My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 279 Bad Character

Chapter 279 Bad Characters (Second Monthly Pass)

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and walked out.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly pulled her back.

"If you want to go there, you have to change your clothes first..."

Brother Jiu is in a good mood these two days, and he also wears bright colors, yesterday it was brown, today it is rouge.

He looked down at his body, and there were still many small odds and ends hanging on him, such as purses, sachets, and pocket watch cases.

He let out a long breath and went in to change his clothes.

Indigo Songjiang cloth cotton jacket, cotton boots of the same color.

They are all uniformly made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and plain clothes for funerals are prepared.

There are two classes in total, and there is another class of similar color, which is made of plain silk.

That one is for ordinary relatives to express their condolences.

Now it is a close relative, and it is to be clothed.

After thinking about it, he changed the belt too.

When he walked to the door, he said to Shu Shu: "You should also change your clothes and get ready. The palace will send people over to offer condolences. It's probably us..."

Shu Shu nodded.

Elder Brother Nine ordered Sun Jin again: "Go to the clan's mansion, tell Master Shi, and ask him to come back and change his clothes..."

Sun Jin agreed and ran to deliver the letter.

Brother Jiu also quickened his pace, and brought He Yuzhu to Qianqing Palace in a hurry.

Looking at Brother Jiu's makeup, Kangxi was a little distracted.

The princes are about to serve their great merit.

He was worried about his eldest son.

My eldest son is a long-term lover.

There are a lot of gossip outside, saying that Da Fujin gave birth one after another, and it is said that the elder brother forced him to want the eldest grandson of the emperor.

Later, when the eldest son of the East Palace landed, someone arranged it again, saying that the elder brother wanted a son-in-law.

Kangxi knew it was not like that.

It's just my son's long love.

He wanted to comfort him in the past, but he was "humble and disrespectful".

There is no reason for his past.

Kangxi's silence made Brother Nine feel uneasy.

Hey, Khan Ama didn't think of himself, did he?

After all, as an old man, he lost his wife one after another in his early years.

He comforted: "Khan Ama, don't be sad, speaking of sister-in-law, she also suffers from this illness, and if she leaves early, she will enjoy her blessings sooner..."

Kangxi glared at Brother Jiu, speechless.

He really inquired about everything, and even said it out, there was no taboo.

However, it was no secret that Da Fujin's illness had dragged on for too long.

She suffered from postpartum disorder and metrorrhagia.

I have committed it in recent years, and it always takes ten days and a half months to recuperate.

If you lose your blood, you will look sick all day long.

It has been more than two months since the onset of the Double Ninth Festival this year, and I am almost exhausted...

What Brother Nine said was not unreasonable.

"After all, I'm poor, I just pity your elder brother and become a widower..."

Kangxi said with emotion that he had stabilized his mind, and ordered: "In a while, you take Dong E's family to express condolences, and take the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother together... Before leaving, ask Dong E's family to go to Yanzhou. Jubilee Palace, let's see what is explained over there..."

As for the next few younger elder brothers, they are underage and the winter is cold, so don't bother.

Brother Jiu nodded honestly, feeling that he had a great responsibility.

It feels weird.

Obviously other older brothers led him before, but now he is leading his younger brother.

He realized it later and understood the reason, the crown prince was not counted, he was already the eldest prince elder brother in the palace.

He felt that he needed to be more stable and thoughtful.

Be a good brother to ten, thirteen, and fourteen.

The ninth elder brother sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly reminded: "Ama Khan, there are twelve elder brothers..."

Maybe there are too many sons.

It may also be that the twelfth elder brother rarely came to Yuqian, and Kangxi really forgot about this son.

He nodded and said, "Take it too..."

Brother Jiu didn't stay any longer.

Today is a "mourning visit", not a formal memorial service.

There is no need to prepare a sacrifice.

What kind of grace does Khan Ama have, and it will not be at this time.

Don't wait.

Brother Jiu came out of Qianqing Palace and went directly to the upper study.

