My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 288 If you can't eat it, don't eat it

Chapter 288 If You Can’t Eat It, Don’t Eat It (Second Monthly Pass Request)
The west side hall in front of the county palace.

All the female relatives who will keep watch tonight are here.

There are no clan female relatives, they are all cousins.

In addition to the five sisters-in-law Shu Shu, there are three other female relatives of the same generation.

One is San Fujin from Prince Yu's Mansion. She is not very old, seventeen or eighteen years old, and she is a young woman with a round face and a smiling face.

Of the five elder brothers in Prince Yu's mansion, only the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother live together. Their biological mother is Chu Fujin, and their birth is the same as that of a direct descendant.

Therefore, the third elder brother is actually the eldest son of the prince's mansion, but he has not yet reached the age of twenty, and has not officially invited him to be the prince's son.

In the early years, the children of the clan could ask for a seal at the age of fifteen. In recent years, the rules have been changed and extended to the age of twenty.

This San Fujin of the Prince's Mansion came from a low background, and his family was the leader of the Banner of Prince Yu's Mansion. She was a beautiful girl from the Eight Banners in the same year as Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin.

Now in the house, the three blessings of the palace are ranked after Zhu Fujin.

But no one would take it lightly, Prince Yu is a close clan, or the emperor's elder brother, most likely he will receive grace, and his children will not be degraded in the next generation. In that way, this is the proper future Prince Fujin.

With so many sons of the emperor, how could they all be princes or county kings?
In the future, the ranking of this cousin may not be higher than everyone else's ranking.

The three Fujins of the palace also knew their identity and future, and respected the princes Fujin with calmness.

The remaining two female relatives are the same cousins, but they are not as calm as Sanfujin in the palace.

They are the son-in-law and sister-in-law of Prince Gong's mansion.

Of the six elder brothers in Prince Gong's mansion, except for the elder brother who passed away early, the other five are all standing together, and now two of them are married.

However, unlike the three elder brothers of Prince Yu's Mansion, the two elder brothers of Prince Gong's Mansion were both from Shufu Jin.

Although the Eight Banners have entered the customs for many years, no matter whether it is in the clan or the Eight Banners, there is still a clear lineage.

Only the ones from the Di Fujin and the Side Fujin will be regarded as the main branches, regardless of how many are from the concubines.

Now the rumors about Prince Yu's Mansion are well known to everyone.

It's the third elder brother, there is no one else.

Unless he made a mistake, the title would fall to his half-brother.

At Prince Gong's mansion, there were people watching the fun, and it was hard to say what would happen in the future.

The five elder brothers are all concubines.

The concubine's attack on the noble is to descend.

But the concubine is different from the concubine. The youngest son, the sixth elder brother, is born to the concubine daughter of the eldest princess Kechun.

Princess Kechun is still alive, although she has lived in seclusion in the palace for many years, but who knows if the emperor will show grace at that time.

As for whether this concubine is a sinner of the Wu family, there are not many people who care about it.

It was less than a hundred years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, and every batch of sinners was pardoned one after another.

There is no fixed number.

Now the second elder brother and the third elder brother of Prince Gong's mansion have already turned [-]. After passing the imperial examination, they have already obtained titles. One is General Fuguo and the other is General Feng En.

These two female relatives are the wives of the two clan generals.

Among the female family members of the clan, this status is almost the lowest.

Therefore, the two wives are the oldest, and they are the cousins ​​of the princes Fujin, but they are not qualified to talk about seniority, they can only talk about superiority and inferiority, they are at the bottom, and their expressions are also cautious.

Things are still separated.

To the east are Sanfujin, Wufujin, Bafujin, Wangfu Sanfujin and General Feng En's wife.

To the west are Sifujin, Qifujin, Shushu, and Fuguo General's wife.

Shu Shu sat between Qifu Jin and General Fuguo's wife, a little embarrassed.

Because the wife of General Fuguo who sat below her was none other than her cousin of the same great-grandfather.

In terms of age, the general's wife is ten years older than Shu Shu.

The general's wife, her family background is not low, and the gege of the deputy capital's mansion is about the same as that of Qifu Jin.

Her Ama is the cousin of the father-in-law Peng Chun, and the cousin of Qi Xi and uncle.

Same cousin, but different.

Because of the adoption involved, Uncle and Qi Xi are cousins ​​by blood. According to etiquette, they are already cousins, separated by the house, not offshoots of the government.

This general's wife is a side branch of the government. Ama was the deputy governor of Zhenghongqi and Peng Chun's right-hand man, but died in the battle of Ulan Butong.

The general's wife's family lost its mainstay, and there was no title and world title inheritance, so it fell silent, not as good as before.

The reason why he was able to marry into the clan was because Prince Gong missed his old love.

It seems that since the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, when the Ulan Butong War began, there have been changes within Dong E's family.

Peng Chun of the government lost Zhenghongqi Dutong, and his cousin died in battle.

