Chapter 272 I Owe You

Elder Brother Ten felt that he would lose sleep tonight.

But I can ask all the questions, and the other sisters-in-law don't know.

There is something lacking in his heart.

It would be great if tomorrow is not the initial ceremony, but the day of the big wedding.

Otherwise, it still feels like suffering.

If you get married directly, if you have any strengths, you will encourage Gege; if you have shortcomings, you will patiently correct them.

At that time, the couple will definitely be like Brother Jiu and Sister-in-law Jiu, loving each other and making others envious.

The days of the three schools are also getting hotter.

Do not learn from starlings and eight Fujin.

Tossing around has become a joke.

It was already time to hold the lamps, and it was completely dark outside.

Elder Brother Shi got up and said goodbye.

Brother Jiu started worrying about his old father, and reminded: "Don't get up too early tomorrow, so as not to be tired and lose energy, but don't be too late, Chen is going to Qianqing Palace, and the auspicious time is Sizheng..."

Elder Brother Shi agreed and said goodbye.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the second office, he heard movement at the entrance of the corridor on the other side of the first office.

There are far and near, and there are footsteps.

It's Elder Brother Thirteen.

Followed by two seasoned eunuchs.

One is carrying a glazed lamp in front to illuminate the road, and the other is following behind.

There are lanterns hanging at the door of the second school.

Seeing Elder Brother Ten standing under the lantern, Elder Thirteen walked quickly and said with a smile, "Brother Ten is overjoyed..."

Elder Brother Ten didn't smile, but frowned and said, "It's so late at night, why are you here?"

Zhaoxiang is located in the northeast corner of Gongting East Road, and it is a short road for one mile, and it is also late at night, and he has to pass through the Imperial Garden.

Now in the cold winter season, the night wind howls, adults must be careful of getting cold when walking at night, let alone children.

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "Brother Ninth sent me here..."

It turned out that this afternoon, before Brother Nine went back to the palace to join Shu Shu, he stopped in the upper study room, mentioned to Brother Thirteen that he would be the best man tomorrow, and even asked the gentleman on duty for leave.

Elder Brother Shi heard this and reacted.

The starling was injured and lacked a best man, so the ninth brother really pulled thirteen to make up the number.

But what did Brother Jiu ask Shisan to come over?
The tenth elder brother was curious, so he accompanied the thirteenth elder brother into the second institute.

Seeing the tenth elder brother go and come back, the thirteenth elder brother is still following behind.

Ninth elder brother glanced behind Thirteenth elder brother, and was surprised: "Why are you alone? Normally, Fourteen is not like a little tail, wherever he goes..."

Brother Thirteen smiled and said: "I'm still angry. A few days ago, I was told by Brother Nine that Brother Nine passed by the study at noon today, and he only asked me to come out and talk, not him..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Let him get angry, my ears are just quiet for a few days..."

The fourteenth elder brother is the real favorite concubine's youngest son, the concubine De is very spoiled, she has loved to cling to her elder brother since she was a child.

Others are younger than others, so they don't like to talk to him.

Only the eighth elder brother has a good temper and a gentle temper, and he is patient with his younger brothers, so let the fourteenth elder brother pester him.

Even the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother suffered disasters, and they were often tortured by the fourteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth elder brother brought curiosity and excitement: "Ninth brother, tomorrow is the first ceremony, let's accompany tenth brother there, what are we doing? My younger brother has never been a best man..."

Nine elder brothers have been in the past.

In March, when the eighth elder brother made the first appointment ceremony, it was the eldest elder brother who took him to accompany the eighth elder brother to Prince An's mansion.

At that time, all the big brothers came forward, and I was just making up the numbers.

The fourth elder brother will show up tomorrow, it seems that he is still making up the numbers.

Brother Nine thinks this status is very good, and he doesn't need to socialize with unfamiliar people.

He told the truth to the thirteenth elder brother: "With the officials of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Internal Affairs following, we just make up the number and don't have to do anything. After the banquet is over, we will have a meal with the people over there..."

As for drinking, Elder Thirteen is still a half-grown child, and this is the capital city, and the guests gathered at the tables are all related to Elder Ten, so there should be no unreasonable persuasion for Elder Thirteen to drink.

