My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 277 Old 4's Affirmation

Chapter 277 The Fourth's Affirmation (Second Monthly Pass)

Shu Shu didn't rush to order others, but took a closer look at the three of them.

Everyone looked sober and didn't drink too much, so she sent Li Yin: "Go to the kitchen and fill up the hangover soup, and then ask someone to cook noodles..."

Li Yin went in response.

Several people returned to the house.

After a simple scrub, the hangover soup has been served.

The soup base is the sour radish and duck soup that has been stewed all afternoon, with cucumber slices and egg flowers, it smells sour and sour.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother did not need to be moved, each took a bowl and drank it.

There are three bowls in total.

Both are two big bowls.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Sister-in-law Nine, Brother Nine doesn't need this, he didn't drink..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu.

After traveling in Mongolia for more than a month, she has seen Mongolians "no wine, no banquet" and "no wine, no joy".

And because of his hospitality, he is also very keen on persuading him to drink.

The banquet for today's preliminary ceremony is held in the inner hall, which can also be regarded as the home of the Mongolian prince.

Wouldn't it be that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles?

Has the news that Prince Darhan's father and son were punished for toasting spread to the capital?
So the Mongolian prince Taiji regarded it as a taboo to toast the ninth elder brother?
Brother Jiu felt a little uncomfortable.

How did he know what kind of wind the Mongols have.

It seemed that he treated him respectfully, but it was not his turn to toast.

Elder Brother Shi said with a smile, "My younger brother was afraid that they would toast, so he said hello to Taiji..."

Only then did Brother Nine understand the reason, and he glanced at Brother Ten angrily.

Really, the mouth is a decoration?
I didn't know to say it in advance, which made him embarrassed for a long time.

Elder Brother Thirteen said with a smile: "Brother Ninth didn't drink, so all the toasts went to Brother Fourth, and he never cut off people, one cup after another, but he drank a lot..."

Brother Nine also laughed "haha" and said: "The first time I saw him like this, I was so drunk. Looking at him like that, I didn't even know it was sold... It's because of this that we were worried, so we borrowed the money from our father-in-law." Carriage, take people home, hand them over to Sisao, and then come back from Di'anmen..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu didn't smile, but looked at Elder Brother Shi worriedly.

Hey, I can't help but fuck my old sister-in-law's heart.

The bridesmaids all drank like that, so what about the ten elder brothers?
Elder Brother Shi drank the hangover soup one by one, and said, "Sister-in-law Nine, don't worry, brother is fine... After a round of respects, I found a place to vomit, and drank the hangover soup in the middle..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Take a sip in a while, go back and rest earlier, I've been running around all day today..."

Elder Brother Thirteen also finished his hangover soup, and asked curiously, "Sister-in-law Nine, Master Qi said that you let him ride a car in winter, why? It's the rule in Beijing that military officers often ride horses?"

Shu Shu said: "I asked about this specifically back then. In fact, the imperial court did not have fixed regulations. You can ride a horse, and you can take a car or a sedan chair at will. In the [-]th year, a general was ordered to go to the battlefield. If the censor is impeached and removed from office, there will be fewer military generals to ride in sedan chairs..."

As for why she asked Qi Xi...

That was the winter of the year before last, when she had just recovered from a serious illness, and she was a little afraid of life and death.

As a result, by coincidence, on their street, a leader rode out to drink.

There is no long-term follow-up.

When he came back, he fell off his horse and fell into a ditch.

When he didn't come back in the middle of the night, the family went to find someone, but he was already frozen to death.

Shu Shu was scared.

It's really cold in winter, everyone has nothing to do, just eat all kinds of food.

It is not safe to ride a horse and suffer.

Qi Xi is a girl who dotes on girls, and obediently obeys her daughter's orders.

In the winter of the past two years, when Dongyue entered, they changed carriages to travel.

Shu Shu said the reason, Brother Thirteen nodded and said: "It should be like this, it's so cold, whoever suffers will know... If the fourth brother came by car today, we don't have to go along with him..."

At this moment, the dining room has already delivered the noodle soup.

It's not the Yi noodles that everyone has been eating for half a year, but silver noodles.

The boiled silver thread noodles are soaked in water and poured with boiled sour radish and old duck soup.

