My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 281 What a surprise

Chapter 281 It's an Accident

You must know that the impression of San Fujin has always been gentle and weak.

It is different from ordinary Manchu noble girls.

Never speak loudly in front of people.

I didn't expect that there would be such a time when words were like a knife.

Bafujin was scolded for being stupid.

I just feel "buzzing" in my head.

The words "disrespect and disfilial piety" echoed in my ears.

She wanted to shout, no, no, but she didn't know which one to refute.

"Hey, what happened to Mrs. Baylor? Mrs. Baylor is not the prince Fujin, she is not the sister-in-law? No one bullies, but bullies me? We are a small family, can't afford to offend the Wangfu Gege? It's by name, and it's public exposure, what is it trying to do..."

The Bafujin who was scolded didn't respond yet, and Sanfujin, who had finished scolding, burst into tears.

While crying, Sanfujin wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, and the tears became more and more violent.

It's her style of "Xizi holding her heart", which looks a little weird.

She was originally slender, and her movements were graceful and graceful.

But she was less than three months old, and her body is plump than before, her face is a circle bigger, and she has a double chin.

Still like this, it looks a little hot on the eyes.

At this moment, Bafujin also burst into tears.

Her hands were trembling, and in front of her was the eighth elder brother who was silent.

In the past few days, her heart has been in an ice cellar.

Seems to have messed things up again today.

Why didn't he teach himself well? !
He taught, and he will do it obediently instead of letting his temper flare up.

Tears welled up in her eyes, with a hint of despair on her face.

She didn't cry out loud, but everyone could feel her sadness and grievance.

Is San Fujin's reprimand just now true or false? !

What's the matter with uncle, you and me?
As for the first few articles, as for the queen mother and concubine Wei, everyone doesn't believe it.

Not many people care.

Who lives without these trivial things?
The new daughter-in-law comes in, and she has a lot of trouble.

If Ba Fujin was really disobedient and unfilial, the emperor would not tolerate her.

As for Concubine Wei, a wrapped mother-in-law, how can she still want her daughter-in-law to be respectful?

It's over when the face is over.

Only with the eldest brother-in-law, I never thought of it.

As for which uncle, do you still have to guess?
Just as it was San Fujin who spoke, he knew it was not someone else.

Eighth Fujin and the third elder brother, when did they get married?

I remember vaguely, in the summer, there were still people talking about Ba Fujin and Nine Elder Brothers...

That's sister-in-law and brother-in-law, and uncle?
Where there is no wind, there is no wave, even if there is no real thing, there must be some carelessness exposed outside.

Bafujin is very recruiting...

It's a pity that the eighth brother is gone.

Many people sighed in their hearts.

The Fujins of the clan feel that their eyes are not enough.

Their eyes are a little busy.

Take a look at Sanfujin, then at Bafujin.

The two of them are like spring flowers and autumn moons.

But maybe Sanfujin's body has not recovered yet, his face is swollen, and his body looks strong, not as young and beautiful as Bafujin.

The third elder brother is so bold, he dared to give his brother a cuckold, this is why Baylor doesn't want it anymore?
Among all kinds of curious inquiries, everyone has doubts about the character of the third elder brother and the integrity of Ba Fujin.

Anjun Wang Fujin couldn't sit still.

She didn't bother to open her mouth to save Fujin before.

Because of chills.

Eight Fujin lost his biological mother at the age of three, and was raised in the palace, but his aunt, Wang Fujin of Anjun, took care of his daily life.

Ten years of love.

In the end, because of the dowry, Tai Fujin obviously detained it. King An couldn't directly blame the old lady, so he pushed the fault to his wife, saying that it was the negligence of King An Jun Fujin.

Anjun Wang Fujin was not happy, he could hide from his relatives, so he held his nose and took the blame.

She thought that after raising the Eight Fujin for more than ten years, the Eight Fujin would know who she was and would not be fooled by these words.

As a result, Ba Fujin didn't know whether it was a true letter or a fake letter, and he was still warm and friendly with his uncle, and he didn't make any big troubles in front of Tai Fujin, only hated her as an aunt.

I thought that when she married into the palace, she should learn how to raise and lower her eyebrows. After all, she is not very courageous, and sometimes she just bluffs.

Unexpectedly, this mouth, like when he was in the palace, is dedicated to stabbing knives.

But there are people in the palace who are not used to it, who in the palace is not used to it?

What San Fujin said, I am afraid that everything is right.

An Jun Wang Fujin's heart was heavy, it was not good to keep silent.

Otherwise, when the rumors about the uncle and aunt spread, and the family education of Prince An's Mansion was questioned, how would the prince respond?

Although the mother and son have differences now, the prince is still a dutiful son.

The second scapegoat might fall on Anjun Wang Fujin.

Anjun Wang Fujin has no daughter, but his natal family has a lot of nieces, so he can't stand this.

She just looked at San Fujin with a straight face, and said: "Dare to ask San Fujin, what did the uncle mean just now? Did Ba Fujin fall into your eyes because of his irregularities?"

Sanfujin stopped crying when asked.

She is not a very bold person, she was ashamed and annoyed because she couldn't save face before, so she said a few more words.

In fact, after she finished speaking, she regretted it, so she cried and made amends.

Anjun Wang Fujin has been the county king Fujin for many years, and his seniority is still here, sitting there, looking at him, not allowing her to be fooled.

Sanfujin couldn't stand it any longer, didn't dare to look directly at him, and choked up with a handkerchief, "No other meaning, it's just that the eighth brother and sister don't behave well enough, they don't respect their brothers and sister-in-law enough, they don't like people... and they bully the younger brother-in-law." , brothers and daughters-in-law..."

