My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 283 Brother, I Don’t Advise You

Chapter 283 Big Brother, I Don’t Advise You

Seeing the eighth elder brother coming in, everyone stopped talking.

Brother Ba said hello to everyone before walking to the table and looked at Fujin lying on it with concern.

Ba Fujin was lying down, his face was no longer arrogant, but his brows were frowning, the corners of his eyes seemed to be moist, and he looked a little pitiful.

When the eighth elder brother saw it, he sighed inwardly.

Si Fujin stepped forward and told the imperial physician's diagnosis.

It is a good thing to be happy, but one must be cautious when seeing red.

Try not to move.

The eighth elder brother looked at the imperial physician: "Is it true that you can't move? You can't even sit in a sedan chair..."

The imperial doctor said with a bitter face: "Fu Jin has been happy for less than two months, and he has already seen red. If he doesn't lie still, I'm afraid there will be regrets..."

Eighth brother is still hesitating.

Now the county prince's mansion is still attending the funeral, and the eldest brother has never shown up, so I don't know how sad it is.

Staying here to raise a baby is really too messy, and it's easy to lose people's tongue.

He thought about it, and decided that he should look for a soft sedan chair.

Raising a baby is not something that can be done in a day or two. My own Baylor Mansion is really not far from here, just be careful.

Therefore, he said to Si Fujin: "It's better to go home first, so I don't want to mess up here..."

The eighth elder brother and the fourth elder brother have been in contact a lot, and Si Fujin also knows a little about this little uncle, knowing that he is meticulous in everything, so he quickly said: "Even if we go home, there is no rush for these two days... the big guys are all here Here, it's not good for the eighth siblings to leave like this, we'd better stay for two days..."

They are close relatives, and they have to watch the night here until the funeral on the third day.

It wouldn't sound good if only Bafujin was left here to recuperate for two days, but if the sisters-in-law are all here, it won't be a problem.

The eighth elder brother naturally understood the kindness, and said gratefully: "Then I can only trouble the fourth sister-in-law..."

Si Fujin waved his hands and said, "Eighth brother, you're welcome. Congratulations to the eighth brother. My younger siblings are happy, and next year I can add a little elder brother..."

Brother Eight suppressed his worries and smiled: "Thank you for your kind words..."

With Sanfujin beside him, he felt his face burning hot.

Does Eighth Brother know?
Otherwise, shouldn't he entrust his wife to himself?
My own Baylor Mansion is on the same street as the County King's Mansion, separated by a few yards, at the end of the street.

Just a few steps out of the house.

If the eight blessings were lying still, wouldn't it be more convenient to go to their own mansion?

But she just thought about it, and she had no choice but to get on her body.

Who knows if this baby can be kept, if she gets involved, with Ba Fujin's stinginess, she might hate herself.

Shu Shu's expression was calm, and there was no place to complain in his heart.

Looking at the appearance of the eighth elder brother just now, in order not to cause trouble to the county prince's mansion, he really wanted to take the eighth prince away.

Even if the imperial doctor gave the doctor's order, he insisted.

If Si Fujin hadn't spoken, the consequences would have been left to fate.

Brother Nine should really have a look, this is his good starling.

With a warm face and a cold heart, he is the only one who treats his wife like this...

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

There was the sound of "deng, deng, deng" footsteps outside, and elder brother Jiu came.

Seeing the eighth elder brother, he was a little surprised, but he didn't care about the greetings. He looked at Si Fujin and said, "Fourth sister-in-law, some nieces are clamoring for sister-in-law. Fourth brother, please come and take care of me with Fujin..."

Several prince elder brothers are at the front to help, and the third elder brother ranks higher.

But the third elder brother has never paid attention to general affairs, so the fourth elder brother is still in charge.

After hearing this, Sifu Jin hurriedly looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu is duty-bound.

In fact, relatives who "visit funerals" originally came to help.

It's like several princes and elder brothers who are all helping out at the front.

These sisters-in-law shouldn't be idle.

It's just that the elder brother at the county palace has not come forward, and no one knows the regulations, so the funeral process has come to a standstill.

But when she thought of Qifu Jin, she was a little worried, and whispered: "Sister-in-law Qi should also be more careful, don't be bold just because it's been three months..."

Qifujin nodded and said: "Understood, I understand..."

Speaking of which, she took a blue cloth pouch from her sleeve and stuffed it to Shu Shu.

"It's nothing but Bingtang. If your nieces are crying, use this to coax them..."

