My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 290 It's really an eyesore

Chapter 290 Really Obtrusive

Kangxi looked unpredictable.

"According to what you say, or am I wrong?"

Brother Nine nodded quickly, confidently: "That's right, you said that if only the son is outside, you can listen to it here; but there is still son Fujin here, in case the son said something private, you can listen to it." It doesn't fit well..."

"Aren't you still a child? I can't worry about it? I think you should go back to the study, and I shouldn't spoil the child. If you want to be scolded, you can beat me..."

Kangxi sneered.

Brother Nine sneered twice: "Flowers have a day to bloom again, and people have no time to be young... This is big when it's big. If Han Ama wants to take care of it, it's not too late to take care of them from the fifteenth day. If you don't like them Little, there are twelve and others..."

The third elder brother followed up and said: "Khan Ama Shengming, Lao Jiu is still a few years away from twenty, it's good to go back to the study, read a few more books, understand some principles..."

He is very "kindly" echoed.

Brother Jiu was not happy anymore and looked at the past.

"Third Brother, what's the matter with you? Just now, my younger brother praised you, and you didn't remind me even if you were not kind. How could you still 'repay your kindness with revenge'..."

The third elder brother smiled and said: "Is that a boast? What's the matter if I don't understand general affairs? Why can't I understand general affairs? You have only been on the job for less than three months. I have been here for several years, and the six departments have been in the first round." The circle, the government affairs are all cleared up, what else can't be done?"

Brother Jiu curled his lips, nodded and said: "The younger brother is wrong, it's not that you're not good at general affairs, it's that your eyesight is not good... The first afternoon was messy, and the soles of the fourth brother's feet were ground to sparks , you are still as stable as Mount Tai..."

The third elder brother blushed and looked at Kangxi hurriedly.

Kangxi also looked at San Age.

The third elder brother explained: "Ama Khan, don't listen to the old nine bastards, the uncle and uncle came to the house in the first afternoon, and my son accompanied me..."

Kangxi nodded, indicating that he understood.

The third elder brother was sweating profusely on his forehead. Looking at the ninth elder brother, the roots of his teeth began to itch.

Brother Nine grinned, and said affirmatively: "Then you have worked hard, and there is nothing you can do. Who calls you an elder brother..."

San Age's heart fluctuated like waves.

Facing Brother Jiu, he lost his temper.

If you want to say that you have to sue for crookedness, there is no such case in person.

It's just bad mouth!
It's not pleasant to say such good words!

After the ninth elder brother praised the third elder brother, he turned his head and looked at the fourth elder brother on the other side.

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother with a straight face, showing no joy or anger.

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said, "Fourth Brother, don't you want to say something?"

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Be more cautious in the future, especially outside, I have forgotten the truth that walls have ears..."

Brother Jiu said angrily: "That's it? You are not kind, so you don't know how to remind my brother that I will be your servant for a day for nothing. It is not good not to protect my brother..."

The fourth elder brother was blamed by him, and he was a little confused.

Is it really my fault?

The fifth elder brother reminded: "The fourth brother reminded, the fourth brother coughed..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

He thought it was the eighth elder brother reminding him before.

Later, thinking that the eighth elder brother put his shoulders, the cough seemed to be behind him, so he regarded it as the fifth elder brother.

Unexpectedly, it was the fourth elder brother.

Brother Nine knows what is good and bad, but his mouth is stiff: "Cough, cough, I don't know how loud it is, it's faint, it sounds scary..."

The fourth elder brother snorted softly and didn't bother to talk to him.

Brother Ninth looked at Brother Seven.

Brother Seven moved his eyes away and looked up at the sky.

Eighteen today, the moon has come out.

It is round at first glance, but a side is missing at the northeast corner.

The moon waxes and wanes, that's all.

Brother Nine pointed to Brother Seven, and said to Kangxi: "Look, Ahma, what your son praised first was the truth, Brother Seven is just so unreasonable..."

Seventh elder brother stared at him, is that a compliment?

He was already thinking in his mind that "people have joys and sorrows", Lao Jiu, a bastard, just owes a beating, he should be sad!
At this moment, the elder brother has come back from the backyard.

This is a report from the person in front, knowing that Shengjia didn't disturb others, he led his brothers to talk here, and came over.

Seeing Kangxi, the elder brother smiled wryly and said: "My son is not filial, please worry about it..."

Kangxi let out a long breath, patted him on the shoulder, but his tone became severe.