Brother Thirteen nodded, still a little uneasy.

"But my younger brother doesn't know anyone, so I will follow Brother Nine..."

Brother Nine nodded: "Come on, my father-in-law will also go, when the time comes, you go and sit..."

The thirteenth elder brother listened, and then he was relieved, and the only thing left was joy.

It's nice to go out and let the wind go.

The retinue went out for four and a half months. Although he was doing homework on the way and accompanied by teachers from the Imperial Academy, it was completely different from being locked up in the upper study.

Elder Brother Thirteen felt that his heart was loose, and he was not used to working hard in the study room from morning till night.

Brother Nine recalled that he was wearing the royal prince's auspicious suit for the first ceremony, and the golden python suit for the big wedding, and reminded the thirteenth brother: "You don't need to wear auspicious and python suits, just ordinary clothes..."

The prince's costumes are uniformly produced by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If he wears auspicious clothes, he will be the same as the tenth prince.

If you wear the golden prince's python robe, it will be overwhelming.

Brother Thirteen nodded in agreement.

Brother Jiu calculated the time in his heart again.

"You estimate that you will come here before the second quarter of Chenchu. Let's accompany the tenth brother to the Qianqing Palace. The auspicious time for accepting the lottery is Sizheng, and the time for giving the banquet is not yet early. I guess Shen Zhengqian will come back..."

Elder Brother Thirteen kept it carefully in his heart.

Elder Brother Ten already knew the process of the preliminary ceremony, but he still memorized it.

The thirteenth elder brother came here just to ask about tomorrow's arrangement.

When he figured it out, he said goodbye.

Elder Brother Shi also came out and went back to the third school.

The two guests left and finally quieted down.

Shu Shu told Xiao Chun to invite Nanny Qi.

Nanny Qi, Walnut, Xiaosong, and Xiaoyu left the palace yesterday and returned to Dutong Mansion.

In order for Xiaosong and Xiaoyu to reunite with their families, Shu Shu let them rest for one night before coming back, so she only came back this afternoon, which happened to diverge from Shu Shu.

When Shu Shu came back from the outside, she was very hungry and was eating or something, so she hadn't had time to talk yet.

Brother Nine was by his side, and when he saw her asking someone to invite Nanny Qi, he knew that she was thinking about the Dutong Mansion, so he took a bit of pride.

"Master went to Dutong Mansion in the morning, visited mother-in-law and uncle mother-in-law, but didn't see father-in-law, father-in-law went to the mansion..."

Shu Shu was very surprised.

When Sun Jin came back in the morning, he only said that brother Jiu had something to do and would return to the palace later, but he didn't expect to go to the Dutong Mansion.

She smiled.

"How's Enie? How's Amu looking?"

Brother Jiu recalled the scene of the meeting in the morning, and said: "Mother-in-law looks fatter than in July, and she has a round face. Uncle and mother-in-law look good, and there is no change from July..."

Shu Shu calculated Er Nie's pregnancy period in her mind, it's more than five months, it's normal to be a little fatter now.

Brother Jiu wentssiped a bit: "Mother-in-law's complexion is pale, your status as an only daughter is no longer guaranteed, it's probably a girl..."

Shu Shu blinked.

This pregnancy phase male and female...

It seems to be new knowledge that has never been touched in two lifetimes.

She asked for advice very seriously.

"Why do you guess so?"

Brother Jiu was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, then his mood became depressed, and his whole body seemed to be listless.

Seeing this, Shu Shu knew what was going on, and it was hard to mention, it probably had something to do with Madam Liu.

Even if it is a pustule, it has to be picked out.

If you can't touch it all the time, it will easily become a hidden danger.

She is thinking about how to guide.

Brother Jiu has already spoken.

"Before Xiao Qiqi landed, the nanny met the concubine Shu when she went to Yikun Palace, and she talked about it when she came back... It's an old saying outside, it will look better if you are pregnant with Gege pregnant mother, if you have spots or something, then I am pregnant with elder brother... It seems that the concubine has spots..."

Shu Shu didn't see E Nie, but she only saw her mother-in-law at noon.