On the noodle bowls of Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen, there is a duck leg for each of them.

In Brother Jiu's noodle bowl, half of the noodles were missing, and there were no duck legs, only two pieces of finger-sized duck breast.

The brothers even had soup and noodles, and they ate cleanly.

Shu Shu didn't dare to ask Ten Argobu Yingege how it was.

After all, everyone's taste is different.

She likes such a plump and delicate beauty, who knows if Elder Brother Ten likes it or not.

It was Elder Brother Ten who mentioned it on his own initiative, with the corners of his mouth twitching and his eyes shining brightly.

"Just like my sister-in-law said, she looks white, and her eyes are different from ours..."

As he spoke, his face became a little hot, and he hurriedly changed the subject: "Looking at the cheerful and enthusiastic temperament of the county king Fujin, from mother to daughter, Ge Ge guesses that she is also lively. When she marries in, I have to ask my sister-in-law to teach her more... ..."

Shu Shu saw that he was uncomfortable and his ears were red, so he finally felt relieved, and said with a smile: "I don't know what to teach, but I have many companions..."

As for when is the wedding date next year?
Earlier, when there was no serious illness in Da Fujin, it was scheduled for February, before the Mongolian princes who came to make a pilgrimage left Beijing.

It's hard to say now.

It depends on how long Da Fujin drags on.

There was a real surprise, after the year passed, it would be all the best, and the wedding date was still in February.

If they can't make it through, then they, as brothers and brothers-in-law, will have to give their sister-in-law five months of small work.

During this period, marriage is definitely forbidden.

Elder Brother Ten took out a pouch from his cuff.

It is made of golden silk tapestry, which looks rich and powerful.

No need for needlework to enhance the color, it looks good.

On the straps on both sides of the purse, there are two little golden mice the size of peanuts.

They are chubby, they don't look like mice, but they look like two little piglets, exquisite and cute.

Elder Brother Shi took the purse, coughed lightly, and said, "Ge Ge is a rat..."

Shu Shu smiled.

Buyingege's needlework is similar to Shushu's.

It seems that he is also not good at female celebrities.

As expected, she is lively and outgoing, she doesn't seem to have the patience to do needlework.

Elder Brother Ten felt a little uneasy.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, after receiving the purse, shouldn't I give something back?"

Before that, he prepared some furs and raised a pony in the village.

But those leathers are all materials, semi-finished products, too rough for gifts.

The pony has not yet been cultivated, and now it is the best time to run a horse.

Shu Shu thought about Buyin's attire.

In the future, I will do as the Romans do.

Even the queen mother and concubines did not say that they still wear Mongolian robes in the palace.

Dressing up is all neutralized, and it saves it from becoming an alternative.

Shu Shu said: "Gege's current clothes are all brought from Mongolia, why don't you prepare some jewelry, which don't need to be too expensive, just for daily wear, such as hairpin rings and bead chains... It's winter now, so reserve money It’s fine, or it’s inlaid with jewels, and when the wedding day gets warmer next year, I’ll prepare some jade bracelets, jade hairpins, etc., and that’s about it…”

Elder Brother Ten had Buyingege's snow-white face and soft hands in his mind. If she was covered with jewelry from himself, it would be really exciting.

He said: "I saw that they like to use red ones, and I happen to have some coral materials over there, which can be used as jewelry..."

In fact, there are more than a dozen boxes of jewelry in the three warehouses.

Some were left by Empress Xiaozhao, and some were worn by Concubine Wen Xi every day.

Brother Shi didn't want to touch these things.

It wasn't that he was stingy and reluctant, but that he felt a little sad in his heart.

The aunt and queen who has never met, seems to be a dignified half of her life, honoring the family, but actually only lived to be in her twenties.

Entering the palace as a concubine, without a son and a half daughter, when the first queen died, she competed with Tong's daughter for the successor position.

Fortunately, he became a successor, but he collapsed in less than half a year.

My mother-in-law here is not considered lucky.

He lost his mother when he was young, his father before he became an adult, and his elder sister after his father's filial piety.

After entering the palace, although Eniang was in a high position, she experienced the pain of bereavement and passed away in her early thirties.

