Chapter 289 Do Not Hear Indecent Indecent
Shu Shu's expression just matched Si Fujin's words.

Sanfujin was in a daze, did he misread just now?
Was it barely eaten?

Maybe it is.

Otherwise, I wouldn't eat so fast.

Others have two or three spoons, and she will make half a bowl.

It's the clothes, Sifujin brought Shu Shu to intervene...

Sanfujin's face drooped.

Even if you want to call sister-in-law, shouldn't you call her?

Although it's not a good job, but who doesn't know that the emperor is very important, brother, and appointed to intervene in the funeral ceremony here.

At that time, those who follow the clothes will also be praised.

The members of the fourth family are not as honest as they appear.

Seeing Shu Shu's appearance, Si Fujin hurriedly poured tea and handed it to Shu Shu: "Quickly squeeze..."

Shu Shu smiled weakly at Si Fujin, and drank a cup of tea before suppressing the nausea in her chest.

But on Sifujin...

The faint smell of clove oil...

Maybe it wasn't on Si Fujin's body, but he was also infected.

Shu Shu felt that everything was wrong.

The room was brightly lit, but I always felt that there was something else in the sound of chanting outside.

It seemed to be whistling.

The windows flickered too.

Shu Shu's face turned paler.

Seeing Sifujin, she felt pitiful and cute, and said in a low voice: "Sit in the night for a while, you will come back after a turn, and take care of the two sisters-in-law's tea..."

This is said to be the seventh and eighth Fujin. Pregnant women avoid funeral affairs and come here today because of their close relatives, but they don't need to go for the wake and funeral.

Shu Shu nodded hastily.

The so-called fear, that is.

It's nothing when I don't think of it, but I get more and more afraid when I think of it.

She is a little hairy.

Da Fujin didn't have a coffin yet, so he was just lying on the coffin like that, with a mattress underneath and a quilt covering his head. Thinking about it made him panic.

At this moment, there was movement outside the door.

It was He Yuzhu who came, bowed in, and whispered to Shu Shu: "Fu Jin, the lord has brought you a cloak, please go out..."

Shu Shu hurriedly got up, apologized to everyone, and came out.

Brother Nine was wearing a large cotton cloak, and he was waiting in the lee of the palace gate about a foot away, followed by several eunuchs, including Sun Jin, and two familiar eunuchs beside Brother Ten.

In addition to the clothes on his body, Brother Nine also had a cloak on his hand.

Seeing her coming, Brother Jiu hurriedly put it on for her, and muttered in a low voice: "Put it on quickly, I thought there were people who were rich, but I forgot to count the people from the two palaces, and I almost ran into a deficit..."

This cotton cloak looks inconspicuous, but it is very loose, with a dark belt at the front, and the cuffs are half a foot longer, very warm.

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost a deficit, that is, no deficit, very good.

Shu Shu said: "It's good enough, if it's not enough, the needleworkers in the Wangfu can make it now, and there's still tomorrow night..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "The clothes will be made in the future, and the mourning clothes will be made at the sewing room, I'm afraid I don't care about other things..."

Shu Shu nodded, but she forgot about this before.

The coffin will be buried in the next day, and the servants of the palace, as well as the king's assistant leader and the coated population under the name of the king of Zhijun, must be dressed.

The clothes are filial piety, and you have to wear white for a hundred days.

On the contrary, Shu Shu, Brother Jiu and others are just brothers of the same generation, so they don't need to be filial.

Seeing that Brother Jiu's cloak was open at the front and the hidden belt was not fastened, Shu Shu lowered her head and fastened it carefully one by one.

Brother Nine said: "Don't tie it, you have to untie it when you enter the house..."

Shu Shu said softly: "Master, don't be afraid of trouble. It's windy at night, no matter how careful you go in and out, you should be careful. Otherwise, the emperor and empress will be worried..."

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "It's really long-winded...well, whoever called you a filial son...Among the princes like Khan Ama, I am the one who relieves Khan Ama the most, and others can't..."

Seeing his stinky fart, Shu Shu said something fair: "I saw that the emperor did not worry less about the emperor, even the emperor was lenient and didn't care about it..."

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "Who is Khan Ama? Is Khan Ama? You can't just spoil the big brothers in the front and not the ones in the back... When the younger brother becomes Ama, you won't be so spoiled with children. If you want to hit, you can hit, if you want to scold, you can scold..."

Shu Shu couldn't help but smile.

It's an outrageous double standard.

Seeing the goodness, brother Jiu thought of Qi Qi, and then tied the placket of Shu Shu's cloak.

He gloated a bit, and said, "There are ten women's cloaks in red, nine of which were sent over, and the remaining one was coaxed by Brother Fourteen to wear. Fourteen is quite beautiful, and I think it's just one in red..."

Not only the ninth elder brother forgot to count the people in the two palaces, but the fourth elder brother also forgot.

It is true that the two palaces have been silent for many years.

The third elder brother of Prince Yu's Mansion was often taken to the palace when he was a child, and he was given En'en to enter the study at the beginning.