And Qifu Jin, I met yesterday.

This kind of old saying should be a kind of probability summary, and some of them are quite accurate.

She was a little worried: "Niang Niang and Seventh Sister-in-law have smooth skin, and neither has spots..."

Princess Huangsun still has a chance to ask for grace.

It's not easy for the princess to stay in Beijing.


Brother Jiu didn't think about this before, but now that he thinks about it, he is also worried.

But he has always been able to think about it, counting the time with his fingers, and said: "Even if the empress gives birth to a princess, the marriage will still be [-] years younger. At that time, I will just ask Han Ama for a favor..."

Shu Shu nodded.

It is indeed many years later, and it is too early to worry.

Brother Jiu fell into deep thought.

At that time, Mammy seemed to be talking about other things besides this...

Said that the empress was very favored, and the emperor took pity on her pain of losing her son, so he placed the pregnant concubine in Yikun Palace.

In this way, there are three elder brothers of Yikun Palace...

Brother Yikun Palace?
Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu: "It seems that the official at the Coating Department of the Internal Affairs Bureau is called 'Yikun Palace Brother', but why is it called Master at the Eight Banners?"

Shu Shu thought about it.

Before referring to the marriage, there really wasn't much to say about Brother Nine.

"I've never heard people mention the name of the palace. They only say that the master is the son of the beloved concubine..."

After saying this, she paused: "Why did you think of this..."

As for the words of "literary failure, martial arts", "dude prince", there is no need to talk to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "Master has known for a long time that 'children are more valuable than mothers' and 'mothers are more valuable than sons' in the palace, but I didn't expect to pay attention to such divisions..."

Use the biological mother to divide the brother.

Shu Shu said: "Isn't it always like this? Even in the previous generations of the clan, the branches from the same mother are naturally close, and they are more united... For example, the two branches of Prince Lilie and Guanglue Baylor, and the same mother of Shangsanqi The descendants of the two dukes who came out... like the descendants of Prince Ying and Prince Yu who have feuded with each other, are different..."

Brother Nine thought about it.

After a while, he said: "The sixth brother and the eleventh died..."

Although Shu Shu also felt that it was possible.

But I don't want Brother Jiu to fall into paranoia.

The eleven elder brothers before made him guess.

If the sixth elder brother's death is tossed out again...

Don't know yet.

Shu Shu comforted him and said: "It shouldn't be so. When the sixth elder brother died, the fourth elder brother was raised by the empress of Jingren Palace, and there was no fourteenth elder brother. The only one beside the empress of Yonghe Palace..."

Brother Nine's face relaxed.

"It's my master who is in a daze. He thinks everything about conspiracy... Sixth elder brother died in twenty-four years, and fourteenth elder brother only landed in twenty-seven years..."

Shu Shu took his hand and said: "There is an idiom called 'suspect neighbor stealing an axe', don't worry about it, just take your time to find out... children are hard to raise, if you really want to talk about it, in the past ten years, the palace preface Elder Brother Tooth doesn’t die many times, but princesses die quite a lot, all of them are [-] years old, and last year he passed away from a serious illness... Okay, who made the princess do what?”

Counting forward, the seventh daughter of the emperor born by the concubine De, the eighth daughter of the emperor born by the empress Xiaoyi, and the eleventh daughter of the emperor born by the noble concubine Wen Xi are all less than a year old.

Concubine Yi lost her twelve-year-old elder brother Eleven the year before last.

Last year, Concubine De lost the twelve-year-old emperor's twelve daughters.

Brother Jiu nodded.

He knew that what Shu Shu said was reasonable, but people's hearts were sometimes difficult to control.

Suspicions arose, and I felt wrong everywhere.

Nanny Qi had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Shu Shu looked up and saw her, beckoning her to come in.

Xiaochun moved the stool over.

Shu Shu let Nanny Qi sit down.

Nanny Qi glanced at Brother Nine, her face became more respectful, and she said to Shu Shu: "Madame and Uncle Madam praised you for being so kind... My brother is so considerate, I bought mutton and Dongzi vegetables, a whole one Skinned lamb, half a basket of Dongzi vegetables, and a batch of Chess Biscuits that Brother Fusong and the young masters love to eat..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu softly, feeling weak in his heart.

