My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 275 Love each other 1 family

Chapter 275 Love and Loving Family
Household Yamen.

Third Elder Brother's heart sank when he heard Chang Sui's report.

The Zongren Mansion is the King Zongzhengxin.

You know, this guy is not in good health and has been on vacation all year round, so he seldom shows up.

This time, he was attending the prince's initial appointment ceremony.

Suo'etu, Alinga, Ma Qi...

They are all court officials.

There are three princes and best suitors.

Brother Thirteen is young, there are no adults, but there are still three of them!

The prince's initial appointment ceremony has already been raised, surpassing the prince elder brother in front.

The third elder brother felt uncomfortable, is this the treatment of the son of a noble concubine?
Khan Ama what does this mean?
Why let Zongzheng come forward?
When the other princes made their initial appointments, the clan mansion did not send a special person.

The third elder brother's mind was spinning, and his inspiration flashed.

There are guesses.

Is the tenth elder brother the next clan man Zongzheng in Khan Ama's heart? !
It seems not surprising.

Compared with the princes of the clan, Khan Ama definitely hopes that Zongzheng will be held in the hands of the royal family.

But according to the law, the clan's mansion is upright and only selected among Prince Heshuo and Prince Duoluo.

Khan Ama is now becoming more and more stingy with the clan title.

Except for the uncle and uncle, the princes passed down now are mostly the descendants of the meritorious king.

The six assistants I took back, wouldn't it be for Elder Brother Ten?

The authorities are fascinated.

He thought a little more, and he could actually justify himself.

Originally, he thought about doing a good job as an errand year after year, so he could not accumulate credit and earn back the crown of the county king.

Now, a little worried.

He dismissed his entourage and started pacing.

The hateful thing is that he has no siblings, so he doesn't know who to consult with.

The boss has put off all the errands now, and stays with Da Fujin at home with peace of mind.

Forget about the old five, not all the way.

Brother Seven...

The third elder brother thought for a while, then shook his head.

This is where oil and salt do not enter.

There is also a prince's mansion behind it, and it will be a county king at least in the future.

The last time I was walking around the paddock, I wasted a lot of talking, but the lame old seven was just pretending to be confused.

Speaking of which, the brothers had a toss before.

Brother San is not a saint, so he also bears that in mind.

Lao Jiu just misunderstood, it would be better if he opened up.

The fifth child is a straight person with a bad mind, so it's not wrong to hold grudges against him.

What about the tenth brother and the thirteenth brother?

Originally, it had nothing to do with the two of them, but in the end, the two of them pulled sideways and talked small things in front of Khan Ama...

The only one left is Elder Brother Twelve.

The twelve elder brothers will be fifteen in the next year.

Seeing Cheng Ding.

I have to think of a way to win over this younger brother...

Here in the inner hall.

The table has been set.

In addition to the pastry mat given by the imperial dining room, the rest is the roasted whole lamb prepared by the inner hall, which has been divided.

Everyone is seated separately, two people share one seat.

On the left side sat Prince Xin, the four princes, Fu Guogong Yunsheng, Suo'etu, and A Ling'a, followed by Ma Qi, Qi Xi, and then two uncles, nephews of the Dong'e clan, and the rest were a few A Lang Guan of the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Lifan Academy.

On the right side are the princes and princes of various Mongolian tribes.

Ninth elder brother still remembers Shu Shu's instructions, if there are too many people toasting, he will push it to fourth elder brother.


What's happening?
Someone at the table went to toast.

The seniority status of King Xin is here, and he is still King Doro, and many people come up to toast.

The fourth elder brother has a straight face and is very serious, looking like a big brother.

The old ten at the same table is today's rightful host, and was taken by his brother-in-law, Aba Haitaiji, to toast at the opposite table.

The old thirteen at the bottom looks similar to the tenth elder brother, like a brother.

The prince Taiji outside couldn't tell who the princes in the palace were born to, and most of them mistook them for the brothers of the ten princes.

He is very warm to Brother Thirteen.

Fortunately, the ninth elder brother had already given orders to replace the jug on the right hand side of the thirteenth elder brother with clean water, otherwise he would have been poured down.

Brother Nine, there is no one toast here.

He didn't know that Brother Ten had already greeted his brother-in-law quietly.

Said that brother Jiu is taking medicine now, and he can't drink alcohol, so don't toast.

That brother-in-law is an honest person, and he explained it table by table long before the banquet started.

