Chapter 287 Half of the Meeting

The Dutong Mansion is in the back street of the Prince's Mansion, about a mile away.

When Jueluo's carriage returned to Dutong Mansion, Qi Xi was already waiting.

He has the post of Commander of the Eight Banners on his body, so it's not easy to get close to the prince, otherwise, he might cause trouble for both of them.

Even the in-laws did not show up.

After helping his wife out of the car, he couldn't wait to ask: "Has Fujin come out of the palace? Are you really going to stay in the palace for three days? How is the funeral going?"

"Come out, follow the elder brother to serve the emperor's order, and bring a few younger elder brothers out, and they will arrive in the morning... They are close relatives, and they can't go back until they have to be coffined... The first thing is messy, like Dafu Jinyi The coffin was delayed, I just went to the coffin..."

Jue Luo answered one by one.

Qi Xi listened, his face was not very good-looking.

"Tomorrow is the ninth day, and it's still extremely cold this year. The funeral shed is outside, and it's still smoky..."

Those who are Ama can think of this, but those who are Ene can't think of it?
Jue Luo had already made plans.

She took the initiative to tell Shu Shu to send the cloak for this reason.

Jue Luoshi did not delay, entered the Dutong Mansion, and continued with a series of orders.

From the warehouse, I dug out two bolts of gauze used as a curtain.

Then the women who were needleworkers in Dutong Mansion were all called to the upper room.

Jueluo sent someone to the next door to borrow someone from Mrs. Uncle.

All the people in the sewing room of Bofu borrowed it for half a day.

Mrs. Uncle felt strange, and after sending someone over, she also arrived.

As a result, Jue Luoshi's main room is full, and there are already a dozen women.

Some are cutting with scissors, and some are already sitting on a small child and starting to sew.

What she did was nothing but the "mask" that Shu Shu had worn when she was at home two years ago.

After Shu Shu remembered the mask, she not only put on the anti-air conditioner, but also asked people to do a lot more, and all the family members were sent there.

According to Shu Shu's words, covering the mouth and nose can not only prevent the cold air, but also isolate the sick air.

Those who are weak like Uncle and his son, and Xiaowu and Xiaoliu are the most likely to be infected with illness.

At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously, but after using it, the fever and colds decreased, which made sense.

After two or three years, masks are no longer a rare thing in the two provinces.

But it doesn’t take that much, does it?

There were two bolts of gauze on the table, and it looked like they were going to be cut out.

This would have to make hundreds of masks...

When Jueluo heard that his sister-in-law had arrived, he came out to welcome her.

The two sisters-in-law went to the West Room to talk.

Thinking about the situation in the outhouse, Mrs. Uncle asked, "The ones prepared for Shu Shu, why do you use so much?"

Jue Luo said: "It's too eye-catching for a single person to wear it in front of everyone, but if you don't wear it, let alone whether it's cold or not, even if it's smoky, you can't stand the choking..."

There were a lot of people doing it, but within two hours, several packs of masks came out.

The cloaks in the warehouse were also taken out.

They were all newly made at the end of September. The inside was made of thick blue cloth, and the cotton inside was a full inch thick.

When I put one in my hand, I feel that it is heavy, and I can't hold three or four catties of cotton.

There are thirty pieces in total, ten women's cloaks in maroon color and ten men's cloaks in indigo blue.

There are also ten cloaks in dark gray in three sizes, all for children.

These cloaks are used when preparing for their own errands.

Thinking of his sons, Jueluo made these cloaks which were not of sufficient size.

Jueluo called his nephew Fusong and eldest son Zhuliang over.

Let them send the cloak and mask to the palace.

Both cousins ​​happily ran errands.

In fact, there was a trip to the north. Speaking of which, they haven't seen my sister for several months, so it's good to take the opportunity to meet.

Zhu Liang led people to load the car.

Fusong has already gone to the kitchen.

He has participated in funerals and knows that his relatives have the rule of "reducing food for three days". He feels sorry for his sister and wants to take the opportunity to give something that can be eaten.

It happened that Zhuangzi sent two baskets of peanuts last autumn, peeled the peanuts and put them away.

A few little ones love to eat this stuffed halva.

Making candy is cumbersome now, so Fu Song asked someone to fry two bowls directly.

It was too late to cool, and as soon as it came out of the pan, it was divided into several packs.

Zhu Liang has already packed the car and is waiting for Fusong.

When Fu Song came over, the two brothers sat outside on the shaft of the car without calling for another car.

Both of them were wearing cloaks and ermine hats, so they were not afraid of the cold.

In less than a stick of incense, the carriage arrived at the front of the county palace.

The mess at the door was gone, and it became orderly.

The cousins ​​got out of the carriage.

Zhu Liang stepped forward to tell the deacon at the door his identity.

Hearing that they were the young master of the Dutong Mansion and the in-laws of the Ninth Prince, the deacon bowed and invited them in.

Zhu Liang waved his hand and said: "I won't go in, please trouble the manager to please Master Jiu..."

The steward didn't respond yet, the fourth elder brother sent someone out, just in time to see.

After sending off the clan relatives, the fourth elder brother came over, but his eyes fell on Fu Song, and he took a look: "Are you Master Qi Xi's eldest son, Zhu Liang?"

Fu Song chattered, glanced at his cousin and said: "He is Zhu Liang, I am his cousin, Master Qi is my uncle..."

The fourth elder brother's expression remained unchanged, and he had sorted out the relationship in his heart.

