My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 276 Insignificant

Chapter 276 Insignificant

Ganxi No. [-], the main house.

Shu Shu sat on the kang in the east room, with a sewing box on the small table at hand.

Inside are two pairs of cut-out purse fabrics.

One pair has red satin bases woven with gold swastikas.

It is not easy to use beads for purses in winter, and Shu Shu's embroidery work is also difficult, so I used a tricky method and directly chose this kind of material woven with gold thread.

Nicely cut too.

Just in the lower right corner of the purse is a fingernail-sized space.

This is where Shu Shu comes into play. She plans to embroider the character "Nine" with gold thread.

This is also to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses.

The rest of the mind is used on the strap of the purse.

She plans to take the lead on both sides, and adorn it with gold beads carved with the swastika pattern, which just echoes the pattern of the purse.

There is also a pair of purses made of indigo baize.

Shu Shu picked it up, a little silent.

This one is not intended to be embroidered, but only has a hem and a drawstring of the same color, ready to be taken with ingredients.

Xiao Chun was sitting by the Kang, with two pairs of purses in her hands.

It's just the size, only half the size of Shu Shu's side.

Also a pair of red and a pair of indigo.

This is a purse for Shu Shu, it is hung on the button under the arm, so it doesn't need to be too big.

Looking at Shu Shu's expression, Xiao Chun persuaded: "Don't worry too much about Fujin, there may be a turning point... It's been five days since my brothers moved, no news is good news, if God blesses you, you can get through it Years, maybe it will be fine..."

According to the old saying in the capital, "the end of the year is sad", it refers to the old and sick.

But in the same way, if you survive the new year, you will look forward to another year.

Shu Shu knew in her heart that this possibility was very slim.

However, she still nodded and said, "Well, I hope so..."

It's not that she's being hypocritical, and she's so worried about the unfamiliar Da Fujin.

But I don't want everyone's destiny to be too close to history.

It's not the list of gods, so everyone must report on time.

In the long river of history, everyone is an insignificant little splash.

Change or invariance may not affect the overall situation.

But Shu Shu still hopes that everyone can live a more relaxed life.

Don't be too heavy on the day.

It's still easier.

Holding the "Materia Medica" by myself, the daily maintenance is just enough. If I say it is curing diseases and saving lives, I am just deceiving myself and others.

When it came time for life to be at stake, none of the old imperial doctors in front could save lives, let alone my own.

Tongrentang still needs to pay attention.

Go back and ask people to see how they are doing.

According to the records of later generations, the ancestors of the Le family were Ling doctors for a long time, and there was no shop.

If so, maybe I can just buy a share.

After all, brother Jiu's deal with Meng has started, and he also needs such a trustworthy doctor who can make medicine.

From Tong Ren Tang, Shu Shu remembered the foreign doctor that brother Jiu had mentioned.

I don't know how the development of pharmacy in the West is, maybe we can be prepared.

Shu Shu's work is very slow.

If it is too fast, the stitches will be rough.

I still do very little, and my hands are very raw.

If you want the stitches to be dense and solid, but you can't see them, you can only "work slowly and carefully".

Even so, after sewing for less than a quarter of an hour, Xiao Chun felt worried and reminded her.

"Fu Jin put down and rested, he hurt his eyes carefully..."

Shu Shu looked at the blank purse in her hand, and sewed it to a length of less than an inch.

However, she still let go of the admonition.

In Xiaochun's hand, a purse not much bigger than a thumb has been sewn almost.

Shu Shu said: "Take it easy, I don't plan to go out these days, and I don't need these..."

Xiaochun didn't stop, but thought of something, said: "Fu Jin, seeing the New Year, there will be rewards at that time, should I ask the needle thread to prepare some purses..."

In Shu Shu's dowry before, there was a box of purses of various colors, which contained two hundred pairs.
As a result, he rewarded people again and again in the palace.

In the past few months of going out, I have also given out a lot of rewards, but I don't see many.

Shu Shu nodded.

"You pick a few bolts of material that you don't need, give them to the sewing mother, and make a batch..."

