My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 282 The heart is upright and the actions are upright

Chapter 282 Righteous Heart and Righteous Actions


The eighth elder brother thought he had heard wrong after hearing the report from the visitor.

What does it mean?
What is "seeing red"?
His heart was pounding, and he finally came to his senses, striding towards the back hall.

In the back hall, the clan members Fujin looked at each other.

Bafujin is pregnant? !
No wonder it didn't look right before.

Get angry for a while, cry for a while, and talk like a god, not like a normal person.

It's not uncommon if you're pregnant.

We are all women, and most of them have given birth. We know that women are a little bit petty at this time.

It's just what the doctor said...

see red...


lie down...

not easy to move...

This side of the palace is a mourning house, so it seems inconvenient.

But thinking about the relationship between the eldest brother and the eighth elder brother, everyone felt nothing.

Nurturing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness. Among the princes, the elder brother and the eighth elder brother are no different from their compatriots.

Sifu Jin's expression was condensed.

It was she who sent someone to the front to invite the eighth elder brother.

When it comes to important matters involving offspring, the eighth elder brother has to make up his mind in the end.

Si Fujin looked around at all the Fujins, and said politely: "Babeile is coming soon, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient, please trouble all aunts and bring your sister-in-law, nephew and daughter-in-law to avoid..."

Aunt is an elder, so there is no need to shy away from younger men.

But the sister-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew of the younger generation of the same generation, according to the rules, they have to avoid it.

Therefore, Si Fujin said so.

Everyone looked at Prince Jian Fujin and Anjun Wang Fujin.

Those who came were from the clan Fujin of these two banners, and most of them were side branches of these two sects. Naturally, the two Fujin were the heads of the horses.

Prince Jian Fujin had already got up, smiled and said to Si Fujin: "Then let's just hide and worry about my niece and daughter-in-law..."

Their clan is not a descendant of the great ancestor, and the generations of people have acted in accordance with the emperor's orders and obeyed to protect themselves.

It's an irrelevant matter again, how can you get involved in it?

Si Fujin said respectfully: "Trouble auntie, this is what my niece and daughter-in-law should do..."

After Prince Jian Fujin finished speaking, he took all the female relatives of the clan with the inlaid blue flag to the side hall.

Everyone looked at An Jun Wang Fujin.

Anjun Wang Fujin also stood up.

Now the eight Fujin are no longer the table of the palace, but the royal Fujin.

Sifujin is her own sister-in-law, she came forward to take care of her, so what's the point of meddling?
Therefore, a group of female family members of the Red Flag clan also went out.

There are only a few sisters-in-law left in the house.

Sanfujin was uneasy.

This is the firstborn son or firstborn daughter of the Eight Fujin, if he can't keep it, he won't blame himself, right?
She was a little apprehensive and looked at the others.

On the contrary, he still remembered the situation when Shu Shu ignored him just now, and didn't go to Shu Shu's side anymore.

Sanfujin walked up to Wufujin and muttered in a low voice, "Why did she faint? Could it be an act? Don't use this to frame us again, saying that we are working together to bully her..."

Wu Fujin glanced at San Fujin and was speechless.

What is "we"?
Who "we" with her?
Wu Fujin could remember clearly that just now Sanfujin was watching the excitement first, and then got sidetracked.

It was because Bafujin's reaction was different from ordinary people's that he pushed her back.

That day in Ningshou Palace, San Fujin didn't pull the strings, but he also looked like he didn't think it was too big to watch the excitement all the way.

This sister-in-law is not suitable for dating.

Wu Fujin just pretended not to hear, and didn't take San Fujin's words at all.

I thought badly before.

Always worrying too much and giving in too much, the result makes the elders worry.

In the future, no more.

Seeing that Wu Fujin didn't answer, Sanfujin looked embarrassed, looked at Qifujin again, smiled flatteringly, and said, "It's like saying that things flock together and people are divided into groups. , that is, 'with mouth but without heart'..."

Qi Fujin twitched the corners of his mouth, but also remained silent like a clam shell.

Now it's really smart!

