My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 278 No Miracle

Chapter 278 No Miracle

Next door, Baylor House.

The eighth elder brother sat on the kang, a little absent-minded.

Forty-Nine City is such a big place, if there is a troublesome person, it will be known to everyone in less than half a day.

The hustle and bustle of the inner hall fell into the eyes of many people.

Until this time, no one remembered that there was a son of a noble concubine in the palace.

And it's not the son of an ordinary imperial concubine, the mother's family is also a descendant, and it's the Niu Hulu family, the top nobleman in the Eight Banners.

In this way, today's excitement seems to have a different meaning.

Some people inevitably think too much.

Especially here in Prince An's Mansion.

They organized the prince's initial appointment ceremony in March this year.

It was also a lot of fun at the time, which was very respectable.

It's like a family reunion.

But speaking of it, the royal family's betrothal gifts and rewards can only be said to be quite satisfactory, no different from the princes and elder brothers above.

They can only comfort themselves, thinking that this is already grace.

Because the elder brothers in front are of higher background, most of them are the sons of concubines.

As for Brother Seven, it was an accident and they cannot be compared together.

The eighth elder brother's initial appointment ceremony was the same as that of the previous prince, and it was considered decent.

In April, when Dong E's family made the first ceremony, they were watched by people.

The result is similar, we know that the emperor followed the established rules.

Today is like this, it's like slapping the Wangfu in the face.

Still have to wait.

That is, there is no distinction between concubines and concubines, but the sons of noble concubines wait.

Before, they boasted that the Bafu Jin was of a noble family, a descendant of a princess, and the daughter of a princess, but they did not get the emperor's dowry.

King An was uneasy, so he asked someone to inquire quietly.

Knowing the preliminary ceremony on Elder Brother's side, the House of Internal Affairs and the Clan House had already prepared.

But they are all examples.

It is no different from the eighth and ninth elder brothers.

Why did you suddenly wait?
Although the emperor acted arbitrarily, he was not willful and reckless, and there was a pulse to follow in everything he did.

At the moment, this one is nonsensical.

King An thought too much and thought it was a beating.

If there hadn't been the reprimand of the eighth elder brother, King An would only think of the East Palace.

After all, as the prince got older, the father and son were very annoyed in the past two years.

But with the matter of the eighth elder brother, King An thought of the eighth elder brother.

He came here again today, with the same meaning as the fourth elder brother, urging the eighth elder brother to go to plead guilty earlier.

As for the niece of Bafujin...

King An Jun has always been spoiled and doted on, and today he has been scolded over and over again.

Let her know that the Queen Mother of Ningshou Palace should not be underestimated.

Not to mention the prince Fujin, even the first few empresses did not dare to offend this one.

The emperor's filial piety is not on the surface, but he really respects the empress dowager.

There are many princes and princes, and there are many princes Fujin. There is a big difference between winning the Sacred Heart and not getting the Sacred Heart.

Even if there is Anjun Palace behind her.

Not to mention that filial piety is a basic virtue.

The eight blessings are rare, and there is no rebuttal.

In fact, she knew she was wrong.

If it wasn't for the eighth elder brother recovering from his injuries in the past few days, she would have gone to the palace to plead guilty.

The eighth elder brother thinks this is not beating.

It is Khan Ama who acts normally.

In Khan Ama's eyes, he has always been distinct.

The status of the tenth elder brother is considered half-in-law, so he is naturally nobler than the other sons.

Prince An thought too much.

I don't have that much weight in Khan Ama's heart.

He has long understood that Brother Nine and Brother Ten are different from himself.

I was prepared beforehand.

But now that things are in front of him, he still can't calm down.

Heart astringent.

Somewhat disturbed.

Will Lao Jiu and Lao Ten still respect their elder brother as before?

The old ten went to the clan's mansion, and he will be at least a county king in the future.

My own Baylor, not to mention being promoted, this time I was able to keep it because of the grace of Khan Ama.

At home these few days, it made him know the reason why the third elder brother was lowered.

"Beating brothers and harassing brothers is disrespectful to friends and disrespect."

Although I didn't make any mistakes, those who were implicated by my own Fujin also got the name of "unfilial".

Does this Baylor still have a chance to be promoted?
If the crown prince ascends the throne...

