Chapter 274 All kinds
inner hall.

The banquet hall in front was already full, with people's heads surging.

Qi Xi had originally been asked by his son-in-law, and brought two nephews from his clan over to collect the head, but he never expected such a situation.

The inner hall was built according to the number of the Inner Mongolia clan.

Except for the shared banquet hall in the front, there are [-] courtyards and [-] small courtyards, which correspond to the [-] Departments and [-] Banners of Inner Mongolia.

Because the princes and princes of each ministry are divided into two classes, one dynasty a year.

This year, Shengjia toured the north, and all the tribes in the eastern region have made a pilgrimage, but now the tribes in the central and western regions are in the capital.

They arrived in the capital one after another on the first day of October, waited until they had made a pilgrimage to the emperor, received a New Year's Day banquet in the coming year, and left Beijing one after another before the end of February.

So right now there are more than [-] princes, princes and envoys of the flags in the inner hall, who are on shift in Beijing.

The several ministries that are allied with the Aba Hai tribe, Ujimqin Division, Haoqite Division, Sunit Division, and Abahanair Division, are currently working in shifts.

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and the princes and princes of these tribes all came to help.

Other princes and envoys from the inner hall also came.

Mongolians are the most generous and hospitable, and they also like to be lively.

There was no need for Wang Fujin of Abahai County to post, they all came here automatically.

Someone called a theater troupe.

Someone called all the Mongolian food chefs from the outer hall, and the roasted whole lamb has already been prepared.

The plaque on the outside of the inner hall is covered with red silk.

The road in front of the inner hall was also paved with red felt.

It doesn't look like Gege's engagement of Aba Haibu, but rather like Princess Khan's big wedding.

The guests of the Eight Banners, besides Qi Xi and the two nephews, also the uncle's family of the tenth brother, the guests from the mansion.

The noble concubine's brother-in-law Faka did not come, but his wife Hesheli came. This former lady of the country has another identity, that is, the prince's aunt.

There are also two uncles of Elder Brother Shi.

Fu Bao, the second-class bodyguard of the fifth uncle.

The sixth uncle and the third-class bodyguard Yin De.

My aunt is here too.

It is the ten elder brother's aunt, Niu Hulu, and her husband, Fu Guogong Yunsheng.

There are already people waiting at the intersection.

When the prince and his party came over, the firecrackers were lit here.

"Crackling", "crackling", the sound of firecrackers can be heard inside and outside the hall.

It hurt people's ears.

The inner hall is located just outside the root of the imperial city, east of the East Chang'an Gate.

It is next to the six yamen.

There was a lot of movement, and the six yamen were alarmed.

Some people came out to watch the excitement.

The third elder brother is walking in the household department, responsible for checking the counties reported this year that need to reduce or exempt money and food, and he also hears the noise from afar.

He thought it was a mistake.

After all, there are no private houses nearby, they are all government offices, so how can there be firecrackers?
After the sound of firecrackers lasted for a long time, he opened the door and came out of the house.

The sound of firecrackers can be heard more clearly outside.

He ordered his long follower: "Go and see, what's going on with all the fuss..."

The sound of firecrackers is the guide, and the inner hall is also close to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites.

The third elder brother's long follower went over, just saw it, trotted back, and told the third elder brother: "Master, it's the tenth master's initial ceremony..."


The third elder brother stared wide-eyed.

It can only be said that Elder Brother Ten's initial appointment ceremony was too hasty.

It has only been four days since I asked for the oral order.

Except for Niu Hulu's family, the Dutong Mansion and the Fuguo Mansion, which Brother Nine sent to say hello, the other families didn't get any news at all.

The third elder brother is also here.

After thinking about it, he also understood the reason why the prince's initial ceremony was rushed, but he felt depressed.

what happened?
The tenth elder brother has no mother and brother, and the eldest elder brother can't get away, shouldn't he, his elder brother, come forward?
Could it be because I took an errand in the Ministry of Households and didn't walk in the Ministry of Rites?
Khan Ama thinks that business is the most important thing, so he doesn't point himself?

The third brother was scratching his heart and scratching his lungs, wishing to go directly to the inner hall to ask.

But he also knew that he would lose his identity like that, so he sent the long attendant with a straight face: "Go over and stare, and find out what's going on...Which lord was sent by the imperial court, and which prince was the best man..."

Long followed the answer.