Shu Shu hurriedly stuffed it back, and said: "There is the mother of Yanxi Palace here, and this time the empress also sent Aunt Qingxi over, the first thing has passed, so I won't wait for my nieces, but you just can't bear the hunger when……"

After finishing speaking, she took Si Fujin's hand and went to the back yard.

You must know that when they come to express their condolences, they not only have to watch the night, but also fast.

It is not a total ban, you can drink porridge.

Pregnant women can't help being hungry, so Qifujin will prepare rock candy.

Ninth elder brother greeted eighth elder brother, and followed the sister-in-law and came out.

With hindsight, I realized that something was wrong just now.

"Why are you and the sisters-in-law the only ones? Didn't the family members Fujin come here? Why did the eighth sister-in-law lie down?"

Shu Shu didn't hide it, and explained the reason in a low voice.

Brother Jiu's face drooped, a little ugly.

"Is she sick? Well, what are you doing picking on you?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, I'm sick, I guess it's will be fine in the future..."

After learning a lesson and falling a few somersaults, you will learn to be a human being.

The same bad mouth, Brother Jiu is the real "talking without intention", and without malice, he just says what he thinks.

Ba Fujin did it on purpose, wanting to attack others verbally, and every time he stabbed the knife hard and accurately.

It's still the good old days, I didn't get a lesson, and I don't know what a "rebound" is.

Brother Nine listened, feeling a little concerned.

"If you are sick, you have to be cured...or the starling will suffer more..."

It's a cliché again, feeling sorry for his good starling.

Shu Shu didn't bother to talk to him, and looked at Si Fujin.

Si Fujin patted Shu Shu's hand, comforted him, and said softly: "Lao Jiu is sincere..."

Just now, the eighth elder brother Shushu could see the coldness, so naturally Si Fujin could also see it.

With helplessness, Shu Shu said softly: "I'm not afraid, I just hope that my brother treats him sincerely..."

While speaking, a group of people arrived at the main courtyard of the county prince's mansion.

A few little princesses were standing in the corridor, followed by Aunt Qingxi and the two young maids who had only kept their heads.

At the door of the main room, two eunuchs blocked the little princesses from entering.

Seeing this, Si Fujin quickly walked a few steps: "It's so cold, why are you standing outside..."

She hugged the youngest Si GeGe in her arms, but she looked at Big GeGe and asked.

There are four princesses in Zhijun Wangfu, the eldest one is eleven years old, the second one is ten years old, the third one is eight years old, and the fourth one is seven years old.

Right now, except for Er GeGe who is not there, the other three GeGe are here.

Da Gege had a sullen little face, looking very solemn.

Three Ge Ge and Si Ge Ge both had red and swollen eyes, and they were restless, like two little quails.

Brother Jiu also pulled his face and reprimanded the two eunuchs: "What's the matter, I'm blind, I didn't see that it was the little master?! Who told you to stop? Who is the little princess who is frozen? "

He's not stupid, so he naturally knew that the only person who could give orders here was Big Brother, so he didn't lower his volume, but deliberately raised his voice.

One of the eunuchs bowed and said in a low voice: "Master Jiu, we don't have a small coffin in Fujin yet, so Master Si persuaded us inside, lest we scare the little masters..."

He guessed wrong, it was not the elder brother who ordered it, but the fourth elder brother who ordered to stop him.

Brother Jiu frowned.

He looked up at the sky, it was already noon.

He nodded, and pulled an eunuch aside: "Okay, master, go in and have a look..."

Shu Shu also stood beside Qingxi, and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, what about the nurses, why did you let the little masters stay outside..."

Qingxi's face turned blue, she took a look at Shu Shu, knew that there were some things that she couldn't face herself, and said in a low voice: "The little brother's nanny put silk on my brother..."

Shu Shu was stunned, and then annoyed.

You must know that the little elder brother is a dutiful son and must wear mourning clothes.

If he reveals his silk clothes, in the eyes of others, he will be spoiled, spoiled, and unfilial.

However, the little elder brother is three years old and only has his second birthday!
Next work!

"Have you found out who it is?"

Shu Shu asked.

Qingxi looked in the direction of the lower courtyard and shook his head.

Not good.

Perhaps Ge Geli has a dark heart.

Maybe people outside took advantage of the fire to rob.

Qingxi is the deacon maid of Yanxi Palace, she has a broad vision, so naturally she won't just put it on the one-acre three-point land in the backyard of Zhijun Prince's Mansion.

