My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 280 Slap in the face

Chapter 280 Hitting People Needs Slaps in the Face

Except for Shu Shu who brought an aunt and two maids, the others were accompanied by two eunuchs.

So there are six masters and thirteen followers.

It was not the time to exchange pleasantries, so they all remained silent and left the Shenwumen.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs got the news that Che Jia was already waiting outside.

There are also accompanying guards and guards.

The number of princes traveling this time doubled, and so did the accompanying guards and guards.

There are two guards, twenty people.

There are hundreds of guards.

There are six carriages in total.

The masters are no longer riding in red-wheeled carriages, but carriages with blue woolen sheds replaced with ordinary wheels.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine, Brother Ten and Brother Twelve, Brother Thirteen and Brother Fourteen.

Qingxi, Walnut and Komatsu.

The remaining eunuchs close to Brother Zhu took two cars.

After the carriage left Di'anmen, it turned west and slowly headed towards Zhenghongqi.

Zhijun Prince's Mansion and Sanbeile Mansion are not in Xianglan Banner where they are located, but in Zhenghong Banner.

This is also impossible.

The prince's sub-mansions are all selected from the official rooms under the House of Internal Affairs.

The land in the inner city is fixed.

Most of the options available are the former residences of princes and high-ranking officials who have not been registered, and they can be directly repaired or demolished and rebuilt.

The locations of the residences of the two princes were provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then appointed by the emperor.

When the House of Internal Affairs was repaired before, it followed the regulations of the Prince's House.

Moreover, the people around the palace are not great people, and there is room for expansion and retreat.

Although the guards and guards who followed were not in plain clothes, they all took off their hats and necklaces.

The group of people was mighty and mighty, which attracted many people's attention.

Those who are well-informed have already inquired about it.

Shu Shu sat in the carriage.

Yesterday she chatted with Xiaochun's master and servant, and said that she would follow her when she left the palace, and took the opportunity to go home, but today she didn't bring anyone out.


She went to Zhijun Prince's Mansion today to express her condolences. It was very close to the Dutong Mansion, not far from the front and back streets, but it was not good to go back to her mother's house at this time.

The same is true.

Brother Nine's hand came over.

Shu Shu looked over, and saw that his face was tense, with a bit of anger.

"What's the matter, grandpa?"

I was fine just now, why am I annoyed again.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said: "Twelve is too outrageous. Just now, the Lord told him the news that his sister-in-law died. He seemed to be okay. How could he be like this?"

Elder Brother Twelve...

If I hadn't met today, I wouldn't have remembered it.

It seems that this is the second meeting.

They still live together in Ganxi No. [-] Institute.

The adoptive mother of this one is the legendary Aunt Su Ma.

Shu Shu suddenly realized.

I have been married for half a year, but I have never seen this one.

Not only have I never seen it, I have never heard of it.

She hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help being curious, and said, "Didn't it mean that Elder Brother Twelve was raised by the mother-in-law next to the Empress Dowager, where does that mother-in-law live now?"

"Where can it be, the Buddhist hall behind Gyeongbokgung Palace..."

Brother Jiu said.

Before, Shu Shu went to Ningshou Palace to pay her respects. In fact, Ningshou Palace is the general name of a building on the East Road.

There are three roads, many buildings, and a small garden in Ningshou Palace.

The first emperor's concubine and the princesses who are waiting for the new year also live here.

The main hall is only opened during the New Year worship and Halloween, and everyone comes and goes to Gyeongbokgung Palace on weekdays.

It is a palace five rooms wide and five rooms deep in the northeast corner, where the Empress Dowager usually lives.

Behind it is a place where Shu Shu has no chance to set foot.

Shu Shu shook the hand of Brother Nine, and said: "Don't be upset, Master. Twelfth Brother is younger than Master, and he also lives in the west, and he has no contact with eldest brother and sister-in-law, and his relationship is weak." It's not surprising..."

Brother Jiu thinks about it, it's the same reason, but he still can't help but mutter to Shu Shu: "How did Madam Su Mala teach? You're not very smart, and you should pretend to be sad at this time, otherwise it will look too sad. Cold..."

Shu Shu also felt that she was not smooth enough.

But a quiet child is better than an unquiet one.

Besides, he's only fourteen years old, where is everyone an old fox?

Compared with Brother Fourteen, this one is also an angel.

She tactfully persuaded: "Although the master is kind, but Elder Brother Twelve is not a child after all, and his temperament has been developed, so there is no need to force it..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Then don't discipline him, just remind him later, or else he will do the same in front of Khan Ama, so he won't be left behind..."

If we really want to talk about it, he and Elder Brother Twelve are just in love with each other.

But he thought that he has become the oldest brother now, and he always has to say something if his brother is wrong, otherwise this brother will not do his job well.