Elder Brother Shi hadn't thought about this before, and being taken by his brother and sister-in-law in the past few months, he was also a little afraid of life and death.

He thinks it's better to keep those things in his mind and pass them on to the next generation.

As for him and Buyinggege, they are doing well, living a long life and growing old together.

After thinking about it, Elder Brother Ten said to Shu Shu, "Isn't my sister-in-law a silver house? Later, when my younger brother made jewelry, he asked someone to bring the materials..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help being taken aback.

Brother Nine glanced at him and said: "Are you stupid? The best masters are all in the inner office. Later, you take out your private house and go to the inner office to pick two top masters from the roster to do it. Rewarding more money is not a taboo..."

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "I'm also going to the Neizao Office, but my younger brother thinks that the masters in the palace are doing fine work and the construction period is long, so it's better to prepare in a couple of times, so as not to delay..."

Brother Nine: "..."

He looked Elder Brother Ten up and down, and snorted softly: "Old Ten, are you fascinated? A big fat girl, is that good?"

Elder Brother Ten did not speak, and was not very happy to hear this.

How did you gain weight?
It's just like what my sister-in-law said, just right, I can see that I'm a lucky person.

He really wanted to ask, in Brother Jiu's heart, is Sister-in-law Jiu bad?

Although the thirteenth brother drank a pot of water, he was also toasted with two cups of white wine.

At this moment, the stamina has improved a bit, and he began to stare in a daze.

When the tenth elder brother saw him, he directly referred him to the third place for resettlement.

Quiet in the house.

Brother Nine couldn't wait a bit, and dragged Shushu to take a moment.

"Tell me, my son-in-law is sitting with his father-in-law today..."

Shu Shu saw Brother Jiu's flattery, so she didn't point it out, and asked along the way: "That's really good, what did you say?"

The two asked and answered each other.

Just say off topic...

There was the sound of clappers in the distance, and it was the second watch.

Four Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

The fourth elder brother had a terrible stomachache, pressed it with his hand, and woke up in a daze.

His voice was dry, and when he looked up, he saw Si Fujin sitting on the edge of the kang.

Not only my stomach hurts, but my head hurts too.

He rubbed his temples, memory fragments.

I remember that in the banquet hall of the inner hall, there was an endless stream of Mongolian princes and princes toasting in front of me.

Then, I drank another cup after another.

The king of Xinjun, who was the leader, was in the same situation at the beginning, and then he chanted something to him, and found a way to avoid it.

The ninth and tenth children at the bottom are not there, and the seats are empty.

The thirteenth elder brother across the table is there, and he can't let his immature brother help stop the wine, so he can only hold on with a straight face.


"How did I get back?"

The fourth elder brother asked.

Si Fujin raised his head after hearing the movement, and instead of answering in a hurry, he got up and poured a glass of warm water for him.

The fourth elder brother drank it in a big gulp, and felt that his throat was much more comfortable.

"Ninth brother, tenth brother and the others used Mr. Qi Xi's carriage to send Grandpa back... Really, how old are you, and you are not as good as the younger brothers. The three younger brothers didn't drink too much, but Grandpa drank too much... ..."

Sifujin couldn't help complaining.

It's not that she likes to be long-winded, but she knows that the fourth elder brother has a bad stomach.

Although it's not as severe as brother Jiu's spleen and stomach injury, but there are some problems, he can't eat cold, and he can't drink too much wine.

Otherwise, it will always hurt for two days.

The fourth elder brother put down his cup and rubbed his stomach.

What happened after he was drunk, he was fragmented, and he really couldn't remember, but he also remembered some of the previous things.

Brother Jiu didn't seem to drink much before, and then left.

Elder Brother Ten has been toasting at the opposite table.

Thirteen, I blocked it twice by myself, and someone seemed to pass by behind me.

"Did ten and thirteen drink too much?"

The fourth elder brother was a little worried and asked.

Si Fujin shook his head and said with a smile: "They are all sober, and they still tell me witty words. Lao Jiu said that he would draw a picture later, and draw the master's drunk state... Thirteenth brother asked me to tell you, don't be too sincere in the future , Remember to ask someone to change the water, or mix it with water, so you won’t be drunk... But here, the old ten thanked you once again, saying that it made your brother suffer..."