The eldest elder brother is just around the corner, and there is only this one son, who is very precious.

Abolishing his eldest son, he will have a stepmother in the future, and it's good to have a second son, if there is no one, there will only be a concubine, then there will be chaos between father and son brothers in the Zhijun Palace in the future.

Shu Shu also thought of this, and reminded in a low voice: "If it doesn't work, just send it to the palace... If you don't think about it, you can make another plan. Don't say anything else, just say that children don't know how hungry they are. If they are hungry, they will be full." Suddenly, the appetite will be lost, and the body will be short of money..."

Shu Shu thought of the little elder brother who died young in history, and the few princesses seemed to have a short lifespan after touching Meng, and couldn't bear the fate of Da Fujin who had to fight for his life and end up with severed blood, so he reminded this sentence too much.

Qingxi listened in, with a grateful face, and thanked Shu Shufu.

Shu Shu quickly helped her up: "I don't have much experience, and it's just a lesson learned from others. It's good that my aunt doesn't think I'm long-winded..."

The matter of Madam Liu was such a big deal, the external rhetoric could deceive other people, but could not deceive Concubine Hui.

Qingxi knew the reason for this, so she was even more grateful.

He couldn't do without eating and drinking every day, if Jiufu Jin didn't remind him, he would be really negligent, and the people behind the scenes would be patient and purposely let someone spoil the little elder brother's stomach, and it would be impossible to guard against.

Sifujin was beside him, and he also listened to Da Gege explain the reason.

The little elder brother made a mistake, Big Gege couldn't believe even the nanny who came with him from the palace, so he sent all the nurses of the four sisters to the little elder brother's yard, and left Er Gege to watch.

It is also a child's simple calculation.

The four nannies looked at each other, restraining each other.

Even if others buy them, they won't buy four at the same time.

Si Fujin hugged Si Gege tightly, suppressing his anger and feeling distressed.

The landlord is waiting for a while.

It was cold and chilly in the room.

This is because of the heat from the ground and the extinguishing of the carbon basin.

Otherwise, the house is warm, the living are fine, but the dead may not be able to bear it.

Brother Jiu shivered when he entered.

The elder brother is unshaven, sitting on the edge of the kang, like a clay sculpture.

He held Dafujin's blue-gray hand in his hand.

The fourth elder brother stood beside him with a livid face.

He has been persuading him for two rounds, and he has said everything that should be said.

Big Brother still doesn't eat oil and salt, and refuses to ask people to bury him.

This is the elder brother, if it is the younger brother, the fourth elder brother feels that he will kick him directly.

Brother Nine came in, looked at the situation, and made a guess.

He was not in a hurry to speak, but pulled two chairs to the side of the kang.

"Squeak", the sound of the chair legs dragging the floor woke up the elder brother.

Eldest Brother looked over and said with a wry smile: "Old Ninth, don't persuade me, it will take three days to complete the funeral, there will be no delay... I just want to accompany your sister-in-law again..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "You accompany, you accompany, how infatuated, I didn't expect that the seed of infatuation in our Aixinjueluo family is you, my brother won't persuade..."

After all, he gave a chair to the fourth elder brother, sat down by himself, and looked at Da Fujin like this.

In fact, he was furious.

Even if it's a sister-in-law, it's scary after life and death.

He held on to the handle of the chair vigorously, so as not to let his body go limp.

The fourth elder brother was by the side, seeing him struggling, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he wanted to find a reason to send him out.

Brother Jiu has already spoken.

He didn't talk to the elder brother, nor did he talk to the fourth elder brother, but looked at Da Fujin whose face was covered with white silk on the kang, and began to chatter.

"Sister-in-law, you didn't leave, did you? If you're still here, don't leave, come back if you can..."

"Brother is pitiful. You will become a widower when you leave. Next year, ten or eight will come in, like flowers and jade, and cardamom is young, and it is not the original match..."

"The eldest niece is also pitiful, she is only eleven, hugging her younger siblings, and worrying about her heart..."

"What else should I do? The next few are still young and pitiful, and they don't have all the winter clothes. Who can bear the cold winter..."

"Sister-in-law, you can come back as soon as you can. This child has to be kissed. Since ancient times, 'where there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather'. In the future, I will make a living in the hands of Ji Fujin. I am afraid that my niece and nephew will not have enough to eat and wear well. , making people unbearable..."

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:19 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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