This is to drag everyone into the water together, and want to use this to make big things small, small things small?
When who is a fool?
It's not an animal, who will be "grouped" with her...

Sanfujin couldn't get rid of her face anymore, she looked at Shu Shu with a bad look.

Is this still a girl?

There were so many people who ignored me just now, and now they don't know how to help me out.

How could Shushu care about Sanfujin's reaction.

Her attention was all on Ba Fujin.

In history, did Fujin give birth to a child?


Because the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother were expelled from the clan, even if the clan was restored in the Qianlong Dynasty, it would be more than fifty years later.

Much of the information about these two people has been lost.

On the imperial jade certificate of the later generations, there is only one son and one daughter under the name of the eighth prince, both of whom are concubines, and their status is not high.

Eight Fujin never gave birth?

Can this child not be kept?
Shu Shu was lost in thought.

You must know that Bafujin has left several strokes in history.

Among Kangxi's many sons-in-law, except for the crown prince who was once the queen concubine and the Sifujin who later became a queen, the Bafujin is the only treatment.

Just because of his tough temper, can the emperors of Kangxi and Yongzheng hate him?

Not so much.

Kangxi didn't scold Ba Fujin directly, but when he scolded Ba Prince, he mentioned that Ba Prince was "constrained by his wife" and "let him be jealous and do evil, because Yinhu has not had a child so far."

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, Yongzheng was even more merciless, just scolding directly, "very immoral", "violent and unkind", and "instigating her husband to cause extreme chaos".

According to these historical records, it is possible to guess the approximate role of Bafujin in the seizure of the heir.

No father, no mother, no son and no daughter, why is he so unscrupulous and wantonly seeking power?
What if there is a blood connection?

With children, who cares about men?
At that time, will the eighth prince have no scruples, will not leave any retreat, and will be willing to be a bond to link up the clan for the eighth elder brother?
Shu Shu thought of another possibility, looked at Fujin's stomach with eagerness.

Good boy.

Be it a man or a woman, you must be safe and sound.

With such an expression, the four Fujin, five Fujin, and seven Fujin all felt sad.

As for the heirs, there is no way to persuade them.

Which woman does not look forward to having children after marriage?

No matter how stable the position of Di Fujin is, the Di Fujin with children is still different from the childless Di Fujin.

Qi Fujin rubbed her stomach, and decided to wait until the unloading of the stomach, then bring more to her Aunt Ninth, if it can also pour a little boy's urine, it would be great.

It just happened to pass the pregnancy omen to Shu Shu.

What if?
That is luck.

Wu Fujin remembered what his empress said.

Before walking in the paddock, several elder brothers had a fight, and nine elder brothers sadly said the words of adoption.

The empress didn't know about it at the beginning, but later she found out, so she mentioned it to herself in private.

If Shu Shu and Brother Jiu have no children in a few years, it would be the best of both worlds to adopt their elder brother.

But Fifth Elder Brother privately mentioned to her that Ninth Elder Brother should not be a concubine.

It turns out that fifth elder brother, the real elder brother, loves his younger brother the most. Seeing his younger brother being sad, he has already given away his son behind his back, so as to save his younger brother from worrying about the issue of heirs.

In the fifth prince's mind, the ones born by Fujin and those born by Gege are both his sons and nephews of his younger brother.

What's more, my younger brother also likes this nephew very much, so he gave so many things as a gift for his first birthday.

After being rejected by his younger brother, the reason was that he didn't want to have a concubine, the fifth elder brother thought about the difference between a concubine and a concubine, and told Wu Fujin that at least two concubines should be born...

Wu Fujin is not worried about her son being adopted in the future, because she knows that Shu Shu is transparent and will not be willing to adopt, and most of the time she is still looking forward to having a child of her own.

After all, he's still young, so Brother Nine will be fine if he doesn't keep it all together.

But after seeing Shu Shu's follow-up reaction clearly, everyone was a little dazed.

What is the situation now?
Shu Shu actually walked up to the imperial physician and asked carefully about various miscarriage matters.