It's a happy and festive day, with no enmity or grievance, who would not want to force the prince to drink?

As for the Eight Banners officials on their side, they were originally guests.

Today was not the time to be close to the prince, so naturally no one went to the first and second seats to toast.

Brother Jiu was a little embarrassed.

Others were pushing a cup to change a cup, but he was the only one who was deserted, and he couldn't get rid of his face.

After thinking about it, he picked up the jug and got up, and went to his father-in-law's table.


Yesterday I met my mother-in-law and uncle-in-law, and I was filial for a while, Shu Shu was very happy.

Today I can be filial and filial to my father-in-law, go back and tell Shu Shu, maybe the two of them can continue to study...

Qi Xi sat on Ma Qi's head.

Both of them are first-rank officials.

However, Ma Qi is not only one of the nine ministers, but also has a minister of state affairs hanging on his body. He is also in the front of the imperial court on weekdays.

Therefore, Ma Qi is at the top and Qi Xi is at the bottom.

The two are about the same age, they both walk in front of the imperial court, and they are also acquaintances.

The two of them were also talking before, and they were talking about the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Qi Xi heard from his wife that there was definite news from Brother Jiu's mansion.

He is very concerned.

Knowing that Ma Qi was also the head of the House of Internal Affairs, he asked about the construction of the mansion.

Ma Qi has only been in office for half a day, how do you know this?

It can only be helpless...

Qi Xi was very sorry.

Brother Jiu came over with the flagon, and saw Ma Qi shaking his head and Qi Xi sighing.

Brother Jiu's eyes widened immediately, and when he looked at Ma Qi, his face became a little ugly.

It seems that he misunderstood, thinking that his old father-in-law was being bullied.

Ma Qi is his own sperm, he got up immediately and said: "Master Jiu came just in time, just now Master Qi asked about the construction of the Prince's Mansion..."

As he spoke, he said to Qi Xi again: "I'm going to pay respects to the princes, your son-in-law happened to be talking..."

Before Brother Jiu could speak, he had already picked up the jug and the wine glass and went to the opposite side.

Only then did Brother Jiu realize that he had misunderstood, and laughed twice.

Qi Xi beckoned him to sit down and talk.

Brother Nine refused to sit down, so he asked Qi Xi to move to the top, and then sat on the bottom of him.

Qi Xi looked at the lively room, smiled at Brother Jiu, and praised: "Brother's errands are well done, today is very lively and decent..."

Ninth elder brother held back his smile and said modestly: "I didn't do anything, the tenth brother is already honorable, Khan Ama Kuan and kind..."

Qi Xi nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty is kind..."

Brother Jiu thought about the situation when he went to the Dutong Mansion yesterday, and he was concerned: "I heard that the father-in-law is sick, I don't know how the condition is? When I went back yesterday, Fujin knew about it, so he was also worried..."

Qi Xi sighed and said, "It's all the root of an old disease. In the past few years, it has been a toss in the winter, and it will not be healed until the weather turns warmer after the New Year..."

Brother Jiu heard this and thought of Shu Shu.

Shu Shu's cough did not attack.

But when I was in the paddock before, I almost committed a crime.

It's okay not to go out now, but to go out is also tightly covered, so be careful.

With the root of the disease, it is not good after all.

Brother Jiu said in a low voice: "Father-in-law, do you know that the old medical records of Fujin are kept at home? If there are any, when will they be brought into the palace, and my son-in-law will look for a chance and ask the foreign doctor... Maybe they Is there any symptomatic medicine over there, you can try..."

After hearing this, Qi Xi felt worried.

"Fu Jin has a cough?"

You should know that every time you get sick, it is not just a simple cough.

Mainly non-stop day and night, restless sleep and food.

A good person will lose a lot of weight after ten days and a half months.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "No, Fujin can't come out, and he's covered tightly when he goes out, so be careful..."

Only then did Qi Xi stop worrying, but his expression was solemn.

"My elder brother is considerate and takes pity on Fujin, but it's still inconvenient in the palace... I'm afraid the elders in the palace don't like the younger generation's illness..."

Having said that, his voice became softer.

"You can't hide it from people in the palace, and it's not an emergency. Fujin has been holding "Materia Medica" for the past few years, thinking about various therapeutic prescriptions, and his symptoms have been relieved since last year..."

Brother Jiu nodded and put aside the matter of asking for pulse.

But when it comes to diet therapy, he thinks of Shushu eating pears stewed with honey and rock sugar for a few days when he was in the paddock palace.