The fourth elder brother felt relieved, but his teeth were itchy.

Lao Jiu is gloating, right?
Dare to paint, owe repairs!
Si Fujin thought about the carriage, and said: "Master, the next one will enter the ninth grade. It's very cold this year, so I should change the carriage when I travel..."

The location of their Baylor Mansion is on the north side of the city.

Not far from the North City Wall.

But the six yamen are in the south of the city.

The imperial city is separated in the middle, and it takes eleven or two miles to detour from the root of the imperial city.

It is a crime to go out early and return late.

The fourth elder brother frowned, shook his head and said, "It's not like that, Khan Ama once issued a decree to reprimand the princes of the Eight Banners for being lazy and slack, now uncle and uncle still ride horses when they go out, and it's not good for me to ride a car..."

Si Fujin couldn't persuade him anymore, so he could only sigh.

The fourth elder brother was still a little uncomfortable.

He was the only one who took care of his younger brother on weekdays, but today he was taken care of by his younger brothers.

It seems that the majesty of the elder brother is much less.

But thinking of today's engagement ceremony, and the reward of engagement...

He told Si Fujin: "Look at the meaning of Han Ama, it is to praise the old ten and ten the future, when the ten Fujin comes in, you should be more polite..."

Si Fujin nodded in agreement, keeping it in his heart.

Although they are both Prince Fujin, she has long accepted the difference in their identities.

It was like this to the Crown Princess and Da Fujin before.

Although he was respectful to his sister-in-law in the past, he was polite to his younger siblings in the future, and it seemed that there was still an elder and younger, but Si Fujin was also calm, because the royal family always came first.

Even if the fourth elder brother didn't ask this sentence, could she still bully the little sister-in-law?

Thinking of his little sister-in-law, Sifujin got up and took the brocade box from the dressing table.

The fourth elder brother came back very late yesterday, and went out early this morning, so she hasn't had time to say this yet.

"Concubine Yi's mother asked the ninth younger sibling to give it to me. It's too expensive. I wanted to refuse, but it's not easy to embarrass the ninth younger sibling. It's a gift from the elders..."

Sifujin opened the pocket watch box, and said, "Look, sir, what kind of gift should we return?"

She also has the same problem as Shu Shu.

In terms of human relations, I would rather be owed to myself than to owe others.

The fourth elder brother looked at it for several times, thought of Concubine Yi's motherly heart, shook his head and said: "You don't need to pay back the favor immediately, let's talk about it later, when you go to Ningshou Palace, take care of the old Wu's family..."

This is the real father and son.

For Wufu Jin, the fourth elder brother's impression is not very good.

Feeling that Wufu Jin can't stand up, let the elders worry about it.

The queen mother was angry because of this, and Yifei gave gifts because of this.

"The old ninth daughter-in-law is not bad..."

The fourth elder brother couldn't say anything about belittling his brother and daughter-in-law, but he couldn't help but praise Shu Shu: "The old nine used to be a fool, and he was not in a good shape, but now he is an adult, and today's preliminary ceremony is also well-organized..."

Si Fujin has been in the palace for many years, and he has grown up watching his brother-in-law here, so he naturally knows how unruly Brother Jiu was before.

Compared with now, it is a different person.

She smiled and said, "I don't think so, but I really dare not think about it. This is the benefit of having a good wife at home..."

There is an old saying among the people that if there is a good wife in the family, the husband will not suffer misfortune.

In Si Age's mind, another sentence came to mind.

There are shrews at home, but no good friends.

He turned his head, looked in the direction of the neighbor, and said, "Is there anything going on in Lao Ba's house today..."

After hearing this, Si Fujin hesitated for a moment, and said: "There will be a carriage coming in the next afternoon, it seems that someone from Prince An's residence..."

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this, feeling very uncomfortable.

Eighth Fujin was unfilial and disobedient, and Khan Ama scolded Lao Ba because he was lax in managing the family and indulged his wife.

At this time, Prince An's Mansion followed suit, what's going on?
Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:17 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
I haven't had enough sleep in the past few days, and it's getting later and later. Today, I will double update [-] words, and sleep more to make up.See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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