Chapter 271 I'm Worried Again (Second Monthly Pass Request)

Sifujin listened with a smile on his face, sometimes nodding.

Shu Shu sat under her, but realized that Si Fujin was stuck.

It is really the praise of the county king Fujin, which should have said almost everything that Si Fujin had prepared.

According to the general rules, when it comes to one's own child, one is belittling by one's own family and praised by others.

Then one speaks of inadequacies modestly, and one sincerely magnifies various advantages.

In the end, it was fun.

It can only be said that the Mongolians are simple and straightforward, and this kind of speech is not popular.

It was a little cold.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Gege is really good, she looks pretty and has a lively personality, and she is a match made in heaven with our ten elder brothers..."

"Our tenth elder brother comes from a noble family, he is the son of a noble concubine, Khan Ama attaches great importance to it, and the initial ceremony is higher than that of other princes..."

"Our tenth elder brother is good-looking, and he is also outstanding in riding and shooting. He is no worse than Ba ​​Tulu. He has a lot of good horses..."

"Our tenth elder brother is also rich. He is not only the son of the noble concubine, but also the empress's own nephew. The empress empress's private house has been left to the tenth elder brother..."

Shu Shu also boasted, and the boast was very straightforward and sincere.

The county king Fujin was elated, and the room was filled with her hearty laughter.

"Hahahaha, Tian Khan has a big heart, and his benevolence shines on Abahai, so he bestowed such a great grace on us. Blessed is our little Buyin..."

There was no trace of haze on her face.

There is no sadness of sending a daughter away to marry.

It is sincere gratitude and unabashed joy.

Buyingege also puffed out her chest, her face full of pride.

Looking at it like that, it doesn't look like a distant marriage, but rather like getting the best certification and praise in the world.

Shu Shu was very touched, and she also looked forward to it.

So satisfied and grateful...

This state of joy from the inside out...

With the eight Fujin in front, Shu Shu said that she was not worried, but actually she was a little worried.

After all, novelists of later generations all tacitly agreed that this Mongolian Fujin was a sturdy man who could use a whip to train his husband.

If that's the case, even if the tenth elder brother is not picky, the ninth elder brother's temperament is afraid that he will not be able to tolerate his younger brother being bullied, and there will still be arguing at that time.

As for the others, Shu Shu remained calm.

With Ba Fujin's rudeness in front of him, no matter how bad it is, it can't be much worse.

But thinking of Elder Brother Ten's earnest expectations, Shu Shu also hoped that his sincerity would not be let down.

Buyingege is so confident.

Warm and bright like a little sun.

Just right.

Elder Brother Ten looked careless, but the influence of the boy's loss of his mother was still there. In fact, he was a deserted child who hid himself in a cocoon.

In the palace, except for the ninth prince, he kept a distance from everyone, even the eighth prince.

It is the tenth elder brother's blessing to have such a cheerful and lively wife.

Si Fujin should have also thought of this, his expression softened, and he looked at Buyingege with admiration.

Although the county king Fujin praised his daughter, he was also paying attention to the reactions of the two princes Fujin.

Seeing that both of them really liked her daughter's appearance, she also felt relieved.

They didn't have time to get in touch before, and they didn't have time to let them slowly discover the advantages of their daughters. She was right in boasting first.

Shu Shu was worried about the flaws in Buyingege's rules before, but now she also feels that those are not important.

Buyinge is upright, even if there are some minor flaws in etiquette, just teach him slowly.

The elders in the palace are not mean, and everyone knows that she is married from afar, the rules in Mongolia are different from those in the capital, who would care about this with her?

You must know that the queen mother and two concubines are still in the palace.

Even though Buying Gege is from the Abahai tribe and not from Horqin, he is Mongolian Gege.

And he is the only Mongolian Gege among the junior Fujin.

The Queen Mother will take care of it.

The sister-in-law said goodbye, and Brother Jiu and Taiji also said the same thing.

It was still the sister-in-law who rode in the same car, and a group of people returned the same way.