Later, in the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, because Prince Yu disobeyed orders and acted on his own, he stopped discussing the state affairs and seized the three assistants.

Prince Gong was also a prince, but from the time he was conferred a title, he was reduced to Prince Yu. He also won the rank of three assistants in the same year, and he was completely silent.

The cousins ​​of these two prefectures, Brother Nine, are really not familiar with each other, and they left after expressing their condolences during the day.

Unexpectedly, I came again after dinner.

The fourth elder brother is different in age from the two elder brothers in Prince Yu's Mansion, even twenty-nine years ago, they had no contact with each other.

As for the five elder brothers of Prince Gong's Mansion, because of their low background, they don't go to the princes, and they are used to being ignored by everyone.

"Mother-in-law has helped a lot this time. Except for the ones here, there are twenty-one cloaks left, but six of them are small and medium-sized and cannot be used... The remaining ones are fifteen, which is still not enough... The fourth brother originally planned to arrange for Thirteen and Fourteen to stay in the house with the sixth child from Prince Gong's mansion, but Fourteen refused, so the fourth brother pretended to give Thirteen the sauce-colored cloak. The cloak was stolen..."

Before Shu Shu married into the palace, Mrs. Uncle sorted out the nearby clan for her.

The so-called close branches are divided from Kangxi.

The clan under the same grandfather as Kangxi is the descendant of Emperor Taizong, and it is a close branch.

There are five palaces in total, namely Prince Xian's Palace, Prince Zhuang's Palace, Prince Yu's Palace, Prince Chun's Palace and Prince Gong's Palace.

Among them, the pure prince's mansion has been passed down from father to son for two generations, with no heirs and no seals.

The ones with inheritance are the four princes' mansions.

In fact, there is another Guogong mansion, which belongs to the family of Kangxi's uncle, but the old Guogong has been dead for three years, and the oldest son is from Ji Fujin. The third successor Fujin has two biological sons who are not yet adults , the title was put on hold and not handed down for the time being,

For these four Prince's Mansions, Shu Shu knew more details.

In particular, the two branches under Emperor Shizu are the near sects of the near sects.

The sixth elder brother of Prince Gong's mansion is born of the daughter of the Wu family whose identity is disputed. He is between the age of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, so he can be regarded as a child.

After the ninth elder brother finished gossip and joked about the fourth elder brother, he handed Shu Shu two purses.

"This is from Xiao Fusong. It's dry, choking, and not tasty..."

As he spoke, he took out another purse, took something out of it, and stuffed it directly into Shu Shu's mouth.

Sweet and glutinous.

Shu Shu was still hungry, and she didn't care to dislike Brother Jiu for not wiping her hands, so she savored it carefully.

It was packaged directly with a lotus, so why are you picky?
It is black candied dates.

"taste good or not?"

Brother Jiu asked proudly.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "It's delicious, sweet, it's just right to eat..."

Brother Nine handed it to her, and then, like a magic trick, he took out another purse.

"and this……"

They are dried persimmons, each of which is wrapped in glutinous rice paper and put in a purse.

Shu Shu couldn't wait and wanted to eat right away.

Brother Jiu hurriedly persuaded: "Okay, let's go back to the house to eat later, so as not to overwhelm the wind..."

Shu Shu hesitated.

Besides her, there were eight other people in the room.

They are all sisters-in-law.

It's not good to eat alone, but if it's distributed, half a piece of persimmon per person?
It seems a little strange.

Brother Nine whispered: "I just came from the kitchen of the palace and ordered someone to roast the offering fruit, and bring it up with tea..."

For fruit, also called furnace fruit.

It is a small noodle fruit commonly used in sacrifices.

When mourning, it is not out of the ordinary to use this tea with tea.

Shu Shu nodded.

The branches "rustled" and the wind picked up.

Brother Jiu blocked the wind direction, but the strong smell of incense was still everywhere along with the cold wind.

"Cough cough cough..."

Shu Shu coughed for a while, her lungs were about to come out.

Brother Jiu hurriedly pushed her: "Go in quickly, don't delay outside..."

Speaking of which, I remembered that there are masks.

Shu Shu didn't have this place anymore, so Brother Jiu asked He Yuzhu to hold it.

"Mother-in-law made several big bags... I know who you can follow with your generosity... You're not very frugal..."

Shu Shu covered her mouth, she was speechless: "It's not the rare time for this noble son-in-law to speak, Er Nie definitely wants to be comprehensive..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Don't push me on the head, I think my mother-in-law is spoiled by children... I still treat you as a little Jiaojiao, I'm afraid I'll get caught..."

Knowing that there are many people outside, they didn't mention Shu Shu's old illness.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "No matter how old I am, I'm still a child in E Nie's eyes; no matter how old I am, I'm still a child in the eyes of the emperor and empress..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "It's good to be a child. If you do something wrong, you won't be blamed. If you do something right, you should be praised. I find it comfortable to be praised... These days, people always praise you, so I'm the only one who is poor..."