Shu Shu thought about the identity and deeds of Elder Brother Twelve.

Beizi of the Kangxi Dynasty, the county king of the Yongzheng Dynasty, and the prince of the Qianlong Dynasty.

The longest-lived among the Kangxi scholars.

This one is outside of "Kowloon".

His father-in-law is Ma Qi who Brother Nine mentioned in the morning.

He also has a very famous uncle, who is also Kangxi's confidant and the future commander of the infantry.

Ma Qi is the "eighth master party".

The infantry commander was a "princeling".

When "Nine Dragons seized the heir apparent", both of them were affected.

The difference is that Ma Qi survived.

The infantry commander was devastated and died without a place to bury him.

Who said that the latter was born in Baoyi, a slave of the emperor, and was especially hated by the emperor after betraying his master.

But the strange thing is that the mother and son of Twelve Elder Brothers were not involved.

This is strange.

Kangxi is not such a generous person.

In Shu Shu's heart, he added an emphasis number after Brother Twelve.

Need to be careful not to offend.

The ninth elder brother was beside him, and he also thought about the background of the twelve elder brothers.

"I didn't notice it before, but now that I think about it, Twelve Elder Brother's family was originally coated with five flags, and it was a servant of Prince An's mansion... It turns out that the coats of the House of Internal Affairs were not all from outside the customs, but Some came up from Xiawuqi Coating..."

Shu Shuxin moved a little, and asked: "Can Baoyi still be transferred like this? I only knew that the flag came down from the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, but I don't know if there are others coming up..."

"There were a lot in the early years. At that time, the color of the flag changed back and forth. There were many times when Zuo Ling changed masters. After entering the customs, there were fewer... I went back to look for information and took a good look. Anyway, like Wanliu Hashi, I just I know their family..."

Brother Jiu thought about it and said.

Shu Shu said: "Do you know when their family came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Brother Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, I heard that the Concubine Shu was selected in the same year as the Empress and Concubine Wei of the Yonghe Palace. At that time, our empress had not yet entered the palace, so it must have been sixteen years before Kangxi. I voted before..."

Sixteen years before Kangxi, what was the big deal in Prince An's Mansion?
During the San Francisco Rebellion, Prince Anhe was the King of Generals at the time, and he was very popular, the number one prince of the clan...

Shu Shu was still thinking about the causal line, and the carriage arrived at Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

The conversation about Elder Brother Twelve also came to an end.

Brother Jiu got out of the carriage.

The entrance of Zhijun Prince's Mansion is already visible.

The gate was pasted with white paper, and the red lanterns were replaced with white lanterns. On the right side outside the gate, a red spirit-calling banner was hung.

It's completely bereavement mode.

The elder brother is the title of the county king, and the population of twelve assistants is divided under his name.

These people are the royal family of Big Brother.

On weekdays, I want to come over to pay my master's greetings, and I won't miss weddings and funerals.

These king's assistant leaders are currently wearing white filial piety shirts, mourning for their mother, and also acting as stewards, entertaining guests who come to mourn at the door.

In addition to them, the fourth elder brother stood at the door with a filial piety belt tied around his waist.

Seeing the carriage from the palace arriving, the fourth elder brother stepped forward.

Brother Jiu has already turned around and helped Shu Shu down.

The fourth elder brother nodded to the two of them, then turned around and ordered the deacon: "Give filial piety to elder brother and elder brother Fujin..."

There will be corresponding male servants and female servants.

The male servant held a filial piety belt in his hand and fastened it on Brother Jiu.

The maid holds a long strip of white cloth in her hand.

This is for Shu Shu, but it is not tied around the waist, but folded into white strips and wrapped around the head, called "Baotou".

When the Baotou is knotted, two straps should be left to hang down to the shoulders to distinguish the mourners.

The comfortable hanging belt is short on the left and long on the right, which means that the deceased was a woman.

If the deceased is a man, the left side is long and the right side is short.

At this moment, the elder brothers in the back also got out of the carriage and went forward to tie their filial belts.

The fourth elder brother nodded to everyone, and when he saw the fourteenth elder brother, he couldn't help telling: "Go in and be quiet, don't mess around..."

The fourteenth elder brother heard this, felt annoyed, and wanted to talk back.

But seeing the solemn eyes in front of him, he became honest and nodded reluctantly.

The fourth elder brother looked at Shu Shu again, with a much more relaxed tone, and said: "Go directly to the back hall, the other Fujin are here..."

Shu Shu bent her knees to bless her, took some Qingxi and went in with the maid at the door.

Come to condolences, should have offered incense to pay homage first.

But since the fourth elder brother ordered it like this, it means that Xiaoyi hasn't stopped yet.