San Age looked in the direction of the Forbidden City.

Living in the palace before, it was a lot of inconvenience, I hope to open the mansion to be more comfortable.

Now that it's out, it seems to be a lot of inconvenience.

It seems that I have to find a way to go to the imperial court more.

Otherwise, Khan Ama might just focus on the younger brothers in the palace and forget about the older son...

The entrance of the inner hall.

The sound of firecrackers finally stopped.

A group of people have been welcomed into the banquet hall.

Suo'etu, the minister who led the guards, held the imperial decree in his hand, which was for Prince Fujin's parents.

Prince Abahai was away, and Prince Fujin, wearing a Fujin uniform, came out to receive the order on behalf of his husband.

The ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother stood behind the fourth elder brother, and their ears had already begun to pierce.

He hasn't seen the gift list yet, and he doesn't know how Khan Ama added it.

It sounds like the reward given to Prince Fujin is not too much, and it is about the same as Fujin's own.

Prince Fujin's parents are here...

The reward was not doubled, but it was almost [-]% more...

That's it?

Brother Jiu is still slandering Khan Ama's stinginess, and Suo'etu has read the last one.

The prince's betrothal gift is one thousand taels of silver.

Brother Jiu couldn't help being stunned.

The cousins ​​of Niu Hulu's family all looked happy.

This is the first part of the prince's initial appointment ceremony.

So far, the emperor has married eight daughters-in-law, and only the crown princess has [-] taels of betrothal silver.

The other princes Fujin, even Ba Fujin who was born in Prince An's Mansion did not have this item.

Brother Jiu let out a long breath.

Envy is envy, but there is also some melancholy.

What happened to Khan Ama? !
Could it be that the Crown Princess and Shi Fujin are betrothed, but not the other princes, Fujin?
Why didn't I think about giving some money...

Even if it is a reduction, eight hundred taels or six hundred taels is fine...

However, Brother Jiu just thought about it for a while, and put it aside in a blink of an eye.

Suo'etu, who had finished reading the imperial decree, had already collected the imperial decree and handed it to King Fujin of Abahai County.

He had a smile on his face, but he was thinking about the one thousand taels of bribe in his heart.

Although the tenth elder brother is the son of a noble concubine, the emperor has never treated him differently before, and now he is getting married and has a decent job.

What is the purpose of the emperor's move?
Suo'etu glanced at A Ling'a.

Fortunately, Niu Hulu's brothers were at odds.

If they work together, there is still a prince and nephew, so there may be other plans.

That would be bad for the Hesheli family and the crown prince.


You know, Faka, who was robbed of the duke by A Ling'a, is not only the uncle of the tenth brother, but also the uncle of the crown prince and his own niece and son-in-law.

If the crown prince succeeds in ascending the throne, the Niu Hulu family's title will still have to be broken.

I can think of this, Ah Ling can't think of this?

Suo'etu's eyes narrowed, and he was more wary.

A Ling'a is young, but has a high status.

Not only is the duke a high title, but he is also the number one in the court, and his blood status is also noble. He is also the emperor's cousin, brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

He has a smiling face, and is gentle in dealing with people, making people feel like a spring breeze, and has won the favor of many Mongolian princes and princes Taiji.

Qi Xi watched, but didn't move forward.

This one is a real villain.

At the funeral of Concubine Wen Xi, A Ling'a revealed that her half-brother and concubine's younger brother Faka had an affair with Tong Jiashi, the fourth wife of Niu Hulu's family.

The purpose is to crucify Faka and prevent him from recovering.

Although there was no proof in the end, Alinga was also reprimanded, but he was not injured.

Here in Faka, he completely lost his Sacred Heart and lost the chance to recover.

The brothers played a game, and each remained the same.

However, the husband of the fourth wife of Niu Hulu's family, the concubine brother of the two, Yan Zhu, the fourth master of Niu Hulu's family, who was mixed in, became the "living king" in the eyes of the Eight Banners. He was drinking heavily in less than two years died.

Regardless of whether or not Faka is really guilty of personal morality, A Ling'a's method is too vicious and despicable.

Qi Xi was alert.

This is a villain, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Elder Brother Shi stand up.

It is impossible to look back and find an opportunity to remind the next ten elder brothers to be careful and guard against this person.

At Niu Hulu's house, the first room of Faka was disliked by the emperor and has been abandoned.