It turned out to be Jiufujin's cousin, no wonder they look alike.

He looked at Zhu Liang and felt that something was not enough.

The fourth elder brother is close to the East Palace, and has some personal relationships with the prince's brother-in-law and the brother-in-law of the clan general.

Knowing that it was the younger brother of the nine younger siblings, or his future niece and son-in-law, the fourth elder brother came to take a look.

I didn't expect to admit the wrong person.

Looking at Fusong Zhilan Yushu before, his demeanor is calm, which makes people feel good.

In contrast, Zhu Liang looked much worse.

Zhu Liang has an honest personality, she was bewildered by the fourth elder brother, and her face turned red.

Brother Jiu got the news and came out, that's what he saw.

He leaned over, a little curious, and asked the fourth elder brother: "Did the fourth elder brother scold him? Is this something irregular?"

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, and saw that he, the brother-in-law, was not trying to protect his brother-in-law, but was just watching the scene, not prudent enough.

Zhu Liang was nervous before, and now she is also a little unhappy, but she still called out honestly: "Brother-in-law, Ernie asked me to bring the cloak over..."

Only then did Brother Jiu think of the business, and said, "Okay, okay, I'm waiting..."

Two carriages, more than a dozen large and small bags.

Brother Nine was speechless and said, "How many have you saved?"

Before, he brazenly asked his mother-in-law to send more, thinking that he would be rich enough to pay for three or five items, but he didn't expect it to be so much.

Zhu Liang honestly took out the list, handed it to Brother Jiu and said, "There are thirty cloaks in five sizes, and the remaining five packs are all masks..."

As he spoke, he took out a white gauze mask from his sleeve.

"That's it, so you don't get burned, everyone coughs..."

Brother Jiu was very annoyed.


He had forgotten about Shu Shu's serious illness, but fortunately his mother-in-law remembered it, otherwise he would have fallen ill in full view, and the news might not be concealed.

Brother Nine was overjoyed and said, "Mother-in-law is more thoughtful, I'm so smoked to death, my throat is itching..."

There were twelve packages in total, seven large ones for cloaks and five small ones for masks.

They were all unloaded outside.

Fu Song looked at the gate of the palace with regret, knowing that he would not have the chance to see his sister today.

He untied the two pouches on his waist, took out two more from his sleeves, stuffed them together to Elder Brother Jiu, and said in a low voice, "Here are a few packets of peanuts, please spare time for Master Jiu to give them to sister. If you are hungry, eat a few pads..."

The peanuts have only just come out of the pot, and they are still warm through the purse.

Brother Jiu held it up and looked at Fu Song speechless.

It seems that the mother-in-law and brother-in-law are very caring, but it makes my husband negligent.

He was a little uncomfortable, but nodded without saying anything.

The fourth elder brother was beside him, with a serious face, looking at the ninth elder brother with pickiness.

"You asked Mrs. Dutong for these cloaks?"

Brother Jiu nodded, shook his head again, and said with a bit of pretense: "Most of them are what I want, and a small part is what my mother-in-law was going to give. Seeing that my Fujin is wearing thin clothes, I plan to send a few. Let her share with her sisters-in-law, as well as the thirteenth and fourteenth children, and I'll see you next to me, so I'll take ours too..."

The fourth elder brother originally thought it was against the rules.

It's only these two days of vigil, how can it be hard?
Pampered, what does it look like?
After hearing this, I don't know whether to train or not.

It is true that Mrs. Dutong cherishes her daughter, thinking of her daughter's sister-in-law and brother-in-law is also the reason for her thoroughness.

Lao Jiu is not here for what he wants, he is thinking about his brothers.

Seeing that he didn't speak, brother Jiu became more proud: "There are so many in-laws, only my mother-in-law's family gave things... Our Fujin is the eldest daughter of my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and my son-in-law is filial and courteous. My dear son waited..."

The fourth elder brother didn't like it.

What happened to the eldest daughter?What happened to the eldest son-in-law?
Which girl is not precious?

Isn't the Dutong Mansion right in front of you?
It is also inconvenient for other mansions to send things.

Ninth elder brother was overjoyed, thinking of the situation of Sifujin's natal family, he felt a little sympathetic to fourth elder brother.

It's just a glamorous face, with no help at all.

He felt that he should be more honest, and signaled He Yuzhu to give the list to the fourth elder brother: "There are a total of thirty cloaks. In addition to the sisters-in-law's and our brother's, there are more than ten more. Fourth brother, how do you divide them..."

To be honest, cotton cloaks are not worth much.

Adding up so much would not cost twenty taels of silver.

The rare thing is that it is currently in use.

The fourth elder brother looked carefully, and his eyes mainly fell on the smaller size at the back, and then he made a distribution.

"These ten gray ones, take out two large ones and give them to the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother. Don't move the rest, it will be convenient for the nieces to use later...The twenty pieces, in addition to the ten we used Three pieces, and the rest will be handed over to the account of the Wangfu first, and will be paid later when someone else comes..."

Ninth elder brother had no objection, looked at the four heavy purses in his hands, picked out a deflated one, and stuffed it into fourth elder brother's hand: "We will share half of it!"

The fourth elder brother originally wanted to stuff it back, but when he heard this, he lowered his head and looked at it. It was a purse, that's right. Then he looked up at the ninth elder brother, and there were three more in his hand.

Why is it half done?

(End of this chapter)

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