Didn't he leave at the third quarter of Yinchu?
This time is not short.

Why haven't you buried it yet?
Shu Shu wondered, and followed the maid into the back hall.

In the back hall, many female relatives were already sitting.

The prince Fujin who founded the mansion was all present.

This is not surprising.

It's much more convenient than Shushu for everyone to come over when they report the funeral.

There is also the clan Fujin.

The owner of Xianglan Banner, Prince Jian Fujin, and several other clans of Xianglan Banner Fujin.

There are also clan members who are Zhenghongqi.

This is geography.

Whoever said that Zhijun Prince's Mansion is in Zhenghongqi territory, even if he got the news, he couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Clan Fujin from other banners will also come one after another regardless of whether they report their funerals or not.

This is the rule of the funeral, unlike the happy event, which only arrives after sending a post.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, Prince Fujin and the others are all sisters-in-law, so they don't need to get up.

Prince Jian's Fujin and Anjun Wang's Fujin are here in terms of status and seniority, and they don't need to get up.

The seats in the room were arranged on the left and right, and these two also sat on the left and right seats.

Prince Jian Fujin is Prince Fujin and an elder, so he sat first on the left.

An Jun Wang Fujin sat on the upper right.

Several princes, Fujin, sat under the two of them.

The rest of the clan and female relatives got up.

This is also the rule.

Before the prince was ennobled, the prince Fujin's position was detached, and the schedule was still ahead of the prince Fujin. He was equal to the prince Fujin, and the respect was based on seniority with the county king Fujin. Those below Mrs. Belle were all state ceremonies.

A Beizi Fujin sitting at the bottom of the seven Fujins even gave up his seat and moved one seat back.

Shu Shu nodded and saluted everyone who got up.

He also greeted Prince Jian Fujin and An Jun Wang Fujin.

These two, one is the family aunt, the other is the hall aunt, one is a distant clan relative, and the other is a close clan clan relative.

The two Fujins nodded in return.

For this Jiufu Jin, the clan Fujin also listened to it several times.

Everyone is also curious.

Shu Shu had a thick skin and didn't care about everyone's scrutiny. She stroked her temples to her sisters-in-law and thanked Mrs. Beizi who stepped aside, before taking her seat at the Seven Fortune Jin.

Since it is this time to express condolences, there is no blood relationship.

Everyone's eyes were red, and so was Qi Fujin.

Shu Shu was a little embarrassed...

Can't get sentimental...

But just like what Brother Nine said in the carriage, he had to pretend to be sad at this time, otherwise he would appear too cold.

With a sullen face and empty eyes, she thought of the old princess of Harqin in her mind.

Grandma is so poor...

Uncle is even more pitiful...

Speaking of the fact that there are so many descendants of the lord of the country, and there are many marriages with the royal family, it is possible to get a duke's inheritance and an earl's inheritance, no more than one palm.

However, the uncle couldn't even enter the military list, and became a waste in the eyes of others.

Although he inherited the second-class uncle, he never walked with the flag.

Shu Shu had a premonition that if her uncle died of illness, her cousin might be downgraded to become a noble.

I just don't know how many levels to drop.

Kangxi was a pragmatic emperor.

Because of the tightness of the national treasury and the increasing prestige of the king, he is becoming more and more stingy with titles.

Brothers, if you really want to talk about it, there is no one who is particularly outstanding.

With the replacement of titles, the Dong E family might not be able to maintain their current status and become an insignificant side branch.

Uncle's body is struggling for his life in winter.

Thinking of this, she wiped the corners of her eyes, which also turned red.

Although Ama cared about Xiaojia, she also sighed for her house.

Should I think of a way, find an opportunity to help Ama make a great contribution, and change Gaojue?

Opposite her is the eight Fujin.

When Shu Shu came in, Ba Fujin stared at her clearly.

This Dong E family is just acting.

The eyes were dry just now, and there were no tears at all, but I wiped them, and that's it.

You don't need to guess, you know that the handkerchief was tampered with.

Bafujin wanted to expose her right away, but he shook the veil vigorously, feeling a little guilty.

Because her handkerchief was also smeared with old ginger.

This is also necessary for condolences.

Otherwise, how could there be so many tears.

Is it that cheap for her?
Bafujin hates it hard.

When I came in, the female family members of the clan also stood up to greet me, but there were also some chattering and flirting, not all of them were watching my jokes.

When Mrs. Dong E came in, they lowered their eyebrows and looked very respectful.

When Shu Shu is sad, she is in the mood to pay attention to others.

There is no way, Ba Fujin's eyes are too hot.

Shu Shu raised her head, just in time to see the resentment on the face of Fujin.

Shu Shu looked straight over.

Because of her action, others also looked over.

Ba Fujin wanted to restrain his dissatisfaction, but it was too late, and his expression became more distorted.