Looking at the serious posture, it seems that the one lying there is a good sister who has always been close.

Not sad, but also faintly joyful?
Qi Fujin couldn't help it, stepped forward to hold Shu Shu's hand, and asked in a low voice: "Shu Shu, what's wrong with you? If you're not comfortable, just avoid it?"

There is light in Shu Shu's eyes.

She shook her head with a smile and said: "I'm fine, I'm happy, Seventh Sister-in-law, I'm so happy... Eighth Sister-in-law is pregnant, it's a good thing..."

Her reaction made everyone even more confused.

There is no drama at all, but it is sincere.

This is a Bodhisattva, right?
Don't hold any grudges?
The eighth elder brother also heard this sentence when he walked to the door.

Pushing others by oneself makes me feel a little unhappy.

Although in front of Ba Fujin, Ba elder brother didn't add fuel to the fire, it's not that he was picky about Shu Shu.

But in his heart, he still felt a little resentful, feeling that his wife was so provoked, and it was also because of Shu Shu's aggressiveness to keep her from letting others.

On weekdays, I don't see Shu Shu being warm and close to his wife, sister-in-law, so why is he so happy now?

Is this stepping on his wife to show her generosity?
It's too cunning and hypocritical.

In the room, Shu Shu spoke briskly, and continued: "Sister-in-law eight has a bad temper, which is somewhat uneasy. After all, she is young, married, and changed places. As a wife and daughter-in-law, she is learning. Anxious... Now that I am pregnant and will give birth to a little elder brother in the future, my heart will be at ease, and my temper will gradually ease..."

When it is relaxed, there will be more motherly love, and I know how to plan for my children.

It is equivalent to putting on shoes and more restraints, so you won't throw your head and blood for your husband's ambition.

What can the queen expect?
From ancient times to the present, how many emperors have guarded the queen's life...

With Bafujin's temperament, he can't bear such a life.

Even if Bafujin can't think about it for a while, he is greedy for the throne, and wants to plan for his own flesh and blood.

Then there is the lesson of Kangxi and the deposed prince, which is enough to make her vigilant...

A son-in-law is not safe either.

It is not uncommon for father and son to become enemies.

Shu Shu's expression was not fake at all, and he spoke sincerely.

Everyone has different expressions.

Both Sifujin and Wufujin showed admiration and approval on their faces.

Both of them are kind-hearted, even Wu Fujin here, even if he was angry before, he didn't think of becoming a deadly enmity with Ba Fujin.

Sifujin nodded and said: "The nine younger brothers and sisters are right, this is a good thing..."

There was the matter of Ningshou Palace earlier, and Sanfujin revealed it again today, saying that it is not good for Bafujin to appear in front of people again for the time being, and it is just right to avoid it by raising a fetus.

Later, a little elder brother was born, time has passed, and the elders in the palace will raise their hands for the sake of the little elder brother, letting go of the previous matter.

The days of Babeile Mansion went smoothly.

Sanfujin looked at Shu Shu as if she was looking at a fool.

Why don't you have a long memory and no brains?

I don't want to think about her marrying into the palace with Bafujin's front and rear feet, but she was silent when he gave birth to a little elder brother. Will the concubine Yi be able to tolerate it later?
Even if there is something wrong with Brother Jiu, it is still a private matter.

In order to cover up this, Concubine Yi might even shift the responsibility for her infertility to Shu Shu.

At that time, I am afraid that life will be difficult.

Qifu Jin was a little numb.

She endured it so that she didn't show any strangeness.

Is this still the Shu Shu she knew?

The two have grown up together since childhood, who doesn't know who?

Looking at Dafang, he couldn't be more cautious.

Shu Shu cleaned up every time Bafujin provoked her.

Why are you so generous today?
And it's not just pretending...


Could it be the hysteria of thinking about the child, thinking about the child in Fujin's stomach, right?

This is a dream...

The eighth elder brother was at the door, feeling guilty in his heart.

I have a villainous heart.

Although the nine younger brothers and sisters acted fiercely at times, they always had reason.

Righteousness of heart, rightness of action...

(End of this chapter)

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