He walked to the door of Brother Thirteen and their study, and then backed away.

After thinking about the order, he decided to look for Elder Brother Twelve first.

It is the right way to order the old and the young, and to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

Elder Brother Twelve is holding a copy of "Zizhi Tongjian" in his hand, and is reading it. Behind the desk not far away is a bachelor's attendant.

Seeing Brother Nine coming in, the Bachelor Attendant hurriedly got up and bowed to salute.

Elder Brother Twelve also put down his book and got up, his eyes fell on Brother Ninth's plain clothes.

Brother Nine waved his hands and said: "My lord, go and get busy. King Fujin of Zhijun has passed away. Khan Ama ordered me to take elder brother to express condolences. Today I am going to ask for leave..."

The bachelor waiter responded.

Only then did Brother Jiu take out his pocket watch and look at it, and said: "Now it's the second quarter of the morning, you go back and change your clothes, and wait for me at the Shenwu Gate before the first quarter..."

Elder Brother Twelve bowed and agreed.

His face was neither sad nor happy, as if it was insignificant news.

Brother Jiu looked at it and frowned, feeling unhappy.

what's up?
That's my sister-in-law, not someone else.

But he knew that time was short, and now was not the time to teach his younger brother a lesson, so he turned around and left.

When I went to the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother next door, the ninth elder brother also explained the same.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both changed their faces when they heard the words.

Brother Thirteen is worried.

The brothers followed for several months and received a lot of care from the elder brother, so the thirteenth elder brother was worried that he would be sad.

There is also that person, sister-in-law, who doesn't have much contact with her, but she is also kind to my brother-in-law.

Brother Fourteen was a little uneasy.

His age is here, but he has also experienced several life and death.

The death of the eleventh brother the year before last, the death of the older sister last year...

As if death is a natural moat, it makes a permanent farewell between people.

Brother Jiu urged: "Don't be dumb, go back to Zhaoxiang to change clothes, and then go to Shenwumen..."

With that said, he left in a hurry.

Elder Brother Ten has already received the news. He came from the clan mansion and waited in the square.

He looked sad and a little confused.

Nine elder brothers didn't notice, and went to elder brother's place after saying hello.

I have to send Shu Shu to Yanxi Palace, time is running out.

When he was about to reach the gate of the second school, Brother Ten asked, "Brother Ninth, shouldn't I get engaged yesterday?"

Brother Jiu stopped and gave him a blank look.

"What and what? Why shouldn't it be? This is just right. Otherwise, if you think about it, the engagement will be postponed until next year, and the wedding will be postponed until the end of next year, and you will be taken back to the study and get an errand." , have to drag along... Don't worry, big brother has a righteous heart, he's not picky, so he won't care about these..."

The tenth elder brother thought about how the eldest elder brother behaved, and it was indeed the case, so he calmed down a little: "Then the younger brother understands, so I will go back and change my clothes..."

Brother Jiu nodded, and made an appointment with Shenwumen with him.

Two main houses.

Shu Shu is already fully dressed.

Indigo cotton robe.

Such robes are available in all seasons, and are used for funerals and condolences.

Didn't expect to use it so soon.

The jewelry on the head is gone.

Brother Nine came in and sighed, "Ama Khan is very sad, I feel sorry for my elder brother who has become a widower..."

Shu Shu was silent, slandering her inwardly.

How can there be any widower in the clan?
Isn't the continuation just a matter of one sentence?
Five or sixty-year-old old princes, as well as Ji Fujin and Sanji Fujin.

Not to mention that the elder brother is not yet thirty years old and has only one seedling under his knee. Even if he wanted to be a widower, Kangxi would not let him.

Brother Jiu said Kangxi's orders.

Shu Shu didn't delay, and the husband and wife came out.

Brother Jiu is already an adult prince, so it is inconvenient for him to enter and leave the inner court.

After sending Shu Shu to Xianhe Zuomen, he brought He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to stop.