It's really rare.

After flattering the mother-in-law, she didn't ask for credit to show off when she came back.

Brother Jiu was uncomfortable being stared at, coughed lightly: "What is this, it's worth talking about..."


He also thinks of others when he sees them.

Shu Shu was so filial to the queen mother and empress, why couldn't he be filial to his mother-in-law?
Nanny Qi has a bit of a temper, and her words are not very clever, but at this moment she insisted: "My elder brother has done this for Fujin, and we must let Fujin know, it's all out of affection..."

Shu Shu is more than just appreciative?
Also brought a warm heart.

Sending people back ten times and talking about the life in the palace in an exaggerated way, it is not as good as Brother Jiu's trip to reassure the elders.

Thinking about Nanny Qi's description.

a lamb...

Half a basket of vegetables...

A furnace of chess pieces biscuits...

There is a picture in Shu Shu's mind.

Background music is also automatically generated.

There are also older lyrics.

He has a chicken in his left hand, a duck in his right hand, and a fat doll on his back...

Brother Jiu was so considerate, Shu Shu reciprocated.

this night.

The two unlock new knowledge.

When the smog clears up, Brother Nine, only Satisfaction remains.

When he woke up the next day, he was in high spirits.

I didn't wear the peacock blue uniform I had prepared before. I didn't like the dark color, so I changed into a brown mink fur coat, which looked much brighter.

He straightened his cuffs, tied up a vase pouch with black background and gold thread, and chatted with Shu Shu.

"The two purses have been worn for half a year, and they are not bright anymore. Shouldn't it be time to make new purses for Grandpa?"

Shu Shu looked over.

The purse is made of satin, a little light and thin, and it goes well with clothes in spring, autumn and summer.

Winter fur clothes are a bit flimsy with this purse.

Shu Shu nodded happily and said, "I'll ask someone to look for materials to make a new purse for my grandpa in a while..."

Brother Jiu laughed, and then realized that Shu Shu was not good at needlework, so he had to tell her: "Don't worry, and don't choose a cumbersome look, I like simple ones..."


Shu Shu didn't bother to say that his aesthetics had always been gorgeous, so she silently received the t-shirt and helped him straighten his hat.

Brother Nine wears a sable warm hat with red coral top beads on his head.

Shu Shu asked someone to take the end cap and lambskin gloves.

Today they went to the inner hall to accept lottery, and they wanted to ride a horse instead of a car.

Fortunately, I walked from the previous dynasty, and the inner hall was not far from the Daqing Gate, otherwise I would suffer.

At this moment, Brother Thirteen is here.

There was helplessness on his face, followed by the angry Fourteenth Elder Brother.

Brother Fourteen bowed slightly to Shu Shu, as if he had seen her before, and then stared at Brother Ninth with reproach.

"What's the matter with Ninth Brother? It's too disrespectful! Same brother, why are you treated differently? Call Thirteenth Brother and not me..."

Ninth elder brother held fourteenth elder brother's head and pressed down.

"What do you think you're doing? Serious business, why are you following along, you brat?"

Brother Fourteen struggled to move his head away, feeling dissatisfied.

"Who's a kid? I'm already eleven..."

Ninth elder brother pulled him towards Thirteenth elder brother and made them stand together.

"Look for yourself, is it a child..."

Elder Brother Thirteen is thirteen years old, tall and tall, already looks like a teenager.

The fourteenth brother is two years younger, and it is very obvious that the thirteenth brother's chin is only reached.

Brother Fourteen curled his lips, his eye circles were red: "I don't care, I want to go too. I will be twelve next year, and I won't be taken with me, not on the Northern Tour, and not now..."

Brother Nine felt a headache: "It doesn't count if I say it. Thirteen is going to be the best man. Khan Ama nodded. If you want to follow, go to Qianqing Palace and ask Khan Ama..."

Elder Fourteen heard this, his eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "I'll go right away..."

After all, he ran away in a hurry.

Brother Nine couldn't stop him in time, he felt like he owed something...

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:15 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the starting point app. There are a lot of related historical materials in the book circle

(End of this chapter)

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