daughter is a good and filial child who treats her elders patiently and considerately..."

"She has a good heart and never beats or scolds female slaves like other Gege..."

"She loves her brothers, and she is not stingy when sharing her own fruit with brothers..."

"She is as beautiful as a sunflower..."

I set the alarm clock, but I still got up late, and I burst into tears, first of all.

(End of this chapter)

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