"The emperor is merciful..."

Sifujin let out a long breath, and said: "For the tenth elder brother, it is more appropriate to refer to a Mongolian princess than the noble girl of the Eight Banners..."

Shu Shu nodded.

The noble daughter of the Eight Banners, followed by a family and a surname, who knows what kind of thoughts are born.

The son of the imperial concubine is different after all.

But for the Mongolian vassals, having a prince and concubine is already a great grace, and I am so grateful.

It would be even more troublesome if Kangxi was pressing the ten princes while pointing him to a high-ranking Fujin.

Right now, it seems that the support of the ten princes' wives and family has been cut off.

Another half hour's journey.

When the carriage arrived at Di'anmen, it was already the beginning of the year.

It's getting late.

Shu Shu bid farewell to Si Fujin and got off the carriage.

Brother Ten came out.

He had arrived a long time ago, and was in the guard room at the door.

Seeing the carriage arriving, he came out to meet him.

"Fourth sister-in-law, ninth sister-in-law..."

He arrived in front of the carriage and greeted the two sisters-in-law respectfully.

Si Fujin also came at this age, how can you not see his little uneasiness and uneasiness?

She smiled and comforted her: "Ge Ge is good-looking and has a good temper. The tenth brother is blessed..."

Elder Brother Ten pursed his lips, shyly, but he still said: "Mongolians are straightforward, and in the future, sister-in-law Si must teach her more..."

Sifujin nodded with a smile: "You don't need to talk about it, we won't watch it for nothing, don't worry..."

Brother Ten nodded, thank you again.

After everyone watched Si Fujin's carriage leave, Shu Shu boarded the carriage again.

Ninth elder brother didn't come in, and sat directly on the shaft of the car with tenth elder brother.

"Taiji is a simple and honest person, he doesn't have a heart, and he doesn't talk much... It's good, he doesn't have such an arrogant and arrogant family style, even if he often comes to the capital in the future, he won't cause trouble..."

Brother Jiu said.

Elder Brother Shi is here at this age, naturally the most concerned thing is Fujin's appearance.

Although he said before that he would not pick on his looks, that was just talking, and he still hoped for the best in his heart.

"Brother Nine, what does Princess look like?"

Elder Brother Ten asked with some anticipation.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded.

Elder Brother Ten's heart rose.

Brother Jiu frowned.

Brother Ten's palms are sweating?
so ugly?

I don't know what to say?

Brother Jiu spoke up.

"It's not easy for me to stare at my face. I just remember that it is red, like a big red envelope. It is half a head shorter than your sister-in-law. It looks as wide as your sister-in-law. It can hold your sister-in-law. Sister-in-law put on..."

Elder Brother Ten's face split open.

Are you short and fat?
Think about the few Mongolian tribes you walked through during your northern tour. Some women are tall and strong, and some are really not tall.

Sitting in the carriage, Shu Shu couldn't hear it, so she hurriedly lifted the curtain and said, "Don't listen to your ninth brother, tenth brother, it's not like that..."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly turned his head, looking expectantly at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu smiled and described: "I'm not as tall as I am, but I'm not short either. She's an inch taller than Sister-in-law Seven. Her skin is snow-white, like a lump of milk. The bridge of her nose is straight and high, her eyes are lighter than ours, and her hair is It’s brown, with a self-rolled roll, it’s not quite the same as the people here, it looks pretty good..."

Elder Brother Shi pursed his lips, but the corners of his mouth still couldn't help but curl up, explaining: "Although the Abahai tribe is currently in Monan, it was originally from the Mobei tribe. Emperor Taizong moved south, and his appearance is similar to that of Outer Mongolia. Tribes are about..."

Shu Shu nodded: "It turns out that's the case, it's because I have to be different from Horqin not only in appearance, but also in dress, words and deeds..."

Learned something new.

Thinking of Brother Nine's description, Brother Ten was still a little worried: "But Brother Nine said that there are two sisters-in-law..."