There are two uncles left, Brother Shi said that he can win them over, just in case...

As for my son-in-law...

He is moody and angry, and his brain is not very bright. He is not suitable for too complicated interpersonal relationships. You don't need to know this...

King Fujin of Abahai County happily accepted the imperial decree.

The next step is the prince's kneeling ceremony to his parents-in-law.

The prince is of the blood of the Tian family, with a noble status, and this is the only time to kneel down and worship.

The county king Fujin is in the hall, logically speaking, it is fine to salute directly here.

But the county king Fujin still went to the inner hall to wait.

Elder brother's aunt, Mrs. Niu Hulu, and little aunt, Mrs. Fu Guogong, are also here.

The two aunts and sisters-in-law are actually not at odds with each other.

Mrs. Fu Guogong is the same mother and sister of A Ling'a, and she is also the enemy of Mrs. Niu Hulu.

But in front of people, both sister-in-law and sister-in-law did not lose their composure.

The two looked at the red Buyingege, and the smiles on their faces coincided with a bit of reluctance.

It's just too eye-catching.

Like a skewer.

And this figure is too indecent.

Eight Banner noble girls pay attention to the straightness and straightness of the body, but I have never seen that unmarried lady with a beautiful chest.

The scrutiny and dislike in the eyes of the two people were not concealed.

There were some Mongolian princes and daughters in Beijing beside them. Kuabuyingege, who was enjoying themselves happily, was left cold by the attitude of Mrs. Niu Hulu and the Duke's wife.

Buyin Gege was originally smiling, but now he is a little uneasy.

It wasn't until the county king Fujin came back that Buyingege breathed a sigh of relief.

The county king Fujin was full of joy, and told everyone about the emperor's grace, rewards and dowry money.

She didn't know the weight of a thousand taels of hiring silver.

Mrs. Niu Hulu and Mrs. Guogong's wife and sister-in-law looked at each other, but they knew the importance of it.

Both of them were surprised, and restrained their previous pickiness and dissatisfaction a lot.

At this moment, Elder Brother Shi, led by his brother-in-law, has come over and wants to bow down to his mother-in-law.

All the female relatives got up.

The county king Fujin wanted to accept the gift, so he took a seat in the middle.

Beside her stood a woman in a red robe.

Elder Brother Shi bowed down according to the rules, then raised his head and took a good look.

In the eyes is a snow-white round face, looking at him intently.

Not only the eyeballs are light in color, light brown, but even the eyebrows and eyelashes seem to be brown.

Brother Ten has never seen such a white person.

Still laughing so much.

The eyebrows are curved, and the pink and moist lips are upturned.

It seems that the shadow in his mind yesterday has become a living person.

Elder Brother Ten only felt close, not unfamiliar.

Buyingege saw Elder Brother Ten looking at him gently, and said with a smile: "Elder Brother Ten, I am Buyin..."

Her voice is not as clear and crisp as ordinary women's, but it's still so nice.

Elder Brother Ten's eyes also bent: "I'm Yin..."

County King Fujin received the gift, stood up and helped Elder Brother Shi, took his hand, pointed at Buyingege, and said proudly: "This is the pearl of our Abahai, the most beautiful flower in the Zhangbei Grassland. She will be a good wife, take care of the housework for Elder Brother, and become Elder Brother's glory..."

Elder Brother Ten felt his face was burning hot, but he raised his head and looked directly at Prince Fujin.

"I will also become a good husband and become Princess' reliance..."

County King Fujin shook his head, with kindness in his eyes.

"That way you are too tired. You have to be like two little ponies, running side by side, supporting each other as partners, so that you will not feel hard work, but only sweet..."

Buyingege was beside him, nodding his head.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll fly, fly together like larks; run, run together like ponies, walk... and hold hands..."

As she spoke, she took two steps forward generously, and held Elder Brother Shi's hand.

Mrs. Niu Hulu and Mrs. Fu Guogong almost yelled at them.

On the side of the Mongolian princes and daughters, everyone laughed.

Elder Brother Ten felt a little dizzy.

I think there is no cuter and most beautiful woman in the world than this.

He knew it was against the rules.

But he didn't break away from Buyingege's hand, but gently shook it back.

Soft and boneless.

Only then did Brother Ten realize that this idiom is not an exaggeration, but an accurate description...

(End of this chapter)

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