Shu Shu brought Walnut and Xiaosong into the East Sixth Palace.

After passing Jingren Gate, passing through Jingyao Gate and Ningxiang Gate, we arrived at Yanxi Gate.

The palace servants at the door were stunned when they saw Shu Shu's clothes.

Shu Shu said with a straight face: "Tong Chuan, please, I'll pay my respects to my concubine..."

The palace man looked shocked, turned around and went to the main hall.

Concubine Hui is here, holding a booklet, looking at the precedent of the prince moving the palace.

It was for the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother to move the palace.

Brother Thirteen has already begged himself to go to Xitousuo.

Where will the fourteenth elder brother be settled?
The most appropriate place is Gandongtou. Next year, when the [-]th elder brother enters the study, he will also be moved from the Yonghe Palace and can be placed in Qiandong No. [-].

Standing next to her was the eldest maid, who was also Concubine Hui's confidant, and said, "I'm afraid that Brother Fourteen is not willing to live alone in the east..."

"Your Majesty, Jiufu Jin came to pay his respects, and wait outside..."

The palace man came in and reported.

Concubine Hui was stunned.

Why didn't this one come here uninvited?
Even if something happened, shouldn't she go to the West Sixth Palace to find Concubine Yi?

Seeing that the palace man's expression was not right, she said seriously: "What's wrong?"

The palace man immediately knelt down, choked with sobs and said, "Your Majesty, Jiufu Jin is wearing plain clothes..."

Da Fujin is Concubine Hui's daughter-in-law. Except for the five and ten days, when he is in good health, he often comes to pay his respects. He is familiar with the palace people here.

Concubine Hui showed a look of disappointment, then nodded and said, "Please..."

Shu Shu came in, feeling that her role was annoying.

It turned out to be a mourner.

Seeing the reaction of the palace people outside just now, Shu Shu realized that Qianqing Palace didn't send anyone over.

Kangxi is too unkind.

There is no way, even if it is a verbal order, it can be regarded as the emperor's order.

Shu Shufu was blessed, and his voice was heavy.

"Concubine, the long history of the elder brother's mansion has just come to report to the imperial court, sister-in-law... today Yinzheng left at three o'clock..."

Concubine Hui sighed.

For this result, we have already prepared.

She sent the nuns of Yanxi Palace to the county palace to help, so she naturally knew that Da Fujin was already struggling.

The leak has never stopped.

Pots of blood all day long.

Just suffering, do not close your eyes.

Shu Shu earnestly said: "Ama Khan is worried about my concubine. The loss of a married couple must be the most difficult time. The young nieces and nephews are still young, and they also need the concubine's protection and love... Concubine, please give me condolences." ..."

Concubine Hui nodded at the corners of her eyes with her handkerchief: "I'm fine, I've lived so long, why haven't I seen it? I knew it would be today, but I'm going to trouble you to go over and see a few more little ones for me..."

Shu Shu glanced at the big maid next to Concubine Hui.

About the same age as Xianglan from Yikun Palace, she is also an aunt, named Qingxi.

Shu Shu said: "Concubine, why don't you let Aunt Qingxi go, and ask carefully about the daily life of eldest brother and the children, so you can feel more at ease..."

Otherwise, as a little aunt, even if she was entrusted to inquire, she would seem to be a bit busy.

Concubine Hui appreciated it very much, nodded and said: "Then trouble you to take it with you..."

Aunt Qingxi didn't delay, she went back immediately and changed her clothes.

So, when Shu Shu came out from the East Sixth Palace, there was an extra celebration by her side.

Nine princes also know each other, and nodded their heads, as if they have seen each other.

At the gate of Shenwumen, several elder brothers have arrived.

They are not only going to offer condolences, but also begin to make great contributions.

Neither fur nor silk can be used on the upper body, and they are all dressed up like Brother Jiu, with a one-color indigo Songjiang cloth cotton coat.

Looking around, he doesn't look like a prince or elder brother, but looks like the son of a landlord's family...

(End of this chapter)

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