"There are parents who need to be filial, and children who need to be taken care of. You can only be sad for a few days, and then you have to stand up. Don't hurt yourself. That's not the way to be a son of man..."

The elder brother didn't answer right away, and he spoke after a while, with a faint voice: "Ama Khan, my son is just a little tired..."

Kangxi felt distressed and couldn't bear to preach any more, so his tone softened.

"Take a rest when you're tired... I handed over to a few elder brothers before, and the third elder brother came out to entertain guests, and he didn't slow down; the fourth elder brother acted carefully and watched from front to back; Like my elder brother, they are not idle, both of them are warm-hearted and will not delay things; there is also the eighth elder brother, who handles things appropriately, and the ninth elder brother is barely an adult. With so many elder brothers, it will not be short. You can rest assured that Fujin is decent..."

Brother Nine: "..."

Is Khan Ama used to training his son? !

I don't know how to boast, but I used his words!

So when you praise yourself, don't you know how to say it?

Is this "barely becoming an adult" a boast? !
The eldest elder brother looked at the brothers, and the older elder brothers were all here.

He said: "You have worked hard for the past two days, and when the important matter is over, let Hongyu kowtow to you..."

Great sorrow without tears.

Eldest brother looked the same as usual except for being haggard.

But everyone felt his loneliness.

It is this kind of sadness, if you want to come out by yourself, it is useless to persuade.

So everyone shut up, and the third elder brother said with emotion: "'After the phoenix tree was half dead and the frost cleared, the white-headed mandarin duck flew away', big brother, please mourn..."

Big brother nodded.

The fifth elder brother was confused, and asked the eighth elder brother next to him in a low voice: "What is the third elder brother talking about, why is there no taboo..."

Although it's a funeral, it's not good to just say "death"...

In the west hall.

Shu Shu's cotton cloak has been taken off, folded and placed on the next table.

After going out for a trip, I ate a few mouthfuls of cold wind, and finally smoked a bit, making my throat a little itchy.

After drinking several cups of hot tea, she suppressed the cough.

Even the ones who went in and out brought in a lot of incense smell from outside.

Everyone was sitting upright, in fact, their backs were sore.

San Fujin opened his mouth and said: "There are several ashrams in the yard, the cigarettes are curling up, they still need to be burned..."

Everyone looked at her, wondering what she was going to say.

Sanfujin continued: "Our Baylor Mansion is nearby, and the vigil will be over tomorrow morning, or go to our Baylor Mansion to have a rest, freshen up and come back..."

She is indeed kind.

Because in addition to tonight, there will be another day and night tomorrow, so everyone can't be wasted here.

Just make sense of it.

Making decorations here is very tiring.

It just so happened that she could also take advantage of the effort of taking care of her sister-in-law to go back and tidy up.

Thinking of this, she looked at Qifujin and Bafujin, and said with concern: "Especially the two younger brothers and sisters, the current situation is not good and too tired, otherwise let alone the elders worry about it, even the elder sister-in-law will feel uneasy... ..."

Qi Fujin was very moved when he heard this.

She has a strong body, and she has passed the first three months, so she doesn't have to be so careful.

It's just that this rest is secondary, as long as it can take the opportunity to make up for some food.

It's not about big fish and big meat, even porridge is also good.

Bafujin looked at Sanfujin with a blank expression.

I really don't understand why Sanfujin can do this.

The third sister-in-law was quick to speak and laughed before saying anything, which made it easy for people to have a good impression.

Who would have thought that dealing with each other is such a virtue.

Can't understand good words.

The skin is thick enough.

It's as if I didn't scold her before...

When she thought of this, she asked directly: "Don't you care about me? You scolded me so much the first afternoon, and it only took half a day. How come you pretended to be a sister-in-law again?"

Sanfujin's smile was a little stiff, and he touched his temples.

"It's not really important at all, it's just a matter of rushing to the point, it's not because you were angry at the eighth brother and sister... Hey, you don't seem to be so aggressive on weekdays, it's because of Yuxi, women are like this, It's easy to get angry when you're pregnant, and your eye sockets are shallow... At this time, who will argue with you? The past is over, let's not talk about it..."

Ba Fujin raised his eyebrows, mocking: "Based on this, you are really magnanimous, and I have to thank you..."

San Fujin shook his head and said: "No need, no need, who called me a sister-in-law? The ones in front of me will always suffer a bit, so can I still argue with you? You will know later, I am the most big-hearted..."

