My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 286 Don't do anything in the future

Chapter 286 Don't do anything from now on

It is the rule nowadays to tear down windows.

Not because the door is narrow and inconvenient, the window is wide or something, but because the door is for the living, not for the dead.

Therefore, when transferring spirits, you have to go through the window, not the door.

The previous windows were tightly covered and matted to block the light.

It is also a custom that the clothes and funerals are not allowed to see the sun.

The room was as bright as day before, and no one felt the slightest inconvenience, it was because of lighting a few sets of white candles.

Immediately to transfer spirit.

Si Fujin took the last step, took a veil and opened it.

Inside is a jade cicada.

This jade is a set, the others are used before dressing, this is the last one.

Sifujin stuffed it into Dafujin's mouth and called it "Hanfu".

Afraid that the children would cry and make trouble, Da Fujin's soul would not live, and refused to follow him.

Sifujin and Qingxi hugged each other, and took the little ones to the west room to avoid them.

Da Gege and Er Gege didn't cry, because they just got the order and knew that it would be bad for Ernie.

I just couldn't stop the tears, weeping silently.

The other little ones were still coaxed into a daze, but they were also quiet and well-behaved.

In the east, there are many people tearing down windows by hand.

In an instant, the window lattice and everything were removed.

The fresh air from outside comes in, and the stale air in the room goes out.

The door panels needed for the transfer of spirits were also placed on the side of the kang, covered with golden mattresses.

The elder brother did not pretend to be a human being, he hugged Da Fujin himself, stood up, and put her on the spirit board.

Brother Nine has already sent someone to the front to greet Brother Ten to come over.

The eldest brother and the fourth elder brother were in the house, and the ninth and tenth elder brothers met outside the window, turning the spiritual board outside.

Wherever it passed, the fragrance overflowed, covering up the previous bloody smell.

This was smeared several times with clove oil soaked in various spices specially provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs when the clothes were coffined.

Even wearing seven layers of clothes cannot completely cover the smell of spices.

Everyone was silent, and came to the front yard together with the spirit board.

The front yard is a funeral shed, covering the whole yard.

The coffin was in place, and the coffin was set up, with several layers of mattresses on it, not cotton, but spices.

Like the previous clove oil, it was also prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is a common practice for the county king Fujin to attend funerals.

Therefore, the spiritual bed was laid out neatly, and three offering tables were placed in front of the spiritual bed, on which were five offerings of silver.

In the corner of the courtyard, there are monks, Taoists, and Fan Daochang, and the ears are full of chanting.

When the spirit board was turned to the courtyard, all the deacons and servants in the courtyard knelt down.

There were clan members who had just come in to "visit the funeral" at the gate, and when they saw this, they began to howl.

The crying sound was ups and downs, but it was dry howling, not tears.

This is the rule of "seeking funerals".

Previously, the princes Fujin and his clan relative Fujin sat dryly in the front, unable to proceed with the procedure of visiting the funeral, because there was no transfer of spirits, and there was nowhere to cry.

In the main hall of the front yard, the male guests in the front hall all went out when they heard the movement.

The female relatives in the back hall heard the crying outside and knew that they were going to sleep, so they all came out.

San Fujin had already got up, striding out with his clan relatives, Fujin.

Ba Fujin has already woken up, looking a little tired, and has no intention of getting up.

Wu Fujin also got up, seeing Ba Fujin's appearance, he was a little worried.

When Seventh Fujin saw him, he said to Wu Fujin: "There are so many people now, it's easy to collide, so my eighth sibling and I will go out slowly..."

Wu Fujin nodded, and then came out after the female relatives in front.

In the funeral shed outside, there were more women's cries.

Sifujin brought Qingxi to the Kuayuan to resettle some children, and Shu Shu brought some maidservants from Dafujin to the front.

At the time of the funeral, the servants of the prince's mansion started to wear the clothes and began to wear the mourning for the mother.

However, someone needed to take care of the candles and fruits in front of the coffin, so Shu Shu brought a few people over.

For women nowadays, the relationship between master and servant is no worse than the righteousness between husband and wife.

Especially honorable women spend more time with maids than their parents and husbands.

Dafu Jin passed away, and the elder brother cleared away, and these girls also looked like mourning concubines.

