My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 285 Serving Chapter 1

Chapter 285 Serve once (seeking monthly ticket)
Da Fujin is the direct wife of the prince of Zhijun, but in March, the imperial court only registered a few princes, and the prince Fujin who founded the mansion has not yet registered a concubine.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not prepare the corresponding Crown Prince Fujin uniform according to the system.

The clothes prepared by Da Fujin himself were still the crown prince Fujin's uniform, and they were all winter clothes.

That's fine, the prince Fujin's uniform is the same as Prince Fujin's, with ten pearls inlaid on the top of the crown, which is one level higher than the Crown Prince Fujin's uniform.

It was also the first time for Si Fujin to bury clothes, but he knew the order, and asked someone to prepare water, towels, scissors, and clove oil.

"I need to cut my nails, and I have to wipe my body, so I can clean it..."

Afraid that Shu Shu would not understand, Si Fujin explained to Shu Shu in a low voice.

Shu Shu nodded and walked to the dressing table.

She didn't mean to say, but she really planned to help Da Fujin tidy up his remains.

After the burial, the clothes should be carried to the front of the coffin, and the close relatives who came to see them off should pay respects and say goodbye. After the relatives and friends expressed their condolences on the third day, they would be buried in the coffin.

What woman doesn't love beauty?

Not only for a few little princesses, but also for Da Fujin's final dignity.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu waved her hand, motioned for a girl to come over, and asked: "Which ones do you Fujin like to use on weekdays..."

The maids in the room served closely, and the one who called over knew the details, stood in front of the dressing table, opened the dressing box, and picked out a few items.

Shu Shu took it and went back to the Kang.

Si Fujin was already sitting on the edge of the kang, holding Da Fujin's blue-gray hand on his lap, carefully cutting his nails, his face only serious, showing no sign of fear.

Seeing this, Shu Shu sighed in his heart, and his fear was much less.

To make an inappropriate analogy, if Seven Fujins were lying on the kang, Shu Shu would react similarly to Four Fujins.

Whether you are afraid or not is the difference between having affection and not having affection.

If you love your relatives and friends dearly and are full of reluctance, how can you care about life and death?
In Sifujin's hand, there was also a big red satin purse with the word "Fu".

After a quarter of an hour, the fingernails and toenails were repaired.

The cut nails were all put in the purse, and they were put in the coffin together when they were buried.

The rest is to wipe yourself.

Da Fujin was bedridden to recuperate from illness, with only a layer of middle clothes on his body.

It took a lot of effort to take off, but there were so many people, and within half an hour, the body was no longer covered.

Da Fujin's body was skinny, no worse than a skeleton.

Seeing this, Sifujin trembled and couldn't stop crying.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly stepped forward to help wipe away her tears.

This tear is not happy to fall on the body, otherwise the dead will leave uneasy.

"Take a break, or I'll do the rest..."

Shushu said.

Si Fujin sniffled, shook his head and said, "No need, just pass the towel by the side... My sister-in-law has taken care of me for several years, and I should take good care of her once..."

Shu Shu didn't force her, worried that she didn't have enough time, and said, "Then you should wipe your face first, so that I can put makeup on my sister-in-law, without delay..."

Si Fujin nodded, took two steps on his knees, and uncovered the white silk on Da Fujin's face.

Da Fujin's eyes were closed and his face was pale.

Hair is also thinning, almost falling out.

Si Fujin hurriedly raised his head, holding back the tears so that they didn't fall on Da Fujin's face.

She wiped it from her forehead, all the way to her neck, and behind her ears, before she made room for Shu Shu.

Shu Shu let out a few breaths, sat on the edge of the kang, and looked directly at Da Fujin's remains.

It's a strange feeling.

But the facial features are still somewhat familiar.

This is the Da Fujin whose sallow complexion couldn't be suppressed by the thick powder in my impression?

In fact, the number of times the two met is one of the few, adding up is one hand.

The reason why I feel familiar is not because I met him before, but because I just met Da Gege.

Dagegexiao's mother, so looking at Dafujin's eyebrows and eyes now looks a little familiar.

There are several dishes beside the kang, which Shushu asked the maid to pick out just now.

It's face cream, powder, rouge, eyebrow cake, lip balm and so on.

Shu Shu dug out a large ball of ointment and moistened it in the palm of her hand.

Da Fujin's face was cold.

When Shu Shu touched it, she shivered for a while, not afraid in her heart, so she diverted her attention, thinking about the little princesses outside and the little elder brother who hadn't shown up today.

I reminded myself that Concubine Hui would send someone to protect her.

Can these children avoid the fate of early death?

It seems that they all died when they were in their twenties. Has anyone lived past their thirties?
Among them, there may be reasons for the elder brother's loss of power and being banned, but his poor health is also certain.

Otherwise, the probability of early death is too great.

Since Emperor Taizu, the clan has experienced many ups and downs, and the clan daughters in Mongolia died without saying that their natal family lost power.

Just like the old county magistrate in Horqin.

Not so tough now...

She thought in her heart, but the movements of her hands were not slow.

And don't skimp on materials.

This time, most of the rest will be burned before the funeral.

I didn't think about the "naked feeling" or anything.

Apply a thick layer of ointment evenly, on the face, neck, and behind the ears, so as not to have two colors on the face and neck, which is unsightly.

After the face paste, a thick layer of powder comes on top.

As for card not card powder and so on...

Even if it is not picky, it should not be too rough, like painting a wall.

After a layer of powder, Shu Shu asked for a wrung wet towel to cover Da Fujin's face for a while.

Then there is the second layer of powder, and the makeup is much smoother and more natural.

Then came the makeup.


The shape of the eyebrows is wrong, it should be because it has not been trimmed for a long time, and the tails of the eyebrows are a bit messy.