Bafujin turned pale with anger.

The scolding was so harsh, and in front of so many clan relatives, Fujin, he didn't give her the slightest leeway, but in the end he beat her up and blamed herself...

If there is something wrong with him, can he be humiliated in public?
According to what she meant, she deserved to be scolded, did she suffer on her own?
Ba Fujin thought it was a big joke.

She still wanted to talk, but a cup of tea was already stretched out beside her.

Between her and Sanfujin, there was originally Wufujin, but now it is Sifujin.

Si Fujin was worried that they would choke, and if Ba Fujin said something inappropriate again, he switched over.

Her demeanor was tolerant and exhorting, she looked at Bafujin's stomach, and said, "Bafujin, you should just meditate these days, and when you encounter troubles, think about the child in your stomach... This is open, go It will be soon, when the time comes, one a year, two in three years, Baylor Mansion will soon be lively..."

Ba Fujin looked down at his stomach, without saying anything, his expression gradually calmed down.

Seeing Sanfujin, he curled his lips.

Seeing the cotton cloak next to her, she felt disgusted.

It looks rough and doesn't fit well.

Then she looked down at herself, a little regretful.

Why don't you ask people to prepare two more sets of cotton clothes...

With silk floss mixed with cotton, the jacket made will definitely be thinner and more fit than the current one.

And the shoes on the feet.

Although the uppers of the old cloth are made in Beijing, they are really ugly, and they look big.

She was still a little anxious.

Her natal family is also in Zhenghongqi territory.

Not far from the county palace.

But Sanfujin knows about his family affairs.

Ama is ill, and Mrs. Sanji is just trying to save face with her.

My mother-in-law is the concubine, with a royal order, but without a son, she lacks confidence, so she is usually an idler in the government.

Visiting the funeral during the day, only two older brothers came...

Wu Fujin felt that the cloak was a good gift, and this was the confidence of a wealthy family.

From my own side, people came here today, but they just left after showing their faces, for fear of being regarded as clinging, let alone sending things here.

As for the four Fujin, after persuading the eight Fujin, he sighed inwardly as he looked at the cotton cloak.

She also has no siblings, all brothers are half-brothers.

The sister-in-law above is also older, older than Ernie.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are also embarrassed to get along with each other, so they avoid each other, just like guests.

Seeing Si Fujin's movements, Bafujin also looked at the cotton cloak, but felt sore in his heart.

This is my mother's family.

Aunt did not speak.

I was stunned today, but my aunt didn't stop me.

My aunt didn't come forward until the scolding was over.

She was annoyed with herself and didn't want to talk to herself anymore.

But is it all your own fault?

About the dowry at that time, that was what my uncle explained.

I was stupid at the beginning, I believed it all, and naturally held my breath.

No one told her the truth either.

Or grandma said quietly.

But she was still annoyed.

But if my aunt really cared, she wouldn't help Tai Fujin hide it for several months, would it be okay to mention something to herself in private?

If I knew it earlier, I could make up for it.

In the end, my aunt is virtuous and has become a good wife and daughter-in-law. What is my niece?
Is there anyone from Guo Luoluo's family today?
Maybe it came, maybe it didn't.

She didn't know anyway, and no one came to her specially.

It turned out that she was a person without a family.

She doesn't like Dong E's family in her heart, and it's probably because of this reason.

This kind of confidence and love for both parents.

It's really an eyesore.

Seven Fujin here, heartless, whispering to Shu Shu.

"I forgot about this, or I'll send someone home and let them come to serve the porridge..."

This is a funeral custom that has existed since outside the customs.

Relatives and friends give porridge.

It also means to persuade the mourners to take care of themselves.

After hearing this, Shu Shu was very moved.

She was still hungry. She drank a few glasses of water just now, and she was full.

But the matter of these cloaks can still be pushed to Brother Jiu, and Qi Fujin's orders can't be pushed to Brother Qi.

As prince Fujin, it's better for them to guard their duties as little daughter-in-laws.

Otherwise, just say hello to several sister-in-laws.

Give porridge?
It doesn't need to be thrown away, everyone's mother's family can do it.

Just then, someone at the door reported.

Shi, the head of the Prince's Mansion of Anjun, came to "give porridge" under the orders of his lord and Fujin...

 Queue up and poke your throat, it will be later
(End of this chapter)

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