Speaking of this, thinking that there will be a lot of work in the sewing room at the end of the year, she said: "Split it with other work statistics, except for their share, the extra work, look at it and give some rewards..."

As for more work, more pay, less work, less pay, there is no need for Shu Shu to order, Xiaochun already knew.

Xiaochun wrote down the instructions, and the purse in her hand was almost finished sewing.

She took the gold thread again and used it to weave the matching net.

Shu Shu thought that she didn't go back to Dutong Mansion this time, maybe she hasn't been reunited with her family for a long time, said: "When Walnut comes back, you can take a few days off and go back to get together with your family..."

Xiao Chun shook her head and said: "No hurry, I have asked my mother to inquire, and the family is fine... Besides, the second school can't always have people asking for leave. When Fujin leaves the house, the servant will go out with her, and it's fine to go back and make a stop... "

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt that this was appropriate, so she stopped talking.

Wait until noon.

Xiaotang came over.

Today, the people in front went to the imperial dining room to get the regular dishes of the second school, and there were still two more Dongzi dishes.

Two gherkins and a handful of spinach.

Shu Shu nodded, and instructed: "The person who will be sent to the imperial dining room in the future, pick someone who is smart and has a purse by his side, so he can loosen his hand..."

Having said that, she turned her head to Xiaochun and said: "The superior seal is ready, and I will ask Li Yin to go to the imperial dining room later..."

Even if it's filial piety from below, Shu Shu is not willing to take advantage of it all the time.

Otherwise, he would accept it calmly, and it would be shallow-sighted to say that he would fall into the eyes of those Bao Yis.

I would rather give out double the money than take advantage of this little advantage.

Xiaochun nodded in agreement, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Fu Jin, I heard that there will be rewards everywhere at the end of the year... Over there in the imperial dining room, why don't we also put it together at the end of the year..."

Shu Shu thought about it and thought it was okay.

You can't give a trivial reward and just give it a big reward, that would be a big fool.

But at this time, it is good to have Dongzi vegetables to eat.

Shu Shu then told Xiaotang: "Keep one cucumber, save it later to make hangover soup, stir-fry pork slices directly with one, blanch the spinach and put some chili oil and vinegar to mix with cold dishes..."

Xiaotang went down in response.

Before the dinner table came, Walnut came back with two packages in his hand.

Seeing this, Shu Shu was surprised: "Isn't it because you have been on vacation for two days, why did you come back after only half a day? Is there something wrong at home?"

Walnut came later, only half a year by her side.

But Shu Shu likes her temperament, self-reliance, self-improvement, self-motivated, but still on the right path, hard-working, very good child.

Walnut smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the servant is thinking about coming back soon..."

As she spoke, she opened the package, and inside were full of soft-soled shoes worn around the house, divided into pink and honey colors, some were single, some were quilted, there were a dozen or so pairs.

She clasped her hands together, and said: "Before going out at the end of July, the servant went to the valuer's house, talked to the servant Ernie, and asked Ernie to make a few pairs in a similar size, so that I can wear it in the house for Fujin... "

Speaking of this, I couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect to go out for so long, and I, Ernie, have a heart, and I have done so much..."

Shu Shu leaned forward and picked out a pair of honey-colored ones, which fit her feet perfectly.

There are not many things, but it is rare to have this kind of heart.

She smiled and said: "It seems that I can wear it for half a year..."

She didn't say anything about the reward, but she kept it in her heart, and planned to tell Xiao Chun later.

If there is a reward at the end of the year, prepare a copy for the Walnut family, so as not to take things for nothing.

Master and servant have a few words to spare.

Xiaotang brought people over to set the dining table.

When Walnut saw it, he remembered something, took out a handkerchief bag from his bosom, and dragged Xiaochun to the outside.

"Sister Xiaochun, I know that the mother and sisters take care of me, I am grateful, and I also prepare some small things for me to bring to the mother and sisters, sisters, don't think it is simple..."

As she spoke, she opened the handkerchief bag, revealing some small jewelry inside.