On the contrary, here in the uncle's mansion, which had no sense of existence before, the uncle is still abolished, but his brother Qi Xi has risen.

In a few years of hard work, from Zuoling to the Mongolian vice capital, from the Mongolian vice capital to the Manchurian capital, he became the head of Zhenghongqi.

The emperor was determined to promote that side, and in thirty-four years he added a hereditary assistant leader to Qi Xi.

You must know that Qi Xi had brought the assistant of Bofu to lead the world before.

But it's just escrow, because the uncle and his son are in poor health, and they will be returned in the future.

It will be different if there is one more assistant leader in the world, and it can be passed on to Qi Xi's own descendants.

It is equivalent to the head of the house on the side of the uncle's mansion, and there will be two world posts in the future, one more than the mansion on the government's side.

There are titles, world positions, and real vacancies. At present, they can't catch up with the government, but they are not bad.

Zhenghong Banner Dong E's family has a total of seven branches, six branches in Manchuria, and one branch in Baoyi. In this way, the forces are divided equally, and they are attached to the Gongfu and the Bofu.

Shu Shu thought about the relationship between the two families, so she was very polite to this cousin.

She clearly remembered that when she was a child, she went to the government's mansion and met this cousin. She was a very high-spirited person, although she was a little arrogant, but she didn't look down on her cousin and family sister just because she was Ge Ge from the vice capital's mansion.

Now such a cringe, watching people sigh.

General Fuguo's wife, facing Shu Shu's warmth, looked flattered, bowed her body, and said "you".

Although it was within the rules, there was no sign of intimacy between sisters.

Sanfujin sat across from him, looked straight at it, and felt unhappy.

Shu Shu What does this mean?

Is this going to the cousins ​​to stage a "Corporal Rite"?
Stepping on her own sister, showing the modesty of her prince Fujin?
There is also this cousin, who is also not up to date, and she doesn't even know how to sit upright.

What's wrong with the current level?
The position of the prince of the royal family is not yet determined.

She is the sister-in-law of the princes Fujin, not a slave.

How could Shushu know that Sanfujin was slandering her?
General Fuguo's wife was uncomfortable, so she also shut up, just hoping for a few more cloaks.

Otherwise, who is missing?

In terms of seniority, the room is full of sisters-in-law and cousins, and I am the youngest.

Speaking of dignity...

It's not a formal occasion, they are all close relatives, and it seems arrogant and indifferent to talk about dignity.

The room is not cold, and the four corners are lit with carbon basins.

But hungry.

Seven Fujin couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, took the purse, and gave way to the sisters-in-law.

"Sisters-in-law, try it, you won't be hungry, and you can fool your mouth..."

Only Sanfujin took two, and the others declined.

When they arrived at Shu Shu's place, Qi Fujin didn't let anyone else, just took two and stuffed them into her mouth: "You're still young, you're growing up, you won't be hungry..."

Shu Shu knew Qifu Jin's kindness.

This is because the sisters-in-law didn't eat candy, and ate it by themselves, fearing that someone would pick on their gluttony or ignorance.

She got up, helped Qifu Jin and said: "You should sit still, I'll go to the door to remind you, why hasn't the porridge come..."

The rule of this mourning is "three-day food reduction", not three-day fasting, and there are two pregnant women here.

After Shu Shu finished speaking, she got up and went to the door.

It was also a coincidence that the steward of the dining room brought porridge over.

Shu Shu didn't have much to do, returned to her seat and waited.

Everyone is sharing food, each person has a small table, with a tray on top.

There is a bowl of porridge and two side dishes on it.

The stewards of the palace are also doing their best to arrange things, and there is no intention to starve you nobles. The porridge is old yellow rice porridge, which is extremely sticky.

The side dishes are vegetarian, but they are thoughtful, a plate of sesame spinach, and a plate of sweet and sour kelp.

For other people, this meal is also very full.

Shu Shu's here is a bit difficult.

When I didn't eat before, even if I was a little hungry, it wasn't so difficult.

Now that a few spoonfuls of porridge have been eaten, the stomach is at the bottom, but the feeling of hunger suddenly rises, and it is uncomfortable to scratch the heart and lungs.

Everyone tossed for a day, no matter what they liked to eat or not, they used their chopsticks more.

Only Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin held the spoons, but they didn't start drinking the porridge.

Both of them had dinner with Shu Shu, knowing her appetite, worried that she would not have enough.

After Shu Shu had eaten less than half of the bowl, Wu Fujin got up and brought the porridge bowl over.

"I don't have an appetite, I can't eat, my younger brother and sister help me share..."

As Wu Fujin said, he wanted to bring some porridge.

Shu Shu thought that Wu Fujin really had no appetite, so she removed the porridge bowl, and said with disapproval: "I still have to boil the night, and Wu sister-in-law has no appetite, so I have to eat more..."

Wu Fujin insisted: "I really can't eat it, let's talk about it when the time comes..."

Shu Shu didn't want to fight with her any more, so she picked up the porridge bowl with both hands.