Seeing the different eyes of everyone, Ba Fujin's hairs stood out, but he straightened his neck and said: "You all look at what I do? Shouldn't you look at Dong E's? You came so late, there are no rules, and there are no elders or children!" "

She said the last sentence to Shu Shu, with dislike and pickiness all over her face.

On Shu Shu's face, there was a look of astonishment, and then she turned to guilt, stood up and said respectfully: "Sister-in-law Eight is saying that I am late..."

The attitude of the two is clear.

A mean picky one.

A respectful one.

Many clan members, Fujin watched the excitement, and commented on the two princes Fujin in their hearts.

None of them are good stubble.

A arrogant, half a year in the palace, how many news stories have come out.

One has never been mentioned before, but from the beginning of the marriage, it has been compared with the eight blessings, and it has not fallen behind.

The key is recklessness, he beat the old master to death with random punches, and scared the uncles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Sitting at the top of the east side, Prince Jian Fujin hesitated, thinking about whether to speak.

The first one she sat on was San Fujin.

Sanfujin is Jiufujin's cousin.

Seeing the eight Fujins barking at the nine Fujins, many people looked at Sanfujin, and this one was also "Dong E's".

As a result, Sanfujin lowered his eyes and fiddled with the silver bracelet on his wrist, showing no intention of standing out.

On the contrary, Wu Fujin, who was sitting under her head, spoke slowly.

"The nine younger brothers and sisters live in elder brother's house, they can't act independently, they have to follow orders when they go in and out, but the eighth younger brothers and sisters seem to arrive at a cup of tea earlier than the ninth younger brothers and sisters, and they also lag behind the sisters-in-law. I don't know why? If I remember correctly, coming from Babeile Mansion is half the distance from me and my seventh sibling..."

Wu Fujin's voice was not high, but he did not hide the questioning and accusation in his words.

Ba Fujin was surprised, he never expected that Wu Fujin would take the initiative to attack him.

She looked at Wu Fujin with displeasure.

Wu Fujin looked at her calmly, and said: "Eighth brother and sister, what is your expression? Are you dissatisfied with my sister-in-law's preaching? This is the eighth brother's rules, there are no elders or younger?"

He actually returned Ba Fujin's bark to her.

Ba Fujin blushed, and said angrily, "Sister-in-law Wu, what do you mean? Are you talking about Dong E's in anger at me? I'm a sister-in-law, so I can't talk about her?"

"I'm sister-in-law, can't tell you?"

Wu Fujin was calm and calm, and returned it.

Sanfujin's attention was finally removed from the silver bracelet.

She still remembers clearly.

On the day of Ningshou Palace, Si Fujin made a big splash.

She put on a straight face, raised her sister-in-law's style, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, don't say a few words, and don't even look at when this is..."

Wu Fujin got up and said respectfully: "Sister-in-law San said yes, I was the one who was rude..."

But Fujin quit.

She stared at Sanfujin, and said loudly: "Who should say a few words less? I just pretended to be a Buddha, why are you talking now? There is no such thing as a sideways move, you are not finished yet, right? You really think I am good Those who bully, join forces to bully me, if you bully me once, you need a second time!?"

San Fujin is not a shrewd person, and he doesn't understand why Ba Fujin doesn't listen to persuasion.

But everyone looked at Sanfujin.

They also wondered why Sanfujin spoke at this time.

It didn't seem like he was helping Fujin Jiu, but rather like Fujin Ba.

It's a bit messy in the middle.

When the eight blessings came into trouble, everyone couldn't understand it anymore.

This one, did you help Jiufujin just now?

Did not see it……

Sanfujin was dumbfounded, his face turned red, and he said after a while: "Who bullied you?"

Ba Fujin only thought that she was guilty, and sneered: "Isn't it a bully? Or a sister-in-law, how dare you do it or not? This is how you can't be the county king, Fujin, so you are cowarded..."

Hit people without slapping their faces, and expose people without revealing shortcomings.

Obviously, Ba Fujin didn't know that this move was a big taboo.

No matter how good-tempered San Fujin was, he couldn't stand this under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Her complexion was also ugly, she stared at Fujin Ba, and said sarcastically: "What are you? I bully you! How dare you say that Fujin Jiu has no rules, no seniority?! You and I have no respect for my uncle. Even the empress dowager dared to disobey her, her own mother-in-law didn't pay attention to her, and the sisters-in-law said something about you, you sat down loudly, and said something against you, who cares about talking about you if you are disrespectful or filial!"

There is a BUG in the previous service period, and the Manchu system is a hundred days of filial piety, so change it.

The third chapter is [-], and the fourth watch is measured, so I pinch my waist and ask for a monthly pass.

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:18 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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