When Shu Shu saw her, she felt pity when she thought of the people around her.

Hearing everyone's howling, Shu Shu waved his hand to send the four maidservants to the front, stopped by himself, and tightened his hand holding the handkerchief.

I should cry too...

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, I can't cry...

Shu Shu stood in a hidden place next to her, intending to see the situation of the other princes Fujin first.

Sisters-in-law, you shouldn't be able to howl...

If it doesn't work, just wait here for Si Fujin to come out, and then act with Si Fujin.

The dry howls in front have already come and gone.

"Oh, auntie, why did you just leave... My niece and daughter-in-law's heart, you just dug it out..."

Hearing the sound of crying, one knew the identity of the visitor. This was the daughter-in-law of the clan's nephew.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, please go slowly, we are here to see you off, we will never see you again..."

This is not the prince Fujin, but a cheeky little daughter-in-law, I don't know which mansion it is from.

Now the family members and female relatives who come to visit the funeral are not limited to the inlaid blue flag and the Zhenghong flag.

Other clans who had received news from other banners also arrived one after another.

In addition to clan members, there are also relatives-in-law.

Dafujin's natal family, Irgenjueluo family, elder brother's niece's Nala family, and the married prince's in-laws are also considered in-laws, and they want to come to express their condolences.

The Jue Luo family from the Dutong Mansion also came.

Seeing Da Fujin go to bed, the prince Fujin started crying along with his clan relative Fujin.

Jue Luoshi was a little anxious.

Why is there no one in the palace?
So much delay?
It took half a day.

Walnut and Xiaosong were left in the front yard, following Wu Fujin.

Xiaosong's eyes were sharp, seeing Jue Luo Shi, he hurriedly told Wu Fujin in a low voice.

Wu Fujin withdrew from the crowd and came to say hello.

Seeing this, Jueluo hurriedly asked for blessings, but Wu Fujin helped him up.

"They are all close relatives, there is no need for auntie..."

When Wu Fujin expressed his closeness, Jue Luoshi was not polite, and followed him.

Seeing Xiaosong and Walnut following Wu Fujin, Jue Luo felt relieved.

The daughter is out, it's fine if there is no delay.

This kind of funeral should be done sooner rather than later, otherwise it would be easy to be picked on.

She was not in a hurry to ask, but Wu Fujin was afraid that she would be worried, and said, "Ninth brother and sister followed our fourth sister-in-law to take care of a few children..."

The two were talking, and Shu Shu had already come over.

It turned out that she was watching the movements of the princes Fujin in the corner.

At the beginning, the female relatives were not there, but later Sanfujin and Wufujin came out, but the Seventh and Bafujin were nowhere to be seen.

San Fujin followed the clan Fujin, squeezed in front of the coffin, and was properly in the middle, with a sense of presence.

However, Sanfujin seemed too embarrassed to howl, so he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, tears streaming down his face.

Wu Fujin took a step behind, did not squeeze in front of the spirit, and then moved outside.

Curious, Shu Shu followed and happened to see Jue Luo Shi.

Shu Shu hurried forward a few steps, and hugged Jue Luo's arm, her body couldn't help trembling.

Jue Luoshi was about to reprimand her, but changed his mind when he saw this, and rubbed her back and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this will happen to you..."

Shu Shu choked up and said, "I'm afraid, Er Nie and Ama will live a long life, love me and spoil me, don't let me become an abandoned person..."

Today, the loss of a father is "lost father", the loss of mother is "lost mother", and the death of both parents is "solitary dew" and "abandonment".

When Jue Luo heard this, he changed the movement of his hands, changed the strength, and beat several times with "pa pa pa".

"Bah bah! You don't even know what a taboo you are talking about!"

I feel that Luo Shi has no strength left.

Shu Shu staggered from being slapped, but she also slapped her tears back.

She raised her head to look at the sky, and said embarrassingly, "Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji..."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Jue Luoshi with grievances: "I'm still a child, and Enie is willing to work so hard..."

Jue Luoshi glared at her, and said, "If you talk like this again, I'll hit you next time..."

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin came out with Brother Jiu, but they were also left in front. They had seen Jue Luoshi earlier, and went to see Brother Jiu to report.