Xiaochun looked at it with a smile.

A pair of peach gold earrings, old-fashioned in appearance, seem to be of some weight, worth three or four dollars.

The remaining four gold discs are all thin and without any patterns, which means that two coins are as high as the sky.

Xiaochun took one generously, put it on her hand, and said with a smile: "Then I'm missing Auntie's good things. When I'm free, go and pay auntie..."

After Xiaotang set the dining table, seeing the two people whispering their ears outside, she also came over.

After seeing this, she frowned and said, "Why did you bring this? Your aunt prepared it?"

The Walnut family is unable to support the family because of her poor brain, and there is no separation. Now her uncle and aunt are in charge of the family.

Her uncle is a pen post style, and her aunt has a brother from her natal family who lives in the imperial dining room.

During this northern tour, the younger brother of Aunt Walnut was also in the entourage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Later, through the strength here, he became the leader of the dining room.

Now that Shengjia has returned to Luan, this person can be regarded as standing in the imperial dining room, and his rank has also been raised by one level.

If their family is going to use these to build relationships with people in the second institute, then they really underestimate them.

Seeing that Xiaotang misunderstood, Walnut quickly explained: "It wasn't my aunt who prepared it, but I, Ernie, who specially thanked my sisters for taking care of me... My aunt prepared a few pairs of bracelets, which I rejected..."

Xiaotang's complexion got better now, took one, put it on his hand, and hummed softly: "Anyway, I'm working beside Fujin, you have to know our Fujin's rules, the fence should be tighter, don't let people sneak into the camp, that's the best way to do it." Can't go far..."

Walnut said seriously: "I forgot, thank you sister for reminding me..."

Shu Shu didn't care about their eyebrows and lawsuits, just ate a plate of cucumber slices and a plate of cold spinach with two bowls of rice.

Seeing this, Xiaotang hesitated and said: "Fu Jin, or else I'll talk to the imperial dining room and add this later..."

Shu Shu waved his hands and said, "It doesn't have to be like this, I'm not so picky, just follow the rules..."

The imperial dining room took the initiative to be filial, and accepted it.

Others make up gossip, but they can't tell the flowers.

If the second institute takes the initiative to click this, it will be over.

This is Dongzi cuisine, it is expensive outside, and it will not be cheap to enter the palace.

According to the current parlance, life is extravagant.

It is Kangxi's imperial meal, which has not yet reached this point. They are juniors, so it is better not to look for trouble.

After hearing this, Xiaotang didn't go down immediately.

"Fu Jin, didn't we plant garlic seedlings in the spare room last year? We also planted two troughs of cabbage, and they all germinated..."

When Shu Shu heard her mentioning this, she was also a little moved.

But after thinking about the conditions in the palace, only a few of the main rooms in these two schools have earth dragons, and the wing rooms are all lit with charcoal basins.

Palace people have daily carbon fire regulations, and they are reluctant to keep warm.

She waved her hand and said, "Forget it, it's inconvenient, we'll wait until we go out later..."

She was thinking about Ninth Brother and the others.

In addition to hangover soup, he also ordered Xiaotang to prepare old duck soup and stew it, so that he could use that to cook noodles later.

Shu Shu remembered that at the time Brother Nine said yesterday, Shen Zheng would be able to return to the palace almost.

But when he arrived at Shenzheng, he didn't see anyone.

Those who waited left and right, it's all over.

Now the days are short and the nights are long, and the lamps are held at the beginning of the unitary.

Shu Shu was worried.

The elder brothers are riding horses today, if they drink too much...

Although He Yuzhu and Sun Jin followed, under normal circumstances there would be nothing.

But Shu Shu still told Li Yin: "You go to the front to meet him, and ask why you haven't come back..."

Li Yin agreed, and just as he was about to go out, there was movement outside.

Not only Brother Jiu is back.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen also followed.

Shu Shu greeted her out.

Brother Thirteen saw it, and said unceremoniously: "Sister-in-law Nine, ask the dining room to cook a few bowls of noodles, we are all starving..."

(End of this chapter)

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