Shu Shu shook her head: "No, not fat... just right, they are different from us, they don't eat much food, either free food or red food, their skeletons are not as slender as our women's, but they are not fat, too The body looks healthy and healthy, and it looks like a blessing... This is very good, and it will not be difficult to have children in the future..."

In Brother Ten's mind, the shadow of the girl gradually became clear.

He is neither tall nor short, with a healthy figure, snow-white skin, a tall nose bridge, and light brown eyes.

Brother Ten blushed.

Brother Nine was by the side, listening to Shu Shu's detailed description, he was already sore.

He looked at Shu Shu and complained in his mouth: "I can't get enough of the good-looking ones, I even noticed the color of the eyeballs..."

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows, looked at Brother Jiu, her eyes swam around him, and landed somewhere.

Brother Jiu followed her gaze and lowered his head, thinking that there was something wrong with him, but then realized that he was being molested, and gave her a hard look.

It's broad daylight, and it's outside again!
Elder Brother Shi came to his senses. Just as he was about to thank Shushu, he saw his brother and sister-in-law flirting with each other and making some small movements.

He turned his head, avoiding his eyes, feeling a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, the carriage arrived at Shenwumen.

Everyone got out of the carriage and entered Miyagi.

Brother Nine laughed at Brother Ten and said, "Shallow! Let's just look at the face..."

Brother Ten said with a good temper: "It's better to be good-looking than not to be good-looking. You don't want to be beautiful, and you can't be shabby..."

In fact, he really wanted to say something, if it is ugly, it will not look good to give birth to a child.

Don't you want to pick a good-looking little brother?
Fujin is ugly, how can he give birth to a good-looking brother?
But I just think about it, it's not that I don't want to adopt the younger brother, but that the age of the elder brother and sister-in-law is here, and the body is slowly recuperating, how can it be so bad?
Brother Nine said: "Marrying a wife and a virtuous the most important thing..."

The tenth elder brother glanced at the sister-in-law on the right hand side of the ninth elder brother, and cursed in his heart.

Ninth brother is also not sincere.

His sister-in-law is not lacking in looks, so he can say that without shame.

However, Sister-in-law Jiu just talked about her appearance and stature, not her temperament.

Could it be that there is some defect in temperament?

The ten elder brothers were concerned, but they were confused, and began to worry about gains and losses again.

It's been an hour since the meal time, and everyone is already hungry.

When I arrived at the second school, I simply freshened up, and Shu Shu asked someone to set up dinner.

No food.

When everyone put down their chopsticks, Brother Ten couldn't wait to ask.

"Sister-in-law, you only talked about your appearance. How do you look at this character?"

Shu Shu smiled, still organizing her words.

Brother Nine has already looked at Brother Ten with disgust: "I'll see you tomorrow, so I can't be more prudent and ask endless questions..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Don't ask a question, my brother won't be able to sleep tonight..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Put your heart back in your stomach. Sisao's compliment is not a polite word. Gege really has a good temper. She is a generous, lively and straightforward girl. Sisao and I can't love each other..."

Speaking of this, thinking of Buyingege's speaking habits, she had to take precautions first.

"The county prince's mansion invited a nanny from the capital, and taught her carefully... It's just that Mongolia's speaking habits are not the same as ours in the capital, some of the honorifics are not complete, this is nothing, you can learn it later when you enter the palace ..."

Elder Brother Shi just came out on a tour to the north, and along the way he also met many children of Mongolian princes.

As soon as he heard Shu Shu say this, he understood, nodded and said: "They really talk like this, they respect the elders and the elders, and they don't pay attention to those of the same generation..."

Even the elder brother of the prince belongs to "you" and "me", not much honorific title.

With the exception of Taiji from Fumeng Princess Mansion, they play elementary school according to the rules of the capital, which is no different from that of the capital.

It's what my sister-in-law said about "big and generous, lively and straightforward"...

This is a girl without a city...

Won't be bullied?

Brother Ten is worried again...

(End of this chapter)

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