It was cold outside, Brother Jiu didn't say much, pushed Shu Shu a few steps, and asked Sun Jin and the others to take the cloaks and follow them into the west side hall to deliver things.

He won't go in.

Brother Jiu stared at the door of the west hall, watching Shu Shu pick up the curtain and enter the door.

As a result, there was a "cough cough" sound from behind.

Brother Jiu almost jumped up, his hairs stood on end in fright.

Then there was the sound of Xixisuo, Brother Jiu wanted to turn around, but he didn't dare.

Then, a hand touched his shoulder.

Brother Jiu remembered what he had said in the morning, his body was stiff, his teeth were chattering, and he closed his eyes and whispered: "Sister-in-law, you'd better go... I really don't want to, don't come looking for my younger brother and me, it's out of bounds, elder brother is going miss you..."

Speaking of this, after thinking about it for a while, the eldest elder brother went to look at the younger elder brother, and he changed his words again: "The elder brother has gone to see Hongyu, the child has bright eyes, you should avoid it, don't scare the child... "

"If you're really worried, go and find... my fourth brother, who is reliable and worthy of entrustment..."

"Or the third brother, who ranks first, reads a lot, and is good at learning..."

He was still evasive in the first two sentences, but he became a little enthusiastic when he said the latter.

"Third Brother, forget it, he doesn't understand general affairs, don't delay..."

"Why don't my starlings do as well, treat my brother with consideration, be considerate in dealing with things, and kiss my eldest brother..."

"My fifth brother is okay, but he doesn't do things very quickly, it's too slow..."

"It really doesn't work, you can go to Seventh Brother... Seeing that he doesn't like to talk to people, but his face is cold and his heart is warm..."

Brother Jiu talked about the strengths of his brothers, and felt a little scared in his heart.

He closed his eyes and prayed to the gods and Buddhas.

With so many brothers in charge, can the sister-in-law go find someone else?
As a result, his neck was hooked.

Scared out of my wits!

Just as he was about to shout, he was gagged, and then his arms were dragged out, and he was dragged to a secluded place.

Brother Nine was so frightened that he didn't dare to open his eyes, but began to struggle desperately.

Then, a familiar voice came from beside him, like the sound of nature.

"Ninth brother, don't shout, Khan Ama is here..."

It's the voice of Eighth Prince.

Brother Jiu opened his eyes and looked forward.

Huh? !

so many people!
Khan Ama in normal clothes!

On the left hand side of Khan Ama are the third, fifth and starlings!
On the right hand side of Khan Ama are the fourth and seventh children!

Everyone looked at Brother Nine with different expressions.

Brother Jiu's eyes widened.

The honorifics you used just now, right? !
His mind raced, and then he was glad.

Shu Shu had reminded her several times before, and he also unknowingly changed his name.

Even in private, the honorific title is used.

Otherwise, it must be the "third child" and "fourth child" who are bald. In that case, Khan Ama will definitely reprimand him.

I seem to be boasting too!

Didn't talk about which brother is bad!

Brother Nine felt relieved when he thought about it.

Even though the emperor's father is unpredictable now, brother Jiu didn't notice anything else, and said with admiration and excitement: "You are here..."

It is said that the emperor in the world is the real dragon emperor, and all evils cannot invade.

Khan Ama is here, even if the sister-in-law lingers, she won't come to the front!

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and couldn't explain it in words.

Just now the fourth elder brother praised the ninth elder brother and his wife.

The couple behaved well today, and they were affectionate and righteous.

Lao Jiu persuaded the boss to come out.

The old nine daughter-in-law helped Dafu Jin to reshape his appearance.

In the end, before he could think about how to boast, he saw the young couple making small talk.

The fourth elder brother wanted to break the call at that time, but was stopped by Kangxi.

Kangxi was a little confused.

I hope that my son and his daughter-in-law will have a good relationship, and they will become a married couple; but I also worry that if the relationship is too deep, if something happens, my son will be sad.

Such as the elder brother is a lesson from the past.

A few years ago, he wanted to point out a side Fujin, but was declined by the elder brother.

Previously, he thought that there would be a lack of a hostess in the county prince's mansion, so Kangxi thought about ordering a Fujin after he got rid of his clothes in a hundred days.

But thinking about the elder brother's love for his wife, I'm afraid he is unwilling to continue so quickly.

Regarding the Laojiu couple, Kangxi was determined to wait and see.

What did you see? !
Dong E's behavior is quite appropriate.

Be careful with your husband and understand the principles of human relationships.

Lao Jiu was bluffing, not calm.

The others were obediently waiting to enter the watch, and he was the only one running around the house.

It's not out of sight.

Even eat and take, and arrange a supper!

Who has this broken mouth problem...

Kangxi was still grinding his teeth.

Brother Jiu has already complained: "How many times has this happened?! One, two, no more! Even if it's Khan Ama, my son has to remind you, don't listen to insults..."

Three more in case!

Attachment: The next chapter will be updated at 8:21 a.m. on August 8th. The starting point of this book is the starting point. Welcome to the starting point app to read
(End of this chapter)

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