Sanfujin had already eaten more than half of the bowl, when he heard the movement here, he looked over and found something was wrong.

Si Fujin on the opposite side took a mouthful of porridge and made a gesture, without even chewing.

Qifujin took the spoon and pretended to stir it in the porridge bowl twice, then put it down again, picked up a chopstick of spinach.

Shu Shu... this is really delicious...

The wife of General Fuguo, who was at the bottom, moved her chopsticks for a long time, and half of the kelp was caught, but she couldn't get it into her mouth for a long time.

Sanfujin looked at her side again.

Needless to say, Wu Fujin has already asked others to share.

Here, Fujin is just stirring the spoon, without opening his mouth.

San Fujin of King Yu's Mansion next to him was still eating porridge bowls, probably because of everyone's "not thinking about food", he put down the porridge bowls, his face flushed, and he felt uncomfortable.

General Feng En's wife at the back held the chopsticks and kept paying attention to everyone, but she was also hesitant and cautious, and did not dare to move the chopsticks.

Sanfujin scolded in his heart, but he couldn't eat much.

Otherwise it would show that she is heartless.

Going to a funeral, crying and crying, if it's just for a few bites of food, it's not worth it.

She not only put down the bowls and chopsticks by herself, but also gave Shu Shu a wink.

Shu Shu's thoughts were all on the porridge bowl, she couldn't take her eyes off it.

The old yellow rice looks viscous and bright yellow, and it smells fascinating.


what sound?
Shu Shu's hearing is better than the average person's, and she can hear even the inconspicuous sounds.

She looked at Wu Fujin's stomach with a dazed expression.

Wu Fujin had already poured half a bowl of porridge over, and smiled gently: "Thank you, Jiu Si Si..."

After finishing speaking, she took the porridge bowl and returned to her seat.

Shu Shu realized that this was reserved for herself.

In this cold winter season, half a bowl of porridge under the hungry...

Shu Shu didn't eat it, and felt that it would be difficult to eat such a good and fragrant porridge in the future.

Seeing her staring at the porridge bowl in a daze, Qi Fujin next to her urged with a smile, "What are you thinking about? Eat it quickly, and help me share half the bowl. Yellow rice is not easy to digest, so I don't dare to eat more..."

But Shu Shu won't be fooled the second time.

She hurriedly said: "I've had enough, I've had enough, I really can't take it anymore, Seventh Sister-in-law eats by herself..."

Qi Fujin didn't expect her reaction, so he couldn't help being stunned.

Shu Shu raised her chin, signaling Qi Fujin to eat quickly.

No matter how hungry I am, I will not compete with pregnant women for food.

Qifujin was still hesitating, and Sanfujin on the opposite side quit.

what happened? !

On weekdays, they pretended to be like sisters-in-law, but now they each took Shushu as rafts.

Although Sanfujin had a lot of opinions on Shu Shu in his heart, he would not watch them stepping on the reputation of Dong E's family.

What has become of this spread?
They are all good sisters-in-law, who are so uncomfortable that they can't eat, so they are so cold and greedy?

You can't write two Dong E families in one stroke.

At that time, others will criticize Dong E's family's upbringing, and even her will be implicated.

"lay down!"

Sanfujin said to Shu Shu with a straight face.

Everyone was taken aback. They first looked at Sanfujin, and then followed her gaze to Shushu.

Shu Shu was stared at hairy, looking at Sanfujin, not understanding why she was fussy.

San Fujin frowned and said: "How old is it, I don't know how serious it is! Don't force it if you can't eat it, old yellow rice is not easy to digest, and you have to toss people when you have a stomachache..."

Her tone was a little harsh, but it also brought intimacy and protection.

Holding the porridge bowl, Shu Shu couldn't cope with it.

God, let alone one bowl, even three bowls, she can do it!

This sister loves to come at a bit of a bad time!
She has an iron stomach!

But nowadays, big stomach kings are not popular. If a noble girl eats too much, it is shabby.

Shu Shu's mind was a little empty, and she didn't know how to change her words and continue eating.

At this moment, Sifujin got up.

She walked over with guilt on her face, not allowing Shu Shu to speak, and took the porridge bowl directly.

"If you can't eat it, don't eat it..."

At this point, Si Fujin turned around and explained to everyone: "In the first afternoon, I took my nine siblings to accompany a few nieces in the backyard. Later, when my sister-in-law was going to dress, we helped each other..."

A funeral process, one hour before and after.

It was also smoked with sesame oil for an hour.

Sifujin's stomach was also empty, but he had no appetite at all.

Comparing her heart with her heart, she felt that the same was true for Shu Shu, but she was too young to move her chopsticks.

Shu Shu's mind was full of food before, and she didn't even think about the stubble in the afternoon.

After listening to Si Fujin's words, not only did he have a picture in his mind, but also seemed to be full of complex smells under his nose.

The strong smell of blood, the pungent smell of spices, mixed together...

Her face was pale, and her stomach was rolling...

(End of this chapter)

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