Brother Tween, most of them are on the third and fourth elder brothers.

Even the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother are not impossible.

After all, the queen mother and clan relative Fujin are behind them.

It's impossible here by myself.

As for the big brother's position...

The eighth brother was a little desperate.

Eight Fujin came in and sat down by the kang.

There was a bit of flattery on her face.

These days, she has had enough.

From worry and fear to anger and sadness.

Now, there is only anxiety left.

She only has the eighth elder brother in this world, so she naturally doesn't want the two of them to continue to live in desolation.

This kind of cold made her afraid.

"Master, I will hand out the sign to the palace tomorrow morning, and then I will go to Ningshou Palace to plead guilty..."

"There are also Wufujin and Qifujin. I also prepared an apology ceremony. Is it right for each family to make amends..."

"Fourth sister-in-law, I also prepared a thank you gift. If she hadn't stopped me that day, I don't know what would have happened..."

She is obedient and clever, without any usual arrogant appearance.

In fact, she wanted to file a lawsuit and tell Brother Ba that Dong E's heart was tainted.

But she endured it.

No evidence.

Are you saying that your eyes are wrong?

It seems that I don't know what is good or bad, and make trouble out of no reason.

But she was still not reconciled, and reminded: "It's Jiufujin, who doesn't seem to like me very much, and I don't like Master very much..."

The eighth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

He really didn't like hearing his wife say that.

Ba Fujin hurriedly said: "If you don't believe me, just think about it. Ever since Lao Jiu got married, has Lao Jiu been estranged from you? If it wasn't for the wind in his ears, how could it be like this..."

Brothers who have been close to each other for more than ten years, if you say that the eighth elder brother is not aware of it, it is self-deception.

But the reason...

With a wry smile on his face, he looked at Ba Fujin: "Why did it start from Lao Jiu's wedding? Didn't it start from our wedding? You don't like Lao Jiu, and you don't like Lao Jiu's past two schools, and you despise Lao Jiu's civil and martial arts. not good……"

After the eighth brother finished speaking, he sighed.

This is the wind in the ear.

Was he also affected a little bit in his heart?
I don't think Lao Jiu is that important...

Ba Fujin was dumbfounded, he was obviously talking about Dong E's family, how could the fault come back to him?

The eighth elder brother didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he whispered: "Don't talk about it, wait for the news from the palace tomorrow..."

That is to say, it is different after all when the branch government comes out.

Even if you want to enter the palace, you have to pass the sign first and wait for the palace to nod.

I'm afraid that the queen mother is still angry and refuses to see people.

Maybe we should ask Concubine Hui to intervene...

Ba Fujin didn't dare to be harsh, and nodded honestly.

Seeing that her husband still looked calm, she brought some flattery and said: "Let's also prepare some money and give it to our empress as a filial piety. Seeing that it is the end of the year, there are many gifts and gifts in the palace, and the empress does not have much money..."

The eighth elder brother didn't nod, but looked at his wife with dark eyes.

"Was it ordered by the prince?"

Baozhu has a carefree personality, so she doesn't think about these things.

Bafujin nodded and said: "I was careless, I had to remind my uncle to think of this, and on my master's side, I also prepared a copy..."

The eighth brother didn't say anything else, but he felt stuffy in his chest.

Could it be that in their eyes, both mother and child can be appeased with money?

What does my elder brother, the prince, become in their eyes?
Silent all night.

Early the next morning, the eighth elder brother and his wife woke up early.

Bafujin wants to send someone into the palace to hand over the sign.

The eighth elder brother went to the imperial court, but he was able to meet him directly outside the Qianqing Palace.

He looked at himself in the glasses.

I bled a lot that day, and now my face is a little pale.

He didn't cover up.

This is helpless caution.

I hope it can arouse Khan Ama's pity for his son.

Bafujin sat beside him.

Seeing such a eighth elder brother, my heart aches.

A person who was originally so proud and flawless was forced into this.

It's all because of myself.

Si Fujin was right, his willfulness would only force Eighth Brother to bend over.

Can no longer be willful.

After all, it is different from before getting married.

The car is ready.

On the eighth elder brother's side, just as he was about to leave, the porter came in to report.

"Master, Fujin, the Zhijun Prince's Mansion has come to report the funeral..."