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu on the opposite side, as if seeing an ally, with a pleading look in her eyes: "Sister, do you think so? You have been bullied so much these days when you married into the palace, and every time you give in , but this is not enough to give in all the time, some people push their feet..."

Shu Shu's face was pale, she glanced at Sanfujin and didn't answer.

At this time, do you remember that you are your sister?
How many times have you been bullied? Where is it counted?
Shu Shu is not in a good mood.

It's not a joke right now.

What's important now is that "family ugliness should not be publicized", if there is only the prince Fujin, then it's not a big deal for them to fight each other.

But in front of the clan's Fujin family, the discord between brothers and sisters-in-law was spread out. I'm afraid Kangxi would not be happy if he found out.

Although he didn't get involved from the beginning to the end, Bafujin seemed to be insane, and when he challenged himself, he became a lead.

Not to mention being disgusted by Kangxi, a picky father-in-law.

Qi Fujin held Shu Shu's hand across the small table, with worry on his face.

Shu Shu nodded reassuringly, and ignored Sanfujin, but crossed Seven Fujin, looked at Sifujin, and said with a heavy expression: "Sisao, where is the coffin? Sister-in-law is always kind and kind, everyone came to see her off, I feel so sad It's all uncomfortable, instead of crying and wiping away tears in the house, I'd rather go and see my sister-in-law..."

Everyone: "..."

Is this talking nonsense with your eyes open?

Which of the three Fujin or the eight Fujin cried for Da Fujin?

The two of them didn't mention Da Fujin at all!

Sifujin was born blind and deaf, thinking that the farce just never happened, and said to Sanfujin and Bafujin solemnly: "Sister-in-law, eighth sibling, don't be sad, it's not time to cry seriously..."

Bafujin glanced at Sifujin, lowered his head and wiped away his tears, hiding his gratitude.

Sanfujin felt uncomfortable, and felt that the scene in front of him was like the scene of Ningshou Palace reappearing.

The old four are stealing the limelight again!
She is the sister-in-law at the top!
Do you still want to listen to her orders?
How can there be such a rule? !

Sanfujin straightened her body, wanting to speak.

Si Fujin said again: "The elder brothers in front are all busy, let's be sad when we are sad, and be sad when we are sad, so don't add to the chaos..."

Her voice is not loud, and a little slow.

But when it comes to "elder brother", the volume is increased.

Sanfujin clutched the handkerchief, and choked back the words that came to his lips.

What I did today was a bit eye-catching, and my grandfather would probably be unhappy if he knew about it.

But compared to himself, Ba Fujin was even more ashamed.

In the past, everyone cared about their status and left room for her to speak. She was the only one who exposed others' faults, and no one ever exposed her faults.

As for the old Wu's family, who were so eager to be squeezed out, they made a sound, but were stopped by Qi Fujin and Shu Shu.

Expose it by yourself, let people know her virtues, and see how the Eighth Fortune will have the face to look down on this, look down on that.

Thinking of this, Sanfujin passed Wufujin and looked at Bafujin with a sneer.

Bafujin's expression was in a trance, and his mind was shaken by the word "elder brother".

Disrespectful? !
Has he become a shame to the eighth elder brother?
He will be laughed at...

It's freezing cold at home again...

Is it because I am afraid that it will not work this time...

As soon as Fujin's eyes went dark, his body went limp.

Her first name is Wu Fujin.

Wu Fujin sensed that something was wrong, so she hurriedly got up and grabbed her, so she didn't let her slide off the chair.

Ba Fujin's face was pale, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know anything about his personnel.


The wife of the clan at the bottom was startled, and got up "Teng".

Sifujin, Qifujin and Shu Shu who were sitting across from each other got up.

Even Prince Anjun, Fujin, rushed over with concern: "Baozhu..."

Sifujin was beside him, and he had ordered the deacon woman at the door to invite the imperial physician.

Shu Shu saw the crowd surrounded, Ba Fujin's face became paler, his breathing was short, and he had some symptoms of hypoxia, so he hurriedly said: "Everyone give way first, the wind is holding back, and I can't breathe..."

She said it bluntly, the situation of Bafujin was not good, so everyone took two steps back.

Wu Fujin supported Ba Fujin, but he could hardly hold on anymore.

There was not much difference in body shape between the two, but Fujin couldn't hold back, fainted and unconscious, and all the weight fell on Fujin Wu.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly gave a helping hand and lifted the other side of the eight Fujin.

She didn't know what was wrong, but she didn't dare to move too much, she just signaled Xiaosong to move the case next to her, hugged Fujin directly, and put her on the case.

At this moment, the deacon's wife has brought the imperial physician in.

This imperial doctor was sent by the imperial hospital on duty, and he is good at gynecology.

This time, the imperial physician had the bottom line, but his brows were furrowed severely.

When everyone saw it, they all followed Xuanxin.

This is true whether it is the prince Fujin or the clan Fujin who watched the excitement before.

No one is the one with vicious thoughts, insisting on looking forward to the death of Fujin.

A young woman with a flowery age.

Anjun Wang Fujin's heart softened, and he hurriedly asked: "Prince doctor, what's wrong with Fujin?"

The imperial physician did not speak, but hesitated.

The atmosphere in the room gradually became dignified.

But Shu Shu thought of a possibility and looked at Fujin's lower body.

The cotton robe was so tightly covered that the trousers inside could not be seen.

She remained motionless and took two steps closer.

Sure enough, there was a faint smell of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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