Brother Jiu hurried over to see his mother-in-law, and saw the part where the mother-in-law is teaching her daughter.

His face was a little ugly, and his cheeks were bulging.

Why are you still interested in getting started? !
What can't you say well?
There is also the fifth sister-in-law, who is just watching from the side, and doesn't know how to stop her.

When he came up to him, after hearing Jue Luo's words, Brother Jiu stepped forward to persuade him: "I'm not a child, how can I beat you? In the future, please don't do anything, just say that she is..."

Jue Luoshi: "..."

Seeing that he misunderstood, Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Ernie didn't hit me, she just slapped me twice... It's my fault, I'm talking nonsense..."

"That can't be done!"

Brother Jiu said unwillingly.

Jue Luo's face drooped and he looked at Brother Jiu.

Is this really stupid, or fake stupid?
Didn't you see that Shu Shu was scared?
His face was so pale that he was afraid of people.

His whole body was trembling, and his mind was unstable.

I don't know what to think about.

If I didn't slap her twice to divert her mind, I'm afraid she would be restless at night.

Where would Brother Jiu think of anything else?

Under the eyes of his mother-in-law, he realized that his tone just now was not right and not gentle enough, so he hurriedly tried to make up for it: "This is too much strength, and your hands hurt; if your strength is too weak, it is useless, and you are still angry because of your size. What's wrong with Fujin, you still tell me..."

Jue Luo raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter? I told Elder Brother, Elder Brother wants to do it himself?"

Brother Jiu really wanted to show off his husband's identity outside, but he wouldn't foolishly brag in front of his mother-in-law, so he quickly shook his head and said, "How can I do that? I'll punish her for copying books..."

Seeing them talking, Wu Fujin didn't bother her, bid farewell to Jueluo, left Xiaosong and walnuts to Shu Shu, and returned to her soul.

Now is not the time to be silly.

He felt that Luo Shi lived nearby, so he came here for a cutscene.

The official mourning is the day after tomorrow's funeral and the "first seven".

The cutscene is over, the girl and uncle have also met, and she is going back.

Brother Jiu didn't disturb the other deacons, and took Shu Shu to send Jueluo family out of the county palace.

Before getting into the carriage, Jue Luo touched Shu Shu's body.

The cotton clothes are all newly made, but they are just cotton clothes, not as good as fur to keep out the cold.

"There are some cotton cloaks at home, newly made, prepared for important events, and I have no upper body yet. I will send someone to bring them to you in a while, and you sisters-in-law will share a share..."

Jue Luo said.

This important preparation is naturally for the uncle.

It is prepared every winter, just to sit at night for vigil, and when it is not needed for the New Year, it will be rewarded for the New Year without throwing money.

Before Shu Shu got married, she looked at the account books at home, and knowing this expense, she nodded and said, "That's great, I was just thinking about how to stay up at night."

Jue Luoshi glanced at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine was obedient, with a respectful expression on his face.

Jue Luo said: "My elder brother remembers what I said today, and when I encounter something in the future, I will blame her, don't do anything..."

Ninth elder brother can't wait to curse and swear: "I definitely won't do anything... Don't worry, it's not a man who beats a wife..."

Jue Luo snorted softly, stopped talking about this, and said: "I heard that some young elder brothers in the palace have also come. If it is cold today, and the night is even colder, I will send more cloaks later, and the elder brothers will also come here. Keep a copy, don't dislike simplicity, keep out the cold..."

The princes were spoiled and spoiled, and they couldn't stand the cold.

In this bitter cold season, if you get sick from frostbite, it's no joke.

My girl and uncle brought people out, so I should take them back properly...

Brother Jiu was not polite, and said: "You can't just give it to the younger ones, I'm afraid the older brothers will also use it. If the mother-in-law is rich, I will send them all, not too much..."

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:20 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
 There are more allies!Whispered, the first leader is a little friend, the second leader is a little friend, today the third is still a little friend, and the leader is also a little friend, they are all very good young ladies, ^_^.

  Regardless of the encouragement from friends, or the big subscriptions, monthly tickets, and rewards from readers, Jiu, as a professional author, is always grateful and grateful. There will be recommendations next week, and I will try to add more.Good day and happy weekend everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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