It seems that I have to pay attention to the fresh fruits that I pay tribute to.

It's not because they want to withhold or embezzle them, but because local tributes are transported to the capital, more will be prepared to prevent loss.

At that time, find a way to buy.

If it doesn't work, there are also Dongzi vegetables.

The small cucumbers and small water radishes in it also reduce phlegm.

Weng and son-in-law bowed their heads, talking intimately.

Brother Thirteen came over, with some urgency.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, go over and have a look. Fourth Brother seems to be drunk, and the county king is not here. He was called out just now..."

Brother Nine heard this, greeted Qi Xi, got up quickly, and went back with Brother Thirteen.

The fourth elder brother is still sitting in a well-behaved manner.

His face was flushed and his eyes were moist.

It's just that the eyes are a little straight.

There were two Mongolian princes toasting in front, and the fourth elder brother seemed to have never seen it.

Brother Jiu pouted.

He had already seen that the fourth elder brother was in a state of chaos, and it was only because of his strong perseverance that he didn't get down.

Brother Jiu stepped forward and said to the two princes in Mongolian: "It's almost the end of today, the emperor is still waiting for us to go to the imperial court to answer..."

When the two princes heard the emperor, they immediately became honest, bowed their heads and retreated.

Brother Nine saw that Brother Ten hadn't returned to his seat, so he looked to the opposite side, but he didn't see Brother Ten either.

He couldn't help worrying, and asked Brother Thirteen.

"You stare at the fourth brother, and if someone comes over, that's what I said just now, I'll go find your tenth brother..."

Brother Thirteen seriously agreed.

Brother Jiu got up and looked for someone.

After searching for half a circle, I saw Elder Brother Ten in a hidden corner.

Elder Brother Shi smelled of alcohol and his face was flushed. It seemed that he had drunk a lot. He was sitting on a chair, his eyes dim.

Supporting him next to him was Yin De, the sixth son of Niu Hulu's family.

Yin De still held a bowl in his hand, which contained something.

Seeing that there was no enthusiasm, Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What is this?"

Yin De replied: "Back to Master Jiu, it's a bowl of hangover soup, made with a spoonful of vinegar, a spoonful of honey and well water..."

Before he finished speaking, Elder Brother Ten had already stretched out his hand, took the hangover soup, and drank it clean with a "gudong gudong".

Afterwards, Brother Ten half-opened his eyes and looked at Yin De: "Thank you Uncle Six..."

Yin De's eyes showed intimacy and sentimentality: "Brother, you should take care of yourself..."

Elder Brother Ten had a smile on his face: "I'm happy to be engaged today, and I'm also happy to see Uncle Six..."

Yin De choked with sobs and said: "The servant is also happy to see Elder Brother, Elder Brother must be well, the two empresses can only be at peace underground..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded, and his eyes fell on Yin De's bodyguard uniform.

Third class guard.

If I remember correctly, this uncle Cheng Ding rewarded him with a third-class guard.

Now more than ten years have passed, and he is still a third-class guard...

The son of a first-class gentleman, even if he is a concubine, shouldn't have such an official career...

Not to mention, he also married the governor's daughter, and the Yue family can be regarded as a noble family.

Not only Yin De, but also Xingwu's uncle.

After becoming an adult, she was rewarded as a second-class guard, and she was also married to the daughter of the governor, but she is still on the second-class guard.

If no one suppressed it, how could it be so?
Elder Brother Shi knew it in his heart, and his demeanor showed a bit of intimacy.

"Uncle should also take care of himself, take care of yourself outside, and when your nephew comes out of the house, we can see each other more..."

Yin De nodded, with anticipation, and said: "Well, the servant is also looking forward to that day..."

Brother Jiu watched for a long time and was surprised.

what happened? !
Old ten really drank too much?

It's not like him anymore...

It's not like drinking too much.

His drinking capacity was good, and I was relieved to let him go to toast before, and didn't follow closely.

On weekdays, I don't see him intending to get close to Niu Hulu's family.

And this title, I still had a ranking before, no matter how I ranked, I became an uncle directly...

What's so good about this Yin De that it's worth seeing the old ten high?
Is it because he is kind?

The fourth room of Niu Hulu's house was empty.

The fourth master died of alcoholism, and the fourth wife seemed to have disappeared before the funeral, leaving only one son.

Now, it is said that the orphan of the fourth house was taken over by Yin De to raise him...

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:16 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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