Shu Shu raised her head, and told the servant girl standing beside her, "Bring two pieces of cotton thread..."

This servant girl was the one who served Da Fujin's makeup on weekdays. With tears in her eyes and pleading, she whispered: "Jiu Fujin, let the maidservant come and wrinkle our Fujin's eyebrows?"

Shu Shu nodded, gave up her seat, and ordered: "Just follow the style that my sister-in-law usually likes..."

The maid agreed, and went to the dressing table to get a small box, which contained things for shaving the face and eyebrows.

Seeing this, Shu Shu realized that she had just been negligent.

Forget about shaving.

But the makeup is almost done, so there is no need to worry about it.

Wait until the maid has fixed her eyebrows.

Shu Shu has already trimmed the eyebrow pancake into a pen tip with scissors.

She is like a painting, a thread of thrush, instead of a single line that everyone is used to now.

Not only did she draw the eyebrows, but she also added some to the corners of Da Fujin's eyes to make the eyes more distinct.

Then there's rouge.

It is not the current method of rubbing two groups of red on the cheekbones, but from thick to light, with different levels on the cheeks.

When it was time to apply lip balm, she didn't put this directly on Da Fujin's lips.

Now the lip balm is colorless, and it prevents chapped lips in winter.

Shu Shu added the rouge and lip balm, mixed them in the palm of her hand, and melted the two with her body temperature.

Then, in order to show the color, she first applied powder on Da Fujin's lips, and then put on the lip balm with Zhenghong rouge.

Like the finishing touch, Da Fujin's face suddenly became alive.

The face is fair, the eyebrows are clear and handsome, and the lips are like red pearls.


Sifujin had already helped wipe his body, and watched Shushu's movements from the side.

Seeing this, she couldn't hold back any longer and lowered her head to weep.

Several servant girls looked at each other and knelt together.

They were grateful, and also knew that they were not qualified to thank the two Fujins for their master's favor, so they could only kowtow.

For the next time, the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother were silent.

However, both of them moved in the same way, looking in a slightly different direction.

The attention of the two is also inside.

It happened to be quiet inside, and occasionally there was a sentence or two, and the volume was extremely low, so it couldn't be heard clearly outside.

The fourth elder brother could still hold on, but the ninth elder brother couldn't sit still, and raised his voice to ask: "It's been half an hour, are you okay?"

Shu Shu took the towel, wiped her palms, and said, "I just need to change my clothes..."

Brother Jiu heard this and really wanted to ask a question.

What did you do before?

Such a delay? !
On the fourth elder brother's side, thinking about the next procedure, he walked to the door and ordered a steward, "Find an empty room and remove the door panel..."

Da Fujin moved his spirit, and he had to carry it to the coffin in front of him.

According to the current rules, some people rent the lifting board from the funeral shop, and some use the door board directly.

for a while.

It was not easy for Shu Shu and Si Fujin.

Because Da Fujin's body was already stiff.

When I took off my clothes before, it was only one layer, and the middle clothes were also loose.

Now you have to wear seven layers, and some of them fit well, and there is not much room for it.

The two of them, plus the four maidservants, were not idle, and they were busy with their work, and it took half an hour to put on all seven layers of clothes.

The outermost layer is the court clothes of the prince Fujin.

Da Fujin's hair has been neatly combed, and he is wearing the crown of Prince Fujin.

When the busy work was over, Shu Shu and Si Fujin were half sweating.

Shu Shu couldn't care less about being afraid, and Si Fujin couldn't care less about feeling sad.

The sisters-in-law looked at each other, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Si Fujin wiped his forehead before walking to the door, and said to Brother Si: "Master, well, please come over with the children..."

The fourth elder brother nodded, and ordered the little eunuch at the door to call for someone.

Si Fujin thought about Er Gege and the little brother who were not in the yard, and reminded: "There are also little brother and Er Gege, call someone to pick them up..."

The fourth elder brother nodded, and sent other people to pick him up.

After a while, the elder brother hurried over with the elder brother.

Aunt Qingxi, who was in the wing room, was also summoned, and she brought Sangege and Sigege with her.

Er Gege held the hand of the little elder brother, and also arrived front and back.

After entering for a while, Da Gege went to the Kang.

After seeing Da Fujin's face clearly, she was pleasantly surprised, and went to hold Da Fujin's hand: "Ernie..."

Then the smile froze and turned sad.

The elder brother stared at his sleeping wife in a daze.

Dafu Jin was twenty-six years old, but due to years of lingering sickness, he looked old before, like a man in his thirties.

Now that she is full of make-up, plus she is thinner and has a slapped face, she is much younger than her actual age, and she looks like a jasper youth.

The elder brother looked at his wife, and his mind was full of those sweet days of the couple.

She was pregnant with Da Gege and gave birth to Da Gege. Although she was slightly disappointed, she was still full of joy.

Pregnant with Ergege, looking forward to having both children, the result...

Several children surrounded Da Fujin.

The two older Gege already knew what life and death are, and they were crying.

The two little princesses were still a little confused, and they went to grab Da Fujin's clothes cautiously, bringing attachment.

The little elder brother didn't know the age of worry, he giggled and was about to pounce on Da Fujin.

Seeing this, elder brother Jiu quickly hugged the younger elder brother and coaxed him: "Be good, don't disturb your sleep..."

The little elder brother covered his mouth with his little hand, looking like I am obedient.

Brother Jiu boasted in a hoarse voice: "You are really obedient, you are a good boy..."

The fourth elder brother saw that the eldest elder brother was unsteady, so he had no choice but to come forward and ask someone to tear down the window...

I cried when I wrote the last chapter, and then Chapter 2 was slower.Hey.

(End of this chapter)

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