Four Baylor House.

The order of the teeth here is first, and the next door is the first to get the funeral.

The fourth elder brother was already fully dressed, without any delay, he went directly to the Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

At the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment, he also sent someone to ask for leave.

As for Sifu Jin here, the family affairs must be settled first, and then they will go there.

They are close relatives, and they will go to express their condolences after hearing the news, and they don't have to wait for the big day of "the third" and "the first seven", which is called "visiting the funeral".

The news from the palace came later.

Brother Jiu was busy all day yesterday, and he was not idle at night.

It was very hard work.

Teaching benefits each other, and it becomes a competition for teaching.

You come and I go, it's a lot of fun.

The couple got up late.

Spring is sleepy, autumn is exhausted, summer is dozing, and winter and March, which cannot wake up, are just like this.

As for youthful energy...

One after another, they couldn't be relieved.

It was already the beginning of the morning when the grooming was finished and breakfast was served.

Shu Shu ate mutton siu mai and drank mutton intestine soup. She felt that her back was sore and needed to be replenished.

Brother Jiu looked at it, shook his head and said, "Your taste also changes from time to time. Didn't you get bored of eating these in the morning?"

Shu Shu swallowed all the food in her mouth, and said, "This time, that time, winter is coming, we need to store up some energy..."

Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a truce.

Brother Jiu smiled, his eyes turned around her waist.

"I've only heard of those who put on autumn fat, but never heard of those who put on winter fat..."

Shu Shu drank the sheep intestine soup and did not argue with him.

Men naturally don't know what women think.

It is said that "women are for those who please themselves", and there are also those who say "women are for those who please themselves".

Buyingge is so white and has such a plump figure
Shu Shu wanted to take good care of herself so that she would not have time to stand in front of her and became a control group.

Fighting spirit is burning.

This kind of appropriate little vanity, Shu Shu pampered herself.


He is not a saint, who has no desires or desires.

Appropriate small pursuits are still necessary.

Otherwise, life would be too boring.

Brother Jiu thought of the House of Internal Affairs and was talking to Shu Shu.

"Khan Ama ordered Ma Qi to also be the head of the House of Internal Affairs. Why do you think that you should also be the Minister of the Li Fan Yuan... If you really want to deal with Mongolia, the name of the Li Fan Yuan Yamen is more reasonable than that of the House of Internal Affairs..."

Shu Shu was thinking about Ma Qi's part-time job.

Minister of the Household Department, Minister of Lifan Academy, Minister of State Affairs, and Chief of the House of Internal Affairs.

Absolutely the treatment of the emperor's favorite minister.

It seems that the current academicians are not young anymore...

Is Ma Qi about to be promoted to a bachelor? !
The most important thing is that this person is the backbone of the "Baye Party"...

Shu Shu grinds her teeth, can't she tear it apart?

Why did you get together again?

Is Ma Qi, the "eight master party", watery?
More like "lurker"...

Otherwise, how could such a stupid thing as "joint recommendation" come up.

When Yongzheng took over to purge the Baye Party, this one would still stand, and the next queen would still come from his family.

Shu Shu's thoughts turned around, and she smiled and said to Brother Jiu: "As a minister who is relied on by the emperor, there must be something outstanding. It is also good for me to learn more..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "I know this. I'm very happy to see Khan Ama appointing him to serve concurrently. Even the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Lifan Academy are more important than the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I'm afraid he has no time to take care of the trivial matters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Master is thinking about urging Khan Ama again, and then find someone to come over..."

Although it is a good habit not to talk when eating, but with Brother Jiu going to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the husband and wife are not together during the day, and the time of eating becomes the time of talking.

By the time the two finished eating, it was already the second quarter of Chenchu.

Brother Jiu patted his forehead and said: "Lao Shi went to the clan's mansion today, I forgot to remind him, and explained a few words... He is different from the master, the master is the chief official, and there is no one on top, he is To do odd jobs, you are still the elders of the clan, so you have to be respectful and diligent..."

Just as he was talking, He Yuzhu hurried in.

"Master, master, Dafujin is dead, the emperor summoned master to go over..."

Nine princes "thumped" and stood up.

Shu Shu was also stunned.

I was still thinking about miracles yesterday.

There are no miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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